Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Burden of the Military

          Unless you have lived in an overtly military town, you may not have the perspective of many Baby Boomer retirees still laced with patriotism.  Today that perspective has been lost as have many American traditions.  Culture dramatically has changed in America, and I do not recognize it.  Unashamedly I never liked America anyway.  Capitalism is for the rich.  You cannot make money without money.  Government has ceased to stimulate small businesses.  Large corporations have raped America, and crucial manufacturing jobs flew to Asia to fuel their emerging middle class.  It was funny while it lasted.  Maybe that was a few months more than the similar flight that went to Mexico.  At least the yen and China’s economy has not collapsed.  That only is because their currency is more valuable than ours.  The peso was not, and America left many South Americans empty handed after robbing them in the name of cheap labor.  Mexico was not ready for NAFTA and America’s manufacturing jobs.  China was, but their over-populated infrastructure was fragile.  Now finally the movement is attempting to reverse itself.  I will believe it when I see it.  I will believe it when corporations begin paying a decent wage with benefits empowering America’s citizens.  The only way they ever did this was under the pressure of Jimmy Hoffa who disappeared.  You can’t be a hypocrite.  Either you believe in America’s people, or you don’t.  You as prudent businesses used to do, invest in them and treat them well and they will support you.  You cannot treat them as expendable labor.  All of this aside living in an overtly military town gives you a different perspective than that of the fading Baby Boomers.  The United States military no longer is fueled by propaganda.  The once patriotic movement has not been instilled in America’s subsequent generations.  Maybe we can remember a moving ceremony honoring fallen heroes.  Maybe.  What I remember is what it is like to grow up in a military town in North Carolina.  At one time there was moxie accompanied by a thriving nightlife.  Now it is just a mundane job defending America abroad from invisible terrorists.  The glory of World War ll is gone.  All of those images of returning soldiers kissing their gals in Times Square is water under the bridge.  Now it seems to be unemployed soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and no legs.  In addition living in a military town one witnesses first hand the level of intellect of your average G.I.  Often they are high school dropouts.  Often they have a propensity for violence.  Often they engage in criminal behavior.  Often as exhibited by many gay military porn sights, they are sexual deviants.  This influence as experienced by middle class working people is negative.  It is annoying that Wal Mart shelves always are empty.  Living near a drag strip also is annoying, especially at night.  The fear of strafing from an Apache attack helicopter or an Obama drone by mistake is disconcerting.  Low flying C-130’s over your neighborhood do not make you feel safe at all.  They instill fear from the unknown.  When the ground shakes from the artillery fire and you can hear the rat-tat-tat of machine gun fire, it is not consoling.  It is difficult to differentiate the sounds of war from a patriotic mission to protect Americans.  While a military is necessary, it should not be the focus of America or American politics.  This inflated war machine has bled America to death, and it is due time for Washington to pour America’s money back into her. 

Defending Our Rights, Mano e Mano

            It was unnerving watching a vexed Rachel Maddow last night try her best to comprehend what traditionally has been recognized in America as an “Extreme, Right-Wing, Militia” perspective.  Ironically since 9/11 our home-spun domestic extremist movement has become overshadowed by an extremist movement 180 degree opposed.  While right wing militia movements in America may have slipped from sight, their roots  continue.  It is the National Rifle Association that has become their speaking voice.  It could be easy to get the two confused considering the amount of spin that is placed upon every political issue these days.  Grass root militia movements simply are Americans that believe, “A well-armed militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  They believe in freedom in America.  They are not interested in terrorism.  Contrarily often they are baited by the very acts of America’s federal government.  They respond, which is more than a majority of so-called Americans with their heads buried in the sand.  These militiamen pay attention, and if they feel threatened again by the federal government they will make it known.  I’m not positive if the NRA is the proper liaison.  Like other branches of an increasingly extreme right wing, losing sight of one’s philosophy in lieu of participating in a hollering match on capital hill is a mistake.  The media may not have helped.  A differentiation must clarify the difference in two extremist movements.  First our domestic militia movement is not violent.  They only vehemently will go to extreme lengths to protect the freedoms the United States Constitution seeks to provide.  If that means living in underground bunkers armed to the teeth in the great plains of the MidWest so be it.  It is probable these die hard patriots more likely are to be incited by thoughtless unconstitutional suggestions of policy and legislation by the United States government.  