Thursday, December 27, 2018

Foreign, Fascist, Phenoms

I have been babbling away about train noise for going on two decades.  That's twenty years of intense train funk, which actually began in 1990 with the inception of AC Traction.  No one in the general public is much interested in hearing negative feedback about something they feel they have no control.  No control.  You can't argue with stupid, and stupid we are.  Maybe a few of the older generations know the deal, but they are dying out.  For some reason this Christmas with the blooming of my tray of six Christmas cactus, I have had a reckoning.  I guess my cruise ship training at "Greeting and Smiling" has brainwashed me to believe that in the end everything will turn out alright.  At least on the seven seas the general adage is that everyone is supposed to have a nice time.  Whenever a grievance arises, the crew are taught to as quickly as possible to "Own the problem."  Whatever the cost solve the problem for the guest.  In the hospitality industry or leisure world, all problems are solvable.  There never will be anything so great to keep a family from enjoying their vacation, except possible a disable engine or an outbreak of the Norovirus.  For the most part living in this forced happiness oils the gears of profitability.  The cruise companies are prospering, and Americans are taking their leisure time away from the homeland.  Is that because the homeland has become a drag?  My reckoning this Christmas not quoting the words of Donny Hathaway was that America has become like she is for a reason and a purpose.  There is no happenstance involved.  Not only are we fighting a class war again akin to the class war fought during slavery, we have had our American Dream legislated out of our government.  The laws necessary to protect the underdog and to provide opportunity in the Capitalist socioeconomic system are been repealed.  The social and economic programs of proceeding presidents, fair and honest presidents who cared about middle America, have all but been reversed.  America has become a third world country without our even knowing.  The easiest example of the abandonment of the people, the common people, is the support of small business.  When the telephone system became too big for the federal government to manage they chose to break it up into smaller factions.  They were called "Baby Bells."  Our government did the same thing with Microsoft in the more recent generation.  Antitrust legislation was an important part of the checks and balances system of American capitalism.  Corporate monopolies were not healthy for the economy, because they stifled healthy competition of commodities.  Capitalism needs stimulation and competition to keep her products great or even marginal.  When you outsource all of your manufacturing to China, all of the products are the same and mediocre.  CEO's will tell you that they cannot afford to pay wages in the United States, so they took their plants to foreign lands where their economies are so weak workers will slave for pennies on the dollar.  This was not good for America.  We have been sold out in one fell swoop, and now another car company is shuttering doors on domestic facilities amid talk of huge profits in their company.  There has been a concerted effort to eradicate God from American consciousness and stifle the economic opportunities of the common man.  This was happening during the Obama administration, because many of the repeals of legislation took place under George W. Bush.  I am not sure he knew what he was doing, which will be evidenced in the new film "Vice."  He just did what others told him to do, and as in most cases if you do what other people say, you will get burned.  Bush burned most of middle America's opportunities through the repeal of corporate regulation.  Trump did the same thing when his administration repealed "Net Neutrality."  I'm not sure anyone knows what that actually means, but the essence of it has come to fruition in an extremely short period of time.  Internet service providers now control the flow of information on the web, both content and speed.  Hello Red China.  The system in America purposefully has been rigged, and the rigging has escalated during Trump's tenure as president.  Not only did he hand corporate America a twelve percent profit with absolutely no work on their part, he favors the oligarchy which has come to power in America.  The Millennial generation has no clue to understanding our plight, because they were the thugs of the effort.  Pay them off with tech jobs, and keep their minds polluted with childish cartoon commercials and video games.  They could not mount a coup if their lives depended on it.  My squawking about train noise is legitimate, but the issue is not frivolity, fancy, or delusion.  It is a life or death issue that can seal the eventual extinction of the human race.  It is so grave and far reaching that to expose it would mean an exchange of power.  They say America has no work force.  Joe Biden says we do not have enough skilled workers to handle America's chores.  How is that possible?  It is possible because we used the millennial generation to accomplish this task, to eradicate God from the consciousness of America and to limit social and economic opportunity for the middle and lower classes.  The oligarchy, foreign fascist phenoms immigrated to America and quietly purchased our American institutions.  They implemented a hostile takeover of distinct American values with evil.  We are living it. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

America, the Con Artist

It has been a long time since I took American history.  It was in ninth grade at Terry Sanford High School with Mrs. Shaw.  There are a lot of Shaws in Fayetteville.  There are the doctor Shaws and their "farm."  It is a property that borders Fort Bragg.  Then there is Harry Shaw, who was a major proponent of the Cape Fear River Trail.  Hopefully in the near future the city of Fayetteville will finish it.  CSX-T agreed to allow the city to build a hiking bridge underneath its railroad bridge over the river.  It will be a complicated affair, a concrete, steel, or wood affair which will traverse a huge gully directly underneath the railroad bridge.  Either they will drive pilings into the riverbed, or build an elaborate wooden skeleton to support the bike and walking trail.  I am ready.  This link will be the final chapter in French architect's Andres Duany's vision for downtown.  It will link Shaw's Linear Trail to the Cape Fear River Trail which runs all the way to Methodist University.  It will be a great boon to Cumberland County as will be the skateboard park which yet has to be built.  We are hung up in the "Train Horn" politics of stake holders of downtown Fayetteville.  Built it and they will come.  Certainly Jordan Jones has ascribed to this philosopy.  On the political front America is headed for annihilation.  I wasn't sure why pundits were grieving the loss of Secretary Mattis until now.  His replacement is a Boeing crony.  Like all of Gump's appointments they do not in any way represent the well being of the people, the people being common Americans.  If one appoints a major attacker of the EPA to be its head, it is a conflict of interest.  If one appoints a Boeing employee Secretary of Defense, it is a conflict of interest.  If a nation elects Donald Trump president, no matter how rich he is, it is a conflict of interest.  There is no military experience, there is no civic experiences, and there is no leadership experience.  Nepotism does not qualify as efficient leadership.  Looking out for one's own does not a leader make.  Appointing a Boeing representative to be Secretary of Defense.  It is a major conflict of interest.  Choosing Dick Cheney as Vice President....  Well you can decide for yourself when "Vice" opens in theaters.  No Iraq.  No waterboarding.  No ISIS.  The defense budget is the largest drain on America's GNP.  We have been hemorrhaging money through the United States military since 9/11.  9/11 never would have happened had it not been for the Bush Dynasty.  Perhaps H.W. was a great man, and I am sure he was.  America no longer is great, because we have sold out to the elite. 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

America, Bootylicious?

