Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Drunken Shriner

 No one is reading my blog, so I must assume there is a Russian bot or Trump snot diverting my traffic.  It doesn't bother me, because I blog to air my own grievances.  There are times when I need to remember good things in my life.  Many teachers say they learn from teaching, because speaking out loud is one way of reinforcing knowledge.  It could be considered rote.  There are a variety of teaching methodologies.  It is important to reinforce your own perceptions and opinions.  I did not witness a discussion of any policy issues tonight watching the presidential debate.  Only where there a minuscule amount of mentions of actual potential policies which would benefit Americans.  Trump mentioned the "Individual Mandate."  He spoke in concrete terms about things he had accomplished.  One of them was the rebuilding of the American military.  The amount was something like three trillion dollars.  That buys a lot of votes not withstanding the suckers and losers.  Then there is the disparaging of John McCain, a dead war hero.  Trump could have cared less about Joe Biden's dead son.  Instead he was irreverent, cavalier, reckless, antagonizing, and frightening.  This is a tyrant, our President, trying his best to convert our system of governance from a democracy to an autocracy with no one's consent.  One man, a serial killer, on a rampage getting his kicks from champagne.  Our focus each day is on Donald Trump, and there is nothing America wants more than to be freed of his tyranny, and yet here I am writing about him again.  About what should have been talked?  The topic of mass shootings is of core importance.  Why are our youth committing genocide?  Let's bury our heads in the sand.  As I watch this presidential campaign flounder, the issues which are important for America become clear in my mind.  I need to write them down.  Two people in Wisconsin would not be dead, if a seventeen year old had not traveled across states lines with an assault rifle over his shoulder.  Let me repeat that, although no one reads my blog anymore.  A seventeen year old with an assault rifle over his shoulder.  It does not matter what his intentions were.  This was a minor in possession of a semiautomatic assault rifle, and he murdered two people in cold blood.  If he had not been there, these two people would not be dead.  Washington politicians are in such a deep state of denial and out of touch with reality in America.  How is it possible to live in such an insulated, isolated, sheltered bubble?  Donald Trump.  Issue number one.  RENEW THE BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS.  There is no reason whatsoever any American should be able to possess an assault rifle.  We can have long guns.  We can have rifles.  We can have shotguns.  We can have pistols.  These are within our rights afforded by the United States Constitution.  The BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS was good, needed, and necessary.  We unequivocally have proven that assault weapons are responsible for mass genocide in the continental United States.  If we don't want mass genocide, then Washington must RENEW THE BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS.  The Affordable Care Act is not perfect.  It is similar to millions of mortgages which were handed out unvetted during the Clinton regime.  Obama told his writer to, "Get it done."  He didn't inform us that to pay for these entitlements the premiums after a few years, enough time for Obama to leave office, would escalate.  It is not irresponsible to understand there may be better solutions for affordable health care, but the current slate of republican leaders are incapable of providing it.  They are incapable of providing any support for the majority of middle and lower class Americans.  They don't want to.  They live in a bubble.  Hillary Clinton could not offer such a solution, because it is difficult.  How can any legislator attempt to dismantle the American health care system, a private equity system which generates great wealth for a select few?  They will die kicking and screaming before such a thing is allowed.  The metaphor is "Socialism!"  That means, "You will not take my government money and give it to someone else."  The people that scream "Socialism" are those sucking on the tit of the American people through Washington, DC, and their best defense, one used primarily by Donald Trump, is to blame the other.  Lie and blame the innocent.  If you are stealing from the American people, then lie about it and create spin.  This is Donald Trump's strategy.  He will go down in history as one of America's most evil elected officials.  Can we barely believe he is our president?  Climate Change.  The emission of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.  With the death of the Koch brothers and the waning of Bush influence, this is becoming more feasible.  Most people understand.  What they don't understand is that the rail industry and the cell phone industry both contribute to Global Warming.  You can't put millions of microwave transmitters on poles across the nation and not expect it to heat up.  Microwaves produce heat.  Who does not know this, if you took a high school science class?  We are the same as Donald Trump.  We must have our portable radio transmitters.  It is more important than the health of our planet.  America did fine with the Bell system.  There is nothing passe about a phone booth.  Telephones, the kinds with wires, are interesting and nostalgic.  