Thursday, January 26, 2023

Up Schitt Creek Without a Paddle

 Perhaps "Fayettenam" isn't representative of the rest of the nation.  Of course it isn't, because the sobriquet "Fayettenam" accurately, although cynically, describes the dynamic of Fayetteville, North Carolina.  Before BRAC, Base Realignment and Closure, Fayetteville mostly was a military town.  There was one important difference, and that difference was there were both a middle and upper social class.  Only recently like most of the rest of America has a chasm developed between the ultra rich and the poor.  Throughout the Covid pandemic we kept hearing 1-2% of Americans held most of the wealth.  Logically Covid fueled this disparity, because the all ready rich profited from this outbreak of deadly disease.  Considering this scenario it is logical to assume that this disease was not an accident.  Science concludes Covid could not be naturally occurring, because it would have taken thousands of years to develop on its own.  Covid was planned, manufactured, and whether accidentally or purposely unleashed on the world.  A specific few profited greatly from this outbreak of disease including  The pharmaceutical companies who manufactured a "vaccine" also profited.  Like the rest of America they received their socialist/communist alms from Washington, DC.  Our free market system of social mobility driven by entrepreneurship has gone the way of the dinosaur.  Most wise company owners now bypass the general public and our market and go straight to Washington to receive their revenue.  It may be a swamp, but wading through the muck has replaced trying to bring a product to market, advertising it, and then selling it for a profit.  America has been socialist for a long time, and those who have been shouting, "Socialist" disparagingly are the ones receiving their incomes from Uncle Sam.  It is a disgusting display of hypocritical narcissism.  We as a nation have become brainwashed to stand in line for alms from the government.  The nature, foundation, and philosophy of American freedom is gone, and we don't even know it.  The landscape of America is but a littered barren road with most cowering in front of screens or addicted to our palms.  A1 is here, and most of us are just borgs on a conveyor belt.  It is infuriating this loss of Americanism.  We are so spoiled, lazy, and selfish that we no longer understand what it is to be human.  We are too busy interacting with man-made devices that control our free will.  This was the plan, and it has come true.  It was not that long ago that if you wanted to watch a pornographic movie you had to frequent a video store (what is that?!) and rent a VHS tape to view on your own machine at home.  The internet and Covid have tainted America almost to a point of no return.  I would like to know how it is possible that one man has been allowed to envelop the earth in his own personal network of low altitude satellites.  Is not space international?  Did Elon Musk personally travel to and meet with the leaders of every nation to ask for permission to launch and fly these invasive devices?  Who could have facilitated such an occurrence?  Could it have been the former President, and could this mysterious and undefined new branch of the armed services called the "Space Force" have been developed to aid this personal endeavor?  The answer unequivocally is, "Yes."  The entirety of America is operating in the fringe, and we no longer have control as the American people.  We are a flock of sheep grazing peacefully on our smart devices, confused about our gender, and unwilling to confront reality.  We are up Schitt Creek, and no one will admit it. 

