Saturday, December 22, 2018
America, Bootylicious?
Is there any other country where immigrants demand they have a hyphenated ethnicity? "Hey, I'm Japanese-German!" "I'm Romanian-Italian." "I'm French-Greek." "Hey, I'm Asian-American!" I am not a Trump supporter. I am not an athletic supporter. Even at their most base level, I am beginning to understand the Trump camp. They are not intelligent, but their ideology is not evil. Intelligence demands that a human being does not use their emotional kaleidoscope as a means of operation. What am I talking about? I am living with it. A stream of consciousness. What I feel, right now, on the spur of the moment. Right now, Mother Fucker! Talk like a pimp. Play like Miles Davis. Talk like a pimp. "Yeah, baby. That's right. Smooth and easy, YOU FUCKING WHORE CUNT!" That's dynamic contrast. Emotional volatility. There is validity to emotional response in art. Trying to navigate Trump Land? Nada. No emotions please. No manipulation. No Newspeak. No spin. Please, Mr. Producer. Is there any other country where immigrants demand they have hyphenated ethnicity? That now is the metaphor for the Whore of America. We are being taken advantage of. I am a native American whose ancestors were murdered in cold blood at Wounded Knee, so therefore I will demand my just revenge. I will demand acknowledgment and compensation. I am gay, so I will shout "Gay" at the top of my lungs, until someone decides to pay me to shut the @#$% up. The Trump Camp does not believe in this. They believe that America is for Americans. There are legal immigrants who have entered the United States, applied for citizenship, passed the test, and have waited. Kudos to them! They have fulfilled the necessary requirement to become American citizens. This should not allow them or anyone to pronounce that they deserve special treatment. Entitlements. "I'm gay!" It is a platform. "Pay me. Recognize me! I am special." All of those Americans who suffered, built, and sustained? Those American who built this once great country? The tired, the poor, the Christian people who understand Christmastide for what it is and should be in America. Here is grievance number one. America is under siege by evil. How do I know? This only became clear to me, as I was shopping today for Christmas presents. America, in her recent campaign to eradicate God from our sovereignty, is doing everything she can to distract the populace from the meaning of Christmas. Inasmuch as corporate America wants profit, what is more important is to eradicate the idea of God. They have enough money. It is housed in overseas accounts shielded from the IRS. Evil will have no problem prospering until they are dead. Their game plan is to eradicate the notion of God, the Redeemer, the Father, the Forgiver, our Father who art in heaven. The only salvation for humanity. They are attempting this with the ruthless and unpalatable strategy of politics. Trump is evil, and Trump is evil because he does not recognize God. The Christmas season is meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is and should be about the birth of Christ. Christmas. The American political system is doing everything in its power to dismiss Christmas, the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. It is a tough call. Forfeit the many profits of holiday good cheer in lieu of spewing political vitriol. Could this Christmas season be any worse? Shutting down the government. We might be better off, but now that America is infiltrated with evil in every corner... If government gives up and fails to combat the evil that is inherent in our current government and corporate America. We would be doomed. It has become clear to me. Washington has defaulted on her loans. The deficit has reached inconceivable proportions. Washington has no money, because Washington has given all of the taxpayers dollars to cheap, tawdry, dishonest, unethical, and immoral evil capitalist entities. This has become America. If America has no money, we have no power. We have no influence. We are not great. We have become a cheap, tawdry, low rent whore. America the whore. Republican leadership has failed to accomplish a single goal, because the republican party only is a political axe for evil. There is no money for hurricane relief. There is no money for infrastructure repair. (I have to pause for a moment to weep at the beauty of Chanticlear.) I am not familiar with this choral ensemble, but I am lucky to at times listen to God. When I am at peace enough to be quiet and listen to God, he speaks through me. Is that a delusion of grandeur? God speaks through me? Music is the breath of God, saith Heir Beethoven. When I listen, God at times speaks through me. I am listening. America is bankrupt. Our current president purports to be a gazillionaire, and yet America is broke. We do not have petty cash enough to make it through Christmas. I am not a German-American. I am not a Scotch-Irish American. I, unfortunately, am an American, and I am ashamed. I am ashamed at the deepest level. My diploma from UNC-Chapel Hill has earned me nothing. My doctoral work at OSU as earned me nothing. I am a pauper, like Jesus. I am poor, but I am a worthy artist, and I do not care much about money. Society which surrounds me, American society, only is about money. There is no feeling of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. There is little feeling about Santa Claus, because we are poor and desolate. America, evil America, is trying hardest to undermine God. "Government Shut Down at Christmas." Who cares? Let them shut down. It is excess. Wasted money. Washington has failed on every level, managing the money of her citizens. Handing money in TARP funds to evil elitists who shelve their money in overseas banks. We do not have a pot in which to piss, and Gump wants five thousand million for a wall. Could he be more absurd? Evil has overtaken America. Facebook is evil. Repealing Net Neutrality was a grievous mistake. Now internet service providers are filtering information. We do not receive the truth. We now are at the behest of Big Brother. Big Brother is choosing what we read, who sees our ideas, and what becomes mainstream. Facebook has become evil, and as difficult as it is, we must cast it out. It is the pinnacle of Big Brother. It is the beginning of our end, the censorship of truth, honesty, and God. Word. Fuck off Zuckerberg.