They sound better, they look better, they feel better in your hand, and while they were around they were a part of American culture.  Like our automobiles they were a part of us.  Cell phones are a drag.  If we do not acknowledge Climate Change, we will die.  The planet all ready is dying.  Imagine when God resurrects those who believe in Him, the others will be left shooting each other with assault weapons in hell.  The earth will become hell.  Those are two issues which should have been discussed tonight in the presidential debate.  Instead we watched a drunken Shriner yell at Joe Biden at two o'clock in the morning.  It will be good when it is over. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Lindsey Graham is an angry man.  Anger does not aid the mind with solving problems.  It can be motivating.  It can give you energy.  It won't allow you to quietly contemplate a complex issue and offer an opinion or solution.  The republican-controlled Senate has failed to lead America.  Look at their performance.  An angry Lindsey Graham, a politician who who in full view of the American populace, reversed his position on appointing a Supreme Court justice in an election year is no good for America.  He has shown himself to be a hypocrite.  If a politician flip flops on an issue for opportunism, he is forsaking his constituents.  He represented an issue and felt strongly about it.  He even made a joke about it.  Four years later at the behest of our President he changed poles.  Lindsey Graham is a hypocrite.  The only credibility a politician has is his word.  If you run on one premise and reverse it as soon as you are elected, you are a hypocrite.  A hypocrite has no capability to lead America, because he cannot be believed.  Lindsey has become a loser, and it is sad.  What is more sad is that is loyal constituents support him in spite of his hypocrisy.  If Lindsey changes course or reverses his position, they feel it is merited.  They follow him.  They will follow him and Donald Trump right off the cliff. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Second American Civil War

 I'm not sure how our American reality morphed into a television show.  Perhaps it is because the mission of Japanese programmers was to obscure the line between fiction and reality.  Video games became so real, it is difficult to discern the difference.  I am positive this has contributed to mass shootings in North America.  Most of the reality of life in America, the Conditions of America, have become obscured.  Decades of human struggle and triumph quietly have been filed in the archives for later retrieval.  It is the responsibility of the Democratic Party to make sure this happens.  It only could be four years, four of the most tumultuous years in recent American history.  It could be more.  The electing of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to the United States Presidency will decide.  If we elect him by an overwhelming majority in November, then it is possible we will be spared more Trump torment.  Democrats must vote in this election, and they must vote for Biden.  It is symbolic.  It is not a vote for Sleepy Joe.  It is a vote to salvage our democracy.  It is a vote to restore Christianity to America.  A vote for Joe isn't necessarily a vote for Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer.  It is a vote for an invigorated, youthful, determined contingency who value integrity, respect, and intellect as qualifications for leadership.  We know Trump's values.  If you wanted a first lady other than someone who would make you feel good at your tea party, if you wanted a first lady who could offer scholarly advice to our President, and if you wanted a woman of the stature of Michelle Obama, the Jill Biden would be your choice,  What better choice could there be?  She has earned a Phd in education.  How many past presidents have tried to salvage public education in America?  It has not succeeded, because no politicians have wanted it to succeed.  It was planned for public education to fail from lack of funding.  They want our children to be stupid.  There is no better candidate to be the wife of a President than someone with a Phd in teaching.  Period.  Education may be the most important thing lost in America in recent years.  I'm sure it is.  The process of teaching and learning and its importance in human life is irreplaceable, but it has been replaced.  We have nothing.  We are an addicted herd of followers, and that for what Donald Trump pines.  I do not want to hear anymore any of his lunatic rhetoric.  I can't believe we are hearing and readings this absurd authoritarian propaganda.  "We deserve another term.  I will not peacefully leave the office of the President.  I dispute the election results."  All of these statements are classic examples of Authoritarianism.  Trump is trying to commandeer control America and consequently we Americans.  The problem is his cult followers have signed on for the ride.  They want it.  They want Communism.  The Cold War has erupted again, and it is raging within the continental United States.  It has been for a long time, because the extremism has come from within.  We did not fathom our elected officials would be the culprits.  There was so much smoke from our own domestic terrorists.  School shootings.  Church shootings.  Movie theater shootings.  All of this was  happening while Mitch McConnell and his gang firmly took control of Washington.  These weak, spineless, impotent, white men currently control Washington.  I ask myself who would be responsible for removing Trump from the White House if he refused to vacate?  The answer should be the Attorney General, but William Barr is his traitor compatriot.  Trump wants to implement quid pro quo.  By giving a woman a Supreme Court Judgeship, he in turn expects her to give him the Presidency.  Wow!  Now we know why the book was called, "The Art of the Deal."  America casually seems to tolerate his dementia.  We offer a tepid patronizing of his senility like it is funny.  They have killed two hundred thousand people, so technically Covid 19 will be the first American war fought on our native soil.  Still his followers laugh.  They laugh as they end up in the ICU.  They laugh as they pass this disease on to our loved ones.  They laugh as police officers continue to kill black men.  Truly a new Civil War is emerging in our lifetime.  Damn. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Compromised Health in America