The Lost Virtue of Physical Love

 The silence of the land line is unnerving.  Punctually for months the National Heart Association (or is it the American Cancer Society?) calls at 9:15 a.m. and at noon like clockwork and annoying.  The "beep" of the robo call and then the static crowd noise in a large room.  The salutation always is, "Hello?," spoken as a question.  When they say it this way, it creates naivete, like they are not responsible for the solicitation they are about to pander.  The Cancer Society has had cures for cancer for decades, but they will not receive federal funding if they cure cancer.  The same is true for the rest of the medical establishment.  The Socialist/Communist federal dollars will not flow if they have to labor to create a product or cure an illness.  Thus we sold America out to the highest bidder in a gross and distorted misperception of the United States Constitution.  Wall Street, our ingenious economic construct for the wealthy, is America's metaphor for not producing a product.  They are the torch that will bring down the world's most powerful free market system with narcissism, conceit, and evil.  How are we to understand what evil is, if there is no God?  The plan to eradicate God from American consciousness began three decades ago, and it began with print media.  For so long printed periodicals were the conscience of America.  The free press and their management wielded authoritarianism beyond academia, because to flourish in academic one had to be published.  The internet destroyed print media.  The internet destroyed commercial music.  The internet destroyed television and now film.  At its inception the internet was a clever subculture for academia, because it began in academia as a network of connected databases.  Only recently and perhaps with the passing of "Net Neutrality" has the internet also been sold out.  Rebranding the internet as trade and industry, its purpose or use quickly was sublimated to serve capitalist America.  Its counter-culture was cancelled in the most specific example of cancel-culture we can find.  The ensuing silence of the land line is unnerving almost like a Cold War has descended upon America.  It is quiet, dark, and solitary not unlike a communist enclave.  With this quiet comes an illusion of serenity, but if you abide by this void, the lack of will and human energy, only what is immediate and ambient will proliferate.  What is this in "Fayettenam?"  Startlingly it is very different than any other place in the nation.  The Covid 19 pandemic has cast an irreversible scar on the American landscape not unlike our wars in Korea and Viet Nam.  Instinctively I was aware of ensuing war in North America, because aside from Viet Nam my generation has escaped life threatening plight.  America's first "television war," first intimidating a weak Iraqi army and then bombing the wrong nation's life-providing  infrastructure from the sky, doesn't suffice for a generation's grievous survival.  When reflecting upon centuries of world history, pundits of 2012 predicted as much.  They were a decade off, and that margin of error is negligible.  I thought George W. Bush was Satan, but I was wrong.  It is Donald Trump.  My inquisitive factual complaints about a deregulated society have been cast as psychotic, conspiratorial, and not worth consideration.  Jesus was the example, and most of us don't understand the far-reaching scope of sacrificing your only son for the world.  With God erased from American consciousness, it is easy to cast anything that prohibits your monetary profit as bad.  The Republican Party has been using this as their political strategy as long as we can remember.  It only took Donald Trump winning the presidency to cement this ideology into place as a sitting president spewing lying rhetoric.  His charisma was so strong, and weak-minded people so gullible, it only took his words to coax a violent insurrection out of his followers.  It is Biblical in proportion, and we should understand it this way.  Donald Trump's attempted siege of American freedom, economic mobility, and enlightenment is no less than any other despotic conquering of weak people.  With the staunch Christian leadership of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, America resisted this almost covert attempted coup.  Almost diplomatic in design, January 6th is as egregious as any bloody revolution in world history.  The good news is American fastidiousness, strength, and rebelliousness sustained us for the right reasons.  Those reasons are penned in the Constitution of the United States.  Although America has survived Trump's assault, including Covid 19, our wounds are deep and festering.  They are filled with racism, misogyny, pedophilia, radicalized homosexuality, and violence.  Trump accomplished many of his goals while president.  Our youth lost two years of education at the helm of violent internet-based video games.  Not only were they starved of moral, ethical, Christian teaching, they were indoctrinated by pop culture run awry.  One look at the days headlines, and America sees her shortcomings.  It is stark, dark, and seemingly irreversible.  The beginning of the change in America is work, but work is available.  The trouble is work, at the hands of Donald Trump for four years as president, means something different.  The quality of life for Baby Boomers is something far different than what is being offered us today.  Jim Crow Jr., the Plantation, and slave life were rejuvenated by a man who is nothing more than a Southern televangelist hawking lies and selling snake oil.  How are we to refurbish America, when the socioeconomic landscape now is run by gangsters?  Organized crime is the ambient dynamic in Fayettenam, and this is what sets us apart from the rest of America.  Fayetteville, with her anachronistic moniker, "History, Heroes, and a Hometown Feeling," has succumbed to a murderous assault from an unknown disease.  While this pathogen has dealt mayhem to society, and while Washington has tried to provide relief, America has suffered a broken axle on the side of the world highway.  We no longer are a leading superpower.  If we had kept manufacturing at home and not sold out the American work force to cheap foreign labor, we could be.  We're not.  Corporate America chose to sell out America for the money.  They are rich, and we are poor.  Because of Covid 19, there is nothing in between.  It is Wall Street at the top, and the rest of us at the bottom.  We are living life in one big ghetto, and everyone is desperate.  We are weak from disease, undisciplined from two years of employment hiatus, and have forgotten the American Dream.  We don't remember what the good life is, so pop culture and social media are exploiting this gangsta life.  Turn on the tube and ignorance reigns.  It is because we have lost the virtue of love. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Spin Wheel of America

