If we were to consider everything around us, it would seem a conspiracy. In reality conspiracy only is corruption by those with power. While our Founding Fathers were geniuses in some ways, their method of choosing the leader of the free world is flawed. To become President, the most powerful leader in the world, it is a popularity contest. It is a return to the glory years of high school when football quarterbacks and cheerleaders were popular because of their looks and athletic prowess. Athletic prowess is a favorable trait and if coupled with intellect and wisdom is a potent leadership model. "Revolution is in the muscles," it is said, and few of Washington's current elected officials exhibit athleticism. On the contrary they have become effeminate, cowardly, probably homosexual men. It cannot be denied the sexual status of America is skewed. On one pole are the male heterosexual predators (of which there are too many to list), and on the other pole is the rising LGBTQ community. Good old red blooded American adolescent sexual angst has disappeared and has been replaced with insecurity, depression, and sexual identity confusion. It would be difficult to look at the incumbent Washington society and see anything worthy of leadership. Whether it is athletic ability, artistic talent, or scholarly knowledge, Washington has become a swamp of privileged rich kids. These kids are pushing seventy. Nothing has changed. The "War in Afghanistan" was nothing more than an extension of our Russian "Cold War." It was all posturing about who had the biggest thing. There was no real troop development, only the proliferation of high tech toys of war netting Boeing seven trillion dollars over twenty years. The indigenous armies of the Middle East proved to be more capable, because they were grass roots minute men. What they did each day was what they were. There was no sprawling American defense industry to promulgate a new Middle Eastern cold war with Muslim terrorists. Again nothing has changed. What ensued was an attempted exploitation of not-so-bright Americans. Doubt science? Doubt academic institutions? Infiltrate almost every American corporate entity for the sake of pure profit. Thus Big Pharma reliant upon a subservient medical establishment has assaulted the people it was meant to save. Create disease to sell an antidote. Wage genocide on the American population. Taint drinking water, air, and the food supply and expect no one to notice. "I can't show you what is in the nose cone of this aircraft, because I will have to kill you." The truth is what is in that nose cone will kill you. Havana Syndrome. Because it is invisible is proving to be the most elusive foe for our intelligence community. Nothing has changed. The Cold War has continued. Corporate America has raped and pillaged the American citizen. The defense industry is evil personified. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.