It is time for me to write again.  I do not have any pressing issue.  Like many I have lots of issues.  They are all mangled up in my head in a stew of frustration.  I have had this sensation before.  It was thirty years ago, and it turned out to be clinical depression.  You can't feel anything.  You suppress your emotions on purpose.  I don't want to feel.  I don't want to feel my mother's feelings.  I like feeling what I feel, but that is rare.  My emotions are suppressed.  There is anxiety and panic.  Whence it comes I don't know.  My musical vision and goals are hidden.  I am empty.  Why are we here?  Some of this is illness.  I have not ruled out Covid.  I would like not to believe this, but with the current news, it is not implausible.  My health history.   it has been a rough half decade.  I have no insurance, so the politics are relevant to me.  A newly appointed conservative Supreme Court Justice could jeopardize The Affordable Care Act, although  I can't afford it.   I am on my own.  My health issues, previously which have been minimal, began with a botched filling by a local dentist.   I left for a cruise ship contract with his failed filling.  The filling remained, but the tooth collapsed with one bite into a chicken bone.  Off to the ship I went.  Months later I developed a painful tooth ache, as the tooth died from infection.  When I visited the dentist in Sydney, an oral surgeon who spoke Russian, he told me the nerve was dead.  He smelled it when he drilled into the tooth.  Swallowing this harmful bacteria of a deteriorating tooth and nerve gives you H. Pylori in your gastrointestinal tract.  I had a good Italian ship doctor, and I received an endoscopy.  They confirmed the presence of H. Pylori, and he prescribed a two week course of double antibiotics.  They worked, and my digestion was cured.  The fungal infections began.  If you don't know antibiotics can cause fungal infections.  Like Covid 19 antibiotics can exacerbate a non symptomatic fungal condition.  If you have a previous fungal infection, topical or internal, antibiotics will make it grow.  This fungal infection chose my urinary tract.  Many bladder infections later and the intense pain of kidney stone, the prostate enters the equation.  Thus emerges the dichotomy of bacterial AND fungal infections.  They can occur simultaneously.  You take antibiotics for the bacterial infection, and they give you a fungal infection.  You take anti-fungal medication for a long time to quell the yeast, and it never goes away.  I have had it for over fifteen years.  I got it on my feet from standing on coral in the sea in Cozumel.  I am stuck with both again.  I didn't understand it until now.  Our yard is a jungle, and that is why our property appealed to my parents.  They like the yard.  I work in this yard.  I cut the hedge.  I plant a garden.  I plant potted flowers.  I have had my hands deep in cow manure for the last five years.  I have had my hands in the earth's soil constantly.  Starkly I remember when I inhaled fungal spores.  My lungs always had been clear and strong, even after smoking a few Dunhills.  In one fell swoop my lungs were infected.  This was two years ago.  I was bitten by an orb weaver spider on the shoulder, and this bite developed into an abscess.  It became a pus-filled volcano and erupted onto my bathroom mirror.  It took two months for this to heal with no drugs.  The bacterial infection stayed in my body.  I developed a nasty red rash on my wrists and the backs of my hands.  It was not from waxing the dolphin.  It was bacterial.  Gastrointestinal fungal infections exhibit as "leaky gut."    This is caused by candida overgrowth, which makes your tissue porous.  You leak from various places, not just your gut.  Fluid leaks into your abdominal cavity.  You feel leaky down under,  hot, wet, and uncomfortable in the crotch.  I stumbled upon a New Zealand medical study, which accurately describes the various fungal infections.  I am certain I have one or a combination.  It was comforting, except that the symptoms I have had have been similar to Covid 19.  Fatigue.  Tiredness.  Lack of energy.   Joint and muscle aches.  Stiff neck and enlarged lymph nodes.  I have been aware of all of this for at least six months but was not sure it was not a pinched nerve or a leaky blood vessel in my brain.  Covid 19 creates leaky blood vessels.  I have had bubbling in each ear.  The most disturbing symptom has been weakness and numbness on my right side suggesting a small stroke.  I gambled with no health care.  If I did have health insurance, the protocol would have been tests.  CT Scan.  MRI.  Spinal Tap.  When they finally confirmed the fungus, they would prescribe a simple antifungal medication that would cost less then $100.00.  