Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Mafia Commander in Chief

 As a nation we no longer are wise enough to ask questions.  Somehow, either because we want to have faith in the freedoms of America, or because we don't want to be malcontented and unhappy with our lives, we have learned to accept the reality government and the media  convey.  Until the election of Donald Trump as President, there was enough integrity, honesty, and faith in God to see us through as a nation.  Even with the economic crisis of 2008 when a small group of Wall Street investors sold out the American economy for their own personal gain, we sustained.  Many lost hundreds of millions of dollars, but Hank Paulson insisted the United States  government bail out the losers with public money from the Federal Reserve.  It was called TARP, and these judicious payments split between George W. Bush and Barack Obama went to pay off individual investors so as not to undermine Wall Street and the stock market.  They feared another Great  Depression.  In retrospect it would have been a better idea to let them eat it, but because we are a happy people because of the aforementioned reasons, we chose to pay off this small group of investors.  You can read about it in the book "The Big Short."  They even made a movie about it, but it was not very pleasing betting against the American economy.  It was not patriotic.  Fast forward to today when the news has become compromised because of the internet.  If we wanted to restore the stability of America, we would regulate social media.  Ouch!  That sounds extreme, communist, and  like Big Brother.  The alternative is that social media is being regulated, but this regulation originates with America's enemies and equates to exploitation.  It began with Facebook, and with Barack Obama using the internet as a tool for campaigning.  Slowly and subtly because of the lack of governmental regulation of the internet (and I don't even understand Net Neutrality) misinformation came to fruition.  It is nothing more than propaganda and eventually became lies, Big Brother.  Donald Trump is Big Brother, and Joe Biden didn't win.  The House of Representatives is on the cusp of electing an election denier as its Speaker.  With the Donald Trump Presidency the tried and true American system of governance was dismantled from within.  Nothing could prove this more than an under indictment ex-President determining who will be elected the Speaker of the House of the American people.  Congress as a whole comprised of the Senate and House of Representatives are ELECTED officials tasked to serve the American people, not a disruptive, discriminatory, anachronistic second generation of segregated "Jim Crow" Americans.  No matter how much I write about "Jim Crow Jr.," no one pays attention.  Considering how many healthy young men lost their lives fighting to free bought and sold African slaves from the bondage of the white plantation South, it would be wise to ask what the "New Right" represents.  The truth is they stand for nothing, and their agenda or policies are nothing.  They profess to have no issues, nor do they want to lead, govern, regulate, or administer anything for the American people.  They are a disruptive band of plantation owners only who want to revel in their own wealth.  Because they were forced to recognize the new sovereignty of freed slaves, they chose to enact "Jim Crow" laws dictating forced segregation between Whites and Blacks.  A covert internal war continued against the freed slaves until the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 60's under the tutelage of Martin Luther King and others.  This carnage gave rise to American Jazz, an artistic musical movement which became the voice of these newly Christened American citizens.  Its message had to be strong enough to thwart the systemic racism, discrimination, and animosity of Southern plantation owners who relished their free labor.  Their fortunes were built on the backs of these slaves.  To this day restitution is an oft suggested anodyne for these atrocities.  How is it possible in four years the United States has regressed a century?  How is it that a disgraced and under indictment ex-President still is calling the shots in at least one of our houses of Congress?  It is because behind the closed doors of our White House, Donald Trump fastidiously was dismantling American democracy by appointing stooge judges, arch enemies of regulatory agencies, and other foreign infiltrators into our government.  With the swag and charisma of Jim Jones, Donald Trump successfully has seduced or intimidated a legion of far right extremists who don't have the mental acuity to doubt him or ask questions.  They plainly are loyal cult followers, and when you have nothing to lose your resistance becomes tenacious.  You might as well go out in a Blaze of Glory, or spend many years in federal penitentiary.  The participants of the siege on the Capital have found this out.  How did Donald Trump take control of the House?  If he has the ability to command the electing of the Speaker of the House, then he has the ability to command other areas of the federal government.  General Mark Milley visibly was alarmed that then President Trump may ask active members of the military to turn against the American people.  With the extreme opaque sheen around America's military, especially military justice, it is logical to assume that Trump supporters firmly are ensconced in all branches.  With General Milley stepping down and a newly confirmed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, it would be wise to scrutinize the operations of the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, and the United States military.  I believe it is possible that we have Covid 19 as a biological weapon (along with the Chinese), and certain traitorous factions of the military have been dispersing it on the American people for their own gain.  The plethora of private aircraft traversing the continental United States are suspect of themselves and have roots in the nefarious shell companies of the CIA and FBI.  There is no way to police this potential illicit activity, and certainly under day to day training operations such as Robin Sage for the Special Forces, there is no way to discern the differences between normal training and domestic terrorism.  Since 2020 when military planes fly, people get sick. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Security of the Dakota Sky

