Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Defending Our Rights, Mano e Mano

            It was unnerving watching a vexed Rachel Maddow last night try her best to comprehend what traditionally has been recognized in America as an “Extreme, Right-Wing, Militia” perspective.  Ironically since 9/11 our home-spun domestic extremist movement has become overshadowed by an extremist movement 180 degree opposed.  While right wing militia movements in America may have slipped from sight, their roots  continue.  It is the National Rifle Association that has become their speaking voice.  It could be easy to get the two confused considering the amount of spin that is placed upon every political issue these days.  Grass root militia movements simply are Americans that believe, “A well-armed militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  They believe in freedom in America.  They are not interested in terrorism.  Contrarily often they are baited by the very acts of America’s federal government.  They respond, which is more than a majority of so-called Americans with their heads buried in the sand.  These militiamen pay attention, and if they feel threatened again by the federal government they will make it known.  I’m not positive if the NRA is the proper liaison.  Like other branches of an increasingly extreme right wing, losing sight of one’s philosophy in lieu of participating in a hollering match on capital hill is a mistake.  The media may not have helped.  A differentiation must clarify the difference in two extremist movements.  First our domestic militia movement is not violent.  They only vehemently will go to extreme lengths to protect the freedoms the United States Constitution seeks to provide.  If that means living in underground bunkers armed to the teeth in the great plains of the MidWest so be it.  It is probable these die hard patriots more likely are to be incited by thoughtless unconstitutional suggestions of policy and legislation by the United States government.  An example of that could be an absurd stripping of a soldiers right to express faith.  We ask these soldiers to die for us in action, but now we are going to suggest taking away their God-given right to express personal faith?  I’ve never heard anything so ludicrous in my life.  An example of anti-Christian policy all ready has taken place with the expiration of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  It is common in the last decade a decisive movement has appeared that seeks to excise Christianity from America.  If this fundamental building block of society is removed, then evil men will be able to continue with no moral conscience at all.  They will not have to be accountable to anyone, except God when they burn in the pits of hell.  In the meantime we have to keep it on the table in full view.  Otherwise our small earth may cease to exist at all in our lifetimes.  I feel the effort is merited.  Muslim Extremists hate America, and a large part of this sentiment was created by Osama Bin Laden.  He was not at all happy about America’s response to Saddam Hussein’s invastion of Kuwait.  He also was not happy that he was passed upon to provide a capable fighting and protective force for the Saudi government.  He was pissed and only wanted us out of his native land.  Still we are there.  There is not enough time to discuss the myriad of reasons America is involved there, most probably none of it having to do with weapons of mass destruction.  Suffice it to say, “Rich in natural resources.”  We cannot fund the country now by squeezing drops out of stones.  Why not sell opium?  I just wish we could get it together.  If as Rachel explained ten percent of the population believe American citizens will have to take up arms against the U.S. Military, there must be a reason.  In my opinion is has to do with excess, military excess.  This always has been a priority of Republicans.  It is obvious this excess has bankrupted the country.  Being at war and funding this military has created the financial crisis we are feeling today.  Other short-sighted strategies have not helped.  Wall Street Hedge Funders were working their magic at the same time, selfishly emptying America’s coffers even more.  In an unprecedented presidential move, George W. Bush upon exiting office, stuck his hand in our cookie jar and handed these cronies our cash.  It is sickening.  Upon reflection these assholes for years have been funding presidential campaigns.  Just as has happened in history, the Hank Paulson’s get in there and steal our money.  How are normal Americans able to do anything about this corruption?  There is only one way, and it is not extreme to entertain the notion that eventually the American citizen himself will have to take up arms against unfair rule.  There are simply too many examples in recent history that document this movement.  Government can become so corrupt and uncontrollable that Americans will be required to take action.  No one wants to believe it.  Certainly mainstream television hosts would have a difficult time realizing that America is not about gloss, glamour, or television.  It is about principal.  It is about roots.  It is about freedom.   It is about goodness.  Ironically enough simple and misunderstood organizations such as the Hell’s Angels are exercising their American freedoms.  That an increasingly conservative, weak, and tepid faction continues to try to conflate their own agenda with traditional American values is surprising.  You can understand the grass roots movements are resistant.  In certain ways this resistance defines conservation.  They would rather stay with what is tried and true.  The trouble is those values are being eroded continuously by another movement.  Abstractly it could be considered this anti-American movement actually is the Extreme Muslin agenda but being practiced from within our own population.  While President Obama continues to seek these native terrorists, it should become readily clear that arming one’s self is the last line of defense.  Again as Rachel mentioned could one conceive that an American militia movement would instigate a strike against the federal government?  The answer is it would be the easy and appropriate counter strike to unstoppable corruption.  First the United States’ military has been over deployed for years. The number of troops available for a domestic altercation upon our native soil is small.  Secondly and more importantly as proven by a tenacious Viet Nam war, it nearly is impossible to defeat an indigenous population on their own land.  It is because Americans all ready live in her trenches.  No one else more is accurately aligned to defend America than her citizens.  If you believe our mighty fighting military force, without the proper leadership, is going to successfully secure America’s borders, then show us an example.  When in history has America had to defend itself against such an attack?  The attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor occurred in the South Pacific.  While it does seem improbable that advancing extremist forces will come from Canada or Mexico, no one really knows.  To be safe it is more consoling to have a closet full of guns.  That way whoever seeks to abolish our Constitutionally assured personal freedoms (including the government) will have to contend with their defense.  It is not extreme that these freedoms for which to be fought would be defended hand to hand on America soul.  Our forefathers knew this, and only an immature, naïve, and misguided consort of Americans could believe otherwise.