Why should we contribute $10,000.00 to the medical establishment, when a simple, wise, farmer's doctor could heal you in a few months?  I took Cipro for the kidney infection, and it cured the bacterial infection on my skin.  I had to begin anti-fungals again.  floconazole is bad for your liver so no alcohol.  I have done this course twice before, and the first time I took it it healed me completely in two months.  My mobility and sensation returned.  Freely I could move again, and I took advantage of this renewed health and worked on our house.  Then I got it again, recurring it seems.   I don't know why, but I do know this.  Fungus is deadly, and fungus grows best in hot wet weather.  With Global Warming or its more politically correct term, "Climate Change," things are hotter than before.  There is no gaslighting this truth.  The American South has tropic during the summer.  Move the equator up to compensate for a bunch of white men burning up the planet.  What are the benefits of a warmer climate?  Vladimir Putin dearly wants the shipping passage through the North Pole open.  Hotter temperatures are melting the polar ice caps, and glaciers are falling off into the sea.  Russian ships now are traversing this industrial shipping lane.  If the interior temperature of the human body is 98.6, imagine what the context of disease is with the temperature of our external environment the same?  If organisms live most aptly inside the human body at this temperature, a similar temperature outside would aid the proliferation of these organisms.  Spew it out, and the temperature is the same on the outside.  (I am speculating)  The reason for climate variance is defeated.  Cold temperatures are necessary for the sustenance of the earth.  It did not used to be 100 degrees in North Carolina.  Never did it reach this temperature ever during the summer.  It is moderate, and often it was in the 70's on Christmas day.  NEVER did we have two straight months of 100+ degree weather.  It is unprecedented, two full months of heat and humidity.  While human beings hate this scenario, what will benefit?  FUNGUS.  Upon returning to North Carolina I remember walking into the front yard after a fresh rain and taking a deep breath.  Instead of inhaling clean, fresh oxygen, I inhaled fungus.  You can smell it.  Fungus.  Moss.  Algae.  The Green Gungee.  I spent five hours today pressure washing this slime off my driveway.  No longer can I put my unprotected hands in the earth's soil.  When I am on my knees planting in the ground, like Covid 19, I must wear a mask to keep fungal spores out of my lungs.  It has been incredibly difficult, and my difficulty is not just my own health.  Partly I am responsible for the health of my mother.  She does not understand, when I do not perform to my usual standard.  I have been dragging, and I am not positive it has not been Covid 19. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Covid Bombs

So here I am beginning a  sentence with a conjunction and on the "new" Blogger interface.  It is nothing new, and it is nothing helpful.  It is similar to Mac OS when they decided to try to modernize their appeal.  "Let's get rid of all graphics and just let some words and symbols float around in space on a page.  Bah humbug.  It sucks.  I am glad over the years that I have not been forced into "upgrading" my software or OS.  When I have it proves this improvement always is detrimental.  It was the same for Digital Performer.  I much prefer the first version I ran on a PowerMac with a G3 accelerator card.  That graphic interface was logically laid out and clear to the eyes.  DP 8 which is into what I was forced because of operating system upgrades not by choice, is more difficult to see and understand.  Mainly everything is smaller, so they way Trump is trying to ethnically cleanse America with a commissioned pathogen, so it would seem tech America also likes to purge its cache.  The entire problem of America and her failure is that fucking rich assholes decided not to pass the torch to a new generation, and now they will die out and kill the planet at the same time.  Instead of embracing the new generation, educating them, instilling wisdom, and doling out responsibility in moderation to build new leaders, America exploited them.  It is so sad, and that is what I feel mostly today, sad.  Sad because ignorant hillbilly faggot hicks are doing their best to exterminate the human race and the planet earth.  This is when we need God, and this contingency of heretics has done everything possible to abolish Christianity.  The Christians are crooks, and the rest are atheists.  History, philosophy, economics, and the rest of the humanities could answer all our questions and solve most of our problems, but these contingency rather would wipe it all out and torch the earth.  I guess if you don't believe in heaven or hell, then you take the earth down in a blaze of glory.  Fuck me.  This is to what I wake up each day.  I had decided to vote for Dan Forrest until I saw his ad on television last night.  I am not a big fan of Governor Roy Cooper, and I disagree with him on many points.  I do think he is handling the pandemic well enough.  I felt it was time for some new blood for North Carolina.  Then I saw Dan Forrest along with Trump host another fund raising event.  He said our children should go back to school, and they should not wear masks.  Trump and his clan say the same.  They are murderers.  This is my point.  I have experienced this phenomenon before.  It was rife in Columbia.  They even have a name.  Moderate Country Clubbers.  