 Terrorism is a histrionic metaphor for the raping and pillaging of the people by the wealthy.  It has reached Biblical proportions, because Washington has failed to uphold the postulates of the United States Constitution.  The wealthy infiltrated government through excessive lobbying and campaign dark money and bought our elected officials.  It could be a sardonic or hypocritical example of American Capitalism.  Since Capitalism subtly pits the people against each other, the GOP has adopted a ruthless and extreme quest for power from economic dominance.  Islamic Extremism or to an extent the persuasion of Mexican drug cartels only is a primitive, barbaric, extreme quest for power and money.  The West feigns civility, but slowly with withering faculties affected by aberrant airborne EMF radiation and infrasound, we have succumbed to the influences of wireless telecom.  The FCC always has known the dangers of microwaves, and they were reserved for NASA and other lofty ideals.  With the influence of the corporate lobby and an army of immoral physicists, the non-lethal pulsed microwave weapon has come to fruition.  Whether it is purposeful or consequential, the harmful effects of smart phone technology cannot be ignored or disputed.  Millimeter waves used by Verizon Wireless's top shelf 5G network are the consumer version of the military's go to technology for our modern Cold War.  Whether it is the Longbow Targeting System, Iron Dome Defense System, or the smaller aerial radome phased array radar systems, the people have become plagued by this aberrant EMF energy.  The GOP's adopted stance is to deny it exists, because it is invisible.  The Havana Syndrome has proven you can hear it, and it is called the "Frey Effect."  Both Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and  the Microwave Auditory Effect are tangible sources of harm and injury created by an unregulated telecommunications and defense industries.  Washington needs to, "Just say no."  When your private sector, government, and military all indulge in the same dangerous spoils purely for monetary gain, then they are engaging in terrorism.  In government it is called covert op's such as the Iran/Contra Affair.  The Pentagon sanctions covert guerilla warfare on foreign governments for nefarious personal reasons, usually the acquisition of petroleum.  Afghanistan was a smorgasbord of natural resources as is Ukraine.  Our interests are not virtuous.  We want the booty, the goods, or the spoils of the earth found in these countries.  Once "Amber waves of grain" in the American Midwest became "Poppy fields aplenty."  To harvest grain and other agriculture means you must invest in the "little guy."  You must invest in American infrastructure, the middle and lower classes, and small business.  The frenetic pace and immediacy of Wall Street, television, and the internet have fueled our quest for immediate profit.  We have become accustomed to gambling instead of production.  Eventually the money runs out, and no longer can you over inflate values, embezzle money, or implement Ponzi schemes.  Someone has to do the work, and the GOP "Wants its slaves back."  Donald Trumps Presidency was nothing more than an attempted resurrection of American slavery.  The Far Right is a compromise of Jim Crow Jr., because while America's economic inequality has consumed most average Americans, we are a fighting people.  Eventually we can go cold turkey from the anodynes offered to us by Trump and remain true to a higher cause.  It is called conscience, and it is created by God.  The iniquities in America are these things, and they are being implemented in very tangible ways.  We are so distracted with superficial candy, apps, emojies, self-driving cars, drones, and delivered meals, we have lost sight of reality.  It is these things that have created the neurosis in the world.  The security of the sky is the most significant.  Washington's reluctance to fund and staff the FAA with impartial, bipartisan, intelligent administrators who aren't a part of the aviation industry has opened up Pandora's Box in the sky.  It was first reported upon when they were pursuing Russian oligarchs.  Unidentified aircraft registered with shell companies were rife, and the Pentagon set the example.  The entire ISR industry is manipulated Washington, and it began with the the NSA and George W. Bush.  Create a national terrorist event (create a problem) and then provide the solution to your own problem.  The Patriot Act was the pinnacle of personal infringement, breech of privacy, and disrespect of the common American citizen.  It was the example upon which Facebook and Google forged their exploitative selling of personal information.  Not only do they harvest and sell your data, they track your every move on the internet.  It would be simple to remedy the demise of America.  The decimation of the internet is extreme, but its regulation by a moral constituency is necessary.  The securing of our airspace is urgent, because if no one cares to remember, it is why the Twin Towers fell. 