Is there any other country where immigrants demand they have a hyphenated ethnicity?  "Hey, I'm Japanese-German!"  "I'm Romanian-Italian."  "I'm French-Greek."  "Hey, I'm Asian-American!"  I am not a Trump supporter.  I am not an athletic supporter.  Even at their most base level, I am beginning to understand the Trump camp.  They are not intelligent, but their ideology is not evil.  Intelligence demands that a human being does not use their emotional kaleidoscope as a means of operation.  What am I talking about?  I am living with it.  A stream of consciousness.  What I feel, right now, on the spur of the moment.  Right now, Mother Fucker!  Talk like a pimp.  Play like Miles Davis.  Talk like a pimp.  "Yeah, baby.  That's right.  Smooth and easy, YOU FUCKING WHORE CUNT!"  That's dynamic contrast.  Emotional volatility.  There is validity to emotional response in art.  Trying to navigate Trump Land?  Nada.  No emotions please.  No manipulation.  No Newspeak.  No spin.  Please, Mr. Producer.  Is there any other country where immigrants demand they have hyphenated ethnicity?  That now is the metaphor for the Whore of America.  We are being taken advantage of.  I am a native American whose ancestors were murdered in cold blood at Wounded Knee, so therefore I will demand my just revenge.  I will demand acknowledgment and compensation.  I am gay, so I will shout "Gay" at the top of my lungs, until someone decides to pay me to shut the @#$% up.  The Trump Camp does not believe in this.  They believe that America is for Americans.  There are legal immigrants who have entered the United States, applied for citizenship, passed the test, and have waited.  Kudos to them!  They have fulfilled the necessary requirement to become American citizens.  This should not allow them or anyone to pronounce that they deserve special treatment.  Entitlements.  "I'm gay!"  It is a platform.  "Pay me.  Recognize me!  I am special."  All of those Americans who suffered, built, and sustained?  Those American who built this once great country?  The tired, the poor, the Christian people who understand Christmastide for what it is and should be in America.  Here is grievance number one.  America is under siege by evil.  How do I know?  This only became clear to me, as I was shopping today for Christmas presents.  America, in her recent campaign to eradicate God from our sovereignty, is doing everything she can to distract the populace from the meaning of Christmas.  Inasmuch as corporate America wants profit, what is more important is to eradicate the idea of God.  They have enough money.  It is housed in overseas accounts shielded from the IRS.  Evil will have no problem prospering until they are dead.  Their game plan is to eradicate the notion of God, the Redeemer, the Father, the Forgiver, our Father who art in heaven.  The only salvation for humanity.  They are attempting this with the ruthless and unpalatable strategy of politics.  Trump is evil, and Trump is evil because he does not recognize God.  The Christmas season is meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  Christmas is and should be about the birth of Christ.  Christmas.  The American political system is doing everything in its power to dismiss Christmas, the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus.  It is a tough call.  Forfeit the many profits of holiday good cheer in lieu of spewing political vitriol.  Could this Christmas season be any worse?  Shutting down the government.  We might be better off, but now that America is infiltrated with evil in every corner...  If government gives up and fails to combat the evil that is inherent in our current government and corporate America.  We would be doomed.  It has become clear to me.  Washington has defaulted on her loans.  The deficit has reached inconceivable proportions.  Washington has no money, because Washington has given all of the taxpayers dollars to cheap, tawdry, dishonest, unethical, and immoral evil capitalist entities.  This has become America.  If America has no money, we have no power.  We have no influence.  We are not great.  We have become a cheap, tawdry, low rent whore.  America the whore.  Republican leadership has failed to accomplish a single goal, because the republican party only is a political axe for evil.  There is no money for hurricane relief.  There is no money for infrastructure repair.  (I have to pause for a moment to weep at the beauty of Chanticlear.)  I am not familiar with this choral ensemble, but I am lucky to at times listen to God.  When I am at peace enough to be quiet and listen to God, he speaks through me.  Is that a delusion of grandeur?  God speaks through me?  Music is the breath of God, saith Heir Beethoven.  When I listen, God at times speaks through me.  I am listening.  America is bankrupt.  Our current president purports to be a gazillionaire, and yet America is broke.  We do not have petty cash enough to make it through Christmas.  I am not a German-American.  I am not a Scotch-Irish American.  I, unfortunately, am an American, and I am ashamed.  I am ashamed at the deepest level.  My diploma from UNC-Chapel Hill has earned me nothing.  My doctoral work at OSU as earned me nothing.  I am a pauper, like Jesus.  I am poor, but I am a worthy artist, and I do not care much about money.  Society which surrounds me, American society, only is about money.  There is no feeling of Christmas, the birth of Jesus.  There is little feeling about Santa Claus, because we are poor and desolate.  America, evil America, is trying hardest to undermine God.  "Government Shut Down at Christmas."  Who cares?  Let them shut down.  It is excess.  Wasted money.  Washington has failed on every level, managing the money of her citizens.  Handing money in TARP funds to evil elitists who shelve their money in overseas banks.  We do not have a pot in which to piss, and Gump wants five thousand million for a wall.  Could he be more absurd?  Evil has overtaken America.  Facebook is evil.  Repealing Net Neutrality was a grievous mistake.  Now internet service providers are filtering information.  We do not receive the truth.  We now are at the behest of Big Brother.  Big Brother is choosing what we read, who sees our ideas, and what becomes mainstream.  Facebook has become evil, and as difficult as it is, we must cast it out.  It is the pinnacle of Big Brother.  It is the beginning of our end, the censorship of truth, honesty, and God.  Word.  Fuck off Zuckerberg. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Last Stand

I should have written about Gump's border wall.  Our federal government is shuttering themselves to hunker down not to help solve the opioid crisis.  They are not embracing Global Warming and the emission of radiation which causes it.  They are not discussing America's crumbling infrastructure.  They are hunkering down to try to thwart yet another shut down of the federal government.  Maybe we would be better off if they shut down.  Most of the workers in America are funding by the government anyway.  We all ready are a socialist state.  Anytime our president opens his mouth on national television, it is....  It is disruptive.  It is disruptive, because most of what comes out of his potty mouth is not true.  The dirty deeds merely are words that skew reality.  They attempt to spin the truth.  For the first half of the national news lucid, intelligent, honest people spoke.  It was refreshing not to see a conman trying to sell snake oil on national television for a change.  It was real news.  Then they buckled and on came orange with his lies.  Lies that spew from his mouth, the most disruptive thing in politics.  So this border wall. It is ludicrous, say the biggest examples of Trump's lies.  It is not worth debating.  Drugs come into America under the border or over it.  They come in tunnels or in airplanes.  They come in boats.  They do not come across the border on land.  The thought of erecting a wall to try to keep out vagrant Mexicans is absurd.  Only does it appeal to those ignorant enough to follow Trump.  Those people follow orange because he is their idea of a leader.  They cannot reason.  They do not try to understand.  It is America at her worse, her roots, during the Civil War.  Hundreds of thousands fighting for what they want for themselves, not what they agree upon is good for the  populace.  A country must compromise.  A country must sacrifice.  A country must meet in the middle for the good of all.  It is his last plea. 

