Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tesla and his Innovation

I never really even got started, but I did it in a passive humanitarian way.  I never really even hit the nail on the head, because none of us, me included, really know the answer.  Maybe Tesla knows the answer, and I don't mean a car company.  Electricity, this magical wondrous thing that fuels our world.  It, like everything else, we have exaggerated into a technological marvel which better was understood in America's glory days.  Those who created our country, those inventors, apprentices, and master craftsmen who designed, shaped, and built America are gone.  The legacy they alone created by sweat, toil, perseverance, and love has been exploited, re-branded, re-purposed, and manipulated by a petty few who seem to be good at trading numbers.  Within this mix there are innovators who deserve credit, millennials who have found something new like Alexa.  The problem is as soon as the novelty brings revenue, North Korea, Russia, or China will steal and use the idea for political gain.  It all ready has happened with the internet.  It has been infiltrated, and the Cold War has begun again.  Tesla may know the answer, but none of us do.  What is happening in an ES44AC is anybody's guess.  I know roughly what is happening, because I have read about it.  Tesla invented the AC or alternating current driven motor.  It differs from a DC or direct current motor by not having brushes on the rotor to carry current.  Instead like magic, there is no touching between the rotor and the stator, a cylinder with complex wire windings which carry current and create an electromagnetic field.  Somehow when alternating current is applied to the windings the electromagnetic field begins to move along the circular shape of the stator.  It moves in a circle over and over again, and this moving electromagnetic field drags along the rotor with it.  It pulls the rotor without touching it by producing a strong magnetic field.  Magnets are what make the motor spin.  Until the early 1990's we did not have the technology to know how to control the speed of an AC motor.  Maybe we used rheostats.  With the advent of a reliable and portable personal computer (Bill Gates) strides also were made in the field of semiconductors.  Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors and Thrysistors were invented allowing electrical switching.  Amazingly a system was developed that allowed the computer to control the frequency of electrical power.  The computer.  A PC.  Wow.  Of course that is not all there is to it.  A large maze of electrical gear is needed to handle the high voltage of a diesel/electric prime mover.  Inverters, rectifiers, and alternators are needed to change the frequency of AC current, which in turn somehow is in ratio with the motor speed.  Less frequency of AC, the slower the motor turns.  Higher frequency of AC, the motor turns faster.  Word.  How does that relate to a train?  Traditional diesel/electric locomotives used DC traction motors.  They were motors built into the axles of the locomotives.  These are what pull the train.  It would seem the railroads were not satisfied with the performance of these machines.  On heavy haul applications such as coal trains traveling slowly on small grades the motors would overheat and burn out.  Enter AC traction.  Someone versed in the art of electricity would know that it performs in ways similar to sound.  Interestingly electricity has frequency, wavelength, and harmonic content which you can hear.  It is organic, alive, and dangerous.  When dealing with a concept with which no one has before such as variable frequency alternating current, precautions should have been taken to study the process.  In short I have a recording on minidisk of a departing AC4000 locomotive.  I was parked directly adjacent to the pair of engines when it took off.  I pushed the record button on my machine, and what I captured could have been used in a science fiction film.  It was like a UFO taking off from earth and flying into the heavens.  The sound of the processed electricity were breath taking.  It roared, it hummed, and it grumbled, and none of this was the sound of a GEVO or 7FDL engine.  These are sound solely that are produced by the electrical system of the train.  America has been hearing 'The Hum" for years, and the hum created by this processing is most of it.  When you create megawatts of electricity with a massive rotating alternator and only let a small amount of it out, the rest of the harnessed energy has something to say.  It is like Beelzebub in chains, in a metal box screaming at the top of his lungs.  Okay.  The electricity makes noise, but the thing I do not know that Tesla might is leakage.  I am familiar with the infrasound waves of trains.  I live within earshot of the CSX-T mainline and a stone's throw from their Hamlet and Rocky Mount installations.  I hear freight and passenger trains day in and day out, but something changed.  Suddenly there was a new girl on the block.  In addition to those undulating infrasound waves, and I have not yet described them all, is a new phenomenon.  This wave changes in frequency in response to physical stimuli.  At first I was sure it was the AC component of this new technology, but now this electrical processing is producing its own low frequency SOUND?  Or could it be electricity?  Because electricity behaves in similar waves to sound, perhaps what I am perceiving like sound actually is electricity.  How could variable frequency alternating current be escaping into our home?  At one point in Tesla's career, he had the bright idea of transmitting AC current to the world from a huge dish for free.  That proves that AC can be transmitted through the air, but is that such a good idea?  Certainly because we know both low frequency sound and electromagnetic waves are dangerous down low, wouldn't electricity follow suit?  I feel this wave vibrating, and I know vibration is the result of magnetism.  Also it is the result of electricity flowing.  Consequently that means it could be an electromagnetic wave, but to broadcast or transmit low frequency electromagnetic signals one needs a 150 miles long antenna like the Navy has to communicate with its subs.  This energy is not changing frequency.  I postulate if it is not the United States military's targeting systems in the field, which some do use this technology, that is is "leaking" alternating current emanating from heavy haul 4,550 horse power GE locomotives.  I have heard people say in Chicago along the tracks if you hold out a fluorescent bulb it will light up.  That proves that truly we have electricity in the air enough to light up small appliances.  If we as American citizens could not find a way to utilize this free energy instead of growing cancer cells. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The G.D. Stock Market