An example of that could be an absurd stripping of a soldiers right to express faith.  We ask these soldiers to die for us in action, but now we are going to suggest taking away their God-given right to express personal faith?  I’ve never heard anything so ludicrous in my life.  An example of anti-Christian policy all ready has taken place with the expiration of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  It is common in the last decade a decisive movement has appeared that seeks to excise Christianity from America.  If this fundamental building block of society is removed, then evil men will be able to continue with no moral conscience at all.  They will not have to be accountable to anyone, except God when they burn in the pits of hell.  In the meantime we have to keep it on the table in full view.  Otherwise our small earth may cease to exist at all in our lifetimes.  I feel the effort is merited.  Muslim Extremists hate America, and a large part of this sentiment was created by Osama Bin Laden.  He was not at all happy about America’s response to Saddam Hussein’s invastion of Kuwait.  He also was not happy that he was passed upon to provide a capable fighting and protective force for the Saudi government.  He was pissed and only wanted us out of his native land.  Still we are there.  There is not enough time to discuss the myriad of reasons America is involved there, most probably none of it having to do with weapons of mass destruction.  Suffice it to say, “Rich in natural resources.”  We cannot fund the country now by squeezing drops out of stones.  Why not sell opium?  I just wish we could get it together.  If as Rachel explained ten percent of the population believe American citizens will have to take up arms against the U.S. Military, there must be a reason.  In my opinion is has to do with excess, military excess.  This always has been a priority of Republicans.  It is obvious this excess has bankrupted the country.  Being at war and funding this military has created the financial crisis we are feeling today.  Other short-sighted strategies have not helped.  Wall Street Hedge Funders were working their magic at the same time, selfishly emptying America’s coffers even more.  In an unprecedented presidential move, George W. Bush upon exiting office, stuck his hand in our cookie jar and handed these cronies our cash.  It is sickening.  Upon reflection these assholes for years have been funding presidential campaigns.  Just as has happened in history, the Hank Paulson’s get in there and steal our money.  How are normal Americans able to do anything about this corruption?  There is only one way, and it is not extreme to entertain the notion that eventually the American citizen himself will have to take up arms against unfair rule.  There are simply too many examples in recent history that document this movement.  Government can become so corrupt and uncontrollable that Americans will be required to take action.  No one wants to believe it.  Certainly mainstream television hosts would have a difficult time realizing that America is not about gloss, glamour, or television.  It is about principal.  It is about roots.  It is about freedom.   It is about goodness.  Ironically enough simple and misunderstood organizations such as the Hell’s Angels are exercising their American freedoms.  That an increasingly conservative, weak, and tepid faction continues to try to conflate their own agenda with traditional American values is surprising.  You can understand the grass roots movements are resistant.  In certain ways this resistance defines conservation.  They would rather stay with what is tried and true.  The trouble is those values are being eroded continuously by another movement.  Abstractly it could be considered this anti-American movement actually is the Extreme Muslin agenda but being practiced from within our own population.  While President Obama continues to seek these native terrorists, it should become readily clear that arming one’s self is the last line of defense.  Again as Rachel mentioned could one conceive that an American militia movement would instigate a strike against the federal government?  The answer is it would be the easy and appropriate counter strike to unstoppable corruption.  First the United States’ military has been over deployed for years. The number of troops available for a domestic altercation upon our native soil is small.  Secondly and more importantly as proven by a tenacious Viet Nam war, it nearly is impossible to defeat an indigenous population on their own land.  It is because Americans all ready live in her trenches.  No one else more is accurately aligned to defend America than her citizens.  If you believe our mighty fighting military force, without the proper leadership, is going to successfully secure America’s borders, then show us an example.  When in history has America had to defend itself against such an attack?  The attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor occurred in the South Pacific.  While it does seem improbable that advancing extremist forces will come from Canada or Mexico, no one really knows.  To be safe it is more consoling to have a closet full of guns.  That way whoever seeks to abolish our Constitutionally assured personal freedoms (including the government) will have to contend with their defense.  It is not extreme that these freedoms for which to be fought would be defended hand to hand on America soul.  Our forefathers knew this, and only an immature, naïve, and misguided consort of Americans could believe otherwise. 

