Friday, January 19, 2018

It's an All Points Bulletin (The B.S. is as thick as moss)

I never have been bombarded with such B.S.  B.S from every front, from all fronts.  It's very afronting the B.S.  B.S. on the ground.  B.S. in your gown.  B.S. in the air, Pee Pee in your hair.  B.O. on the down low, B.S. Weiner News, with a capital W.  Women's right to equal pay.  Yes.  Women broadcasters?  A thing of the past.  Hen parties, clucking and clucking about nothing.  Should be f--king.  The national news was a cell phone commercial.  Immediately it tells you who owns their station, their network, their institution, everything.  The "Man."  He owns it all and is dictating the news, Weiner News.  How about the particle accelerator in Switzerland?  How about the U.S. Military's triumph over ISIS?  We get Weiner News.  Weiner News.  Amateur news reporting.  B.S so deep I am tired of stepping in it.  The most evolved and successful nation on earth?  The most expensive health care costs AND children of dying of the flu?   @#$%^&^$##@!!!!!!!!  Failure of the status quo on a massive level.  Deception.  Defeat.  Trump.  Government shut down?  Tax cut for the rich. A trillion dollar addition to the deficit.  For the rich.  B.S.  Kids dying of the flu?  America's health care system failing at a massive level.  Not enough fluids.  Can't fight the flu?  Can't do, anything.  I'll do anything to escape the B.S.  Today FedEx called and told me that I would be getting a package today, and I should be here to sign for it.  I waited, at home, ALL DAY.  No package.  FedEx.  Fred X.  Freeda Burrito.  No package.  All day, waiting for the cable guy.  Time Warner.  How inconsiderate.  It's the weather they say.  It was 100% sunny today.  Sunny on all fronts.  Slave compounds on 87 South.  Human trafficking.  The murder of whores in Lumbieville.  Drug dealers.  50 caliber machine guns going all day, in your back yard.  Anxiety over death.  Anxiety over war.  People dropping like flies.  Is there any news left.  On You Tube to be eligible for monetization you must have 1000 subscribers and 1000 view minutes per month.  I have more minutes than that but only 250 subscribers.  Subscribers?  To what do they subscribe?  Precrime?  Free trial?  You will never make a penny from You Tube unless you are Sandy Somers, a Brazilian ex-porn actress who unpackages Disney toys for tots.  Kiddie porn, and I hear she makes two million a year.  It's all politics.  They choose.  They decide who gets what.  All of it.  Living in a box, and not the right box.  Hot box.  Jennifer's hot box.  Boxy.  Foxy.  Toad.  Chode.  Afrode of the dark.  Monster's Ball.  Billy Bob T.  Halle Berry.  "Make me feel good."  

