Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Presidential Suckage

No one seems to notice.  Is it only when you begin to get old you see deficiencies in society?  Is this really a comparison of now and then, and things do not get better.  Isn't that to what countries, nations aspire?  Is that not our entire goal of existence, to make the world a better place?  Contrarily we only are living for immediate gratification.  Take a look at Washington.  Then take a look at your state government.  North Carolina has one of the the most racist, lop-sided, corrupt state governments in the union.  Not much has changed from plantation days when imported African slaves did much of the work.  Slavery was such a contested issue, it broke the country in two and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of innocent American lives.  We alternately have lived in relative times of peace.  I experienced Viet Nam and Bush seniors Persian Gulf War, the first "television" war.  Rumsfeld and his crew went into Iraq for spite to serve up a healthy plate of revenge for Senior.  There were no weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam Hussein was not responsible for 9/11.  It was W.'s vendetta to his dad.  We tore a country apart, because we could.  Consequently ISIS was formed with the leftovers of American generosity.  The Bush Clan, no matter how appealing they are on the surface as people, created the ongoing war in which the United States still is involved.  American soldiers continue to die.  They continue to lose their lives for America, and we do not even know for what we are fighting.  No one says why we are fighting in Afghanistan except the Sackler family.  Let me rephrase.  They are not allowed in this affluent family to mention that their family company manufactures oxycontin.  (or is it oxycodone?)  America is as dirty as she ever was, and yet we operate behind a sickening, childlike, in-denial facade of far right sanctioned hypocritical purity.  Fayetteville, North Carolina is home to the largest military installation in North America, and yet there is no legalized prostitution.  Bill Hurley cleaned up Hay Street and vowed none of those businesses ever would operate in Fayetteville again.  The soldiers have one notable strip club which to frequent to remind themselves there is more to life than shooting fifty caliber machine guns and loading munition trains with expensive equipment that disappears onto cargo ships at MOTSP.  We are funding a war and the American people have not clue what it is about.  We also do not know how we are benefiting from spending seven hundred billion dollars each fiscal year.  The country's infrastructure is crumbling.  Highways, bridges, and electrical systems.  The unfortunate citizens of North and South Carolina have not been reimbursed for two major hurricanes.  The money sits in Raleigh with a lame duck governor who was voted out of power before he even was sworn in.  That is the ilk of the North Carolina statehouse.  Charge customers for Duke Energy's coal ash disaster.  Nothing much has changed in Carolina.  The plantation owners still drink their lemonade, call on their slaves to do their chores, and line their pockets with the money of the unsuspecting entitled.  The Republicans are so good at dividing periods into atoms, they could figure out how to give W. his presidential win in Florida.  We are a third world country.  There is no middle class.  Wages are stagnant.  Government fees, all insurances, and private products continue to inflate while Americans become more poor.  Nothing is said.  My truck insurance has increased over one hundred dollars each six months with no claims.  When we ask the agent, they tell us it is Raleigh and the Insurance Commission.  If we really looked, and looked hard at the small nucleus of families who rule the world there is no room left for the rest of us.  They are not concerned with us, the peons.  They have made their money, they will keep their money banked in overseas accounts, and America will continue to starve until the second coming of Jesus Christ.  There is no solution.  There will be no cure, because for their to be a cure spirituality must become important again.  Spirituality rooted in God and Christianity will have to create a new moral order, and this new moral order will have to eradicate our current system of rule.  It is that simple.  Is is called a coup, and America is not capable.  Once when pioneering immigrants were willing to fight for their freedom it was possible.  Today the brain-washed, gender confused, self-absorbed youth are not capable understanding how corrupt America really is.  We are too brain-washed on the most childish, immature, inane advertising that ever existed on this earth.  It is from another planet.  When famine and pestilence overcome our race, who is going to eat their iPhone?  Who is going to use the internet to order designer dinners?  Who is going to use in iPhone to pay for a pizza?  