Monday, August 28, 2023

The Estate Sale

 With my disdain for the "Estate Sale," I have discovered its purpose.  After frequenting a handful of these events often predicated by a grievous family event, I vowed I would not allow complete strangers to rummage through our family heirlooms.  To me it is blasphemy.  Not only is it degrading to sell your childhood toys to illegal immigrants, it is emotionally disruptive to your soul.  Sadly the alternative equally is as disquieting.  Having to sift through your family's history alone with no emotional support could be unbearable.  (or perhaps it could yield you nerves of steel)  In either case one must be prepared for the severity of the process, and it is this severity which spawned the "Estate Sale."  Others come into your home, and with distance and disconnection try their best to provide meaning and potential longevity to your past belongings.  What would be an arduous event is tamed into a local garage sale.  Perhaps the Estate Sale in actuality is a sacrament worthy of more appreciation.  I chose to circumvent this event, and with this choice the tragedy of its nature has beset itself upon me in full force.  I have summoned upon myself bereavement that is unavoidable, the passing of a parent.  In my case it is yet to happen, and for that I am grateful.  I have grieved the passing of one parent, and it didn't seem fair to me to spend my present future in limbo and with no control of my own life.  I instigated this process myself, solo, and unknowingly in a vacuum not unlike the dark abyss one wakes up to in the throes of depression.  You are staring into the void of loss, because all of the experiences and memories that will resonate in this process are gone.  It must be life's biggest black hole.  The salvation of this process is the same as any loss.  To escape the deep and burning emotion, one must be flexible and change.  You must adapt to a new existence of which you may know little.  One thing is for sure.  As much as we would like to maintain familiarity with our lives and continue on a similar path, it may not be possible.  Such is my situation.  Ironically we are our memories, and without them we would have no soul.  They key is to learn how to balance them, their boons and pitfalls, and forge ahead strongly with a will to survive.  If we pooled the human race I would gamble strongly on choosing to abandon most of our memories in favor of seeking more favorable rewards.  No one but Whitney Houston could revel in their lives to the point of complete satisfaction.  Most pop stars are very candid in thanking the Creator for their vast success.  What happened to Whitney?  She died a drug addict, strung out, crazy, and poor.  Perhaps improvisation is one solution for this pitted trail.  Luckily as a jazz musician, and without much thought about it, improvisation has been a part of my life.  It doesn't make my decisions.  It helps me solve them.  Wynton Marsalis has said it often, that an enslaved African who doesn't speak the language and is at every turn at a disadvantage, must entertain the process of improvisation.  The Estate Sale as a sacrament provides a more civil service.  It swoops in like the judicial system and without bias, malice, or opinion finds solstice in the midst of emotional turmoil.  It disregards history, habit, and love and seeks to render a verdict that is fair and courteous.  "Would you like to become the keeper of these old things?  Their past voluntarily is being sacrificed for the greater good, and you can ascribe to them anything you may."  In most cases this would be positive energy, not loss.  Perhaps I made the wrong decision in deciding to make this journey myself.  As all adults must do, we scope out the potential consequences, make decisions, and proceed.  Often we must remind ourselves why we chose what we did, and that is was the best choice for these reasons.  Often those around us will challenge our decisions and consequently challenge us.  Disassembling one's life for this purpose is a great challenge, because only it is we who know the goal.  Others cannot understand our journey, because they have their own.  I have come to understand and appreciate the Estate Sale, because now I am experiencing the alternative.  