Saturday, January 13, 2018


So (beginning a sentence with a conjunction, which is a "no-no,") Hans Zimmer and his buddy stepped in to do the score for Bladerunner 2017.  (Sorry, it is another date, but what significance is '49'?  Summer of Forty Two.  1981.  2012.  2049.  Blade Runner 2049.  It was a heavy film, heavy in content, tone, and intent.  I liked it, but I was not ready for the Apocalyptic content.  After realizing that I would be frightened by the scenario (and it was realistic, mainly from little sounds morphed into big sounds via EQ).  This is a new cinematic technique that untalented composers are using.  If you can't really compose themes with a pencil, you can improvise on shitty samplers and turn the bass up.  Infrasonic textures will emerge, not really music or a score, but sound effects that emulate war.  Not my cup of tea for a film, but it was effective enough.  I am tired of looking at the Apocalypse.  Fully I believe it could  happen in our lifetime, and fully I believe if Trump remains President it is likely.  It is our decision, the U.S. of A.  Keep Trump in power as our president, or impeach him for the Nazi.  It's bust however you look at it.  Pence?  Cheney?  Nazi?  What is worse?  Cheney was awarded no bid contracts to rebuild Iraq.  Haliburton masterminded "The War on Terror" and went to the bank.  Only today, 2018, have we cleaned up his mess.  Cheney should be prosecuted as a war criminal at The Hague.  Maybe he will die in prison like Slobodan Milosovich.  We would be so lucky.  All of our recent presidents are corrupt and evil, so it is this chapter in American history in which we live.  It is tiring, although Hollyweird is trying.  Tony Bennett always has been my favorite jazz singer second to Joe Williams.  He was awarded the Gershwin prize and he deserves it.  That was a nice band, and the eccentric pianists had feel out the whazoo.  Tony's pianist didn't swing that much, but his interpretation of words is Frankian, or perhaps better.  Bennian.  I enjoyed the show at the DAR Constitutional Hall.  The acoustics were impeccable, and the sound was rich, full, and full of life.  G-Phan was on her regular game and "The Words Did Not Get in the Way."  For a middle-aged man and single, those gals were punk.  It is a tragedy that Amy Winehouse died.  America may be the best country in the world, as Tony saith, but we have a long way to go to even catch up to our former glory.  What we have are rich kids having fun.  I want to say this emphatically now.  The new CEO policy, CEO's being paid exponentially more than anyone else, for their influence on Segal Street?  All ready it has become apparent that if you don't PAY employees who do a job, the company will fail.  All of them will fail, because you need employees to do jobs that CEO's and their rich kids can't do.  Trump.  (Subliminal messaging)  Not Gump.  Trump.  Trump is the example.  Slavery.  Do nothing at the top, and fire all of your employees because revenue is being created by bubbles and futures.  Eventually your company will die, because no longer is it a company.  Companies have employees, diverse rosters of intelligent, talented, willing, artists who create content and lead the world.  When you pare down you company, eliminate these jobs, and refuse to pay anyone, then you get, well WalMart.  Sam is turning over in his grave.  If you don't PAY sound engineers, lighting technicians, and grips, you won't have a quality show.  You will have Steven (or is it Stephan?) Colbert.  Lousy sound, no boom mic, no AKG or Sennheiser on the desk, and amateur lavaliers.  I had to stop watching a fruity drummer in a Brokeback Mountain cowboy hat.  Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, and Steven all of show-worthy talent.  James Corden sings as well as anyone, and he knows the songs as well as the artists.  Car Pool Karioke is the highpoint of his show, and Madonna to this day makes me hot.  Why?  Not because of her button-pushing, but because she understands music and dance.  The choreography is just as important as the music, and while she or Brittany may not be the most capable of vocalists, they do understand and feel what they are singing.  It is visual, and I am becoming more visual, a visual artist.  A poet, don't know it.  A Jackson.  A Johnson, on a farm in Iowa seducing Clint Eastwood, or Johann Johannson Johnson, aka Jerimiah Johannson big boobies.  Without job descriptions, work, and a concept, no company can exist.  Renderman just cannot do all the work.  The slavery concept that has been emerging in America is not new.  It is our soul.  Affluent dickheads that believe that slaves should work for free for their gain?  It is why Abraham Lincoln said "Nay!"  (and hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives on our native soil)  Remember that?  It draws nigh. 