The Fight for the Speakership

 While it may not be obvious, the fight for the Speakership in the House of Representatives is symbolic of America's fight for recovery after the debacle of the Trump Presidency.  We as a nation are in the throes of a fight for the survival of social and economic freedom.  Today I read a FB post several years old that epitomized the strategy of the newly radicalized GOP.  Their agenda, a covert plan to attack and destroy the nation from within in true fascist form, is blamed on the Democrats.  It doesn't make sense and has no basis in fact or history.  If you control information via the media and Big Tech (Big Brother), the goal is to eradicate reality.  The Japanese through video gaming technology have been attempting this for decades.  Clearly they stated they do no want you to be able to tell the difference between digitally-created media and actual real life footage.  (i.e. television, film, or video)  Perhaps we are there and A.I. is the product.  How did this morph into a cataclysmic drama?  Why is everything today a cataclysmic drama?  When did America become a free for all professional wrestling match vying for dollars from spectators.  Is it because we have dismantled the American economy, sold Americans short, and there is nothing left to generate a real life?  I feel this way.  I watch television shows from the Golden Age, and there was no question or confusion about life in America.  The construct of America, her systems and her processes were concrete.  Here was the educational system.  Here were the businesses.  Here were the industries.  Here were the jobs.  You knew for what you were fighting, and it was clear what you needed to achieve to move toward the American Dream.  There were opportunities.  There were jobs.  Most importantly there was sanity and intelligence in the American system.  We were not trying to dismantle America from within.  We were trying to grow her.  Everything has changed, and the reason is the internet.  More specifically it is social media.  The ability for the average citizen to create a channel and broadcast their opinion is what has undermined America.  Online shopping has hobbled brick and mortar stores.  File sharing has destroyed America's music industry rendering recording music almost worthless.  The news industry is a middle aged man trying to keep his job as the world changes around him.  If everyone in the world can broadcast an opinion, there is no moderation.  There are no editors, no boards of inquiry, or academic panels to reviews your work.  It just gets slung out there, and foolishly we are programed to believe what we read like it the information has been arrived at factually and vetted by an editorial staff.  This "Wild West" of social media is the cause of the undoing of America.  These platforms were embraced by America's enemies and now are being used against us.  The creators of these platforms sold out their human integrity for money.  They sold out the human race for their own gain.  We are living life in a cyber domain.  What we will know is when the few jobs left in America are filled by A.I.  The prophecies of the great Hollywood science fiction films are coming true.  The earth may be covered in water like "Waterworld."  We are terra-forming and raising the temperature of Earth like "The Arrival."  Clearly to understand that a contingency has emerged in our mainstream business and governance who wants to harm us and ethnically cleanse is paramount.  Ease gun legislation despite rampant mass shootings?  Dismantle regulatory agencies by denying them funding?  Allowing the wealthy not to pay taxes?  Terrorists in America have become our own, and they slipped in under the cloud of Covid.  If our own House of Representatives chooses a traitor, a radical election denier with no history of leadership or governance, then we have become infiltrated.  These are not our friends.  These are America's enemies.  Like Donald Trump they may smile, charm, and lie.  They may blame their own destructive agenda on Joe Biden, but we can't believe it.  We are at war with ourselves, and this is we can't relax.  The attack on Israel is just another cog in the wheel of diversion, and their assault is a primitive and brutal version of our own.  We are using words and propaganda to achieve a covert agenda which Trump began during his Presidency.  He is good at it.  It is who he is.  What is more important?  The ego of a billionaire realty star or the survival of the world's greatest superpower?  We could abandon this nonsense and elect Hakeem Jeffries as House Speaker.  It is the only vote thus far which says, "We want to save America."  The MAGA dream is a vote to destroy America and install a Communist, fascist, militaristic dictatorship under the leadership of Agent Orange.  What planet are you living on? 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Ugly Face of the Devil