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Wisdom of Mother Nature

Activity at Fort Liberty is conspicuously absent, but it's not.  Back in the day being a part of the armed forces was more straight forward.  This was before Donald Trump put the mojo spin on all of America.  Almost he got away with it.  Luckily Merrick Garland has done an outstanding job as the lead attorney for America.  It took several years to get their ducks in a row, but savvy prosecutors tenaciously held their ground and have been successful merely bringing the truth to light.  The trouble is many people in America will not believe the truth, even as it unfolded before their eyes in real time at the United States Capital.  Anyone who still supports Trump condones violence against our own citizens and should be considered traitors.  This is against what we are up.  When things were clear and we had solidarity in America, we defended the people and the truth.  Being a soldier was not a mind fuck.  Because of Trump's misinformation and blatant lies, we are paranoid.  Because of technology, mostly wireless microwave telecommunications, "intelligence" has become the focus of the United States military.  The shit is so high tech, if the computer breaks we will be back at boots on the ground in hand to hand combat.  Remote controlled attack drones, freight trains, and the rest will crumble to pieces when the network is wiped out.  It is a James Bond scenario.  Take out the network, and we all are at ground zero.  Square one.  We will be better off.  Even as much as I enjoy the personal computer and its capabilities, never have I enjoyed a smart phone.  The display is too small, they are too expensive with binding contracts, and they make you a slave to them.  Using "apps" and a wireless cell system to order food, control your security system, or entertain yourself is just popular culture.  It had made us less human, less intelligent, more lonely and solitary, and blatantly devoid of an understanding of human interaction.  This is partly Donald Trump's influence, and it was seen at the GOP debate a few days ago.  I don't think they even tried to discuss issues these candidates, because they have adopted the tabloid style of Jerry Springer.  Maybe they should have thrown some chairs, because this is the level of maturity to which they are trying to appeal.  Shouting at each other.  Mike Pence has the personality of the fly that landed on his head in the last debate.  With no qualifications whatsoever, a governor is a better choice.  At least they have some experience in government.  Being mind fucked on a daily basis is making me tired and irritable.  If I go to a fast food drive through, I should understand that smart phone app orders take precedence.  Live customers come second.  The entire process of purchasing commercial food quickly (once a boon to America, i.e McDonalds was wildly welcome across the pond)  now is a neurotic mess.  The joy of simple human processes is gone.  If you wanted to watch erotica, you had to drive to the video store and go in the back room.  It wasn't free and available at the touch of a screen.  Smart phones have almost ruined the human race, because now every military member is involved in intelligence, counter-intelligence, insurgency, spying, covert ops or any other inane, ridiculous, self indulgent narcissism.  Will anyone pick up a rifle and man a post?  Live in a trench and fire a mortar without relying upon a vast, expensive, and sensitive wireless network?  You can't fire your round without the coordinates of the freaking phased array radar spinning endless circles with a gyrotron power supply on a truck.  It is just another Cold War of technology, a far cry from the last chapter in warfare.  If anyone cares to remember it was ISIS using equipment we left in the Middle East turned upon us.  We are no better off, because we could power a small state with the airborne electrical energy produced by these ridiculous protocols.  L3/Harris and Sierra Nevada exploit this technology and sell it to the Pentagon like gold.  It has made us worse as human beings.  It is no wonder our schools and educational process are ailing, because technology has nothing to do with the learning process.  There are no shortcuts to learn to read and write.  It all happens in the mind and the soul, and wireless technology makes that more difficult.  The electrical signals in your brain and of  your emotions are and should be more important than wireless pizza-delivering drones.  We are not going to morph into cyber beings with chips implanted in our brains, nor are we going to populate the moon or Mars.  The Earth is our home, and yet we almost have destroyed it with this wireless fodder.  It is time to watch "Oblivion" (the film), because what they are predicting seems to be coming true.  Human beings are and will be the last vestige of intelligent life on Earth.  The way it looks now, Mother Nature has a leg up.  

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Star Wars - A Cold War in the Sky

 Base Realignment and Closure, while attempting to feign integrity and conservation, now has become a metaphor for the GOP.  Perhaps closing smaller military installations and combining others appeared to be helpful for budgetary reasons, but the monopoly which resulted was a shopping list for the GOP.  Star Wars in the ill begotten Reagan administration was on the list.  Warfare in space.  It is raging today, and we just don't know about it.  Private space companies flying sorties of unknown origins now almost continuously.  Littering our sky with boatloads of flying junk mostly to surveil the American people.  Because of 9/11 we rationalized this scrutiny with searching for terrorists.  Terrorists!  The American people are so in debt, needy, and desperate, no one has time to think about assassinating a politician.  In past decades it was commonplace.  Now the Cold War is covert, and we don't know who the enemy is.  Spying on Americans is absurd, wasteful, and conceited.  It gives Ross McNutt his purpose and the rest of the defense industry.  They pitch these high tech baubles to the Pentagon, and pick the pockets of the American people.  They are suppose to protect us from communism, and yet we are on the brink of another civil war.  The GOP wants to ascribe leadership to a Mob boss.  Vladimir Putin killed Yevgeniy Prigozhin, a thug and convicted criminal who was working for the Kremlin.  That's how they do it in Russia, a communist nation.  He threatened Putin with his Wagnerian army, and like all good communist dictators he took him out.  In America our skirmishes are using the media, Big Brother.  The members of the GOP are so weak and spineless, they hire MAGA extremists to intimidate covertly.  They use death threats for the courts.  They use red tape for political diversion.  They scheme and they scam, and so far it has worked.  America is ready to move on.  I'm not sure we even remember what pleasantry is.  Not having to scrimp day to day for your survival.  I am in war mode, and I can't get out of it.  As long as Donald Trump remains in the limelight, America will grovel at his level. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Streets of Desperation

