When I look around America I see no semblance of the Avant-garde. America is in the throes of cultural darkness. This vacuum of human creativity and Christian love is the result of a Communist siege. In communist nations religion is a cornerstone, because evil is rife. Man is sociopathic and money is his graven image. The love of money has destroyed Capitalism which made America free, honest, and great. Capitalism was built on grassroot values of common people instilled by a love of God through religion. America has exorcised God, and now Beelzebub walks the earth. He is winning. Our two choices are to accept and renew ancient Greek Humanities, or inject cyber poison. The prophecy of 2012 is true, and Big Brother is our Attila the Hun. Tainted air, water, and food with contrived, inflated, health care have quelled the productivity of poor Americans. Traditional products no longer exist. Uniquely American products which defined her and gave her her soul are silent. Film, music, art, and television, the voices of the people, now bark for Big Brother. Instead of spreading humanity they spew worthless, mind-numbing, controlling Communist propaganda. The canvas of America is laden with cancerous inaudible noise. Silent sounds are lethal. Music once was the language of America, and the human spirit was ignited. Our language is beleaguered with corporate pollution. Transportation has silenced song and telecommunication has castrated art. The raping and pillaging of America by billionaires is complete. There is nothing left but Communism. Health care is mandated by insurance, Washington is corporate America, and Big Brother is our dictator. America yearns for Revolution.