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Segregated Radio Stations

            The most striking thing about the American South is it has not changed.  The reasons why I left in l991 still upon reflection are exactly the same as reasons I would choose to leave again today.  I may not have been sure two decades ago, because I was emotionally vulnerable.  I suspected as much.  I suspected the American South was a “Good Old Boy” network.  There was “Old Money.”  There was a society bred upon wealthy slave-owning plantation owners.  They patterned their transplanted roots upon Victorian England.  They named their children Muffy and Bif.  Above all there was no defeating them.  They controlled the Old South.  It was old, stuffy, moldy money that had been sitting in a safe and was not going anywhere soon, much like now.  It was not going to be made available to a youthful generation.  A youthful generation was not going to be honored or empowered with the reigns to the kingdom.  Instead these insolent land-owners ate their children like they ate everyone else.  It is beyond me how a generation can become so Goddamned selfish as not to respect their offspring.  Who was going to take over when their blood dried up?  “We won’t worry about that now.  We merely will get all we can, can it, and sit on the can.”  That once conservative philosophy has failed America miserably.  The good news is that idea is not prevalent everywhere.  It is not prevalent in New England, California, or the Midwest.  These places have chosen to be progressive engaging life and future life with zest and money.  They, rather than sit stagnantly on their covered porch admiring their tall trees sipping a lemonade or ice tea, would rather engage life and a new future.  Prospects.  New Money.  I left the American South for these reasons.  There was no foreseeable future.  In fact it was a hard dead end. 
I literally had people saying to me, “Why do you think you are any different?  What makes you so special that you believe you will have anything other than this?”  Sometimes you just have to change the environment.  When it fails you, like Motown, go somewhere else.  I chose Columbus, Ohio.  Some people would laugh.  “Cowtown!” they say.  I had an underlying motive.  Not only could I pursue the D.M.A. degree in composition, Columbus was a capital city of a million and a half people.  There were opportunities. I was right.  Unfortunately I tried to transplant my own Southern sensibilities to Columbus, and they would not have it.  There was a stark different in culture.  While Southerners, because of the climate and geography, could relax and provide some quaint charm and hospitality, Columbus was urban.  There was nothing around it.  What you had happening was life.  There was no room to sit back and enjoy the works of God or nature.  I was amazed out how much more aware and literate the people of Ohio were.  They knew things, and they paid attention to the appropriate things.  There was no society to disguise or control reality.  That crust of manipulation was removed, and boy was it refreshing.  There was no Old Money.  It was New Money, and if you worked hard you could be both appreciated and rewarded with a place in society.  That American South is not like that.  It surprisingly still is segregated.  The perfect example of this segregation and an issue I have been trying to understand is musical segregation.  As a musician myself, a purveyor of both improvised jazz music and written European-based concert music, I don’t consider music to be privy to any particular race or culture.  I do know the history of a lot of music, but I as a human being never saw fit to segregate music.  What’s the point?  When I returned to the American South it has become obvious still it is segregated.  What am I talking about?  I completed all of the coursework necessary for the acquisition of a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Composition at The Ohio State University.  The only reason I did not finish was because the eye disease Kerataconus demanded I have cornea transplants in both eyes.  This took time, and after their healing I needed to make money, not be in school.  Still I retain all of that knowledge and have not given up on being a successful musician again.  It is difficult being surrounded by the Old South, because it has not changed and in my humble opinion never will.  It is not progressive.  It still is stuck in the staid habits that have sustained it all there years.  While there are glimmers of progress, such as our local symphony conductor programming Mahler and Stravinsky, the culture of the South will stay the same.  It is sentimental.  It is sweet.  It is violent.  “Hey ya’ll!”  At one time the traditional Southern Bell could melt me.  I realize today it was not a product of love or admiration or desire.  It purely was sexual.  Those women are both alluring and physically desirable, but I don’t want that.  I don’t want to be controlled by my libido.  