It didn't take long to make a decision about Florida governor Ron DeSantis.  In the onslaught of Global Warming, its wildly chaotic fires, flood deluges, and excessive deadly heat, nothing will get done to save the planet without regulatory legislation and agencies.  That is Congress which has morphed into a band of thieves with Kevin McCarthy at the helm.  This group of radical narcissists who worship their own arses couldn't be trusted to foster a puppy.  Evidently Ron DeSantis is one of them, because wanting fifty percent less regulation from Washington is a plan for death.  Lahaina, on the island of Maui in the Hawaii, burned to the ground in a demonic inferno forcing residents to flee into the sea.  If that is not prophetic, what is?  Regulation all ready has been loosened causing much of this catastrophe.  Every institution both private and governmental has proven itself to be void of moral scruples and conscience.  Truly God was exorcised from the United States of America, and Satan has set up shop.  Who knows the difference?  Fifty percent less presence from regulatory agencies when they are our only salvation?  Ron is one of them.  I thought only women were irrational, and this is when they are angry and upset!  They will say anything to hurt you or win an argument.  To win you must concede, and let them think they are right.  This becomes dementia when you age.  Learning to take a full blast of illogic, lies, and vitriol and not consider it takes practice.  There are times when you no longer can trust or consider someone, and this is one time.  Most Americans have figured it out, because when you are given a choice about worshipping The Donald or providing for your family, then most of us are not independently wealthy.  Reality takes precedence when you are not in the Mob.  Any American who continues to support Donald Trump only can be considered a fool, and we no longer can trust or consider them.  I was going to give Ron a chance, like I gave Donald Trump a chance.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  There may not be one trustworthy candidate left.  Biden is our only hope, and he is alarmingly old.  Jill will lead him the right way, unlike Nancy Reagan who only wanted her big handsome actor husband.  Church must be the answer where you find honest, friendly, Christian souls.  The streets on the other hand have become a travesty.  