Think back to high school, the jocks and the cheerleaders, and what did they enjoy doing on weekends other than cheer and play sports?  They would go to Cyprus, a local golf club on the fringe of town, buy up some kegs of beer, and party on the weekends.  It was a little select group of the "in crowd."  You could get drunk in relative anonymity.  There was no threat from outsiders.  Everyone there supported one another no matter how base the level of intelligence.  The Country Clubbers are no different.  They have money, they have a little group, and they get together in peace and solitude at their clubs and get pleasantly drunk.  They can then rally whatever cause comes to the surface in their inebriation.  Usually it turns into a pep rally, and back in the day I'm sure Klansman  hoods came out.  Trump's rally as well as Dan Forrest's are nothing more than the same thing, a sheltered, out-of-touch, self-proclaimed royalty with the intelligence of a shoe box.  Dan Forrest said, "Let our children go back to school and no masks should be required."  Murderer.  I wake up to this inane bullshit every day, the same rich, asshole, wanna be mother fuckers who would annihilate  the human race if not watched.  I don't have ill feelings toward these people, but I can't let them kill me.  They have been dropping Covid on me for the last year.  I have been complaining about aberrant low flying aircraft for a long time, as long as I can remember.  What the fuck?  Who needs to fly above the tree line in a middle class neighborhood?  What is this incessantly droning Cessna with a muffler.  The FBI most likely, but there are others.  Now there are fighter jets, and even the Compass Call Command plane.  The electrical in our home has been insane for a year.  My musical instruments are so confused as to the cause.  Then I get sick, really sick for no apparent reason.  Then I read up on Covid 19 and understand it creates leaky blood vessels.  It operates on this extremely efficient and covert killing regimen.  It was engineered to do this like Ms. Mikovits said.  I believe her.  There is no other explanation.  Accident my ass.  The planes have been dropping Covid on everybody.  Maybe I am wrong.  

Friday, September 11, 2020

A Television President

I don't have a book of revelations to write at the moment, but I do want to say this about Donald Trump.  I stopped watching and listening to him over a year ago, because I recognized what he was saying were lies.  It is insulting to me.  Why would anyone offer their time to anyone, especially the President of the United States, to which be lied?  I can't think of an example until today.  Today I did watch the president's press conference, because I was interested to hear his reaction to the Woodward book and its accompanying audio tape.  Strongly it is incriminating.  It is as incriminating as the Watergate tapes, except that Donald Trump supporters share his lack of moral conscience, his ego, and his narcissism.  This also I have recognized.  Who are these people, Trump supporters?  This post is not about them.  I have zero time for any Trump supporter, because America is on the brink of destruction.  Our freedoms, the Constitution, and God are on the chopping block, and Donald Trump is the King.  He is enjoying it.  What did I learn today from forcing myself to watch him speak?  Usually he is casual and nonchalant when he speaks from the podium.  Lately he leans on the podium with one elbow, a position often that is posed in sexual relations.  When one engages in sexual intercourse on a bed lying down, often the elbow is used to prop one's self up interacting with one's partner.  Seeing Trump do this on national television using the podium as a prop is sickening.  That is the real reason why I had to stop listening to him speak.  Watching and listening to him make my physically ill.  This is my emotional conscience telling me that this man is a fraud.  No biggie.  Many of us know this.  I have figured out some of his trip.  What I heard today told me a different story.  It was if Hitler had his injection of methamphetamine this morning.  He was focused.  He was intense.  In addition he was condescending and patronizing.  He rationalized one of his lies to the American people, by saying it was his responsibility to lead.  This responsibility made him downplay the severity and transmission of the Coronavirus.  He did not want panic in America.  Instead he lied.  Knowing full well and all along that Covid 19 is transmitted through the air, and that is is more vicious than influenza killing many people, he lied.  What happened next is a scenario meant for the International War Tribunal.  Donald Trump committed genocide against the American people, by covering up the true nature of the disease.  His action was not unlike the purported activity of Anthony Fauci suggested by Judy Mikovitz in the internet circulated video Plandemic.  She said her personal research was suppressed for several years, so Anthony Fauci could apply for the patents for the drugs which would be used to treat the HIV virus.  If one Googles the United States Patent Office and Fauci's name, what pops up other than a full list of AIDS related drugs with his name as patent holder.  That says a lot to me.  I believe what she is saying, because I understand the difficulty of obtaining a terminal degree, especially a Phd.  I have taken the General Exams for a DMA in music composition with a committee and the like.  I had no idea how to navigate such an encompassing task.  I failed.  It is a political job.  Assembling a committee, finding a thesis topic, and making it turn out happy is challenging work.  