There remains one constant in Americans' lives, and I am not prioritizing us from the rest of the world. American liberty or freedom has been a separating factor of these United States since the inception of these United States. There are other democracies in the world, but America always has been considered the pinnacle. We are heralded as the world's great superpower. I'm not sure if that is true anymore. How can a country with a 30 trillion dollar national debt be a superpower? We can't manage our own budget much less wield power over other nations. We have neglected, disrespected, and exploited our own population to the point of possible extinction. The great wealthy families of the world seem not to care. They have all the money. Today's economies are fodder for their amusement. Perhaps some desperation and survival instinct are appropriate. Elders today are living well into their 90's. With this model one's last few chapters in life are confusing. Are we winding down and have done most of what we will accomplish, or are we still to do? I gravitate more to the latter of those two choices. I am much more comforted to think I could die at any moment and be content with my life's work. There are things still I would like to do, but I would not be disappointed if they did not happen. The world is a shit storm, and anyone would feel intimidated to accomplish anything except the super rich. With gazillions of dollars things would be easier, like sending thousands of earth-warming satellites into space. Somewhere down the line America morphed into the surreal subspace of fantasy. We no longer appreciate the little accomplishments which teach us morality. Instead we are fighting armies in video games in gala Japanese anime fashion. Good old American values, whatever they are, are gone. The iPhone has not helped. It is part of the reason we are living in a fantasy world, a cyber sub-conscience of unreality. Is it possible to return to the living? Living in reality is a much more brutal and challenging undertaking. Best it is personified by Covid 19, a coronavirus which appeared in 2019 wreaking havoc on the world. Today's headlines, the limited amount of them I can get via television because of horrible reception at my home, are the newest Covid variant is the most "transmissible." What could this mean? Does it mean somehow the Covid molecule has become more ruthless in its raping and pillaging of our ACE receptors? Is it entering our bodies in more novel ways like a novel Coronavirus should? Has it become sexually transmitted? Can we get it from a dirty toilet seat? Should I wear a condom when masturbating? The word is it has mutated because we are being infected with multiple strains at the same time. Fock. That is disheartening. I am sick of being sick. What I have learned is the information given to the American public has been scant. It summarizes as, "Wear a mask," and "Stay at home." That's about it, and we have Dr. Fauci to thank for that in depth prevention help. He didn't even tell us we can contract this virus through our eyes. Our eyes are large, open, vulnerable mucous membranes of which any virus would be happy to infiltrate, but Dr. Fauci told us only to cover our mouths and noses. My gas permeable contact lenses became infected, and before I understood this and disinfected them with diluted bleach, they reinfected my eyes and body for over a year. Our eyes are a huge vulnerable weakness to disease, and it would explain the number of eye illnesses I saw during the Covid outbreak. Fauci said nothing. I have been able to smell twice during the last three years, and I am enjoying now. The latest "booster" for Covid was given to me by Walgreens with the flu vaccination. Two weeks later I had Covid again, and it was the worst bout I have experienced. Still I am not over it. Misinformation is and was rampant, and many corporations who said they would not donate to election deniers are doing so again. Quietly the siege to overtake America is still active. We are destined to become a Communist nation under autocratic rule if we are not careful. With the sheer number of people still supporting Donald Trump, it is what they want. A large percentage of the population of America are communists, so America's concern with this faction of people historically is and was not in vain. It was a good idea this witch hunt for Reds. There are those who are at peace with freedom and the solidarity of themselves, and there are those we seek to dominate because their demons are upset by our spirits. They must conquer that which is foreign and unfamiliar rather than learning and becoming enriched. Small minds. Small mindedness is a synonym for lack of spirituality. When one is spiritual he must trust someone and something bigger and more important than himself. Usually that is God, and God in different cultures has different titles. The conceit to think one's self is the highest probability of intelligence is pure ignorance. Our educational system must do better, and Covid has hindered it. Now we have become unhealthy and ignorant, a formula for extinction. If things continue as they are the Bible's predicted end of the world may be near.