Maybe We Need to Shoot the Sheriff

What is it about Robeson County, North Carolina?  Is it even possible that somewhere in the civilized United States people get mauled and killed by loose rottweilers?  There have been two attacks in Robeson country in the last week.  My bet is they are related.  How is it possible that dogs, supposedly pets, run wild and are brazen enough to attack and kill human beings?  It is because they are being trained to do so.  They are being fought, in dog fights for money.  They are being used as protection in illegal activity such as the sale of drugs.  How is it possible that America, North America allows such activity?  How is it possible that a rapist who was identified by DNA over two years ago never was incarcerated and raped and murdered a thirteen year old girl?  The North Carolina crime lab notified the appropriate authorities in Robeson county, and yet this repeat felon, this murderer was free.  He murdered a thirteen year old girl and threw her in a pond.  Loose rottweiler dogs killed a woman and seriously harmed two children, both in this same country.  Trump spent over two hundred million tax payer dollars sending American military troops to our border with Mexico in a publicity stunt to rally votes for the republican party, and yet the police force in Robeson County cannot keep their citizens safe from this heinous crime.  Two prostitutes were murdered and stuffed in garbage cans a year ago.  A mother had to sit in a court room and look at the man who raped and killed her thirteen year old daughter.  This is America?  This is our America?  This is less than an hour drive from where I live.  A local prominent car dealer molests boys in his trailer at Nascar races.  They suppress the case.  The Trump family is soliciting hollowed out regions of the country for help.  Hollowed out.  Hollowed out as in Lumberton, North Carolina, one of the poorest per capita regions in the continental United States.  Struck by two major hurricanes in two years, they need something to keep them going.  I guess it has become fentanyl.  Life is so miserable, so impoverished, and so worthless people train rottweilers to attack humans.  This is their diversion, raping adolescents and throwing their dead bodies in ponds?  There is something wrong here.  There is something so wrong that I have to take up my own time writing about it.  I am not composing music.  I am not cleaning the house.  I am writing about insanity so incomprehensible it makes the logic of the Wild West seem normal.  Roaming the desert on a horse searching for your fortune.  Taking so many drugs that you just kill for the sport of it, because it gets you off.  Welcome to Robeson County, North Carolina. 

