Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Last Stand

I should have written about Gump's border wall.  Our federal government is shuttering themselves to hunker down not to help solve the opioid crisis.  They are not embracing Global Warming and the emission of radiation which causes it.  They are not discussing America's crumbling infrastructure.  They are hunkering down to try to thwart yet another shut down of the federal government.  Maybe we would be better off if they shut down.  Most of the workers in America are funding by the government anyway.  We all ready are a socialist state.  Anytime our president opens his mouth on national television, it is....  It is disruptive.  It is disruptive, because most of what comes out of his potty mouth is not true.  The dirty deeds merely are words that skew reality.  They attempt to spin the truth.  For the first half of the national news lucid, intelligent, honest people spoke.  It was refreshing not to see a conman trying to sell snake oil on national television for a change.  It was real news.  Then they buckled and on came orange with his lies.  Lies that spew from his mouth, the most disruptive thing in politics.  So this border wall. It is ludicrous, say the biggest examples of Trump's lies.  It is not worth debating.  Drugs come into America under the border or over it.  They come in tunnels or in airplanes.  They come in boats.  They do not come across the border on land.  The thought of erecting a wall to try to keep out vagrant Mexicans is absurd.  Only does it appeal to those ignorant enough to follow Trump.  Those people follow orange because he is their idea of a leader.  They cannot reason.  They do not try to understand.  It is America at her worse, her roots, during the Civil War.  Hundreds of thousands fighting for what they want for themselves, not what they agree upon is good for the  populace.  A country must compromise.  A country must sacrifice.  A country must meet in the middle for the good of all.  It is his last plea.