It takes a mature adult and it takes intelligence.  There is no room for trite emotion, knee jerk reactions, or youthful vigor.  It is a professional's game, and this is the difference between America's professors and researchers and America's businessmen and politicians.  Donald Trump's extreme covert right wing agenda, which expertly has been concealed, is no different from Wall Street.  Slowly over time Washington has become inundated with this poison.  Its role as government, leadership, and sustenance for the American people has been replaced with greed.  These positions in the federal government merely have become access to the trillions of dollars collected in tax payer revenue.  Mr. Trump has no domain left to pillage at home, so he moved on to the American people.  We have become so gullible, because it takes moxy, energy, and spirit to protest wrong.  There has been so much wrong for such a long time it seems overwhelming.  Trump said he purposely downplayed the dire consequences of Covid 19 for the good of the American people, because it would have incited panic.  Instead his misinformation killed hundreds of people.  This tactic is the same as the tactic used in 2008, when the Housing Crisis presented itself.  Wall Street was going to fail.  Instead of allowing that to happen, for better or for worse, Hank Paulson told the president that he had to bail out the high profile Wall Street banks.  If he didn't, people would lose faith in the American system.  Consequently our tax money, the American peoples' money was used to protect a lot of self absorbed, narcissistic, greedy investors who could not be accountable for their poor decisions.  Our money went to pay off a handful of men who were wise enough to see what was coming, and they bet on it.  They bet on the failing of the American economic system, and they won.  If America didn't pay them off, Americans' would lose faith in the system.  If Trump told us, the American people, the truth about Covid 19 devoid of its personal political implications for him, lives would have been saved.  As a true leader of the free world today he flexed this leadership muscle and said sometimes the few die for the masses.  In reality the only possible good to come from these transgressions would be his future popularity in the upcoming presidential election.  He in essence threw the American people to the dogs gambling on his re-election campaign.  A Trump supporter agrees with his position.  That is why they support Donald Trump.  They share the same value system, if it can be called that.  They admire and see money as the end all in human life, and it perfectly is fine with them that Trump constantly breaks the law, undermines our Constitution, and now murders Americans.  The admission today that he "spun" this information to avoid panic is evidence that he committed genocide against the American people.  Only his position as President would allow him to do such a thing.  Most of his ideas come from television. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Devoid of Conscience

A few more things that need to be said.  We need a conversation.  Conversations are difficult to come by when in quarantine.  Shelter in place.  Social distancing.  America was all ready disabled, when one can't drive a car without the aid of an iPhone.  When Jim Hunt was governor of North Carolina, the drinking habits at UNC Chapel Hill changed for good.  More beer per capita was consumed in Chapel Hill than anywhere else in the United States.  Governor Hunt changed that.  He changed the DUI (Driving Under the Influence) to DWI, Driving While Impaired.  If you were caught driving while impaired, it was two nights in jail and loss of your driver's license.  Those are tough consequences, but people were getting killed by drunk drivers.  The Covid 19 outbreak is our first taste of Communism.  Donald Trump supporters still shout, "Socialism," and the majority do not know what it is.  It is sickening.  Communism is about what they should be worried.  Donald Trump is a Communist, and he is proud.  He touts his relationship with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, if no one has noticed dictate communist nations.  If anyone has forgotten, the Cold War Ronald Reagan ended was lengthy.  It was a mass build up of weapons for show.  We wasted almost as much money building nuclear missiles as The Donald has spent "rebuilding" the United States military.  While Reagonomics was not popular with everyone, he did end the Cold War.  He went to the Soviet Union and made friends with Gorbichov.  Shortly thereafter the Berlin Wall fell.  This is a notable achievement.  In a time of massive public financial debt where the largest companies in America pay little tax, our president handed corporate America a twelve percent profit.  Warren Buffet walked into work and declared his companies were twelve percent more profitable, but hey did nothing.  They did not develop a new product.  They did not tighten their belts.  They were handed a twelve percent profit on a silver platter from the till of the American tax payer.  Meanwhile our public schools and American teachers are neglected.  If the public is stupid it is easy to pitch them snake oil, MAGA hats, and pay an entourage to parade around the country campaigning for you.  That is what Donald Trump does, if you didn't know.  He pays those people to drive around and campaign for him.  In Columbia, South Carolina no students at Benedict College were allowed to attend his rally.  The attendees in were bused.  Blacks were not allowed.  Not only is Trump a liar, he is a hypocrite.  He has no conscience. 