 What we don't need to see on the front page today is the appointing of  more special councils, special masters, or specialty lobbyists.  Lobbyists are controlling the country with a special strategy for controlling the swamp.  Create havoc.  Create mass chaos.  Stir up the dust.  Rabble rouse.  Throw darts.  Antagonize.  Simply when Congress is in chaos, corporate America rapes and pillages.  Protective agencies do not do their jobs, and that is lobbyists' special strategy.  Appointing special master-debators, special friends, or special needs especially specializes in smoke and mirrors.  Spin.  Spin the big wheel of America, so no one can see the rampant pollution, misconduct, and corruption of corporate America.  When Congress is bickering the machine notches into Run 8, and they never look back.  American citizens are secondary.  We are livestock lazily grazing in the field hoping things will turn out all right.  They won't, and before you know it you will be on a stock car headed to the butcher.  Persecuted Jews rode the train to Auschwitz and were guided to the shower house.  Deadly gas instead of water diffused from the plumbing.  America is being poisoned the same way, slowly, discreetly, and illegally.  If Congress was alive and well and functioning, then regulatory agencies could do their jobs overseeing corporate America.  Now regulatory agencies are another entry on the list of bribes.  New Alzheimers drug?  Fast track the clinical trials and get in on the market.  A Covid "vaccine" emerged quickly.  Is it a vaccine at all?  Maybe its an antidote, and that is why we have to keep taking it.  If it were a real vaccine it would have taken decades.  The last "vaccine" gave me Covid and maybe because, Walgreene's gave me this vaccine with the flu shot.  Flu shots have coronaviruses in them.  I won't do that again.  Special Council.  Special diversion from the real news.  Investigate Biden?  Waste more tax dollars for a country thirty trillion in debt.  Maybe Washington should begin to think about how to make money rather than spend it. 