 Currently we are experiencing the full throttle of bad reporting.  In a nutshell it is propaganda.  The media swings from one side to another with little rationale.  If Congress is looking for models of responsible leadership, then the media only is fueling the fires of disruption, volatility, and manipulation.  About what am I talking?  The search for a new Speaker of the House was forefront, and suddenly there is war in the Holy Land.  Hamas attacks Israel using the vacant Speakership as an advantage.  American government is stunted with no Speaker of the House, but WAR sets all kinds of precedents in governance.  When the United States declares war formally with approval by Congress, then the President can do all kinds of things.  When further scrutinized these liberties and privileges often can become corrupt favoring America's sizable defense sector.  General Dwight Eisenhower often warned about the problems of a war economy.  It would be easy to submit to the basic and necessary construct of killing the enemy to ensure your own freedom.  It is primitive, and we are living in a primitive era.  It should be the post Trump Era, and although President Trump is out of office and being prosecuted for multiple criminal indictments, the media is making his opinion important.  Who cares who Donald Trump wants to be Speaker?  He is not the current President.  He is sitting in a court room all day watching his financial empire implode.  What relevance to American government does his opinion have in such a manner?  The answer is this annoying and disruptive reporting clearly exposes the ex-President's influence on current members of the House of Representatives.  He seems to be running the House from the courtroom like a convict sending death threats to civilians on the outside.  The Mob Boss has taken the limelight with the help of Hamas.  It would be wise to assume Iran now has become a Trump ally.  He withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) implemented by Barack in 2018 and reinstated devastating banking and oil sanctions.  Or not?  We do not seem to know who Trump's allies are.  That must be the characterization of the unrest of today.  We don't know who the enemy is.  It is just a big cloud of dust that Trump and the media keep spinning.  Trying to choose a Speaker of the House as a defendant in a courtroom must be the most lunatic.  I would like to point out that the media's depiction of the search for a new Speaker is not helpful.  Suggesting a henchman in the January 6th debacle should be allowed to run is lunacy.  The only candidate who remotely should be considered has not even been mentioned.  Representative Tom Emmer at least appears to have a semblance of normalcy.  He coached hockey.  The mafia-like siege of Washington, while it could make an interesting television series, needs to be quelled.  There is too much at stake for the human race, and that includes planet Earth.  There is no time to quibble, game, or indulge in selfish delusion.  America to recover as a functioning free nation must fix Washington.  That means elected representatives must serve the people, not the elite. 