Monday, September 07, 2020

Dismal Aspirations

Some other things need to be said as well.  When did fact checking the president become a totality?  Trump supporters understand and buy into his slander.  They relish his bravado.  The sole connection he has with his followers is this.  They don't care about facts.  They don't care about someone's ability to lead and do a job.  They don't care about their fellow men.  The connection Trump supporters have with their cult leader is one of charisma.  This charisma is consoling in the face of American reality.  It is not unlike the Nazi Party.  While they were rabble-rousing the German countryside, Jews were being shipped off to their torturous deaths in cattle cars, emaciated, hungry, and despondent.  Trump supporters would say, "A okay!"  "He makes us feel comfortable."  "We like the way he looks."  We like the way he talks to us."  These are the sole reasons why people support Donald Trump.  He has lied to the American people so many times.  Most everything that comes out of his mouth now is a lie.  It would be impossible to play catch up.  Don Junior knows they are going to lose, because he sees it.  It is not possible for this man to be re-elected.  If he did, then the United States of America would enter an unprecedented chapter of science fiction.  We have been through them before.  The War in Viet Nam.  Korea.  World War I and II.  In our short lives we have been spared, but we have it now.  So what needs to be said is this.  I was thinking yesterday what I would be doing if it were thirty years ago.  If it was Friday night, then what would we be doing?  The answer is, we would be going to a high school football game.  My father was a band director, and on Friday night after dinner we would be headed off to Terry Sanford at 7:00 p.m. to prepare for pregame.  We have to put on uniforms and assemble in the band room.  At the appropriate time we would march onto the football field and play the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem.  Then we would march off and sit in and stands and play pep music throughout the game.  It was a fun time.  It was harmless good fun.  High school as I recall mainly was this.  It was a social construct.  It wasn't just classes, algebra, geometry, chemistry, and gym.  High school was a social construct unlike anything most of us will ever experience again.  Going to the same place everyday for four years in a row, everyday, day in and day out.  High school is a social construct which teaches us to blend.  It teaches us to interact as a community.  High school is communal.  Now we have Covid 19.  For the first time in our lifetimes we have a global pandemic that has interrupted out familiar lives.  We cannot attend high school for fear of being infected with a killing disease.  Restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, and bars are closed.  Most of what makes up our American freedom is gone, for the time being, we hope.  But we don't know.  (and I don't usually begin a sentence with a conjunction)  We don't know.  What we do know is that our president Donald Trump is suggesting a miracle vaccine is going to be ready for us near "that special date."  He didn't say election day.  He didn't say the day he is up for re-election.  He said he was seeing to it that a working vaccine for Covid 19 would be ready by November fourth.  That is what he said today.  The entire medical establishment, the Center for Disease Control, private companies, and academic research institutions have said it is not possible to find and prepare a vaccine this soon.  But Donald Trump said today on television that he personally has arranged for a vaccine by "that special date."  Would you take this vaccine?  Self incrimination.  It has to be a part of heresy.  When you go on national television and blaspheme yourself over and over and over...  How can we rationalize such behavior, unless we just laugh at it.  How can we laugh at 180,000 deaths in America, our sisters and brothers, our mothers and fathers?  How can we look at our fellow servicemen and think, "Losers and suckers?"  This man is throwing gasoline in the faces of Americans, and they are gargling with it.  They are donning MAGA hats and sinking their boats in the hot afternoon sun while drunk.  To this is all they have to aspire. 