America has become a bubble.  As industry and jobs in manufacturing have left the country, a large percentage of our GNP,  only online retail has emerged as a possible replacement.  We have seen how that goes.  Online retail.  The spoils stay close to the tree.  The money no longer is dispersed in a logical way that supports our system of Capitalism.  The recent scoop has been trillions of dollars are shelved in Switzerland and Grand Cayman.  Private banks have been created to provide a tax shelter for the wealthy.  No surprise here.  I have known that for years.  Capitalism is not working, because the money has been sucked out of the system and is sitting in banks not circulating.  Circulating.  Money which circulates is a quintessential element of Capitalism.  It would seem this has been forgotten, so in a nutshell our socioeconomic has been abandoned.  The system responsible for creating the great wealth that sits in overseas banks, has been deemed defunct.  Enough money has been made by the oligarchy that they are content with their fortunes.  We as American citizens must recognize, acknowledge, and concede that the system that created America is no longer.  Capitalism is extinct.  This is why the country is floundering, and yet prices still are rising.  Part of it is the holidays, a time when many of us are programmed to spend.  It is part of our nature, and will we do it regardless of inflated consumer prices?  That is yet to be seen.  Cyber Monday was a huge success, so the internet it seems has become our new system.  The converse side of that equation is that our spent money also is not being dispersed or circulated to those who need it.  It also is being hoarded into those great fortunes sitting in Swiss and Caymen banks.  It would seem that amassing money is more important than America herself.  I have known this for a long time as well.  Globalization murdered the American Dream.  What CEO in their right mind would pay an American work force when foreigners will do the same job for a fraction of the cost?  American made.  American made used to mean something, and it meant quality.  It meant products were manufactured by people, and those people took pride in their work.  This pride was a result of a dedication to an aesthetic, a work ethic that is incorporated in a lifestyle.  That lifestyle was America.  For the cycle to complete itself, one must take pride in their work.  They must care about it.  It becomes part of them, and that work supports their lives.  Then there was slavery.  There was slavery, and bigot elitists felt they had the right to demand labor for free from lesser beings.  They were entitled.  This sentiment again has emerged in America, and again we as Americans who should understand Capitalism has been rendered extinct also should understand the ruling oligarchy in America cares naught for us.  We are lesser beings.  We are stupid, and how can we not be when the building blocks of a fruitful life have been eradicated.  Our environment.  Our system of public education.  Religion.  God.  Fairness.  Peace.  These components systematically have been removed from American society with the intent of dumbing down our populace.  It has worked.  We are hooked.  Each and every day is a struggle to stay above water when our entire system is trying to make us fail.  The idea of helping people.  The idea of providing opportunity and nurturing for talent.  All of it.  Instead we have the cheapest, lowest, superficial system, like Mother, like Big Brother, like a giant computer who only is playing odds, gambling on a two bit one armed bandit with the future of America the Beautiful.  Take Amtrak for instance.  Anyone who is familiar with American history knows.  Amtrak was a dog, a dog Washington decided to bail out.  Never was it any shining star.  It was a mule, a low performing mule which like city buses provide root level services to the poor.  In the new and exciting aesthetic of Wall Street, sprinkle a little sugar on a turd and sell it as a pooled mortgage disguised as a financial instrument that promises the holy grail.  Deception.  Deception is trying to turn Amtrak, a decrepit skeleton of decaying America into a stealth European bullet train.  With no high tech infrastructure, only the dying bones of a neglected American landscape, emulate a high earning, successful, progressive investment built with thousands of employees, jobs, and support.  Like the internet, Big Brother, Mother, a guy in a cubicle run Amtrak trains faster than they are capable and sell it for quick profit.  What's the fucking rush?  Unlike winding highways, rail lines cut through middle America.  They are the most direct route to get anywhere, but they are old.  Consequently you should not run a Porsche on a dirt track, but they did.  Without proper vetting, without the oversight of the National Transportation Safety Board, or the Federal Railroad Administration, or anyone they decided to open a new quicker route promising holiday shoppers something special.  It is America on Crack.  America on Meth.  America on Sacklers.  We are operating in a drug induced delirium, stoned on opiates, and in denial of the condition of the human race.  It is called Delusions of Grandeur.  It is called Trump. 