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Eventual Genocide

I am listening to Gail Pettis, and satan once again is trying to bring down my spirits.  It is stifling, hot, and oppressive like it was when I woke up this morning to diesel trains.  It is electromagnetic energy, energy that is hot from the flowing electricity but also undulating, moving, and invasive from the magnetism.  I am sitting here trying to think of the perfect analogy for electromagnetism, but I can't.  We are exposed to it on a global level each day we wake, each day we sleep, and we will be to the grave.  It is part of the 1.7% increase in carbon emission that broke all records in 2018.  What little we do know about it has been mustered in 1960's vintage horror movies.  Remember that sound?  That throbbing low frequency sound that accompanied alien spacecraft, murderous creatures, or covert governmental military activity.  It is not that complex, but those are efficient analogies.  When you are being irradiated by electromagnetic energy whether it is gamma rays or microwaves, there is no respite.  There is no where to hide.  Suddenly it just came to me.  During the Cold War, the arms race between the United States and Russia, people built underground bomb shelters.  They understood all too well that when a nuclear bomb landed near you, underground was the only place you could go.  Today we are bombarded with the same energy on a daily basis.  It is heating the earth, and there is no solution.  I was lying in bed trying to think of how to solve this problem.  Heat is energy, and so it must be harnessed and repurposed.  In the form of sound its energy is vibration in the air.  Sound waves.  I think the proper methodology in sound abbreviation is to capture the vibration and dissipate it into heat.  If we could do this and use this heat for our own good?  How could I harness that electromagnetic energy that flows into my bedroom on an hourly basis?  Thirty trains a day Captain Justice says.  He posts train videos on YouTube.  Because of the proximity of our house to the CSX-T mainline, it flows into my bedroom like lava.  There is nothing I have been able to do about it except try to think of a way to curtail its impact on my body.  This all is pretty boring, but I am convinced that it will kill us all.  The "War Against the Machines" all ready has begun.  We may have missed Y2K.  We may have missed 2012.  Certainly we have missed George Orwell's "1984."  Then again those weren't specific dates upon which to rely.  Consider them marginal boundaries.  The things thought to happen around those times may themselves take time to evolve into conscious problems like cellular phones.  1.7% rise in carbon emissions for 2018 breaking all records for heat.  Our president denies global warming completely as a hoax.  The Federal Communications Commission always had stated that those specific frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum are dangerous.  If a microwave can make water particles oscillate in an oven, what would happen if you place them on tall towers and erect them all over God's creating?  What would you get?  Global warming?  If you had an intelligent and conscientious president with an effective Congress, all kinds of things could be done to solve the world's problems.  The first day would be "No Fly Day."  For one day no planes would fly.  The second day would be "No Train Day."  All of those diesel locomotives that never get turned off.  For one day they all get turned off.  Of course this is not possible.  America has become such a strung out and unregulated country, it would not be possible to force rail carrier employees to accomplish such as task.  Immediately you would create the second Civil War in America.  It almost has been created by our own president.  Immediately you would pinpoint those Americans who care more about their own sustenance than the well being of the populace.  I am surrounded by them, non-Christians.  They heckle me.  They invade my bedroom an on hourly basis and laugh as they do so.  When we emerged from the Cumberland Country Public Library Sunday afternoon after out big band Christmas concert how were we greeted?  We were greeted the same way as the patrons of the International Folk Festival.  His exact words in Captain Justice's train video were,"They have a rail yard in their downtown."  People were trying to walk to event and enjoy downtown, and they had to wait on CSX freight trains to pass at grade crossings with no protective swing gates.  In downtown Fayetteville pedestrians freely walk on the mainline railroad tracks without a worry in the world.  It is like playing Russian roulette.  Mothers pushing strollers.  Children playing.  It is frightening.  He is a bearded grizzly bear donning a dayglo florescent yellow vest.  He starts and stops his GP-38-3 with the push of a button.  There is no "All Points Inspection."  He kills the prime mover, and then pushes a button to start it.  I heard this as he sat on his afternoon run to DAK Americas.  That locomotive of which he seems to be very proud, started as easily as a Chrysler.  It took all of one second.  Rarely do they do that.  On Sunday it was a consist, more than one engine.  Yesterday it was his GP-38-3 which I am sure has been rebuilt into alternating current.  Where did they find the room for the auxiliary electronics cabinet?  It wasn't there before.  Inverters must be getting smaller.  There is nothing I can do to escape his electromagnetic footprint.  It is in my ass most of the day and night like right now.  In the morning I have to turn on my window AC unit to counteract its effects.  I have to turn on my air conditioner during winter to cool the excess heat that is being radiated into my bedroom my diesel electric locomotives.  Of course there are C-130 aircraft.  There are helicopters.  There are the gunners at the post.  All day fifty caliber machine guns clear as a day.  It was reported in the Fayetteville Observer that their targeting system uses sound waves.  Sound waves?  It is a mobile RADAR that sits on a large truck with its own dedicated generator.  Sound waves?  That would explain a lot.  When I wrote to them and asked if this was a mistake in the article, nada.  Nil.  No answer.  Anyway I am listening to Gail Pettis, and it is enlightening.  She is a black jazz singer who used to be an orthodontist.  Should I say African-American?  I don't think she would care.  Can I sing "Dixie."  Elvis Presley sang "Dixie," and he is dead, long dead.  In America when you die that's it.  I realized that tonight, and it frightened me.  All of the good things for what America is known, they are disappearing.  Walt Disney and his pioneering films.  Elvis Presley and his singing.  Frank Sinatra.  Quality television.  There is nothing with which to replace them.  The scourge Nazi fascists, Italian Mussolini's, German Hitler's, and Russian Stalin's.  Now they are in America waiting patiently for their turn.  Where else would they be?  Certainly they are in Yemen.  In Afghanistan.  There was a United States senator who cold RPG's to Afghanistan with which they shot down invading Russian helicopters.  Who was he?  Forgotten.  All of our recent history will be forgotten, because it is not being documented.  Patiently satan is waiting, watching as Elvis dies.  Miles Davis dies.  Frank Sinatra dies.  Bob Marley dies.  Rock long has been dead.  Luckily jazz still is alive.  It is frightening.  What did I learn from listening to Gail Pettis for the first time?  I am wise about my music purchases.  No more MP3's which sound like train horns.  I have an active interest in the study of music.  That seems reasonable seeing as I completed all of the coursework for a DMA in music composition at Ohio State.  I wasn't quite ready to be a college scholar.  I was ready to carry the teaching load, but my diplomatic skills were lacking.  I was a bit angry, and my pen showed this.  Twenty-five years later I am much more qualified, because I have had this time to live and understand how music evolved in real life, not from books and treatises.  Dr. William Ted McDaniel said to me, "You're reading is a little light."  One doesn't really learn music from books, but his point was well taken.  You should have a historical perspective of music and how it evolved.  I didn't really have this at the time.  His question was effective on my General Exams.  I won't repeat it here, but it was something like was the evolution of jazz music a continual freeing of the melody from the harmonic/rhythmic accompaniment?  When you get to the Avant Garde, it is easy to see that it was the pinnacle of this journey.  In the most misunderstood style of jazz music, the Avant Garde didn't dispense with the complex language of bebop, it abstracted it.  It abstracted it the same way that Abstract Expressionist painters created their language.  You must understand everything that came before in minute detail, but then you have an emotional freedom to distort it in what hopefully will be a compelling and communicative way.  Probably to this day I haven't known the answer to his question.  It is not easy.  Jazz has not been around long enough to have the appropriate scholarly study.  A century, but I am working on it.  Listening to Gail Pettis I appreciated her choice of the American Songbook, standards which you will recognize.  I appreciated her crystal clear vocal which showcases here extremely knowledgeable and tasteful interpretations of the melodies.  Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughn did this well, as good or if not better than most instrumentalists.  It was perplexing to me to hear how she uses the human voice as an instrument, spinning paraphrases of the original melody, understanding each and every note, and its relation to the chord changes.  I believe she is using her mind as well as her ear to do this.  When I hear Frank Sinatra sing, it is clear that he hears chord changes, understands tonal harmony, and creates melodic lines that are more natural than jazz instrumentalists.  Is this because of the words, that these melodic lines never were meant to be excised from their accompanying words?  Perhaps the words were first, as with Oscar Hammerstein.  I think this may be the case.  I didn't experienced her renditions on two different levels.  There was an emotional level, and it moved me.  There was an intellectual level to her melodic interpretations and the arrangements they were playing.  It dawned on me that although they were swinging, their mix was pop.  Her vocal was the loudest thing, the piano was next, and the bass and drums were cleverly cloaked in their background.  Unlike mainstream jazz, the bass and drums were meant to accompany her vocal performance.  Always I have had a disagreement with Kris Killingsworth, the Musical Director on the Adventure of the Seas.  He is a proponent of the Count Basie Orchestra, and such he loves to hear Ella Fitzgerald sing with Herb Ellis and Ray Brown.  As many may or may not know, Ella was not just a jazz singer.  She covered songs from many styles, and some of it was more commercial than jazz.  It is what I call pop.  The rhythm section's function is not to interact or create musical interest, it is meant to accompany.  That accentuates the vocal performance.  I wanted to hear her drummer, Gail Pettis get off the cymbals and rims and play the drums like Elvin Jones or Mitch Mitchell.  The sounds of the wooden drums is a large part of the sound of jazz.  I realized for some reason listening to her that we are losing the heart and soul of America, we are killing the population, and we are headed for eventual genocide.  We need change. 