Bladerunner XXX

Since I bashed the technology of our time in my last blog entry, a defensive front was launched.  It was a good thing.  It reminded me that there have been some great strides in modern technology.  The only thing is now I can't remember them.  One was Alexa.  Bezos's invention, or rather his further expansion of voice recognition software into Alexa, was an entrepreneurial achievement.  Apple, before Time Cooke, all ready has developed most of the things any computer company is marketing today.  Tim Cooke just took nerdy professional home computing, computing not done on the UNIX platform in a company, watered it down, sprinkled it with pop, and addicted most of America.  Even adults took a bite of his apple.  When a plumber comes to you home to fix a leak in you tub oozing through your downstairs ceiling umbilically attached to his phone talking to his wife....  He couldn't even put the phone down long enough to tighten the pressure fittings.  He acted like it was an inconvenience for him to be there fixing his partner's mistake.  Finally he put the phone down on the toilet seat and in a few seconds fixed our problem.  In the process he broke the fifty-two year old tub trap.  Not only did his partner leave without tightening the fittings, he didn't plug the tub when he drilled through the tile.  All of that debris went into the tub trap and clogged it up.  This guy acted like we were fabricating the whole thing.  His only point of interest was having to come back and replace ALL of the tub's pipes in the ceiling to fix one broken screw.  We had been waiting for them to return for a few days, and now they wanted us to wait two more weeks with the ceiling caving in downstairs.  It's hit and miss with plumbers, just like it is with auto mechanics.  Most of the time they are pitching you a repair that doesn't exist.  Anyway, Tim took Apple's great products, laced them with crack cocaine, and started going to the bank.  Never was I interested in "apps."  Microsoft's first versions of Word were the best.  Later, like most things today, companies lost direction, focus, and morality.  Computing has become a crap shoot of keeping up.  Apple and the rest, because the best products all ready have been made years ago, just keep tweaking their operating systems to make your life more difficult.  The biggest erroneous trend was basing your home computing, not web browsing, on the internet.  Registering your products.  Receiving product support.  Banking.  This opened the door for Chinese and Russian hackers to bugger the lot of us.  Anyone who would trust their information to a plural cloud server is stupid.  You deserve to get hacked and lose your information.  I don't even use Drop Box.  Because I have been a professional composer for a while, I protect my work.  It all is copyrighted by the Library of Congress Copyright Office.  I have certificates for each submission, and there are a lot.  Today, like everything else, the significance of copyright seems moot.  Once, when ASCAP and BMI were power players in the entertainment industry and collected royalties, copyright was important.  Today the modern technology consort has deemed artistic content, almost everything, worthless.  Technology, really internet technology, with digital streaming dramatically has lessened the value of visual media.  If your content is available on an unsecured internet, then how can it have value?  Music was first, and Mr. Napster is responsible for the collapse of the recording industry.  I can understand using a hard drive as your home entertainment system.  It is convenient especially if you work on a ship.  I debated buying a laptop computer for a long time.  After I did iTunes became indispensable to me as a professional tool.  I archived everything I had ever done musically, performances, compositions, and the like.  When a Guest Entertainer came to a ship, most likely I would have a self made recording of their show.  I never shared it with anyone, but it was a valuable learning tool.  I used a Sharp mini disc player with a specialty miniature condenser mic.  German engineers created the compression scheme for the mini disc player, and the modern MP4 we use for digital music is based on it.  The mini disc sounds incredibly good, and I have hung onto these machines.  I have four, and three microphones.  I prefer them to any stand along portable MP4 recorder available today.  When I stopped playing on ships for a living, it took a long time to acclimate to the old school.  I still had my stereo equipment from back in the day, just like I had all of my professional music gear.  It just needed TLC.  The turntable finally I pitched into the garbage only a few weeks ago, but the rest of it I still use.  I have begun to appreciate again CD's, DVD's, vinyl albums, and cassette tapes.  I have my great uncle's vintage classical collection on vinyl, I have tapes I made while studying for general exams at OSU, and I have CD's and DVD's.  Most of the DVD's were purchased while working on the ships.  Before the crew channels began showing first run movies, I carried these around in folders for late night entertainment.  The laptop is a great faux miniature movie theater which sits on your chest as you are lying in your bunk.  Now I am remembering how to use all of this information.  It dawned on me that part of your life is spent collecting invaluable media, and part of your life is intended to consume it.  We must remember when it is okay to consume.  In times of spiritual malaise, political despair, and depression it becomes time to look to this media for upliftment.  I went to see Bladerunner last night, and I was shocked that it became a horror film.  It was a heavy worthy movie, but it was more emotional intensity than I expected.  I will give it the prize for what is happening in the world today:  How to make as much money as possible from nothing.  The musical score for Bladerunner was the epitome of this philosophy.  I have not yet looked up the composer for the score, but I can say without a doubt that it seemed like a beginner.  This leads me to believe that Bladerunner was a low budget film.  Computers can do a lot these days, but the visuals were pretty high brow.  The music was not in the same category.  They did what people do today.  Without having an understanding of a craft, you just turn up the EQ.  Take some crappy digital samples, and turn up each band of EQ until the sounds morphs from instrument into sound effect.  That's what most modern films do anyway, jungle drums and low frequency sound effects.  The sheer volume in the theater turned the film into a horror experience.  The sounds of war, machines, violence, and death were omnipresent, and they were effective enough.  They amateurishly were created. 