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Married to the Mob

It is crucial for the nation to remember what was happening, before we were side-swiped by a cult-like insurrection instigated by a rogue band of gypsy traitors.  Their charismatic leader had amassed the troops and led them to Washington to stop the peaceful transfer of power from one President to the next.  There was no legal precedent for this action, and because America's history is rich with protest, the rally feigned peace but turned deadly.  After Donald Trump became President, racist rallies proliferated.  Some were in response to Black Lives Matter, but white police officers established a trend of murdering back men no matter what the circumstances.  Black Lives Matter was a rally cry for the killing of George Floyd.  There are better martyrs, and a drug addict with a long record of arrest wasn't the best choice.  What it should have accomplished was noting the difference between Black and White culture.  We live differently.  Not everyone, but it would not be stereotypical to point out some of these differences.  Unemployed people living on the street live differently than middle class Whites.  It is important for law enforcement to study these differences and adjust their responses accordingly.  I learned some of these differences playing in a Black R&B Hip Hop band in Columbus, Ohio.  Brothers often shoot in the hood.  They treat the street as their own yards.  They are in a longer time continuem.  Often under the influence of some mind altering substance, they readily will not respond to immediate verbal commands.  It does not mean that they are armed, violent, or uncooperative.  It means they are involved in a deeper level of life than merely driving a car.  There is a story and history to their actions you may not understand, so being a psychologist could be helpful in your traffic stop.  What I want to remember is the killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin by Kyle Rittenhouse.  Seventeen at the time Kyle drove across state lines with an AR-15 assault rifle and shot three protestors.  Two died.  Sheriff David Beth described the armed militia as  resembling vigilantes.  Kyle was acquitted of the murders  claiming self defense.  There was premeditation in Mr. Rittenhouse's actions, because he instigated the altercations.  If he had stayed at home, these men would not be dead.  Far Right Extreme Republicans lionized Rittenhouse and made him in example for their cause.  What were they doing in Kenosha?  They said they were attempting to protect businesses, which is the job of the police.  The police were under duress, because members of Black Lives Matter were protesting their often oppressive behavior.  Was it fair or right for armed vigilantes to travel to a protest, make a stand, and then kill others in the name of their cause?  It was murder, and Kyle Rittenhouse walked scot-free.  This event became an abstract metaphor for the Trump Presidency.  The protocol and behaviors of the Trump Administration began to resemble the KKK culminating in leading a march with General Mark Milley to forcefully disband protestors in Washington, DC.  General Milley admitted he was not briefed on the action and was not aware of the negative ramifications of the publicity stunt.  It was staged.  While Donald Trump is under indictment for many probable crimes, it is more important to recall his Communist Fascist tendencies when President.  This destructive political maneuvering set the stage for what is transpiring in America today.  The evil seeds were planted, and GOP zealots continue to upset governance in Congress.  It was important that Kevin McCarthy be removed as Speaker of the House, even if it ushers in a temporary reign of chaos.  I ask where are other Republicans?  The House is a large institution, and the roving band of derelict gypsies could be quelled.  Where are the rest of House law makers, and why are they reluctant to step forward and do their jobs?  The threat of the Mob or organized crime is waning, and soon its influence on Washington governance will be minimal.  It is corporate America with which we must contend.  