The World's Contentious Mobile Convection Oven

A General Electric ES44AC diesel electric locomotive in Notch 1 begins at 450 revolutions per minute.  Whether it is a GEVO or 7FDL twelve or sixteen cylinder prime mover, both are turbo-charged four stroke engines which at full load turn at 1050 r.p.m.'s.  At idle (450 r.p.m.'s) the rotating crank shaft acting as a mechanical oscillator produces a 7.5 Hertz infrasound wave which audibly cannot be heard.  This figure is deduced simply by dividing the engines revolutions per minute by the sixty seconds found in a minute.  Cycles per second is the designation for Hertz, the typical measurement of wave frequency, in this case for sound.  Infrasound like ultrasound is an extreme designation for sound meaning it is so low in frequency it cannot be heard by the human ear.  Typically humans can hear down to 20 Hertz, so logically we can hear both the low E and the fifth string low B on an electric bass.  Their respective frequencies are 41 and 30 Hertz.  Humans cannot hear a 7.5 Hertz infrasound wave produced by all idling diesel/electric locomotives, but do we perceive them?  The answer is yes, and like the experience at a rock concert the reason why we are effected by the music is because not only do we hear it with our ears, we feel it with our bodies.  While the definition of the term otoacoustic has changed significantly during the last two decades, once is was used to define how we hear with mechanisms other than our ears.  It has been proven that unborn babies respond to sound in the womb.  That is because our bodies can perceive sound in many ways, most often through our tactile receptors.  We hear with our skin.  Because human activity is both chemical and electrical and is carried in waves, sound may be the most effective vehicle for carrying emotion.  That is opening Pandora's Box, and Mr. Stravinsky would disagree.  In my experience as a doctoral level composer, fully I believe the feelings we may actualize through music composition may be carried directly to the listener through this complex interacting system of perception.  Because music at its most effective level merely moves air, and Beethoven said music is the breath of God, I believe this to be true.  As human beings were are graced with the ability to perceive this nuances of sound.  The trouble is the infrasonic region of sound in particular is problematic.  First we cannot hear it, which makes it invisible.  If we cannot hear sound how do we know it is happening?  The answer is there are all kinds of litmus tests that confirm we are perceiving infrasound.  Unfortunately again they turn out to be negative.  Low frequency sound has been determined over the years to be harmful to human beings.  It is akin to the sounds produced from natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, and burning wild fires.  The easiest way to personify infrasound is to imagine the reaction primitive man would have to the looming footsteps of a dinosaur.  Infrasound creates a plethora of tangible human responses which largely are ignored today because they are invisible.  Industry has slipped under the radar and proliferated along with their massive output of infrasonic pollution.  With simple mathematics it is easy to discern that a diesel/electric locomotive at idle, that being 450 revolutions per minutes, a 45,000 pound four stoke turbo-charged twelve or sixteen cylinder prime mover creates a 7.5 Hz infrasonic wave which never subsides.  When the engine is engaged as the operator moves the throttle up in notches, the r.p.m.'s increase to 1050.  This is when 4,500 horsepower is produced by the locomotive's onboard electrical system.  1050 divided by sixty seconds in a minute is 17.5, a frequency that is at just the threshold of human hearing.  In one instance as the locomotive sits unused, like they often do in switching yards waiting for personnel changes or the next shift, it is creating a sound wave that is more capable then the lowest strings of a bass guitar at a rock concert.  The question is what is its amplitude?  The conundrum of locomotive building is that an engine is useless unless it is running.  When it runs it runs continuously unlike the notes played in a rock song.  It runs continuously.  Again with simple mathematics or physics it is easy to calculate that a 7.5 Hertz low frequency sound wave is longer than the 112 feet of a 10 Hz tone.  This is the lowest conversion I could find easily on the web.  Let's assume that it is 130 feet.  For the soundwave to complete itself, that is to be perceived in some way by the receptors of the human being, one would have to be at least 130 feet away.  This is good news for locomotive operators, and it is one reason why you will find little discussion by them on the ill effects of their trade.  Not unlike the cruise industry employees often are not affected by their own ship.  More likely they are affected by surrounding vessels operating in close or relative proximity.  When one is cruising solo, meaning there are no other ships in sight, it is a comfortable and relaxing situation.  As soon as other vessels come into view, a value similar to the body's tactile receptors, we begin to perceive their presence the way we will perceive that of a locomotive.  