Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Corporate America's End of the World

            If only I had a com, a radio, some way to communicate with my personal Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER.  Somehow we lost communications, although its reconnaissance is steadfast.  If only I could reestablish communications with my personal Department of Homeland Security Multi-Role Enforcement Aircraft.   Maybe I could supply a relevant directive.  Somehow the flight crew of four, two pilots and two sensor operators, have become confused.  To exacerbate the loss of communication a mirror
Super King 350 has imparted a search and rescue.  They may be trying to communicate “Top Gun” style.  They fly in repeating circles intersecting closely within visual range.  I wonder if they flip each other off.  I feel their lost directive has instigated a much more dramatic overtone to their mission.  Because underneath them lies Fort Bragg, the home of the United States Army Airborne Forces, Special Forces, Army Forces Command, and Army Forces Reserve Command are they afraid?  With such massive capability on the ground and in the air, why would the DHS mistakenly embark on reconnaissance here?  It is plausible that the crew of the two planes have gone rogue and entered a contract with local law enforcement.  Although Commander in Chief Obama has raised their salaries dramatically in response to recent loss of life in Iraq and Afghanistan, still dollars can be made on the black market.  Remember Viet Nam?  It makes military life a little more fun.  I cursed my lost planes last week and they relocated.  This week again they returned to their original flight path.  At first with no leadership or mission they intently were interested in my chopping of trees with an axe.  Admittedly old fashioned swinging of an axe into dead wood can be antagonistic, especially when your muscular force usurps that  both of the military and the Strategic Rail Corridor.  They respond almost immediately when I fell a tree.  I wonder how my tax dollars can be better spent.  “I must reestablish communication with my charges!”  When I ride my finely-tuned, hidden, secret weapon in those prepared woods is the only time I feel release from the brazen, brawny, and overt military-industrial influence.  Only then am I able to circumnavigate their waves.  When I try to smoke a cigarette outside, my smoke moves parallel to the ground like paratroopers deployed in Viet Nam.  Stealthy it reciprocates one direction to the other 90 degrees perpendicular to what traditionally happens via Mr. Newton’s principal of universal gravitation.  “I can’t French inhale!”  Somehow Mr. Honda discovered the secret to military defeat decades ago.  It is called physical pleasure.  Who knew the purr of a expertly designed and manufactured four stroke engine could ignite the G spot of a nation.  Only if they knew.  Instead like most of the uneducated and misguided military, they resort to the lowest common denominator yet the most prevalent and available.  It is the “Harley Hog”, and a hog it is like our military.  It is large.  It makes an incredible roar.  It is a status symbol.  Isn’t that the Republican definition of our military? 
How is it the force that was designed for and to protect the tax payer has become its own unwatched independent entity not unlike its brother the Department of Homeland Security?  Like so many other American policies and directives, they become cloaked in secrecy when peoples’ attention is focused on their latest iPhone app.  No one cares about the law, government, and policies.  They just whine when their lives are not improving.  It is conceivable, because news reporting has spun American infrastructure into a depressing, violent, and negative affair.  It is difficult to read the news at all.  It is much more prudent to the New World Order for the masses to be uneducated and simply tune out.  This policy of abandonment began with Generation X, and it is unconscionable.  Universal greed quite possibly has implemented the beginning of the end of the world.  With no invested force to continue the management of the affairs of the planet, there is no other choice that it will fail.  This short-sightedness should teach a lesson to this stingy self-serving contingency.  It won’t.  They all will be dead.   The meek will not inherit this earth, because God all ready has begun preparation of our new planet.  That could explain His marked absence in the recent past.  Forging a new world is a tall order.  What about us?  The tentacles of that fiercely-guarded money are long, tenacious, and stubborn.  Extricating the deserved youthful generation will be difficult.  It will not happen without a fight.   As in literature the examples all ready have been set.  “V” did it in England.  Is this stubborn thirst for money more powerful than our own survival?  Are these people so shallow, irreverent, and evil they will take the planet down dying with their hidden money?  Not only have they extracted their money from our economy stymieing mobility, they have inflicted severe physical and mental austerity upon us resultant from the technology empowering their wealth.  Shrewdly this technology is invisible, but it is not undetectable.  When you control the government you can change the rules.  The Federal Communications Commission formerly would not license certain frequencies of the microwave spectrum, because they were considered physiologically dangerous to the human race.  Electro-magnetic waves, a duality of electricity and magnetism, conclusively has been proven by federal studies to cause cancerous tumors.  The heat and vibration inherent in the energy cause cells to mutate forming cancer cells.  Unfortunately electro-magnetic waves for communication are not the only culprits.  The United States military makes great use of this energy, and it is crucial to their infrastructure.  Unwatched they continue to ignore the physiological ramifications of their technology upon human beings.  How can the military continue to kill human beings in the name of protecting them?  Low frequency electro-magnetic waves are the most invasive and were studied with the unveiling of the military’s “Ground Wave Emergency Network” (G.W.E.N.) communications system.  They need ways to generate and transmit low frequency radio waves to penetrate the polar ice caps staying in contact with the United States’ nuclear submarines.  Because the length of the antenna logistically nearly is impossible, the United States military decided to cloak creation of this energy behind a favorable initiative.  The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program was born.  Neatly tucked away in America’s northern-most state, H.A.A.R.P.’s directive is to study ionospheric physics and radio science.  Who knew production of low frequency radio waves would become the focus?  Everywhere we look slowly this technology has infiltrated our infrastructure.  Sadly corporate America continues to shout from its soap box that the world will end if their products are not utilized.  Who could know it is their products that would create the end of the world?