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Deserved Hacking

What's frightening about what's happening in "technology" is the mergers.  Conveniently as Big Brother re-writes history, the break up of the telecommunications industry into the "Baby Bells" is absent.  Does anyone remember?  The only difference to what is happening now is the cycle has not completed itself.  Back in the day the "wire" was our lifeline.  Telephone lines were important and thus capitalism gave them worth.  Like what is happening today companies keep selling their wares at a profit, and a small group ends up controlling everything.  It is called a Corporate Monopoly.  Luckily in the l980's our federal government was honest enough to see this monopoly as a threat to capitalism and our economy which supports our populace.  Also luckily not that long ago our federal government was honest enough to see Microsoft's actions as a threat and broke their company up into individual pieces.  They lagged for a bit, but if we believe what we hear and read today computer technology is breaking records.  How is it humanly possibly that Apple could be approaching the trillion dollar mark?  It is not because consumers love their products.  It is because stockholders and board members are hyping the product.  This product, whatever is may be, is called tech.  Tech today is a broad term that encompasses anything and everything internet and computer companies are pitching.  It has been being gobbled up like tainted Halloween candy.  Then Zuckerberg drops the ball, sells thousands of ads to Russian lobbyists, and the jig is up.  Net neutrality becomes an issue and Congress passes legislation that does what?  I don't really know, other than it is something about slowing down and speeding up internet service.  I'm sure censorship is involved.  So all we know is AT&T is trying to buy Time/Warner, and because they all ready bought Direct TV this rapidly is becoming an ensuing corporate monopoly.  Blah. Blah.  What is means to us is more inane commercials about whose 3G network is the fastest.  Who really cares?  Who the fuck is J.D. Powers anyway?  I don't care.  I don't care because I don't own a smartphone.  I prefer a laptop computer, because the screen is too small.  I have no interest in using Wi-Fi over a cell network, watching streaming video over the internet, or sexting underaged women.  I am content with what America has produced over the last two decades, and it is good enough.  The rest is deceptive hype.  Allow Amazon to unlock my front door and deliver a package?  Not gonna happen.  Control my home security system with a phone?  Not gonna happen.  If anyone is gullible enough to buy any of these products or like corporate America use a Cloud computing network, they deserve to get hacked.  Hack that. 