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Gurden Thorp - Bassist

Olga "Bo" Thorp was the queen of theater in the Cape Fear River basin.  After local Representative Tony Rand procured an  art's grant, The Fayetteville Little Theater became the Cape Fear Regional Theater.  With the change of name came an alliance with Equity actors, so participants no longer all were local.  Professional Equity actors began to be hired, so the season became commercial.  It transformed  from local intimate theatrical to a commercial season.   The Equity actors had to be paid.  This is precursor to my subject which is theater orchestra.  Holden Thorp, Bo's son, better is known as the youngest Chancellor in United States history.  He escaped his post at UNC-Chapel Hill to find new opportunities in St. Louis, MO as Provost at Washington University.  With this move to the other side of the river came better opportunities.  Holden, as he told me a few months ago, found musical opportunities playing bass in pit orchestras for musicals.  This is not something that may have happened in the colloquial confines of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  He and I both matriculated at this prestigious university, and both of us were involved in the commercial music scene.  Holden had attended the Berkley College of Music summer program in Boston as a high school student, where he learned music theory and commercial arranging.  While mostly self taught and with direct experience from his mother's theater, Holden began to write and arrange music including a full fledged show mounted at the theater called "Polyester."  Politics in North Carolina music was strong, and there is a rich roster of motivated performing musicians of all kinds.  Opportunities to play and grow weren't easily accessible, especially in the jazz scene.  Competition was great, so we took what we could get.  Holden and I played in a G.B. (General Business) band in college, and enjoyed traveling around to local country clubs playing beach music and jazz.  It was a rare experience, and we are lucky to have had it.  When the Athletic scandal broke at UNC, Holden was caught in the middle.  Eventually he did the right thing and relocated to new territory leaving that hornet's nest behind.  His move to St. Louis eventually rendered playing opportunities that complimented a newly acquired academic position at a prestigious research university.  He was a respected educator but began to flex his mojo playing electric bass in local musical theater productions.  I heard Holden play recently in Thalian Hall's production of The Man of La Mancha in Wilmington, North Carolina.  The show happened in the midst of a personal crisis for me, but I made the effort to drive and support his work.  What I heard was a crystallizing of Holden's musical intents over decades of evolution.  Since I had known him, this was the first time I had experienced his musical soul since it had been shaped and developed over many years of dedication, perseverence, and experience in academia.  The musical soul is a direct line to someone's heart.  When we had mounted "Footloose" at the Cape Fear Regional Theater during a summer, and I was playing electric bass and keyboards, Holden showed up with his guitar to sit in with the pit orchestra.  His bass playing had been limited to our beach band with Kyle Whitford.  St. Louis had provided more opportunities to experiment and grow as a pit orchestra musician.  He ended up with a "stick" upright bass and no amplifier which was the correct formula to play for a Broadway musical.  Ten years of ship orchestra work for me had honed my skills in this environment, and I tend not to look back.  It always was not enjoyable playing with prerecorded tracks with a click track in one ear.  It is a skill one learns to survive.  Since I have been living at home taking care of my mother, it is something I do not relish to think about.  Seeing "The Man of La Mancha" was intimidating to me, because my head was filled with other tasks managing my mother's care.  As I began to give into the sentiment in the show and let myself be moved, I began to trust Holden's musical interpretation on bass.  It was not dissimilar to my work in the orchestra for "Footloose."  Bass at its best is the leader of the band.  It provides the pulse and the pitch for everything that occurs above it.  It can and will make or break the show.  In the years since I had seen Holden, and his many years evolving as an educator, person, and musician he had blossomed into a swan.  The years of strife as a probable ugly ducking (which he necessarily wasn't), and these new opportunities escaping North Carolina and a rather colloquial academic system, gave birth to a new and better chapter to his life.  I know because I have experienced the same thing.  It is not possible unless you move.  It was gratifying to experience this metamorphosis, and hear Holden mature emotionally and musically into a more enlightened artist.  Bass is key. 

The Fall of an Emperor (Kind Of)

Falling from grace isn't easy.  I can feel Trump's pain.  His political savvy was so inspired, the only way to fell his power was to take away his money.  I read two articles today, one in the Washington Post and one in the Fayetteville Observer which finally touched upon the strife being felt by the American people.  The big white dynasty is going to fall, and the kingpin had to come down first.  "Kill the officers!"  My friends say Trump only is a cog in the wheel, but he was a self-proclaimed cult leader who led the fringe masses to drink the CoolAid.  It does suggest that foreign Communist influences were pulling the puppet strings.  Russian collusion was not proven, but we knew that Donald Trump had a fondness for Communist dictators.  That is enough.  The American GOP SuperPacs hopped on the train, but Trump went off the rails.  It is sad for America to see this happening, falling from grace.  The American Dream, fame, fortune, success, and power harvested from a tilled, planted, and fertilized Capitalist free market.  "The Art of the Deal" says Trump was not a capable businessman.  He was a shyster.  He ripped people off, but he got rich doing it.  Or did he?  The case against him is based on inflated values, saying you have more than you do.  Until the culmination of the civil trail, we won't know what he had.  Keeping it secret was part of the methodology.  To see Trump sitting in court, his business licenses stripped from him, facing divestment of of the entire Trump Organization...  The Trump Tower, his holy grail of achievement taken from him...  It is reminiscent of the prosecution John Gotti, boss of the Gambino crime family in New York.  Donald Trump has style and charisma, and he talks the talk.  It took him a long way, but trying to commandeer the leadership of the free world through tyranny was too much.  This is what needs to be remembered.  It is not the American Dream gone wrong.  It is a traitor being brought to justice. 