Monday, August 21, 2023

The Geneva Convention of Warfare

I never had heard Ron DeSantis orate, so I went to Youtube to listen to a recent interview.  If you were a voter and went to the polls, upon what do you base your decision?  Is it having seen a name on signs often enough?  The most diligent campaign wins?  Is it that the name on the ballot seems familiar to you?  I would assert most Americans frequenting a voting precinct have no clue about whom they are going to vote.  Considering these factors it comes down to Red versus Blue, and in more traditional terms Republican versus Democrat.  The definitions of our traditional political parties have become skewed.  Once it was conservative versus liberal, and that is an economic description.  Conservatives, or the Republican Party, like to save money.  They don't favor large social programs that benefit immigrants, the poor, or the elderly.  They like legislation and policy that favors themselves.  That is Reaganomics.  Reaganomics reduced the federal tax rate on the wealthy from 70% to 28%, but its "trickle down" effect failed to flow.  The rich kept their profit and and did not create new jobs for the middle class.  This disparity between the rich and poor grew, and poverty increased.  The corporate tax was reduced from 48% to 34% (not unlike Trump's tax cut which cut it further to 25%), and many industries were deregulated including bus service, long distance telephone, cable TV, and ocean shipping.  Reaganomics waived price control over domestic gas and oil thinking the market would regulate prices fairly.  Strategic defense spending including nuclear power were made priorities.  In a nutshell the goals of the GOP have not changed, and it has proven disastrous.  The Earth is warming at an alarming rate, violence has escalated because of financial inequality, and corporate America continues to pollute the lives of everyday working Americans.  Deregulation, defense spending, and prioritizing private interests have eroded democracy to the breaking point.  What does this really mean?  It means these large interests, corporations which control manufacturing and supply, and the defense industry, which feigns protecting Americans when now it is harming us, have become oligarchical.  Deregulation and lack of oversight has made them so rich and powerful, average Americans are being oppressed.  It's called Communism.  Once these institutions worked for Americans.  Now they are working against us.  Camp Lejeune.  For the sake of national defense and the Marine Corp, safety protocols were overlooked at the base.  Television ads say the ground water was contaminated, but this occurred because strong solvents used to clean heavy equipment was not disposed of properly.  They had a specific railroad siding where they hosed down locomotives and let the byproducts run into the ground.  Years later people became ill, and some have died from the ensuing cancer.  It is not unlike DuPont's release of Gen X or PFAS into Americas watershed.  Oligarchical families and their corporations are not capable of regulating themselves in the free market system.  The most recent chapter of this scenario is the opioid crisis, where the Sackler family through their company, Perdue Pharma, incentivized the over-prescribing of its drug, Oxycontin.  Hundreds of thousands of American have died from the resulting overdoses.  What can you say when large wealthy families in America kill other Americans for their own gain?  Perhaps it is worse than slavery, because at least the slaves were kept alive.  Robber Barons?  Am I "woke?"  "Am I Blue?"  Yes.  Three major factions of American infrastructure seemingly have become weaponized and are being used to oppress the vote, and it's not Blue.  Rail is the major culprit, and these corporate monopolies (including Warren Buffet's BNSF)) began oppressing the American population with the advent of AC Traction in the early 1990's.  Ask Kurt Cobain about the fire in his belly, and while it was caused by Ritalin, the initial symptoms Ritalin was trying to treat for Attention Deficit Disorder are caused by AC Traction.  The Union Pacific was the first railroad to purchase these heavy haul locomotives to bring timber down out of the Rocky Mountains.  Not until this time was low frequency alternating current radiatied into the atmosphere at the behest of slow moving diesel/electric locomotives manufactured by General Electric and General Motors.  GM's Electromotive division was sold off, and Wabtech has taken the reins.  Their "Locotrol" has created three mile long, remote-controlled, freight trains with no operators on the subsequent locomotives in the middle and at the rear of the train.  The windows have been blacked out, so you can't see there is no one inside the conductor's cab.  With the recent Norfolk/Southern train debacle in East Palestine, Ohio, and the implementation of a "controlled explosion" releasing toxic chemicals, deregulation and the elimination of personnel and jobs isn't prudent.  An ambulant three mile mile long toxic chemical dump deserves more scrutiny from regulatory agencies, local law enforcement, and the American people.  It is in our backyards they travel.  With America's rail infrastructure embedded in our communities both suburban and rural on the earth, add to this overuse of our skies by commercial and military aeronautics and you have a formula for disaster.  It is called Global Warming.  The change to GPS in 2011 by the Federal Aviation Administration was a diversion allowing commercial and private carriers to fly wherever they want with little to no scrutiny.  It is "American Made" in a nutshell, and it continues.  Fentanyl does not magically appear in a drug traffickers warehouse, and the easiest way to transport it is in one of those "blocked" Piper PA-28 aircraft manufactured in Archer, Texas crisscrossing the country.  These could be regular training missions by the Civilian Air Patrol or the United States Airforce, but when a C130J Hercules takes off from Pope Field, flies to Wilmington at 2500 feet, drops to 1500 feet, and turns around and comes back, it makes you wonder what they are doing?  All of this was over swamp land.  What was that footlocker that got kicked out of the door on the outskirts of Wilmington?  The defense industry has become too powerful in America and with little transparency.  Living so close to Fort Liberty, the largest military installation in America, it is not difficult to experience the negative effects of attack aircraft without actual firing.  The electronic targeting and surveillance systems on these aircraft are dangerous in themselves.  One does not have to see an Apache helicopter with one's eyes.  Other human senses can discern these tank buster marvels easily, the most prevalent being a strong and consistent infrasound wave often that just "stands."  If still we were concerned about Attention Deficit Disorder (which we should be), the proliferation of aberrant EMF energy should be alarming.  If something were to hinder our thinking and disturb our emotions, it would be the duality of a hot, magnetic, vibrating and electrical wave pulsing through environment.  They cause cancer, and America knows this, but we make more money treating cancer than curing it.  Low flying aircraft, with their spewing carbon emissions, consuming our air and replacing it with noxious gases, are second only to heart disease for mortality in humans.  We have lost sight of this.  We don't  need to drop a bomb or fire a round to cause harm, and thus this electro-magnetic radiation has been adopted as a non-lethal weapon.  The mere presence of threatening aircraft is all that is necessary, but it is not just the appearance.  The Active Denial System.  The Geneva Convention is turning over in her grave. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Schools or Fools?