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Failed Rail

I am tired of loss.  When we played for the ceremonial Lighting of Trees in Lumberton the other night, the keynote speaker said we spend half of our lives navigating loss.  That was a cheerful bit of narrative.  His wife had died recently after finishing her book "Mr. Owita's Guide to Gardening:  How I Learned the Unexpected Joy of a Green Thumb and Open Heart."  I have not read it.  He never really said the name of the book clearly.  He did make it clear she had recurring cancer and recently died from it.  He remarried and was publicizing her book from which the profits were to go to Southeastern Hospice.  That was a heavy message for a Christmas tree lighting.  I have been surrounded by death for the last few years.  People die at an unusual rate in Cumberland Country.  It must be true if there is a FB page named "Remembering Our Lost Friends."  The list keeps getting longer, and these are young people, former students at Terry Sanford High School.  That means that life in "Da Ville" is difficult.  I always have known that.  I was a product of school segregation.  It began slowly, and a few black children appeared in our classrooms at Belvedere Elementary School, later to be renamed Margaret Willis.  Then when it came time for fourth grade and to move on to another school, I was bused across town to Ramsey Street School.  Busing if you don't know means you got on a bus in your own neighborhood and were trekked down The Murch, past Fayetteville State University, and up the hill to the school.  I did not have a bad time at Ramsey Street School.  Mrs. Fairly was my fourth grade teacher, and I was elected President of my class.  My secretary was Janet Beard, now Janet Thoren, an attorney with two grown children.  Her daughter is in the military, and her son plays hockey.  I did well academically for the most part, but during fifth grade my permanent teeth began to come in, crooked.  My mouth was so small the first time I visited a dentist he pulled one of my teeth.  I screamed like bloody hell, and he slapped my hand.  My teeth were so screwed up, Dr. Roberson just kept pulling permanent teeth as soon as they came in.  I got used to the excruciating pain, him wrenching on my teeth with those pliers.  There was no gingerly prying with a probe.  He just went in, clamped down on the tooth, and wrenched it out.  Pain, but I was used to it.  The few fillings I had were worse, the ones that developed underneath my braces.  Matt and Beth, his kids, were our friends.  It was that family who allowed me to experience the bliss of motorcycling.  There weren't many families who were close knit enough to indulge in motorsports responsibly.  The Robersons grandparents lived in Buie's Creek.  One set owned a trailer park and lived on the property.  It was a motorcycle riding oasis, and there is nothing ever I have done that was as enjoyable.  It was the ultimate freedom.  I still ride today, but on a limited basis.  The woods behind our house still have the trails I cleared forty years ago.  They also now have every kind of poison you can imagine.  I guess it is those damn bird who eat the berries and poop out the seeds.  The sumac grows in large trees, and it took a long time to get rid of those.  Then there is the ivy and the oak.  One you catch that itchy rash, you are reluctant to return to the spot whence you caught it.  Motorcyling is an enjoyable activity.  The other activity I rediscovered while living on cruise ships was skateboarding.  Fayetteville is an anti-skateboard city.  There is a city ordinance which says you cannot ride a bicycle in historic downtown, and yet Raleigh and other cities have allowed scooters to be driven on sidewalks.  They want allow physical exercise, but they will allow an upstart millennial company to rent deadly scooters to unsuspecting adolescents.  America is a mismanaged nation.  One hand does not know that the other one is doing, including collecting absentee ballots in Elizabethtown.  None of this is what about what I intended to write.  What I want to write about is my lack of opportunity to create music.  Much to my mother's dismay, when I came home to tend to my dying father my musical equipment came with me.  Two of my motorcycles have been in our garage for a long time.  When he shared Thanksgiving dinner with my sister's family, I listened to my mother complain about my "stuff."  It is true that the master bedroom has become somewhat of a music studio.  I have been happy with it thus far, except recently when I realized that playing music "live" meant playing at a particular volume in a club or church like space.  She has goaded me about many things, and usually I accomplish whatever task is at hand.  this particular rant was untimely.  She would like for me to be playing again, but a cruise ship job is not convenient at the moment.  Not only do the cruise lines want to hire beginner musicians so they can pay them less, they require a very stringent medical exam which costs over $500.00.  You must pay for this yourself as a token of your sincerity to the company.  I did this a few years ago like I have for the past fifteen years at the same facility.  Except this time they refused to accept it.  Not only did the desk attendant overcharge me for the lab work, he also verbally harassed me because of my race.  What fun!  No job and racism.  Welcome to Fayetteville.  In my quest to play live, promptly I went down to our garage and devised a new "rig" upon which to play keyboards.  I restored my third Rhodes piano and built a shelf system to stack my other keyboards on top of it.  In about a weeks time, I had a new/old rig that sounded better than anything I have every played through.  My old rig was peach, and I was using basically the same equipment but through new amplification with the added Rhodes.  It emerged out of the oak dust in our garage, and midnight until six a.m. became my new work time.  In this extremely short period of time, say one week, I was able to create a recording environment in which I could sequence backing tracks with which to play.  It is no easy task to create a hip jazz feeling in the middle of a war-torn city.  The fifty caliber machine guns are as clear as day, their sound, and the cannons.  The ground shakes.  After midnight the local rail activity of both Norfolk Southern, who must be providing the limestone for Fayetteville Block Materials, and the Aberdeen and Rockfish who do most of their business at River Terminal in Cumberland County, subsides.  Unlike CSX-T who often switch trains 24/7, at least the majority of the local rail activity ceases.  At least it did for this one particular week.  Then two things happened.  One was it got cold overnight.  With the onset of global warming, we have lost our seasons.  Fayetteville always has been the hottest city in North Carolina.  It partly could be because we are situated in the Cape Fear River Basin.  Heat and humidity from the Atlantic Ocean travels directly up this trench.  It does not help that the military's deep water munitions port is at the mouth of the Cape Fear River.  This industrial activity, a rail head and three large container ship docks, creates heat.  These vehicles burn oxygen and release carbon into the atmosphere.  Fayetteville is hot for several reasons.  One is the Cargill plant also on the Cape Fear River.  They manufacture oils which are produced by heating either vegetable or soybeans.  Then there is Valley Proteins which also renders animal fat by heating carcasses.  Hexion produced ammonia products.  Both of these plants are located at River Terminal, which the Aberdeen and Rockfish service.  They house their locomotives in Aberdeen, and they travel several times a week to "Da Ville" to make their money.  We citizens of Fayetteville are so fortunate to reap the benefit of their industrial activity.  The city of Fayetteville is the Rail Head of the Carolinas.  Not only are we a part of STRACNET, the Pentagon's strategic rail corridor servicing Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, but we are a connection for two Class A railroads, CSX-T and Norfolk Southern.  Add in the activity of the Aberdeen and Rockfish and you have a train horn problem.  The City Council has entertained the idea of a "No Blow" zone, and it is a bad idea.  It is a bad idea, because downtown Fayetteville is a safety disgrace.  When the rail survey was done over a decade ago, specific recommendations were made to improve grade crossings downtown.  One was the building of a connector track which would connect the Fort Bragg/Norfolk Southern track directly to the CSX-T mainline.  This new track would stop military trains from backing down Russell Street and blocking traffic for long periods of time.  Now that a new bridge has built and the land underneath has been cleared, there is no better time for CSX-T to add this track.  They won't, because they operate on splinters and shrapnel to keep their property taxes low.  The Vander line which services these military trains is a disgrace.  It is a miracle that it functions at all with its poor upkeep.  A quiet zone is a bad idea, because the citizens of Fayetteville need to know when a rapidly moving freight train is approaching.  They are covert about their whistles now.  There is a strict set of guidelines for railroad horns at grade crossings.  It is of no matter that affluent families have purchased overpriced real estate in downtown Fayetteville.  That was their choice, and they should have known in what they were investing.  People all ready have been killed by erroneously pulling on to the CSX-T mainline, and the city has covered it up.  There are no crossing gates on Hay Street, and with a new minor league baseball stadium being built, death is imminent.  The train horns for me are a relief, because when I hear them I know why my musical activity suffers.  There is a reason why my keyboard sounds move in a repeating circle distorting their true stereo image.  There is a reason why monophonic MP3 files seem to sound better emanating from an Amazon Tap, Echo, Dot, or Show.  Locomotive-produced infrasound, which has become constant in Fayetteville because of the increased activity of Ground Forces Command at Fort Bragg, skews sound.  When it is present human beings never will experience the full effect of music as it once was.  Instead the music is modulated by an invisible force, an invisible moderator, a locomotive engineer, or a military gunner, who while they are operating ultimately have control over your music production.  When we recorded in Nashville with the Matt Kiernan band, the engineers at our studio were perplexed why in the wee hours of the morning an "arc" would emerge dead shorting some of their audio busses.  I had to explain to them that this was from an AC traction locomotive that was passing through, and we had to wait for it to pass.  It took me several years to figure this out.  Not only are there low frequency sounds waves in great amounts, there is electricity.  My musical output suffers from both.  My reverb comes and goes, my stereo signal moves in a circle, and I get dead shorts on occasion.  Somehow during this one wonderful week, nighttime train activity was at a low.  My studio emerged, the temperature was moderate, and for once I could actualize my former repertoire of jazz-oriented music.  I am talking about feel.  I am talking about groove.  I am talking about being able to play time in music, which is generated from a feeling or emotion created by a human beings mind and body.  This is the magic of music, and this is what is lacking in today's popular music.  The massive expansion of rail activity, its trade on the stock market, and its weighty investors have capitalized on the invisibility of their pollution.  The death of the music industry is a direct ramification of their profit.  Novice television competitors are not capable of creating a professional musical product, much less trying to overcome the effects of an invisible hindrance to the creation of time, feeling, and groove.  Pop is their substitute, an elfin groove that uses the square pulse created by today's computer as its base.  There is no need to learn how to play time based upon certain feels such as the Bossa Nova, the Samba, the Merengue, or Salsa.  These forms are the lost art of music, and they are worth preserving.  It was my quest to use my newly formed studio to program some of these feels with which to play.  Two things happened.  It got cold, and my thirty year old Yamaha DX-7llFD began to stiffen up.  Its plastic buttons became cold and brittle and would not function.  I realized in the blink of an eye I would have to sacrifice my new studio for the longevity of my old equipment.  Although my kerosene heater was efficient  heating the garage for short amounts of time, I could not keep the temperature moderated enough for it to function as a full time music studio.  I packed up my gear and hauled it upstairs to try and recreate my sound.  It was impossible.  After a few days of futile fury, I reassembled an abbreviated system in the same space which sat idle.  The second thing that happened was a continual low frequency standing appeared in an instant, and it has not stopped since.  Its origin either is at the Honeycutt Marshalling Yard at Fort Bragg, at DAK Americas, or in the CSX-T Milan yard as they service the Cargill plant.  It is no help that all of the railroads have succumbed to the snake oil pitch of GE.  Norfolk Southern, who resisted the conversion to AC traction in its inception, now has consented to have their C40-9 locomotives rebuilt.  Even the smaller GP-38's and SD-40-2's have been offered this conversion sealing the fate of America's music industry.  There is no way mainstream music ever will possess its former power to transform humanity.  That is because this invisible force is emasculating music the way it is emasculating people.  It robs us of the very things we need to survive and feel healthy.  This is why we are a nation on drugs.  I am suffering from the loss of this fleeting week, a week of nirvana where I once again was enabled to do what I do well, create music freely and without the influence of anyone I do not choose.  For me this is happiness.  This is freedom, and America has been robbed of this right by the rail industry. 