We can't hear them, but we will sense them.  We will sense them in the ways that have been determined over the years, most notably by French Scientist Vladimir Gavreau.  The nature of the diesel is that is produces sound wholly that is unlike any other sounds in the universe except those of nature.  The droning of a waterfall, the crashing of waves, the rumble of a volcano.  These can be frightening events because the sound is ominous, relentless, and non stopping.  Every second an idling diesel/electric locomotive outputs a 7.5 Hz sound wave with a frequency say of 130 feet.  Each repetition of this wave sums itself on the previous wave and they continue to sum proportionately ad nauseam.  If the amplitude of the original wave is nominal, which probably it is and which is why operators rarely complain about their jobs, the amplitude of this infrasound wave continues to increase as it travels seemingly infinitely.  It has been recorded that infrasound waves from natural phenomena will circle the glove five times.  Rest assured that for each locomotive in operation in the world, and GE alone brags about their 30,000 ES44AC's, each machine is producing an infrasound wave that is traveling long distances and carrying massive air pressure, the kind of pressure that cannot be rivaled by the loudest rock band in existence.  It is almost impossible to imagine such a scenario and yet it exists.  It largely is what is creating Global  Warming.  The burning of fossil fuels, and certainly the diesel/electric locomotive falls into that catagory burning diesel for its combustion, is a large part of Global Warming, but sound waves capable of moving air around the world are escalating the problem.  How else could warm air be reaching the poles?  It is because warm air is being pumped through them like like a giant convection oven, and that oven is diesel/electric prime movers. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Illustrious GE ES44AC

Many of your lucid thoughts come from sleep.  Unfortunately sleep is rare to me.  I can tell you which vehicles are disturbing my sleep and causing both physical and emotional pain like an Amtrack timetable.  Hunter Harrison has put a stop to that, and the integral industries surrounding our home have begun to complain.  Although Chemours is under investigation for malfeasance, it would seem they have an opinion about CSX-T's newly implemented high earning operating plan.  In the past I would know the time by The Aberdeen and Rockfish's operation.  Their local arrives at 10:45 a.m. and departs at 1:45 p.m.  As necessary as it crosses Skibo Road it blows the necessary series of  alerts for grade crossings.  You knew what has happening from the sound of a Leslie train horn.  While Fort Bragg has been preparing for World War lll, local train whistles have been mute, but their activity has  escalated.  This happens when Fort Bragg is "in the field" or rather practicing war-time maneuvers in the Normandy Drop Zone.  Camp MacKall has taken more responsibility in the War Against Terror.  Because I have been exhausted from lack of sleep caused by the practicing of war, I have been in bed.  That has given me the opportunity to reflect upon a transportation system providing logistical support for what my be the worlds largest military base.  Ironically the activity at Fort Bragg pales in comparison to the activity of Hunter Harrison's new company.  We shall only have to wait to see if his entrepreneurial railroading philosopy will make the trip from Canada to the American South.  It would seem his presence, while short-lived, has provided a stock bubble for  shareholders.  Much has been reported about the management coup transpiring at CSX-T after Mantle Ridge hedge fund purchased a 4.9 stake and demanding the hiring of retired Harrison.  Only in the last few days has he taken a medical leave of absence.  Wall Street aside only locals can know the real scoop.  Harrison's thugs would show up at hospitals and harass injured employees demanding they do not disclose details or receive their medical entitlements.  They were threatened.  Interesting way to run a company.  If my instincts are correct as sleep-deprived as they may be, Mafia-type business is on the rise all over the world.  Washington is no exception.  Once Gucci Shoe Guys wore designer suits and carried big checks to Washington lawmen.  I would suspect in this day and age they now are carrying weapons and consummate threats.  Because my schedule is disheveled and erratic the day begins at 8:45 a.m.  This is the new fifty.  It used to be 5:30 a.m.  For the longest time it was 3:30 a.m., the witching hour when the walls would bleed and floors would shake.  Then it became 6:00 a.m. for a while.  Now it is 8:45, and I have to get out of bed, pee (or lately try to pee because of prostate issues), and go downstairs to open the curtains.  After doing so I am overwhelmed by a feeling of exhaustion and make my way back to the bedroom to sleep.  Upon entering my room it dawns on me that my room has become unusually hot, and I must open the window and insert my fan.  Recirculating the air in this small bedroom usually alleviates the pressure that has built up from train number one.  