Sunday, January 08, 2023

The End of It All

There remains one constant in Americans' lives, and I am not prioritizing us from the rest of the world.  American liberty or freedom has been a separating factor of these United States since the inception of these United States.  There are other democracies in the world, but America always has been considered the pinnacle.  We are heralded as the world's great superpower.  I'm not sure if that is true anymore.  How can a country with a 30 trillion dollar national debt be a superpower?  We can't manage our own budget much less wield power over other nations.  We have neglected, disrespected, and exploited our own population to the point of possible extinction.  The great wealthy families of the world seem not to care.  They have all the money.  Today's economies are fodder for their amusement.  Perhaps some desperation and survival instinct are appropriate.  Elders today are living well into their 90's.  With this model one's last few chapters in life are confusing.  Are we winding down and have done most of what we will accomplish, or are we still to do?  I gravitate more to the latter of those two choices.  I am much more comforted to think I could die at any moment and be content with my life's work.  There are things still I would like to do, but I would not be disappointed if they did not happen.  The world is a shit storm, and anyone would feel intimidated to accomplish anything except the super rich.  With gazillions of dollars things would be easier, like sending thousands of earth-warming satellites into space.  Somewhere down the line America morphed into the surreal subspace of fantasy.  We no longer appreciate the little accomplishments which teach us morality.  Instead we are fighting armies in video games in gala Japanese anime fashion.  Good old American values, whatever they are, are gone.  The iPhone has not helped.  It is part of the reason we are living in a fantasy world, a cyber sub-conscience of unreality.  Is it possible to return to the living?  Living in reality is a much more brutal and challenging undertaking.  Best it is personified by Covid 19, a coronavirus which appeared in 2019 wreaking havoc on the world.  Today's headlines, the limited amount of them I can get via television because of horrible reception at my home, are the newest Covid variant is the most "transmissible."  What could this mean?  Does it mean somehow the Covid molecule has become more ruthless in its raping and pillaging of our ACE receptors?  Is it entering our bodies in more novel ways like a novel Coronavirus should?  Has it become sexually transmitted?  Can we get it from a dirty toilet seat?  Should I wear a condom when masturbating?  The word is it has mutated because we are being infected with multiple strains at the same time.  Fock.  That is disheartening.  I am sick of being sick.  What I have learned is the information given to the American public has been scant.  It summarizes as, "Wear a mask," and "Stay at home."  That's about it, and we have Dr. Fauci to thank for that in depth prevention help.  He didn't even tell us we can contract this virus through our eyes.  Our eyes are large, open, vulnerable mucous membranes of which any virus would be happy to infiltrate, but Dr. Fauci told us only to cover our mouths and noses.  My gas permeable contact lenses became infected, and before I understood this and disinfected them with diluted bleach, they reinfected my eyes and body for over a year.  Our eyes are a huge vulnerable weakness to disease, and it would explain the number of eye illnesses I saw during the Covid outbreak.  Fauci said nothing.  I have been able to smell twice during the last three years, and I am enjoying now.  The latest "booster" for Covid was given to me by Walgreens with the flu vaccination.  Two weeks later I had Covid again, and it was the worst bout I have experienced.  Still I am not over it.  Misinformation is and was rampant, and many corporations who said they would not donate to election deniers are doing so again.  Quietly the siege to overtake America is still active.  We are destined to become a Communist nation under autocratic rule if we are not careful.  With the sheer number of people still supporting Donald Trump, it is what they want.  A large percentage of the population of America are communists, so America's concern with this faction of people historically is and was not in vain.  It was a good idea this witch hunt for Reds.  There are those who are at peace with freedom and the solidarity of themselves, and there are those we seek to dominate because their demons are upset by our spirits.  They must conquer that which is foreign and unfamiliar rather than learning and becoming enriched.  Small minds.  Small mindedness is a synonym for lack of spirituality.  When one is spiritual he must trust someone and something bigger and more important than himself.  Usually that is God, and God in different cultures has different titles.  The conceit to think one's self is the highest probability of intelligence is pure ignorance.  Our educational system must do better, and Covid has hindered it.  Now we have become unhealthy and ignorant, a formula for extinction.  If things continue  as they are the Bible's predicted end of the world may be near.  

Saturday, January 07, 2023

More of the Same for America, If?