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Soul Crushing Competition

America the shallow.  When musicians, actors, comedians, and artists die in America the Bilderbergs sigh.  "No more smart people to tell the truth."  The reason why there is soul crushing competition in the market, is because truth and righteousness never go unpunished.  Real people, real artists, genuine human beings often tell the truth through their art forms.  The Bilderbergs sigh a sigh of relief.  "Another gone."  Big Brother absorbs yet another soul.  Soon all of the truth and artistry will be absent from our lives.  It almost is now.  Then the Bilderbergs instruct the media how to conflate reality merging fancy with truth.  Turn on the tube and you will see it.  No programming, but this thing.  This miniature fabricated narrative about a useless product underscored with the most vile and insulting music in existence.  It is nothing.  Television commercials are the worst nothing, the most heinous, offensive, destructive tool at the Bilderberg's disposal.  Most adults know television is not good for you, but most adults my age grew up on television.  American television was a core of our culture, and it was not bad.  It was not destructive.  It enhanced our lives, gave us heroes, and brought us together.  Television of itself created the American mainstream.  Now it tears us apart.  It cripples the mind and the soul.  To see the American spirit, revolution, anarchy, and freedom become debased, and watch spineless wieners pat each other's back on Capital Hill.  We are anesthetized.  We are high on prescription narcotics.  We are murderous and violent.  We are determined to feel something despite the smothering, oppressive, evil wave of death that encircles us each day.  War.  Ensuing war.  High school drop outs.  Homosexual army generals.  Why did Boeing's stock drop?  The answer is because Gulfstream was awarded the Compass Call contract with L3.  Boeing is out.  Defense contractors are just that.  They are defending the Bilderbergs, not Americans.  Would you trust G.I. Joe to protect you when the enemy invades America?  They are not capable of thinking for themselves.  They follow orders.  They protect poppy patches.  The militia is the last line of defense against imperialism.  No one will protect your home and your family except you.  Ask Roy Cooper.  Ask all of those citizens who lost their homes to Hurricanes Flo and Matthew.  Where's our money to rebuild?  Where is the skateboard park in Fayettenam?  Why hasn't the Cape Fear Bike Trail been completed.  The generals at Fort Nag want a two million dollar tunnel underneath I-295 to get to their drop zones.  Isn't one tunnel enough to load their precious munitions en route to Afghanistan?   It has become all or nothing at all, and many songs have been written about it.  Panic.  Anxiety.  Poverty.  These are tools to manipulate the populace into annihilation.  It has worked.  School shootings?  They are unheard of except in America.  Mass murders at schools?  Everyone turns a blind eye.  Washington should be responsible, and they would have been if the Kennedy's were in power.  Democrats.  Humanists.  Artists.  Orators.  Scholars.  It has been a shallow run in America, the twenty-first century.  The pollution that is ripping a hole through the core of the earth, twisting our minds, distorting our gender, and feeding narcissism.  What I can't understand is why the pie cannot be spread out?  This ridiculous prime time television exploiting our youth, promising fame, and subverting art.  Once you used to have to go to school to learn to be a musician.  Still you do.  These infuriating foreign agents, post Nazi sympathizers who wants for themselves.  Simon.  The rest.  They single-handedly have destroyed the music industry.  Radio.  Albums.  Tapes.  Big Brother.  That's what they are.  Brainwashing.  Like all products.  The way it once was.  Small products for everyone.  Unique.  Different.  Not mainstream.  Not Amazon.  Why can't there be small inexpensive products, and why can't the small businesses who make them make a living?  Grass roots.  A little for everyone.  But no!  In America it has become, "All or Nothing."  The most ridiculous of it all, the fucking lottery.  The perfect metaphor for an irresponsible society.  Collecting money from those who never have a chance, and giving a treasure to those who have no ability to use it wisely.  I can't imagine what other cultures think of Americans.  They always have hated us, but they love our freedom.  Those Mexicans are turning around and heading back to Dodge.  

