Sunday, December 23, 2018

America, the Con Artist

It has been a long time since I took American history.  It was in ninth grade at Terry Sanford High School with Mrs. Shaw.  There are a lot of Shaws in Fayetteville.  There are the doctor Shaws and their "farm."  It is a property that borders Fort Bragg.  Then there is Harry Shaw, who was a major proponent of the Cape Fear River Trail.  Hopefully in the near future the city of Fayetteville will finish it.  CSX-T agreed to allow the city to build a hiking bridge underneath its railroad bridge over the river.  It will be a complicated affair, a concrete, steel, or wood affair which will traverse a huge gully directly underneath the railroad bridge.  Either they will drive pilings into the riverbed, or build an elaborate wooden skeleton to support the bike and walking trail.  I am ready.  This link will be the final chapter in French architect's Andres Duany's vision for downtown.  It will link Shaw's Linear Trail to the Cape Fear River Trail which runs all the way to Methodist University.  It will be a great boon to Cumberland County as will be the skateboard park which yet has to be built.  We are hung up in the "Train Horn" politics of stake holders of downtown Fayetteville.  Built it and they will come.  Certainly Jordan Jones has ascribed to this philosopy.  On the political front America is headed for annihilation.  I wasn't sure why pundits were grieving the loss of Secretary Mattis until now.  His replacement is a Boeing crony.  Like all of Gump's appointments they do not in any way represent the well being of the people, the people being common Americans.  If one appoints a major attacker of the EPA to be its head, it is a conflict of interest.  If one appoints a Boeing employee Secretary of Defense, it is a conflict of interest.  If a nation elects Donald Trump president, no matter how rich he is, it is a conflict of interest.  There is no military experience, there is no civic experiences, and there is no leadership experience.  Nepotism does not qualify as efficient leadership.  Looking out for one's own does not a leader make.  Appointing a Boeing representative to be Secretary of Defense.  It is a major conflict of interest.  Choosing Dick Cheney as Vice President....  Well you can decide for yourself when "Vice" opens in theaters.  No Iraq.  No waterboarding.  No ISIS.  The defense budget is the largest drain on America's GNP.  We have been hemorrhaging money through the United States military since 9/11.  9/11 never would have happened had it not been for the Bush Dynasty.  Perhaps H.W. was a great man, and I am sure he was.  America no longer is great, because we have sold out to the elite.