School begins shortly.  After two years of Covid lock down and its ensuing neurosis, what is the mood about school starting a new academic year?  Colleges and universities are more flexible, because the formative twelve years of education are over.  Not everyone goes to college, but there is much more freedom in this system.  The stringent seven hour day is gone.  The remnants of a troubled public education system are here.  To mask or not to mask?  Teaching via the laptop.  Shelter at home.  Appropriate pronouns.  I am a certified teacher, and it is too much.  Arm teachers?  It really is absurd, and other than the social activities and sports, is education happening?  We no longer can decide on the curriculum.  Woke?  Critical Race Theory?  Evolution or Creationism.  Is there a God, and should he be included?  It is a mess.  The infiltration of education by the personal computer and the internet has caused irrepairable harm to our system of teaching.  It is about content, not method.  I would not suggest that the traditional curriculum of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, biology, and chemistry will prepare you for an available job in the tech sector.  These courses do make you think.  They teach you to use your mind to solve problems.  Using your mind, not a computer is key.  I will be the first to admit that I use the laptop computer to teach myself, and Youtube has become an indispensable resource for American popular music.  It is ironic.  Violent gaming, propaganda, fake news, slander, bullying and the like are at the forefront.  (not to mention readily available hard core pornography!)  These are the ramifications of an infiltrated internet which sorely have marred American society.  The internet ain't what it used to be.  When did this occur?  Before Covid we loved eBay and Amazon.  Because of Covid internet sales became oligarchical.  Because of Donald Trump America has become a third world country.  The little guy is of no consequence, and those little guys are legal and illegal aliens.  We don't know what America is, because there is no main stream.  We can't agree on anything, much less a president.  Our system of education is supposed to provide this cohesion.  If the curriculum agreed upon, then everyone is connected.  Sheltering at home was a tool for separating the nation.  Every aspect of Covid was a blow to American freedom and democracy.  Is it possible to return to normal, or is America changing?  Globalization for the first attack on America, and Covid was the encore.  There is not much left.  The once important American music industry and its cousin Hollywood have been kicked into the dirt.  Now oligarchs receive the royalties and the profits, and there is a necessary strike.  Also there is a lawsuit against SiriusXM for unpaid  royalties.  The little guy was booted out of the equation.  Oligarchs rule the world and now America.  Love is defined as wanting the other person to be happy.  You care about the system and its people.  For the Capitalist free market system to work, companies must care for their workers.  Caring for you workers is keeping them healthy.  America no longer is healthy, and everything is working against us.  The food system is corrupt.  Health care via Big Pharma is corrupt.  It is as if they are trying to kill us.  Deduction?  The Capitalist Free Market system is dead.  DEAD.  It is not necessary.  They have all of the money, and we are left on our own.  Will the American people speak up?  Will we stand up as the last line of defense, a well-armed militia, and fight for our freedom against tyranny?  Will Donald Trump, a traitor, go to prison?  

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Oblivion for America?