Presidential Suckage

No one seems to notice.  Is it only when you begin to get old you see deficiencies in society?  Is this really a comparison of now and then, and things do not get better.  Isn't that to what countries, nations aspire?  Is that not our entire goal of existence, to make the world a better place?  Contrarily we only are living for immediate gratification.  Take a look at Washington.  Then take a look at your state government.  North Carolina has one of the the most racist, lop-sided, corrupt state governments in the union.  Not much has changed from plantation days when imported African slaves did much of the work.  Slavery was such a contested issue, it broke the country in two and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of innocent American lives.  We alternately have lived in relative times of peace.  I experienced Viet Nam and Bush seniors Persian Gulf War, the first "television" war.  Rumsfeld and his crew went into Iraq for spite to serve up a healthy plate of revenge for Senior.  There were no weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam Hussein was not responsible for 9/11.  It was W.'s vendetta to his dad.  We tore a country apart, because we could.  Consequently ISIS was formed with the leftovers of American generosity.  The Bush Clan, no matter how appealing they are on the surface as people, created the ongoing war in which the United States still is involved.  American soldiers continue to die.  They continue to lose their lives for America, and we do not even know for what we are fighting.  No one says why we are fighting in Afghanistan except the Sackler family.  Let me rephrase.  They are not allowed in this affluent family to mention that their family company manufactures oxycontin.  (or is it oxycodone?)  America is as dirty as she ever was, and yet we operate behind a sickening, childlike, in-denial facade of far right sanctioned hypocritical purity.  Fayetteville, North Carolina is home to the largest military installation in North America, and yet there is no legalized prostitution.  Bill Hurley cleaned up Hay Street and vowed none of those businesses ever would operate in Fayetteville again.  The soldiers have one notable strip club which to frequent to remind themselves there is more to life than shooting fifty caliber machine guns and loading munition trains with expensive equipment that disappears onto cargo ships at MOTSP.  We are funding a war and the American people have not clue what it is about.  We also do not know how we are benefiting from spending seven hundred billion dollars each fiscal year.  The country's infrastructure is crumbling.  Highways, bridges, and electrical systems.  The unfortunate citizens of North and South Carolina have not been reimbursed for two major hurricanes.  The money sits in Raleigh with a lame duck governor who was voted out of power before he even was sworn in.  That is the ilk of the North Carolina statehouse.  Charge customers for Duke Energy's coal ash disaster.  Nothing much has changed in Carolina.  The plantation owners still drink their lemonade, call on their slaves to do their chores, and line their pockets with the money of the unsuspecting entitled.  The Republicans are so good at dividing periods into atoms, they could figure out how to give W. his presidential win in Florida.  We are a third world country.  There is no middle class.  Wages are stagnant.  Government fees, all insurances, and private products continue to inflate while Americans become more poor.  Nothing is said.  My truck insurance has increased over one hundred dollars each six months with no claims.  When we ask the agent, they tell us it is Raleigh and the Insurance Commission.  If we really looked, and looked hard at the small nucleus of families who rule the world there is no room left for the rest of us.  They are not concerned with us, the peons.  They have made their money, they will keep their money banked in overseas accounts, and America will continue to starve until the second coming of Jesus Christ.  There is no solution.  There will be no cure, because for their to be a cure spirituality must become important again.  Spirituality rooted in God and Christianity will have to create a new moral order, and this new moral order will have to eradicate our current system of rule.  It is that simple.  Is is called a coup, and America is not capable.  Once when pioneering immigrants were willing to fight for their freedom it was possible.  Today the brain-washed, gender confused, self-absorbed youth are not capable understanding how corrupt America really is.  We are too brain-washed on the most childish, immature, inane advertising that ever existed on this earth.  It is from another planet.  When famine and pestilence overcome our race, who is going to eat their iPhone?  Who is going to use the internet to order designer dinners?  Who is going to use in iPhone to pay for a pizza?  The internet is not the future.  It is Big Brother.  It is difficult to imagine what the prospectus is.  What do they want, those rich families who rule the world?  Certainly it seems not to sustain the only planet we have upon which to live.  Gump.  Certainly we are protecting all of the old money who is causing global warming.  It must be like the Greek gods who bicker and complain, selfish, self-absorbed celebrities who don't possess enough gray matter to understand that our earth truly is in peril.  What gets me the most is America has become, "All Or Nothing."  What happened to a fair share for everyone?  Everyone gets a shot.  Spread out the wealth, so everyone gets a little, and everyone has a little to spend.  Wall Street trading put an end to that.  They put an end to real products, real supply and demand, and small business.  Wall Street became the Las Vegas of New York, and those high rollers became addicted to the spoils.  A few of them are in jail.  A few more will be going to jail soon.  Meanwhile the fabric of America has been destroyed, and the small businessman, the one who grew this county into something great and meaningful is naught.  We broke up the telecommunications industry in the Baby Bells before cell phones existed.  They would not exist today if it weren't for dirty Bill, the President who was too stupid to understand that infidelities are not welcome in the Oval Office else you get caught, impeached, and disgraced.  Is this kind of judgement Presidential?  We have had a tough run, America.  The White Supremacists didn't like Obama, although he was been the most wise of any of our most recent Presidents.  He knew insurance premiums would spiral out of reach when he left the White House, but he said, "Make it happen.  I'll be out of office, and Americans will have health insurance."  Dirty Bill auctioned off the microwave frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  The planet is warming.  GE is selling their locomotive production to Wabtec.  Wabtec?  Westinghouse Air Brakes.  Westinghouse.  Caterpillar dropped on the stock market today, and they own ProgressRail.  Progress Rail bought EMD.  Locomotives are warming the planet, and yet nothing is said.  I am tired of fighting it.  Sometimes you just have to sit back and be a martyr.  Watch the drama unfold.  Watch Trump get impeached. Watch square-headed Pence become president and reinstate the Nazi party.  Destroy another country and make billions rebuilding it.  Why must everything be "All Or Nothing?"  Whence does this philosophy come?  It is coming from foreign agents who are producing American television and popular music.  They are exploiting the youth of America to believe that howling on prime time television will make them stars.  It is the most perfect metaphor of how whitey can't dance.  The white man to no soul, no Mojo, no game.  They are all decked out in their spandex and rhinestones and gyrating all over the stage with absolutely no understanding of what they are doing.  Most dance originates with the courtship ritual, the mating ritual of a man and a woman.  There is scant evidence of any homosexual mating rituals except drag shows and Rocky Horror.  The hypocritical far right can't embrace that, but then those gay Catholic priests can sodomize child alter boys and go on smiling.  Truly America never has been more corrupt.  Booze.  Prostitution.  Gambling.  At least humanity knows what these vices are.  They are human.  They are a part of our nature.  Violating little boy's assholes in the sacristy is not.  It is scourge.  It is vile.  It is evil, just like Washington.  This country is not capable of protecting its youth from being devoured.  That is how much virtue we have, America.  What do we represent?  I'll ask again.  What the fuck do we represent?  Slave wages.  Slavery.  How did a country evolve, when it is too expensive for anyone to make a living?  When and how did things become so expensive?  It happened when those Wall Street traders decided they wanted a share.  America became the craft of moving money around.  No one was looking when all of the revenue-producing means disappeared across the ocean.  The rest of us were left stranded here in America, the desolate, vast, wasteland of poverty where small businesses are disdained, children are exploited and murdered, and the rich continue to get richer.  Gump handed corporate America a twelve percent profit with the stroke of a pen.  Nothing was said.  "We are being strangled by regulations."   That is what corporate America said.  What was done with that hefty profit?  GM announced on Cyber Monday they were going to shutter multiple plants terminating gainful employment for thousands of Americans.  Gump has lied about almost everything.  I have discovered that lying is the most far-reaching sin of all.  It creates the most havoc of anything.  Lies.  Lying.  Spinning the truth.  And that is our sitting American president.  Suck on that every day when you wake up.   