Television news, both local and national, doesn't report much anymore.  Their editors are not familiar with the historical lineage of traditional American news agencies.  Tabloid news is their model, and because streaming has usurped television as the major source of information, television news is a shadow of its former self.  They are hanging on, but the industry is a shell.  Why?  They are controlled by corporations and their owning wealthy families.  No longer are they free to report the news as it is.  It is propagandist, biased, and manipulative.  Television commercials or advertisements are the same.  What they are selling is crap, and one needs to tell one's self this truth.  I can't watch any of them, because I am not interested in  their products.  I visited the Good Feet Store and received a demonstration of their advertised insoles.  The cost was $1,400.00.  That was alot for three sets of plastic insoles, but it was an enlightening experience.  I think there is merit to their product.  How meteorologists can look us in the eye and tell us the weather without laughing is surprising.  They must be paid a lot.  Since the onset of climate change or Global Warming, the nightly weather forecast has become a farce.  For example, and this is to prove man is responsible for climate change, a few weeks ago we had a cold snap with temperatures in the teens.  There was a massive blizzard that swept the Midwest and Northeast, and Buffalo, New York was hard hit.  On Christmas day in the South it was the usual seventy degrees.  People joke about Fayettenam, and they enjoy the unseasonal warm weather.  The reason why Fayetteville, North Carolina is unseasonably warm in winter is not because it is in a depression, the Cape Fear River Basin.  This is a common misconception for the excessive heat and humidity.  Warm Atlantic Ocean air does travel up the river basin.  What causes the unseasonably hot humid weather is military activity.  Military trains travel from Fayetteville through Pembroke to Wilmington.  The yard in Leland is a sorting place.  When massive air breathing machines suck the air out of this river valley burning it for their own power, what is left?  The answer is their residual heat and the humidity of the encroaching Atlantic Ocean air.  Operation Rolling Thunder often provides summer like temperatures the beginning of February confusing the local flora and fauna.  It is a false spring, and the azaleas and hydrangeas don't know when to bloom.  Often they are damaged by the later winter cold.  2023 was no different.  The week after Christmas after this wonderful cold snap and true winter experience, the military lets loose and wet monsoon conditions appear.  It is hot and steamy and green algae begins to grow on our concrete.  At the moment the aerial military activity has lessened somewhat, and temperatures are dropping to appropriate levels for winter.  The military is responsible for  a large part of Global Warming and Climate Change, but it goes unspoken.  We are led to believe the precedence of the Pentagon and national security cannot be questioned, and technically we are not at war.  (or are we?)  Farce has become a way of life for Americans, and we are watching a puppet of a want-to-be communist dictator try to win the Speaker of the House of Representatives.  If Kevin McCarthy does win, we are in for more of the same.  

Friday, January 06, 2023

El Gestapo

 What better democratic process is there than forcing one of our representative legislative bodies to do their jobs?  "Robert's Rules of Order" may survive in House protocol, but doing the right thing no longer is in vogue.  Now it's extremism substituting shock value for integrity.  What' integrity?  Without God and  and some tenet of religion and spirituality, we don't know thus our "Conditions of America."  Lies are the protocol.  The Media is doing a poor job objectively of reporting the news, because they have been tainted by this nefarious substitution of Extremism over truth and integrity.  The news is biased, and because they no longer by law are required to report on equal sides of an issue, biased opinion is paramount.  Lester Holt's says it each night, and it is getting worse.  Blatantly he said prosecuting Donald Trump would "Tear the nation apart."  This was speculation and opinion, and it would be thrown out by a judge in a court of law.  (unless of course it was a Trump appointed judge, wherein they are on the take)  Mob tactics were ushered into Washington, DC by Donald Trump.  He may not be the first, but Mob tactics are proving to be grievous and influential threatening our freedom and our democracy.  What's the deal?  If Kevin McCarthy doesn't merit the votes to elect him Speaker of the House, then legislative process requires finding a new candidate.  The GOP is in tatters, and Kevin McCarthy now is its metaphor.  We see it in full bloom visibly inhibiting our legislative process and preventing the functioning of our federal government.  The GOP must do their jobs.  If your candidate is not deemed worthy of leading the House, then you must select a new candidate!  Matt Gaetz voted for Donald Trump, and he is not a house member.  ?  The GOP is not qualified to lead the House or the nation, and a violent attempted coup on the Capital seems like a television show.  Kevin McCarthy supports it.  Should he be elected as Speaker of the House?  The House says, "No!" "Meanwhile," in the ephemeral words of Stephen Colbert, of whom I no longer can watch, because my over-the-air television is so limited, America is fighting a proxy war with Russia.  Shall we discuss this?  Does anyone care that the United States is fighting Vladimir Putin?  Does anyone care that World War lll has begun and  is operating incognito?  Our attention has moved from the natural resources of Afghanistan (poppies) to the natural resources of Ukraine.  It is a prudent switch considering the amount of products produced in Ukraine.  "Drugs are bad," but these military planes keep making drops.  A three state trek along the Atlantic ocean, a little touch-and-go in sunny La Florida, and back to home base.  Is it the Mob?  "Meanwhile," the railroads are raking in cash hauling munitions to Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point.  (and other more lucrative cargo)  Why does a Mexican Conglomerate own a polyester plastics plant on the Cape Fear River serviced by three different railroads?  It's a logistical Mecca!  Man, business as usual and no one notices, and the drug problem continues.  The murdering of ten thousand American teens by fentanyl deserves priority in a country who can't even remember what "the right thing" is. 