Monday, October 02, 2023

Trump MAGA Bullies

I have thoughts spinning in my head, but they are disparate.  It is likely this blog post may be non sequitur.  Most of these thoughts necessarily concern  the rights of American citizens which have  become infringed upon.  I should make a list.  How is it a Mexican company, Alfa S.A.B de C.V. of Monterey, Mexico owns a plant in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and their rail activity infringes upon the lives of citizens of Cumberland Country?  I hate rail, and I was a model railroader.  I have had many layouts beginning with .027 guage as a child.  I had my father's Lionel trains, which belonged to his father.  I switched to HO and built several large layouts in our double garage.  I just disposed of one at the city dump, but I have a Christmas layout that works.  Congress has failed to keep us safe.  George W. Bush kept his promise to keep America safe since 9/11.  It was more bureaucracy (The Department of Homeland Security) and lots of screening for me as I flew to ship assignments.  Even after the Financial Crisis of 2008 (which unknowingly to most was caused by Bill Clinton), Americans felt no immediate danger.  This is not to discount the hundreds of innocent New Yorkers who perished in the 9/11 attacks.  It is likely these attacks may not have occurred if not for the Bush oil cartel.  What evolved during the Trump Presidency, a return to a Jim Crow, has digressed our nation.  It is uncanny the ignorance which has proliferated since.   As a friend of mine suggests it is plausible that the infringements about which I am writing are causing the volatile, unstable, antagonist behavior of Americans.  There is a preponderance of EMF energy that is unregulated.  It was illegal, until Bill Clinton became President.  He has caused grievous harm to America.  Balancing the budget was important, but allowing harmful radiation to proliferate is unacceptable.  5G is a mistake.  Phased array radar is a mistake.  With Elon Musk's Starlink Satellite constellation, there is a massive heating element in the sky.  We are in denial.  We talk grieve about Global Warming, but no one exposes the causes.  It is not just the burning of fossil fuels.  It is cell phone tower emissions, jet exhaust, AC traction, and military targeting systems.  A Mexican cartel using Fayetteville as a resource for their private gain (probable drug trafficking) is infuriating.  That the Chinese own Chemours, a company that has infiltrated my life on so many levels, is infuriating.  Their by-product is in our air and our water, and the Chinese are laughing at us.  "Take that, Mr. Kung Flu!"  PSA jet aircraft fly directly over our neighborhood spewing micro dust and carbon exhaust, but no one seems to notice.  Congress has failed to keep Americans safe.  Instead they have instigated a campaign to degrade America loosening gun laws, dismantling protective regulatory legislation, and appointing stooges to positions that require intelligence, honesty, and integrity.  During the Trump Presidency this insider attack was begun.  It is Jim Crow Junior, and its constituents are Trump MAGA bullies.  They are the same racist, discriminatory, narcissistic, Fascist Southerners who lynched freed slaves for decades for personal amusement.  Once we understand that, then these personal infringements make more sense.  America is dealing with an enemy from within, and they began this civil war by attacking us, lessening our freedoms, compromising our economic opportunities, and lying about their actions.  My most recent foray into Fascism is a doctor I saw, and he expected me to do what he said unquestioningly.  Although I don't have health insurance to pay for his services, and although his suggestions were irrelevant and extraneous to my health requirements, still he bullied me into complying with his battery of unnecessary tests.  It was the third such attempt I have thwarted simply by figuring out their game plan.  Three  doctors with the exact agenda in spite of what you are telling them.  It is manipulation at the level of a savvy Nazi officer, a Communist Fascist who will take your money and kill you in the end.  This is a lot to stomach, but I am the wiser because of it.  The source of Covid 19.  We have to look no further than who paid the Wuhan Lab ten million dollars.  This is where Covid came from.  There is no other possibility, just like suggesting crickets cause Havana syndrome.  We should be in a Disney cartoon.  "Crickets!"  Havana Syndrome is caused by non-lethal microwave emissions.  Covid may have been designed to be a non-lethal weapon, but it failed.  Smoke and mirrors.  Muddy the water.  Spin the truth. The reality of America is we have been brought down by our own, and that is a difficult truth to swallow.  It is not woke.  It is the truth.