Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Political Usage of Prostitution

         A recent news story that has broken concerning potential illicit behavior by some members of the Secret Service accompanying President Obama to the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Columbia is a prime example of the corrupt nature of modern day news reporting.  Historically the employment of prostitutes by politicians often has meant the destruction of careers, marriages, and lives.  It seems we the people or rather our news agencies find this aged practice questionable.  The ever-reaching far right contingency in America utilizes often hypocritical, unchristian, and unconstitutional dogma do promote their own acquisition of wealth.  If a few
politicians, televangelists, or Secret Service members fall in the process so be it.  For decades the media has built celebrities and then brought them down for entertainment purposes.  It is unethical.  While under the ever watchful eye of the paparazzi, it is inevitable oppressed actors, musicians, and the youthful rich will make mistakes in public.  Simply it is because they have very little privacy in which to grow by making mistakes.  They are made in the public forum, and that is the very concept of many television news programs.  The humor in this emerging story is that
what is being reported is misunderstood.  The far right’s use of a staunch, oppressive, Fire and Brimstone type of attitude may create entertaining news, but it also can destroy lives.  Prostitution is one of the world’s oldest professions.  In many countries all over the world it is accepted and even legal.  It is not in America.  Instead our hypocritical capitalist socio-economic system deprives Americans of what they deserve and sells it to them.  Why not sell sex?  Once we used to receive clean, pure, tasty drinking water for free.  We had cleaner air to breath.  We had less noise.  Slowly republicans have been taking away our land, our rights, and our happiness in return for their own monetary gain.  Seen in its proper perspective, prostitution is a humane anodyne.  For those who cannot afford to purchase a trophy wife and cannot navigate America’s decrepit social network, there is an alternative.  The far right do not recognize it because that revenue will not be in their pocket.  Once long ago the economy in America was driven by small business.  Money flowed between Americans in a successful economic system that was not reliant upon large drug cartels, a corrupt medical profession, and interceding insurance companies.  Also the reliance upon the automobile was not the core of the American economy.  Once the arts were a major generator of revenue as the entertainment industry flourished.  Sean Parker and Steve Jobs ended that with the invention and use of the Napster software.  Today we are expected to subsidize the rich.  That is what we do.  We do not create.  We do not intermingle.  We do not actualize our own personal happiness.  We pay the debt for living in our own country.  America is not the same.  With this great system of Capitalism, one still cannot go to the mall and buy a girlfriend or a wife.  Instead we are sold remedies to treat symptoms of our unhappiness.  We can go to a strip club and waste our money on sexual frustration.  We can download pornography and self gratify.  We cannot go to the source of our loneliness, our physical needs, or our emotional longing and have them satisfied even temporarily.  Then we would not buy.  Music no longer satisfies these same needs as it once attempted.  Now it has been manipulated to make us buy.  The buying of sex is not immoral.  We do it in our marriages.  It is branded immoral by a contingency that is stuffy, controlling, and rich.  The seeking of physical intimacy is natural.  It is a component of human nature.  It is human.  If one chooses not to be manipulated by evil People attempting to acquire your home, your vehicle, and your inheritance then what are the alternatives?  Is it to become gay?  Is it to become mentally ill?  The misuse of prostitution is common in America, because it is misunderstood.  It like the vices of drug abuse and alcoholism is abused by unhealthy Americans.  It can be utilized in a positive way.  Certainly a public argument with a prostitute demanding the intervention of local police is not a positive example of prostitution, especially when it was instigated by an member of America’s Secret Service while accompanying President Obama to Columbia.  The irony of this story is, Cartagena is a common and well known host of the profession of prostitution.  Is is logical that American men would attempt to utilize this amenity if they found themselves in close proximity to this temptation.  It is unfortunate these men were not savvy and experienced enough to navigate the cloaked practice of the selling of sex.  They @#$%ed up, but not because it involved prostitution.  It is because these men dropped the diplomatic ball.  They like other fallen angels failed to use their reason to control and then satisfy their personal needs.  They got carried away.  They let fame and notoriety influence their common sense and lost sight of reality.  In perspective a member of the Secret Service is a security guard.  That is all.  For what they provide security is a point of contention.  If these men were off duty and not responsible for the President’s safety, then what they choose to do in the privacy of their own time is their business.  Navigating a Columbian brothel probably is not the strong point of a bullheaded, self-righteous, Blackwater type agent.  It could be the skill of a cruise ship musician.