Human Survival

I blew off a lot of steam in my last blog post, but that was not all of it.  Things keep occurring to me the more I refuse to succumb to the submissive demands of the American South.  "Why make waves, boy?"  "Why stir the pot?"  "Why can't you just leave things the way they are?"  If we do, then all of the predictions of the fall of America will happen.  The eradication of the middle class, rule by oligarchy, and then the impending civil war which will ruin America.  Most of the plots in science fiction movies in America's past are on mark.  Skynet is real.  As soon as Bill Clinton paved the way for airborne, space-oriented, microwave transponders Skynet became real.  My point is about perceived technology.  That is all we hear about today.  Technology.  I have been reflecting on technology, and it dawned on me refusing to succumb to the submissive demands of the American oligarchy, that the technology that is being pitched today, and I mean feverishly pitched on a minute to minute basis, is not traditional technology at all.  If one takes the time to look back in America's recent history, most of the technological demands, the meaningful ones, all ready have been met.  We in technology, like in jazz and cinema, all ready have reached the pinnacle of achievement.  We just don't know it yet, because we are too brainwashed to acknowledge anything other than what media is pitching us on a minute to minute basis.  We would never know that anything else existed except automobiles sanctioned by J.D. Powers and G whatever wireless networks.  As I was watching a movie circa 1956 on the MGM channel last night, it dawned on me that this film, this achievement, far surpassed anything we see today.  True American technology, the great inventions of necessity which have built this country, dwarf the horny minds of Silicone Valley.  A distinction will be made in the near future.  Technology, great American technology exists in the past.  It, like jazz, all ready as reached a pinnacle of achievement.  We only must look back.  Technology is building the Hoover Dam, the Brooklyn Bridge, putting a man on the moon, or providing clean drinking water to the masses.  What is being pitched to us today as technology merely is online and wireless networking.  Yes strides have been made in computing such as 3D printing, but making computers smaller and equipping them with trite "apps" to control our home security systems or pay for drinks is not really technology.  It is software development, a bit of entrepreneurship, and a whole lot of young money reaped from the same technology bubble which created online E-Commerce.  We keep hearing about technology.  Are Dr. Dre's $200.00 headphones really that much better than Bose or Sennheiser?  Most of what we hear today is hype, spin, bubbles being blown by Wall Street step children.  Technology is the Yamaha DX-7, the Korg M1, or the first sampler which could digitally record sound and play it back from a computer keyboard.  These trite little "apps," violent games which actualize and foster suppressed mental illness created by our own polluted environment, and Social Media which all ready has proven to have been Big Brother only disguise true America.  It is a scam of giant proportions.  Hype, crap, and spin which eventually will burn out leaving the vacuous black whole that is Wall Street.  If you don't make anything, if you don't engage in the survival of the human species by the sheer nature of biology, we will cease to exist.  Like in War of the Worlds, a minute speck of bacteria will infiltrate our systems and it will be over in the blink of an eye.  Today Monsanto, GE, and Big Pharma have pushed the envelope further than it ever has been pushed by irresponsible man.  God has destroyed the earth before, but today evil man is accomplishing the same task.  If they Mayans predicted 2012, then it merely is taking a little longer to make itself known.  If we tried to believe what the media and government are telling us, it would be impossible.  That is because both are pawns of the oligarchy.  What they tell us is not truth, it is Donald Trump's attempt at being liked.  Global Warming, Global Warming, and Global Warming.  Flick.  They flip a switch, turn off Skynet (Star Wars), and record frigid temperatures are at hand.  Believe yourself.  Believe in yourself, because never was it more necessary to human survival than today. 