It take approximately one hour and a half for this what must be Hunter Harrison extended freight to lumber through downtown.  It may stop and change personnel.  At about ten it is calm again.  At eleven it starts anew but for a shorter length of time.  At noon it is the bomb, and I mean the big one.  I have to get out of the room, because my head is pounding, my joints are aching, and my sciatic nerve is singing Nessun Dorma.  From noon onward we have both Amtrack consists to look forward to.  Luckily GE and their diminishing stock profile decided to become a locomotive manufacturer with large plants both in Pennsylvania and Texas.  They tout their environmentally friendly ES44AC as the most cutting edge locomotive ever built, simply because it contains a microwave tube that transmits engine diagnostics to a small Cessna and then to their central satellite for relay to Jacksonville.  "A three day repair becomes a three hour repair!"  gleefully states a GE representative.   He then proceeds to lure an attractive Lolita into their facility to show off his tool.  4,400 horsepower he tell her, and let's her get behind the wheel.  If bimbos are test driving the most powerful locomotives in the world in Texas, then Roy Moore was the foreman.  With some grease, a toe in your ass, and a pat on the back GE managed to slip its 7FDL four stoke diesel prime mover into modest Amtrack passenger locomotives.  (Damn, these clever internet boys just keep on ticking)  Bluetooth Turntable.  Self-driving cars.  And we could halt global warming and feed the world...  The GE7FDL, with its massive power footprint, eliminated the need for an auxiliary unit.  It was powerful enough, and GE had the know how, to create Head End Power and AC power for the train carriages with one engine.  It is the same tried and true engine that found its way back into the ES44AC after they fell out of love with their own newly developed GEVO engine.  Consequently the C40-9 (or Dash 9) for short still is operating under the EPA's radar.  The ES44AC is a souped up version of what all ready was the most invasive polluting diesel/electric locomotive in existence.  Yes, it was effective and as Hunter Harrison has shown can pull two mile long intermodal freights.  For those of us peons who live down by the river and not up in the Connecticut hills, that diesel microdust, infrasonic pollution, and escaping alternating current have wreaked havoc on our population.  Trouble is no one will say so.  In a world simple where we need good doctors, a lot of them, and a few good hospitals, instead we have miles and miles of bureaucratic red tape sealing the weeping wounds of the Sackler empire.  Agencies.  Departments.  Offices.  Companies.  All that perform USELESS functions for the health and well being of America's citizens except collecting our hard-earned dollar and turning it over to Uncle Sam.  It is a big circle jerk, Washington and  corporate America, and we are losing. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Roy's Lolita

I will try to capsulize, on the franchise, verbalize, the Adirondack quackery of the flim flammery.  So life has beene.  Bean.  Mean.  Suffering.  The news of late is commensurate of the legislate.  Roy Moore is on the block.  Tuesday will tell a large issue for D.C.  The Donald, like any effective United States President, has stirred up holy hell in the Middle East.  Shaking the Tree as Peter Gabriel would sing.  I have seen a few glimpses of positive trends in the Republican leadership.  What are they?  Evidently, although our news has reported nada, ISIS largely has been removed from Iraq.  There was a large celebration of security forces, of which we know naught.  Gump has been shipping G.I.'s to the Middle East since he became Prez.  Lester Young might have objected.  If ISIS has been removed or better yet defeated on Iraqi soil, this is major news.  This is not wiener news.  Why have we not seen this?  We have seen snippets of the wild fire in Cali.  We have seen a lot of sexual harassment news.  I guess Hollyweird likes their sex scandals.  The Dem's laid Al Franken on the alter, a human sacrifice of a needed good guy in the Senate.  Bad move and more surprising he caved.  I would believe there was a large donation to his future.  Will Roy be more?  We will see.  Ironic that decades old issues suddenly have surfaced.  B.S.  Let it lie.  Humbert Humbert like little girls, and Nabakov proved it was beautiful.  In good ole Raleigh them white-haired fat cats are so afraid for their own daughters, because they are not capable of teaching or protecting them.  Losers.  I would like to hear more about "our" victory in Iraq.  This is major news, a story which is the longest war in American history, and yet we have heard naught.  That is because it is show.  Still if our American boys have been successful burning extreme towel heads, Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be telling us about it.  The news of late has been shate.  Holidays for everyone.  Bitcoin?  Shitcoin.  Well Street.  Mall Feet.  If ever Fight Club was relevant, it is now.  If ever "V" was relevant, it is now.  Destroy Parliment.  Destroy Wall Street, the scourge of America.  I am so sick of reading about these assholes.  Fascism has arrived in America with a capital F.