Thursday, September 23, 2021

It's Mitch and China, not Moscow

 If we were to consider everything around us, it would seem a conspiracy.  In reality conspiracy only is corruption by those with power.  While our Founding Fathers were geniuses in some ways, their method of choosing the leader of the free world is flawed.  To become President, the most powerful leader in the world, it is a popularity contest.  It is a return to the glory years of high school when football quarterbacks and cheerleaders were popular because of their looks and athletic prowess.  Athletic prowess is a favorable trait and if coupled with intellect and wisdom is a potent leadership model.  "Revolution  is in the muscles," it is said, and few of Washington's current elected officials exhibit athleticism.  On the contrary they have become effeminate, cowardly, probably homosexual men.  It cannot be denied the sexual status of America is skewed.  On one pole are the male heterosexual predators (of which there are too many to list), and on the other pole is the rising LGBTQ community.  Good old red blooded American adolescent sexual angst has disappeared and has been replaced with insecurity, depression, and sexual identity confusion.  It would be difficult to look at the incumbent Washington society and see anything worthy of leadership.  Whether it is athletic ability, artistic talent, or scholarly knowledge, Washington has become a swamp of privileged rich kids.  These kids are pushing seventy.  Nothing has changed.  The "War in Afghanistan" was nothing more than an extension of our Russian "Cold War."  It was all posturing about who had the biggest thing.  There was no real troop development, only the proliferation of high tech toys of war netting Boeing seven trillion dollars over twenty years.  The indigenous armies of the Middle East proved to be more capable, because they were grass roots minute men.  What they did each day was what they were.  There was no sprawling American defense industry to promulgate a new Middle Eastern cold war with Muslim terrorists.  Again nothing has changed.  What ensued was an attempted exploitation of not-so-bright Americans.  Doubt science?  Doubt academic institutions?  Infiltrate almost every American corporate entity for the sake of pure profit.  Thus Big Pharma reliant upon a subservient medical establishment has assaulted the people it was meant to save.  Create disease to sell an antidote.  Wage genocide on the American population.  Taint drinking water, air, and the food supply and expect no one to notice.  "I can't show you what is in the nose cone of this aircraft, because I will have to kill you."  The truth is what is in that nose cone will kill you.  Havana Syndrome.  Because it is invisible is proving to be the most elusive foe for our intelligence community.  Nothing has changed.  The Cold War has continued.  Corporate America has raped and pillaged the American citizen.  The defense industry is evil personified.  It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's "Planes Operation Jr."

I googled "Flight Paths of Grannis Field," and I was hoping to be redirected to an FAA website official in nature.  Since many airports are locally owned and operated (municipal), it would seem that regulations governing their use would be clear and available.  Instead the top Google hit was a lawsuit in Colorado against the Federal Aviation Administration.  Recently a DC appellate court threw out an an ongoing lawsuit suing the FAA over changed flight paths negatively affecting Colorado residents.  Stepped approaches to take off and landing, the current method used by pilots, were replaced with gradual ascents and descents.  These new graded approaches have encroached upon the peaceful living of millions of Colorado citizens.  In a nutshell no consideration is given for those living in close proximity to airports.  The entire aesthetic of regulating air traffic to ensure the health of people on the ground has been tossed out the window.  What allows a government agency serving a private industry the power to abuse the American population?  In a statement about the lawsuit it said the new flight paths took effect in March of 2020, the same month the Coronavirus emerged as a deadly pathogen.  Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is on trail at Guantanamo Bay for the 9/11 attacks, cited as the conceptualizer of the "Planes Operation."  The month the flight paths changed for the worst for residents of Colorado elicited a deadly pandemic that is still killing millions.  Previously no planes flew low over residential neighborhoods.  Neighborhoods were an enclave against the evolving brutality of American urban life.  In one fell swoop or decision of a government agency, the airline industry began assaulting its potential customers.  Ironically there was a mandated stoppage of air and rail traffic because of the virus.  Like Donald Trump's four years as president, the damage all ready was done.  Similarly in Fayetteville, North Carolina commercial jet aircraft never have flown over residential neighborhoods.  Never have chemtrails been seen in the sky.  Never has there been any smog in Cumberland Country.  Thanks to BRAC and the emergence of Ground Forces Command at Fort Bragg, smog has become common place in our skies.  PSA Airlines and Endeavor Air both are flying to Charlotte/Douglass Airport in express early morning flights previously nonexistent.  These flights do not used the stepped method of take off or landing.  Instead the gentle and shallow trajectories into and out of Grannis Field require a low altitude flight directly above the city of Fayetteville including the "Gold Coast, "Skye Drive," "Van Story Hills," "Briarwood," and "Huntington Park."  The emergence of Covid 19 coincides with these flights.  If Khalid Shaikh Mohammed masterminded flying jets into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan, which would have taken years to accomplish infiltrating the commercial American aviation industry, then gaining access to peoples' home from the air for dispersion of a biological/chemical agent is logical.  The exploitation of the Federal Aviation Administration and the introduction of new and unfamiliar corporate entities in the airline industry meld as a potent and deadly strew of terror.  We are yet to recover. 