The internet is not the future.  It is Big Brother.  It is difficult to imagine what the prospectus is.  What do they want, those rich families who rule the world?  Certainly it seems not to sustain the only planet we have upon which to live.  Gump.  Certainly we are protecting all of the old money who is causing global warming.  It must be like the Greek gods who bicker and complain, selfish, self-absorbed celebrities who don't possess enough gray matter to understand that our earth truly is in peril.  What gets me the most is America has become, "All Or Nothing."  What happened to a fair share for everyone?  Everyone gets a shot.  Spread out the wealth, so everyone gets a little, and everyone has a little to spend.  Wall Street trading put an end to that.  They put an end to real products, real supply and demand, and small business.  Wall Street became the Las Vegas of New York, and those high rollers became addicted to the spoils.  A few of them are in jail.  A few more will be going to jail soon.  Meanwhile the fabric of America has been destroyed, and the small businessman, the one who grew this county into something great and meaningful is naught.  We broke up the telecommunications industry in the Baby Bells before cell phones existed.  They would not exist today if it weren't for dirty Bill, the President who was too stupid to understand that infidelities are not welcome in the Oval Office else you get caught, impeached, and disgraced.  Is this kind of judgement Presidential?  We have had a tough run, America.  The White Supremacists didn't like Obama, although he was been the most wise of any of our most recent Presidents.  He knew insurance premiums would spiral out of reach when he left the White House, but he said, "Make it happen.  I'll be out of office, and Americans will have health insurance."  Dirty Bill auctioned off the microwave frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  The planet is warming.  GE is selling their locomotive production to Wabtec.  Wabtec?  Westinghouse Air Brakes.  Westinghouse.  Caterpillar dropped on the stock market today, and they own ProgressRail.  Progress Rail bought EMD.  Locomotives are warming the planet, and yet nothing is said.  I am tired of fighting it.  Sometimes you just have to sit back and be a martyr.  Watch the drama unfold.  Watch Trump get impeached. Watch square-headed Pence become president and reinstate the Nazi party.  Destroy another country and make billions rebuilding it.  Why must everything be "All Or Nothing?"  Whence does this philosophy come?  It is coming from foreign agents who are producing American television and popular music.  They are exploiting the youth of America to believe that howling on prime time television will make them stars.  It is the most perfect metaphor of how whitey can't dance.  The white man to no soul, no Mojo, no game.  They are all decked out in their spandex and rhinestones and gyrating all over the stage with absolutely no understanding of what they are doing.  Most dance originates with the courtship ritual, the mating ritual of a man and a woman.  There is scant evidence of any homosexual mating rituals except drag shows and Rocky Horror.  The hypocritical far right can't embrace that, but then those gay Catholic priests can sodomize child alter boys and go on smiling.  Truly America never has been more corrupt.  Booze.  Prostitution.  Gambling.  At least humanity knows what these vices are.  They are human.  They are a part of our nature.  Violating little boy's assholes in the sacristy is not.  It is scourge.  It is vile.  It is evil, just like Washington.  This country is not capable of protecting its youth from being devoured.  That is how much virtue we have, America.  What do we represent?  I'll ask again.  What the fuck do we represent?  Slave wages.  Slavery.  How did a country evolve, when it is too expensive for anyone to make a living?  When and how did things become so expensive?  It happened when those Wall Street traders decided they wanted a share.  America became the craft of moving money around.  No one was looking when all of the revenue-producing means disappeared across the ocean.  The rest of us were left stranded here in America, the desolate, vast, wasteland of poverty where small businesses are disdained, children are exploited and murdered, and the rich continue to get richer.  Gump handed corporate America a twelve percent profit with the stroke of a pen.  Nothing was said.  "We are being strangled by regulations."   That is what corporate America said.  What was done with that hefty profit?  GM announced on Cyber Monday they were going to shutter multiple plants terminating gainful employment for thousands of Americans.  Gump has lied about almost everything.  I have discovered that lying is the most far-reaching sin of all.  It creates the most havoc of anything.  Lies.  Lying.  Spinning the truth.  And that is our sitting American president.  Suck on that every day when you wake up.