I feel a compulsion to blog, although it may not be pleasant.  It is as simple as expressing "now," as Abstract Expressionist painter Jackson Pollack contends.  We, as human beings, feel an intense need to express ourselves.  Our emotions are a synthesizer and interpreter and actualize feelings physically to help our mind make decisions.  It is called instincts.  God created emotion for this reason, and while feelings can be burdensome, taxing, stressful, and cruel our soul feeds on this stew.  It is necessary to be human.  AI is not human.  Humanity has arrived at a juncture.  Like the culture of our previous generations, things become passe.  They can become emotionally laden with lust for feelings  no longer possible.  Loss.  Loss is a big pill to swallow.  Usually it demands discarding the past and changing into the future.  The crooners of World War ll did not soothe the sock hoppers of the 50's and 60's, because socio-economic and geopolitical attitudes changed.  If one studies the history of American popular music, their style periods reflect these necessary changes.  Viet Nam.  Civil Rights.  J.F.K.  Martin Luther King.  These watershed events fueled sentiments and reactions, and the art and pop culture of the time necessarily reflected them.  This is wise, because if humanity does not possess this litmus test of truth, it becomes today.)  We have one person to thank for that, attempting to ruin the world's most powerful democracy and trying to steal power for himself.  It is biblical in proportions, and Donald Trump's actions easily are a metaphor for evil.  Satan only manifests himself through human form, and this man gets my vote.  The Hollywood film "Recount" about the 2000 Presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush is a startling mirror image of the insurrection on January 6th, 2020.  If you watch this movie, you will see frightening similarities between what transpired in the state of Florida because of their Secretary of State and through America's judicial system.  Donald Trump was familiar with election tampering and the monumental legal battle which ensued.  Shockingly there were "mobs" hired (MAGA today) which opposed and rioted the electoral process.  "In the year 2000" (in the eerie falsetto of La Bamba, Conan O'Brien's guitarist) the model for the Insurrection of 2020 was cast.  President Trump painstakingly planned and implemented the exact same scenario.  Almost he succeeded.  The juncture at which we arrive as a nation is, "Will we look back or will we look forward?"  Will we accept the negative foreign influences that covertly have addicted our population to superficial immediate gratification and tribal pride, or will we choose to live in solidarity?  The refuse of Corporate America and its weaponization fueled this coup.  It is Communist oppression, and it undermines the our Constitution.  Clever it is to dumb down your constituency, so they cannot fathom the depths of corruption and manipulation from Corporate America.  Reaganomics, like Jim Crow Jr., has run asunder, and the people no longer are of consequence.  We are expendable.  Controlling the vote is the goal, and it is to hold the purse strings.  ISR is a complicated and evil ballet.  It would not be possible without Bill Clinton's sale of the airwaves.  Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance is possible because of advanced wireless communications.  Elon Musk's low-flying earth orbit satellites, phased array radar, drones, and infrared sensors developed as a result.  The attack on the twin towers in Manhattan was the perfect catalyst for such a mindset for the President.   It provided him an excuse for surveilling the American people.  The virus of the NSA has mutated into the sky.  If Muslim terrorists infiltrated a commercial airlines and flew planes into skyscrapers in NYC, easily they could consume our skies with illegal and harmful wireless scrutiny.   The Havana Syndrome is the perfect example.  Government officials world wide are falling ill, and we don't know if it is purposeful or not.  The Frey Effect is at play.  It could be normal surveillance, but these frequencies of communication, especially millimeter waves, also cause harm.  The FCC and FAA know this, but Donald Trump's quest for an autocratic dictatorship has spun everything pitting our agencies against us.  This method of surveillance never should have been made legal and  would not be happening.  America could win on two counts.  Big Brother, Uncle Sam, GOOGLE, Apple, and Amazon could not listen  and watch, and we could remain healthy, sane, and viable as individual rebellious Americans.  This oppression would wane and humanity could return.  The human form cannot inhabit a microchip.  The traditional humanities are the only choice for the salvation of the human race, otherwise we all are Jack Harper.  

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Amoeba and Their Relatives

The digital world has become an invasion of our peace, privacy, and solitude.  The closer to a digital existence we move, the more we sacrifice of our personal souls.  The Borg is near and this is what it wants.  It wants to consume us for its own selfish appetites.  Perhaps at first before Donald Trump, the conversion to digital in media (radio, television, and online sales) was chaste.  The internet began as a connected data base for scholarly institutions mostly concerning the development of nuclear energy.  (The bomb)  This is not dissimilar from America's traditional history.  We are a brutal nation, but "woke" politics is not the most appropriate way to feel vindication.  Awarding families money for the enslaved ancestors isn't logical.  You are paying them off to shut up, but America is good at this.  That is what we do, because our citizenship has become so ignorant and violent we can't solve our own problems.  The United States military or Department of Defense is paramount and takes precedence over the health of the common people.  They have lost sight of whom they serve and what their purpose is.  Because our citizenry has become so diverse and therefore neglected, factions have emerged.  A mainstream population of "Main Street" no longer exists, and solidarity is fleeting.  We have little to hold us together.  Once it was Christianity, and it came in many flavors.  America decided to abolish God from our consciousness, and now we have the GOP, an evil faction who unknowingly seeks the destruction of the human race and the planet earth.  It is a heinous vacuum sucking life from our souls.  The solution is to stop transmission.  If we stopped the electronic Borg in its digital footsteps by cutting its cord, then the human method could revive.  Right now my internet computer experience is being molested on a daily basis.  The Borg is on the prowl, and bots and spam and malware are rampant.  Luckily Mac OS is more secure than Mr. Gates' step child.  The problem is how can the American people escape the scrutiny of digital surveillance?  We are being monitored 24/7.  While we all understand that Alexa listens to our conversations and watches when she can, it is more difficult to escape the digital surveillance of Elon Musk's Star Link Satellite system.  Who ever would approve 30,000 low orbiting satellites?  The answer is obvious, and he is on trial for numerous crimes.  To suggest that providing internet is the purpose of this business endeavor is naive.  Those satellites are surveilling us.  With the DOD's new fondness for private contracting, Mr. Musk's network is far more appealing than managing their own digital satellite surveillance.  Sure there are hundreds of government satellites, but the private sector is what has made our privacy vulnerable.  It is rife with corruption, malfeasance, and greed.  Before Bill Clinton played God and decided microwaves would balance the national budget, we were more secure.  Now microwave communication networks are rampant, and everybody has to have one.  5G.  Blah blah blah.  No one cares that they are harmful to human physiology.  They polluted the ground water at Camp Lejeune and hundreds suffered.  Some died.  Because there was no mitigation for this grievous oversight, a pool of money was reserved to pay off victims.  That's what we do with Capitalism.  We pay off the noise makers and ignore common sense.  The Borg has become so disassociated from human existence, children no longer know their own sex.  In a few decades we will be androgynous blobs of matter like the MRSA bacteria that all ready is killing us.  