Thursday, January 05, 2023

McCarthyism and the Giant Deal

 Ironically my sources of local and national news have become more limited from the same world protagonist about whom I am about to write.  Defense contractors have become leeches on the American economy.  Largely they bypass the Capitalist free market and hawk their wares directly in the swamp.  America is socialist, and by that I mean our government pays a large percentage of citizens' incomes directly or indirectly.  Our means of production certainly is not owned by the people, and we do employ a private labor force.  That means we are not socialist, but what is the system of government when the government pays for most of the public's needs?  Indirectly our needs are met by paying us salaries from which we purchase our necessities.  A government employee is an example of this.  Broadly they consider themselves free, but in reality their sustenance is provided by the government, whose resources once came from taxpayers.  Considering the United States on paper is thirty trillion dollars in debt, America lost sight of its functioning economy with blows from the "Big Short," the financial crisis of 2008, and later from the outbreak of the coronavirus.  Our government keeps spending money we don't have neglecting the system once that provided America's revenue.  Has the free market system of Capitalism really worked for us?  I believe it has, and while necessarily John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnagie,  Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan all manipulated our system to its own favor with money to begin with, once the American Dream was the possibility of creating ones sustenance from intelligence, wisdom, devotion, reverence, and diligent work.  Free meant America provided social mobility and embraced competition in her financial ranks.  Sadly no longer is this true.  We have become once again a nation of trusts, and large families hold most of the wealth.  The percentage of income held by a group of billionaires has stymied our once free market system.  Why and how has this happened?  Who was in a position to profit most from a global pandemic having all ready established themselves as an online retail powerhouse?  Suddenly Americans can't go out of the house, and how do they survive without brick and mortar shopping?  With hundreds of thousands of dying Americans what industry is in place to provide a remedy for this death?  Unless smaller, grassroots, indigenous, main street businesses are enabled to thrive again, America never will be the same.  We will continue to be dependent upon our government who no longer is concerned with small business.  America has squeezed small businesses out of the formula, and now the parasites feed directly from the pond in Washington, DC.  The public is bypassed, and what little is left of our tax dollars are bid upon by lobbyists and their corporate sponsors.  The most ruthless of these lately are defense industries, who reply upon global unrest and war as their sustenance.  For their massive array of highly technological products to seem relevant, we must hate one another only want to fight.  Their focus has become ISR, fittingly just a re-arrangement of the acronym for the Internal Revenue Service.  Once this government agency was the citizen's nemesis.  Now it is "Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance."  Not only has America's free market been hobbled by large family trusts, we are being assaulted by carbon and electronic footprints of the defense industry.  (not to mention the true source of Covid 19)  Jokingly I suggest that the American military no longer needs active duty troops on the ground, nor do they even need to fire their weapons.  The targeting, networking, and strategic systems upon which they now are reliant, consisting largely of airborne electromagnetic sensors, are enough to kill the enemy with their residual refuse.  The effects of those previously illegal frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum historically are well-documented.  One only has to read a few National Institute of Health articles online to understand that infrared, ultra-violet, and millimeter wave radiation all are dangerous to the human body.  Our eyes, our skin, and our organs are under attack as long as our military uses and practices with these complex electromagnetic systems.  There are so many sensor arrays manufactured by L3/Harris it is difficult to keep up with them.  Every time a military aircraft strafes my home those infrared sensors are observing me taking a piss.  Talk about taking a piss, Kevin McCarthy.  What could be more glorious in a resurrection of the ideals of American democracy, than a Trumpian "Big Lie" supporter and election denier NOT getting elected as Speaker of the House?