I don’t want to desire something so much I lose control of my wits.  I rather would desire it, because I see and understand something that is appealing to me.  I don’t want to be slain by a bimbo.  That is the way women operate in the South.  Know they will take your money, and your house, and your life.  I don’t want to be controlled by traditions and customs that openly don’t accept my independent opinion and appreciate it.  Why would I?  My example is while many years of my life were involved with the study and performance of jazz-oriented music, I can’t listen to the local jazz station here.  I have tried.  Their programming is too off base for me to appreciate.  Am I so unusual having studied the recorded lineage of jazz music not to be able to enjoy their contemporary programming?  I think it is because as a well versed and studied musician, I don’t compartmentalize music.  I understand styles of music and their origins, but for me they just blend together into what is the aesthetic of my life.  That aesthetic, because I have traveled away from the South, I see now is far more diverse than others around me.  This reinforces that notion that the South is sheltered, not progressive, and unwilling to change, grow, and experience new things.  They like their security blanket of country clubs, smooth jazz, and old money.  It highly is oppressive.  Why does the local jazz station not play the known and recognized iconic jazz recordings and artists?  I have asked myself this many times.  I thought once it was because they didn’t have the revenue to pay the royalties on the most important and influential music.  I think still that may be true.  I don’t know if radio stations pay by the track, artist, record label, or style.  I would like to know.  Whence does the royalty come?  What I do know is the program this station offers is sheltered.  It is not progressive.  It is not meant to challenge the listener, the listener’s sensibilities, or societies' acceptable social norms.  It, like modern pop music, instead puts a bandaid on life’s tough spots.  It seeks not to be heard, felt, or understood.  It is the ultimate “Uncle Tom.”  Its only purpose is to say, “Yessah massah, whatever you say.”  I guess it is this principle to which I most object as a composer and musician.  No one in my mind has the right to dictate what or how I perform music.  That is not how it is today.  That freedom has been curtailed, and I am not sure by whom.  Time/Life and Time/Warner must have a hand in it, because they bought the majority of the performance rights to America’s most popular recorded music.  Consequently we don’t hear it anymore.  What gives?  Is that not sheltering, concealing America’s musical past?  The majority of what is played on our local jazz station is not jazz at all.  It is pop.  How am I able to make this distinction?  Because “Once Upon a Time in a Far Away Land,” students were required to study styles of music.  “Once Upon a Time in a Far Away Land,” pop music was not part of the musical curriculum at reputable music school.  That has changed.  “Once Upon a Time in a Far Away Land,” the guitar was not recognized a viable tool for teaching music.  There is a reason for this.  Pop music, while erroneously considered to mean popular, really defines a musical style.  It is a style, unlike traditional jazz or orchestra musics, that does not demand an intellectual comprehension of rhythmic style.  Most jazz oriented music in America in the last decade has reverted to this much less skilled and therefore irrelevant style of music, because it takes very few brain cells to actualize it.  To me it is a horrific disservice to trained and talented musicians.  Alas corporations can design and implement pop music because it consists of no real music in a traditional sense.  Radio stations like ours are not helping the situation by playing this garbage.  That was not my point.  My point was that in addition to playing “Yes Man,” the music is segregated.  It represents only one particular group of people, and that is disheartening.”  I guess you don’t notice it if you only have experienced the American South.  The segregation exists elsewhere.  The station to which I turn for musical diversion while of quality, adheres to the same aesthetic.  It does not ever play music that is challenging to the emotions.  It like many sheltered places does not even recognize the Second Viennese School.  Did anyone know there was a Second Viennese School?  Who was the first?  It was Beethoven, Hayden, and Mozart.  Alas there have been many more decades of music making since the High Classic period.  Our local classical station abstains from playing any contemporary music.  Rarely will you ever hear Schoenberg, Berg, or Webern.  Rarely will you hear Charles Ives, one of America’s greatest composers.  Why is this?  It is because one must grow intellectually and emotionally to understand and appreciate this music.  Why can’t a radio station be responsible for this awakening?  Is it because they also are playing “Uncle Tom?”  I guess so. 