Cannibal Hannibal

 The most low ball strategy of winning simply is to assault your opponent while they are trying to compete.  If you are not in hand to hand combat, this entails tilting the playing field.  This analogy is one of the most common denoting the strategy of harassing your opponent rather than competing honestly.  It defies the principles of good sportsmanship.  It is a tactic of survival and war.  This is the strategy of America's Grand Old Party.  (It ain't grand)  Once republicans were excellent litigators, and they won by navigating the legal system and America's laws.  George W. Bush winning Florida is the perfect example of this strategy.  Eventually Al Gore tired of the fight and conceded.  In actuality it was circumstantial evidence that put Bush in the White House.  The election was resolved through America's judiciary system.  Judges ultimately have the final say with SCOTUS being the last resolve.  Side stepping the American public and instead manipulating the legal system through judicial scholarship is what our GOP has chosen, because they are bigots.  Probably they are White Supremacists.  These people have infiltrated our governments and have tilted the playing field of our lives.  The opening line of my last blog post was, "When did the private defense sector begin commanding our military?  Why is Louis Dejoy the Postmaster General?  Why was Scott Pruitt appointed head of the EPA?  Why has the FCC allowed unfettered promulgation of dangerous, microwave, wireless communications?  Why as the FRA ignored the dangers of AC traction and remote control of diesel/electric locomotives?  Scott Pruitt had a history of suing the EPA to thwart its regulation at the state level, and he was appointed the fourteenth administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency by Donald Trump.  While the GOP enjoys tilting the playing field, with an active stooge president the damage they can do America is great.  That entails appointing additional stooges as heads of agencies with no knowledge of the job or more importantly intention of carrying out its requirements.  Instead they try to dismantle the agencies from the outside in.  After four years of a Trump presidency, this is where we are.  The FCC is run by the private sector.  The FAA is run by the private sector.  These regulatory governmental agencies whose job is to provide a safe living environment for Americans were bought by private interests, mainly airlines and cellular phone companies.  Rail is a large part of it.  The single most important issue today is pollution.  It is in our skies, it is in our air, and it wreaks havoc on our environment.  Mostly invisible carbon and electromagnetic energy are rife in our once supporting biodome.  Infrasound effects every aspect of our day to day lives.  Ultrasound harasses us and gives us the runs.  The acronym F-I-N-E was created by Hollywood actors to describe their unrest at the behest of AC traction.  "How do you feel?  Freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional."  That is the result when you entire nervous system is assaulted on a daily basis by invisible gremlins.   The GOP's greatest defense of their wrong doing is, "It doesn't exist."  Because you can't see it means it doesn't exist, and only science would dispel that.  Science isn't real either.  Infiltrating our regulatory agencies and governance gives the GOP a meal ticket or voucher to rape and pillage America.  This certainly they have done.  If you really thought jobs were coming back to America, so don't sell you home in Ohio, then get in line to be forsaken by the king quack of the Russian mafia.  Donald Trump would steal your lunch money and snack on your raw flesh for dessert. 