Tuesday, January 02, 2018


I was just going to write a straight blog entry, until I noticed that "Roy's Lolita" had more hits.  It was laced with Hip/Hop jazz, rhythmic rhyming at which I am good.  Poetry is like music, and while I was on ships and the music muse evaded me, I took to the poetry pen.  It flowed like wine, but it also flowed because I was in love.  There was my muse.  I have no muse today.  All I have is total and inescapable depression.  I have become well equipped to actualize my own happiness, but that is not possible when the entirety of your country is steeped in despair.  There are few places to turn.  Then I realize the only solution is to recognize and confront reality.  It is a shite state, one so bleak that it defies the majority of my life's experiences.  I remember back in the 70's during the era of Viet Nam.  Life was bleak then.  The war was on the news every night.  Turbulent times in America often spark immense creativity, but that creativity is impotent unless The Man allows.  Today we have an unprecedented corporate monopoly possibly unlike any other time in American history.  From high school history I remember a time when Trusts ruled the roost.  Old money which was passed down through family generations ran America.  The names are familiar, so I will not say them.  The names now have changed and tech companies have inherited the power.  I am so nauseous watching the local news I barely can stand it.  It is the same feeling I had when I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1985.  It was clear to me that freedom was not possible.  A small handful of socialites ruled America, and I was not interested in kissing their ass to fit in.  Thirty-eight years later I am no better off.  I spent the last five years of my life bringing my father's life to an end.  I stopped working, moved in with my mother, and took care of the family in an abstract way.  Never was it understood what I was doing.  In reality it was seen as mooching.  I was living in my parent's house for free, but it was not free.  It far was from free.  I earned my keep and continue to do so, but I am tiring of the responsibility.  I am tired of not being independent and free to pursue my own life.  That is the call of family.  I was in close proximity to my father until he died peacefully on May 6th, 2017.  I am glad I was here, although it was a tumultuous time.  I began cooking for my mother and myself.  As she looked over my dad, I looked over her.  I continue to do so.  With that task at hand the future looks bleak.  I tried emphatically once to try and plan for my impending future, but it was met with outrage.  I retracted any plans to be a responsible, independent, productive adult and resigned myself to be a child, a child with a large amount of responsibility taking care of a property and a mother.  I am not a care-giver in a literal sense.  I am an abstract care giver masquerading as an adult.  I have no life of which to speak, but that is okay.  I have been through it before.  I was exploited by academia and then cast aside.  My life was ruined, and yet I started it anew.  It took a long time, and now I am back in it again mainly because I am back in the same area where things never have changed.  It is amazing how things have not changed, not one bit.  Vehemently they stay the same because the baby boomers who forged this place never will relinquish their control.  Instead they just die off leaving a completely unprepared populace to wrangle the shit that has been dealt to my generation.  I am unusual.  Most of my colleagues have successful lives, those who do not live here.  Here is a place undefinable.  It wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting.  It is a sewer, a toilet of the United States military.  Like everything life in America today is a faint shadow.  Pale and polluted life in America is a depressed, hollow, spiritless ghost running the alley's of Donald Trump's country clubs.  Everywhere I look, everything I see, every word I hear is a mockery of the American Ideal.  Yes, people are making money, but they are making money the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.  As I watch the local news I hear fat cat talking about restoring downtown Raleigh.  He is so happy that he is doing something historic, tearing down history and building inconsequential shit that iPhone watching panty wipes want.  I can't listen to it.  I can't listen to the fact that sixty new people are moving to the Triangle everyday.  To me that means overpopulation, L.A.-like traffic, and pollution.  It does not mean prosperity except to the fat cat that has bought up property in downtown Raleigh.  It makes me want to puke.  He is a beady-eyed pig who barely can communicate with an average reporter.  He is so ensconced in his own material wealth, like most Wall Street bankers and traders, his disingenuous bent is tangible.  It is all he can do to convey his selfish and greedy business.  He is an opportunist, someone who has no inclination to watch out for the future of America or the world.  We are so misguided, so off path, so dishonest, and disingenuous how can God even consider us?  Recently a college aquaintance posted a blog entry about moving into administration from the humanities.  It was all I could do to listen.  He has had the grail, a college teaching position for most of his life.  He has had the family like many of my friends from high school.  They all grew up the same way, into their parents, yuppies with kids.  I have spent the last five years of my life burying my father.  I gave up what life I had for my family.  I didn't think about it too much.  It was the right thing to do.  I gave up any prospect of having a future for myself in lieu of providing support for what was left of my family.  Any time I made an attempt to be responsible by thinking about myself and how I could be productive, it was met with scorn.  So like Jesus I gave it up.  Most days I get up and feel an impassioned urge to be productive in the field of music, but what's the point?  The jobs in Fayetteville died with my father.  His era, the era of the Baby Boomers, which wholly and totally took care of their own generation, up and left the remnants of America to us.  To Trump.  To an Army that is rife with homosexuality, a private security force protecting the poppy fields of the Sackler family.  The media is nonexistent.  Here are my headlines.  The American military victory in Iraq.  The repair of the power grid in Puerto Rico.  The fleecing of America by Congress.  The skewing of heterosexuality and God.  The fall of Capitalism.  The death of art in America.  None of it gets coverage.  We are in complete denial of the reality of what America has become.  The media is promoting tech, the thing that has killed the American spirit.  It won't be long before it all will come tumbling down, and only those capable of sowing a seed, tending a crop, or fetching a pail of water will survive.