Carpel Tunnel and Railroad Demons

            Each and every day I wake I am confronted by demons.  As I rise from bed they swirl around me like blind bats. The difference is their intent is purposeful and strong.  They seek to keep peaceful serene joy away.  Oddly as I reflect it not only is when I wake that I begin to be confronted by these demons.  I also am tormented by them every night when sleeping robbing me of the essential rest I need to be able to confront them when I wake up.  Why must I hit the ground running like war?  I am not in a war, but I am at war.  Is this the way life is now?  There is no peaceful serene joy left?  Is this what God provides with the proper amount of organized religion?  Is this why in the midst of evil, treachery, and deceit bible compounds continue to flourish raging a covert pacifist war against the ensuing urban sprawl?  I have learned over the years to be a realist.  It is more healthy than burying your head in the sand and singing the praises of Jesus.  When you walk out of the church you will be confronted with the same evil that was there before you walked in.  It is like being at Guantanamo.  Torture.  The most prudent method of extracting the truth from a suspected terrorist is to rob them of sleep yielding them incapable of coherent lucid thought.  It is a common.  If Republicans were smart enough to get former president George W. Bush elected with the state of Florida, they are smart enough to know how to control the population.  Why does it seem to be being practiced upon me?  I do understand Jesus, God’s only Son sent to earth in human form to spread the Christian faith, was persecuted.  I am not Jesus.  Why do I feel like am being persecuted?  Is it because I am a realist, and I understand what is occurring around me?  Jesus’ teachings were met with cynicism and disdain by the evil.  It took time to convince doubters of His goodness.  The evil never changed.  The wily, like wealthy Republicans of the past, strongly will assert you are the demons.  Any time I begin to talk about AC Traction the mighty railroads rear their powerful heads and assert, “Never could there be problems with our technology!  After all it never has been studied or tested by the Federal Railroad Administration or the Department of Transportation!  After all Siemens, General Electric, and General Motors all produce this ground breaking technology with no oversight!  After all American could not survive without the great rail system!  Never could there be problems with our wonderful American constructs of society! We are the world’s oyster! America could not function without the moving of freight.”  My demons I believe are being created by this technology.  It is difficult to pinpoint the source since there are multiple source options.  Unlike my friends that lived on Rogers Drive directly underneath the radio transmission towers that are dead from cancers, I never questioned the source of my Kerataconus.  An absolutely new case of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in my hands has me confronting the physiological manifestations of these demons.  Since the onset of pollen season in the American south, my torture has been more direct.  Pollen deposits on hard contact lenses cause excruciating pain.  Infrasound easily passes through most walls not reinforced with steel and concrete.  The predominance of micro-dust pollution in our air is produced by diesel engines.  A combination of diesel micro-dust and pollen being projected by an infrasound wave through the walls of a house or business into your eyes is disturbing.  It also is painful and time consuming to remedy.  The tinnitus that accompanies an infrasound wave is disturbing.  Most disturbing is the heat that accompanies the dust and pollen.  It largely is responsible for global warming. 
Again I hear the faint voices of the airlines, wireless telecommunication companies, the railroads, and the cruise lines begin to murmur, “How could our multi-million dollar example-setting corporations serving Americans be of any harm?”  It’s called burying your head under the sand.  It is called not being a realist.  Is ignoring simple facts and pretending to worship God under the ruse of organized religion enough to stop the deterioration of the earth caused by this technology?  The answer is no.  I see no end in sight.  I see no American Renaissance.  I see no future at all.  American has run the course and now is subject to the same consequences of each and other emerging nation.  America’s focus on education, teaching, and artistry has been usurped by shallow greedy toy manufacturers elusively who raised the bar of their products to include the mainstream markets.  We have developed into a generation of toy users who have lost the ability to function as human beings, learn a trade, develop a skill, or sustain America’s work force.  It is not our fault.  That fault lies with Capitalism’s provider of money and our government.  Without either it is extremely likely humanity would return with a vengeance.    