Monday, September 06, 2021

Yuppie, the Sequel

A strange turn of events.  Four years of a Trump presidency with a benediction of Covid 19.  It is becoming clear what really happened through the media's mandate of quality reporting.  Currently though we are in a blitz of confusion.  The war in Afghanistan is bottled up and sitting on a shelf.  What to report?  Ida wreaked havoc in its corridor up the Eastern Seaboard.  Actually there is a lot of tragedy.  Covid remains devastating, and America is grappling with her own selfishness and irresponsibility.  People are killing themselves.  Boatloads of unvetted Afghan immigrants have been hauled into the United States.  Talk about an immigration disaster.  Because  public schools have been reincarnated, politics has been pushed to the surface.  Millions of school kids, after over a year of compromised and most likely ineffective teaching, are back together under the dark cloud of deadly plague.  It is a difficult time, and I would not wish it upon anyone's children.  The lasting effects of Covid on the new generation of America will be seen in the long haul.  Meanwhile, as Colbert would say, things have come into focus, for me anyway.  Four years of deceit, lies, and skullduggery from the Trump administration in his covert and savvy proposed communist coup of America.  One look at his wedge of hair, and now you will see Kim.  It is all he ever has wanted, to be a dictator.  It is a selfish, childish, and demented fantasy.  Almost it has ruined this country.  Whether or not we recover remains to be seen.  Without the ruse of Afghanistan things settle clearly into place.  The American military is a mediocre body of high school drop outs needing guidance.  Always it has been, but Trump has instituted lying as administration.  It is about the pitch, the sell, the Big Lie.  The truth does not matter, because you are trying to sell a product for profit.  We promote our military with a great cavalcade, a NAMM show of defense products.  With this great opportunity of economic gain, the basics have been neglected.  Always the grid and the satellites will fail, and we will be fighting hand to hand.  This is why we lost in Viet Nam.  This is why we lost in Afghanistan.  Trump uses the show as his product rather than taking the time to develop a quality commodity.  This has become America's method.  Quick money.  In the mist of the Covid cloud, America has become lost.  Both Chemours and Smithfield have been sold to the Chinese.  As many people do not know, their pigs are raised in North Carolina, shipped to China for packaging, and sent back to America for sale.  This explains the excruciating puzzle why with this pork plant only a few miles down the road our white meat is so bad.  It's the same for chickens.  They are grown here but are sent to China for distribution.  I haven't been able to buy fresh chicken that tastes worth a damn in several years.  It is notoriously bad in quality.  America has been taken to the cleaners.  Covid has disguised this whole economic onslaught.  The rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer, and a new Yuppie class has been born.