Donald Trump, the American Heretic

Some things need to be said.  The first is America's media has yet to tie the "Black Lives Matter" movement to our president, Donald Trump.  In the strangest estrangement racial protests have been raging nightly, but mostly they are aimed at police.  Black men have been killed in an unusually frequent form of brutality by American policemen.  Unfortunately most of them have been criminals, and no matter how much black American shouts you can't erase this truth.  If these men were to abide by the verbal commands police gave them, probably they still would be living.  In a matter of cultural disparity mostly white police officers seem to have difficulty tempering their visceral emotional responses to disobedience.  This is the issue.  Why has deadly force been the tool of these policemen?  It would seem so easy to incapacitate a man with a bullet wound to an extremity.  Defying rational behavior, or more specifically cognitive decision making driven by compassion, humanity, and a sense of self preservation, these police unload on their victims in a seeming fit of passion.  A prosecutor has no recourse but to point out the excessive force being unleashed on these men.  The only way to qualify such aggressively violent behavior is to surmise there is underlying intent.  Years of malevolent turmoil are unleashed in a few seconds of orgasmic ecstasy.  It would seem these specific policemen have a premeditated agenda, thus possibly anachronistic racial tensions of American history bubble to the surface.  The Civil War never really came to an end.  Jesse James and his gang continued to fight America's Civil War long after it was declared over by Abraham Lincoln.  Similarly racial integration never fully was accepted especially in the American South.  It clearly has been documented  in history books culminating in the Civil Rights Movement lead by Dr. Martin Luther King.  His murder along with President John F. Kennedy solidify the deep racial and cultural disparities of Americans.  While we have made large strides in this area, recently this chasm once again has emerged and grown.  My premise again is that our American media have not connected the dots.  They have yet to tie the "Black Lives Movement" specifically to our president Donald Trump.  Their protests are aimed at local police.  Inexplicably no voice has emerged to say Donald Trump is the instigator and leader of this newly unfolded racial discrimination.  Protestors are rioting in the streets all over America, and none have called out Donald Trump.  An election is looming in less than two months, and we are on the brink of civil and/or revolutionary war, and still America's media has yet to define this strife, this coup for what it really is.  It is impossible to rationalize Trump support.  The only way I can is to understand those who support Donald Trump and Mike Pence are unwilling to listen, read, or consider something other than a popularity vote based upon wealth and a somewhat amusing presence as a television personality.  No facts exists to promote Trump's qualifications to be president.  He seems rich, but we never will know until after the November election.  His tax returns will be delayed until then, although they have been successfully subpoenaed by the state of New York.  He has admitted to filing for bankruptcy multiple times.  Do multiple bankruptcies suggest wealth?  Evidently Mr. Trump owns many properties all over the world, but we do not know his liquidity.  The facts we do know are not complimentary.  There is very little about Donald Trump that could have allowed him into our White House, a house he himself said is for whites only.  The summation must be that his platform is as an anarchist.  He mocks everything Americans understand to be just, truthful, and Christian.  This is his platform.  It has been achieved with a tongue in cheek, an attempt to prove humorous or satirical.  His platform today has been elevated to a level where almost everything he says is a lie.  There is some Socratic methodology to his discourse.  If he spent a fraction of his time thinking about the job of the American president, perhaps he could have achieved something.  Landmarks have been achieved, and they are covert.  He admitted to spending two and one half trillion American tax dollars rebuilding our military.  Where else could this money come?  It wasn't his money.  America didn't have and does not have this money.  It is debt accrued.  America's debt never has been higher, and that is because of running out of money to swindle in the private sector he moved on to America.  There is a pattern of this behavior, and I only am old enough to remember the Bush family.  The year I became psychologically depressed was the year George H.W. Bush masterminded America's invasion of Panama.  American military forces from all over the continental United States rallied and descended upon Manuel Noreiga in Central America.  In like fashion Bush senior deployed American troops in defense of oil rich Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.  The Bush cartel used unknowing American military might for their own gain.  Donald Trump has an example for his unpatriotic business regimen.  He is not interested in the well being of common American citizens.  One only has to look at a record of his presidential actions to understand this.  Whether it is separating toddlers from their families at the southern border in a show of tough love, enacting genocide on huge swaths of American citizens who tax the federal economic system with entitlements, or inciting America's second Civil War, seeming wealth and influence through the ownership of properties and a tepid television influence are no proof of his ability to hold the office of American President.  History conclusively will prove him the least capable of any American President.  It is probable that his covert methodology will be of historical note.  I am no conspiracy theorist, but I do understand heresy.  World history is pitted with it, and it is appropriate that Donald Trump is the current American vehicle.  Without him and the test he has summoned, Americans surely would have perished while trying to turn on their security systems with their phones.