Monday, December 03, 2018

Rail Head is the Worst Head

I can't imagine who the twenty-three are who read my last post.  Often I write better when I am angry, and I have many reasons to be angry.  Read the news.  What news?   Depressing, poorly written, misleading, propaganda.  The Fayetteville Observer went on holiday vacation before Thanksgiving.  Tis not the season it seems to write anything relevant or factual.  Instead our American media needs to stoke the Black Friday/Cyber Monday fire.  America no longer has a Gross National Product.  We have nothing of value to sell.  Look at the port cities.  Nothing going out.  Cheap imports coming in.  My biggest sentiment, although it is difficult to create with a 1.5 Hz sound wave pummeling my body day in a day night.  I assume it is our illustrious military body returning from their crucial deployment down under.  Their two hundred million plus jog in the park to Texas to string up razor wire for those aggressive, drug-addicted, needy Hispanics fleeing drug gang violence in their respective countries.  America is no different, except for those who have entree.  Quickly we have become a nation of entree with the swearing in of Gump, who will become the most embarrassing American president.  It is difficult to muster the appropriate sentiment for the elder Bush, because in the back of everyone'e mind is the question, "Where is President Trump?"  "Why is he not officiating Bush senior's memorial services?"  Why is that square-headed, Nazi, Kotex Pence even at his services?  The tension was tangible, the worthless Washington insiders with their inability to feel a sincere emotion, required to run the gantlet in front of the Bush Clan.  What a photo opportunity!  A second generation Kennedy conglomeration, and those frail, fragile, toothless, spineless, Washington power brokers stumbling by.  It paints an accurate picture of what America no longer is.  We are not much of nuthin.'  If I felt music was worth two bits anymore, I would write a song.  I have written plenty of songs, instrumentals, vocals, orchestral works, big band numbers, and no one in my lifetime every will hear any of them.  KNKX doesn't play big band music for some reason.  They have developed as a radio entity, but still they do not play a large integral part of the jazz vernacular.  "We Ain't Much of Nuthin.'"  Most of the kids in America today do not even know who the elder Bush is.  The American oligarchy, the displaced Nazi's, the Fascist leftovers who covertly have purchased every tenant of the American economy and have been ruling our country.  They will destroy this earth.  They are the evil, and evil is real.  Never has it been more real for Americans.  We have lived through grievous loss.  Hundreds of thousands of American citizens died freeing our slaves, and Abraham Lincoln carried that wound to his grave.  Our G.I.'s slaughtered Charlie, gooks, Vietnamese, Koreans, Germans, and Japanese in defense of our nation in great wars.  Nothing is more real than now, when evil is ensconced firmly in Washington DC and corporate America and threatens to end this world.  "Make the world a better place than you left it."  It is a simple mantra that could serve our sick, dying, heartbroken, despondent, and apathetic populace.  They never got the memo, that the great America launched her most important campaign in history.  "Take advantage of the youthful generation!"  Instead of empowering them to take the reins, educating them in proper schools and with proper morals, take their money!  "TAKE THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!"  Destroy their minds.  Make them doubt their own sexuality.  Addict them to petty products.  Shield them from reality by re-writing history.  Create an army of droids who with nary a question, will do the bidding of these misplaced Fascists.  Welcome to America, the great America who refuses to protect her own young.  No longer will you be robbed and killed.  Instead you will be killed by yourself texting while driving.  Instead you will be killed murderously in your own school, what once was the safe haven of American society.  Now our youth are being slaughtered in movie theaters and in places of education, because they are more convenient.  Psychopathic killers are traveling to American churches to be forgiven by other parishioners for killing their friends and families.  "We can't carry that grudge."  "We can't continue to hate that boy for killing our people."  "How could we call ourselves Christians?"  Is this what God wants, for us to bow under and become martyrs for America, martyrs for a fallen empire filled with evil, with no opportunity, no promise, and no future, biding time until the sea spews flames, fireballs pummel the earth, and the human race is scorched into iniquity?  A country cannot survive without economic opportunity for its citizens.  America has transformed itself into a corrupt Socialist regime without the people even knowing.  We all are receiving entitlements, not working living wage jobs, and what we are receiving is nothing more than alms for the poor.  We have become slaves again.  When I look around at available wage-earning jobs, they are menial.  Sling hash.  Shovel shit.  Make pennies and work all day.  Slavery.  We are in slavery, and no one will say it.  They quietly, Mitch and the rest of them, are just waiting for the population to annihilate itself.  Tear itself apart.  Killing senselessly.  Addicted to drugs.  Psychotic so that we can't see reality, this reality,  America.  Gump.  We our not protecting our children.  We have failed at the most important task an evolved society can recognize.  We have abandoned and taken advantage of our own children.  America will not survive.