Monday, August 07, 2023

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

 When did the private defense industry begin commanding the United States military?  This is a byproduct of Reaganomics which was summarized nicely in the Washington Post.  I lived through it.  When you are in the midst of it (like now), often you cannot not see the forest for the trees.  Trump supporters still do not see the forest.  Donald Trump is a felon and a convicted sexual harasser, and more importantly he is a traitor, a Communist, and an attempted autocratic dictator of America.  With cunning brilliance from the "Art of the Deal," Donald Trump coerced fringe, extreme, far-right republican separatists into storming the Capital to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden.  He, with deft eloquence, staged a full-fledged coup on January 6th, 2020 under the haze and disguise of Covid 19.  The outbreak of Covid 19 was no accident, and Trump was part of it.  It continues, but justice is encroaching.  The question is, "Does America feel strongly enough to begin a civil war?"  Will Donald Trump's influence, charisma, and B.S. continue to win the hearts of naive, needy, and ignorant republicans?  This is a stark spotlight on the quality of half of Americans.  If you continue to support Donald Trump, you are sheltered, stubborn, and unwilling to learn.  Also you are not Christian.  You are a barbarian and a zealot.  Christianity demands that America love you, but now we understand the situation.  A time comes when those who desire peace, practice humility, and follow a path of least resistance to quell potential violence must become parents and practice discipline.  It may become a life a death choice.   Ukraine is the perfect example.  After being victimized by Vladimir Putin and terrorized by a Russian military invasion, (a war) Ukraine began to understand they can fight back.  Were they prepared?  Did they have a capable military fighting force?  The answers to these question evolved in response to a potential life threatening scenario.  It can be subtle, like the current but out-going President summoning a lynch mob to the U.S. Capital.  For those who choose to pay attention rather than bury their heads in the sand, the reality of Donald Trump is becoming clear.  Those who continue to support him will become traitors and criminals to America.  Will they choose to start the second American Civil War, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens, and transform America into a Third World nation, or will they become adult Christians and learn to care for one another?  The time for Christ's second coming is now. 

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Emptying the Swamp

 Recently the major supplier of fentanyl in Cumberland Country was arrested.  The issue of fentanyl of itself is tragic.  It has killed so many people, so it is difficult to understand its purpose.  If drug cartels do want to profit, killing their customers is stupid.  This substance, so toxic, should be annihilated.  Whence it comes is yet another long standing mystery haunting America.  There are so many unanswered questions, and if one does open their eyes and pay attention, the only logical deduction is that we are under assault.  None of it is accidental.  The superficial and narcissistic life which has been thrust upon us with the steady decline of public education is the same.  America is under assault, and the shift has been to much more covert, sinister, and ruthless methods.  The term "weaponizing the government" is ridiculous, and cheers that finally we have understood that when these  words are vomited at us from extreme far-right Republicans, they incriminate themselves.  Weaponization is occurring from corporate America, and with their full force lobby they have dissected the regulation out of government agencies meant to keep Americans safe.  Thus the assault on America and Americans is coming from within, but possibly at the behest of foreigners.  Much of this appears legal with corporate records showing reasonable business activity.  This is the strength of the Republican Party, their ability to legislate covertly interpreting and manipulating American law to their evil advantage.  This began with Dick Cheney, and this man still is alive.  Luckily his ally Donald Rumsfeld had descended into hell.  Donald Trump is a later chapter of the same corrupt legislative acumen.  With him still free and continuing to spread misinformation, it was not possible for America to recover.  Today miraculously was the first venting of America's steam pressure valve.  Donald Trump formerly was charged with conspiracy along with his assembled team of sycophants.  This is a major milestone for the potential recovery of American ideals.  For the first time Donald Trump is being branded and held responsible for the attack on the Capital in Washington, DC.  I think it may be the happiest day of my life, because I no longer have to worry about the fall of democracy in my country.  It would be nice to leave the grievous tragedies behind for a while and get back to everyday life, when Americans are empowered, supported, and protected by their own government.  Fully I believe this revelation and its implications suggest much more evil activity from our GOP.  No one can muster the balls to suggest they are ethnic cleansing, but they have an astute understanding of political warfare.  It is all they think about, and what is supposed to be legislative activity to build the nation is callow infighting to control the purse strings of America.  With the most recent kingpin facing trail, the smoke finally has cleared.  The corruption of the GOP from within through so many agencies and its far reaching effects on the heart of America will expose the wrong doing.  It continues, and that Good Old Boy network of flying homosexuals will continue to wreak havoc on us from the sky above us.  All of those blocked aircraft surveilling us, transporting drugs, and waging Trump's attempted coup are going to find that life was better and more productive on the level.  When democracy does work, and it takes more knowledge, psychology, and savvy than the GOP would ever muster, America does function at a high level.  This is what the foreigners loathe, and always it has been their goal to bring us down.  They almost succeeded.