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Corporate America's End of the World

            If only I had a com, a radio, some way to communicate with my personal Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER.  Somehow we lost communications, although its reconnaissance is steadfast.  If only I could reestablish communications with my personal Department of Homeland Security Multi-Role Enforcement Aircraft.   Maybe I could supply a relevant directive.  Somehow the flight crew of four, two pilots and two sensor operators, have become confused.  To exacerbate the loss of communication a mirror
Super King 350 has imparted a search and rescue.  They may be trying to communicate “Top Gun” style.  They fly in repeating circles intersecting closely within visual range.  I wonder if they flip each other off.  I feel their lost directive has instigated a much more dramatic overtone to their mission.  Because underneath them lies Fort Bragg, the home of the United States Army Airborne Forces, Special Forces, Army Forces Command, and Army Forces Reserve Command are they afraid?  With such massive capability on the ground and in the air, why would the DHS mistakenly embark on reconnaissance here?  It is plausible that the crew of the two planes have gone rogue and entered a contract with local law enforcement.  Although Commander in Chief Obama has raised their salaries dramatically in response to recent loss of life in Iraq and Afghanistan, still dollars can be made on the black market.  Remember Viet Nam?  It makes military life a little more fun.  I cursed my lost planes last week and they relocated.  This week again they returned to their original flight path.  At first with no leadership or mission they intently were interested in my chopping of trees with an axe.  Admittedly old fashioned swinging of an axe into dead wood can be antagonistic, especially when your muscular force usurps that  both of the military and the Strategic Rail Corridor.  They respond almost immediately when I fell a tree.  I wonder how my tax dollars can be better spent.  “I must reestablish communication with my charges!”  When I ride my finely-tuned, hidden, secret weapon in those prepared woods is the only time I feel release from the brazen, brawny, and overt military-industrial influence.  Only then am I able to circumnavigate their waves.  When I try to smoke a cigarette outside, my smoke moves parallel to the ground like paratroopers deployed in Viet Nam.  Stealthy it reciprocates one direction to the other 90 degrees perpendicular to what traditionally happens via Mr. Newton’s principal of universal gravitation.  “I can’t French inhale!”  Somehow Mr. Honda discovered the secret to military defeat decades ago.  It is called physical pleasure.  Who knew the purr of a expertly designed and manufactured four stroke engine could ignite the G spot of a nation.  Only if they knew.  Instead like most of the uneducated and misguided military, they resort to the lowest common denominator yet the most prevalent and available.  It is the “Harley Hog”, and a hog it is like our military.  It is large.  It makes an incredible roar.  It is a status symbol.  Isn’t that the Republican definition of our military? 
How is it the force that was designed for and to protect the tax payer has become its own unwatched independent entity not unlike its brother the Department of Homeland Security?  Like so many other American policies and directives, they become cloaked in secrecy when peoples’ attention is focused on their latest iPhone app.  No one cares about the law, government, and policies.  They just whine when their lives are not improving.  It is conceivable, because news reporting has spun American infrastructure into a depressing, violent, and negative affair.  It is difficult to read the news at all.  It is much more prudent to the New World Order for the masses to be uneducated and simply tune out.  This policy of abandonment began with Generation X, and it is unconscionable.  Universal greed quite possibly has implemented the beginning of the end of the world.  With no invested force to continue the management of the affairs of the planet, there is no other choice that it will fail.  This short-sightedness should teach a lesson to this stingy self-serving contingency.  It won’t.  They all will be dead.   The meek will not inherit this earth, because God all ready has begun preparation of our new planet.  That could explain His marked absence in the recent past.  Forging a new world is a tall order.  What about us?  The tentacles of that fiercely-guarded money are long, tenacious, and stubborn.  Extricating the deserved youthful generation will be difficult.  It will not happen without a fight.   As in literature the examples all ready have been set.  “V” did it in England.  Is this stubborn thirst for money more powerful than our own survival?  Are these people so shallow, irreverent, and evil they will take the planet down dying with their hidden money?  Not only have they extracted their money from our economy stymieing mobility, they have inflicted severe physical and mental austerity upon us resultant from the technology empowering their wealth.  Shrewdly this technology is invisible, but it is not undetectable.  When you control the government you can change the rules.  The Federal Communications Commission formerly would not license certain frequencies of the microwave spectrum, because they were considered physiologically dangerous to the human race.  Electro-magnetic waves, a duality of electricity and magnetism, conclusively has been proven by federal studies to cause cancerous tumors.  The heat and vibration inherent in the energy cause cells to mutate forming cancer cells.  Unfortunately electro-magnetic waves for communication are not the only culprits.  The United States military makes great use of this energy, and it is crucial to their infrastructure.  Unwatched they continue to ignore the physiological ramifications of their technology upon human beings.  How can the military continue to kill human beings in the name of protecting them?  Low frequency electro-magnetic waves are the most invasive and were studied with the unveiling of the military’s “Ground Wave Emergency Network” (G.W.E.N.) communications system.  They need ways to generate and transmit low frequency radio waves to penetrate the polar ice caps staying in contact with the United States’ nuclear submarines.  Because the length of the antenna logistically nearly is impossible, the United States military decided to cloak creation of this energy behind a favorable initiative.  The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program was born.  Neatly tucked away in America’s northern-most state, H.A.A.R.P.’s directive is to study ionospheric physics and radio science.  Who knew production of low frequency radio waves would become the focus?  Everywhere we look slowly this technology has infiltrated our infrastructure.  Sadly corporate America continues to shout from its soap box that the world will end if their products are not utilized.  Who could know it is their products that would create the end of the world?