Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Trump, the Two Bit Hoodlum

Big Brother chooses who sees your posts.  We can call it an algorithm, but it is communist oppression.  "Are you with the party?  Are you a party member?"  That translates to, "Are you a 'Good Ole Boy?'"  Jim Crow ll.  The Deuce.  It is nothing new.  Don't make waves.  Let the chips lie where they may meaning allow the "Old Money" (what is left of it) to continue on its immoral path.  As for the police anarchy is not an option.  It is what we have now.  A few bad apples have tainted the police force, and a tidal wave of ignorance was ignited Trump style.  Defund the police?  You must be crazy.  A lack of proper police enforcement is what has created "White Flight" in Fayetteville.  It is a ghetto.  Those fleeing the wrath are mum on their reasons.  If you are sucking on the teat of the cow, then readily you cannot criticize her.   This is their sacrifice.  "Are you are party member?  Are you with the party?"  Righteousness left the picture when the faux "Good Ole Boy" network adopted communist doctrines.  God was exorcised from American government, and corporate America was free to rape and pillage.  That means pollute, radiate, or oppress the population at will because it lowers their bottom line.  Responsibly dispose of C8?  Monitor and regulate emissions?  Enact a program of conservation to protect the earth?  No thought has been given to such things.  The plan is to migrate to Mars?  That economically is rewarding for future space transportation.  Is it wise to discard the earth?  How is it possible to mitigate such large scale crisis when CSX is unable to understand one lone ES44ACH operating incognito for the service of Cargill wreaks havoc on a community.  It's just a ghetto.  Who cares if they die of Covid?  The white race is supreme, and only they deserve consideration in this life.  It was Jesus who changed this dialogue.  He was a hippy who saw through hypocrisy.  With all of this some good old academic logistics could make a world of difference.  It's called corporate regulation.  With the stark absence of God and morality, someone has to insist that the right thing be done.  We are not China.  "White Flight."  Those who are aware simply move.  "I've got to move."  What about those who choose to stay?  Instead of targeting hypothetical examples an enlightened society would target oppressive forces.  The forte of the "Good Ole Boy" is disguising reality, selling snake oil, and inciting violence.  Oh, that is Trump, a two bit hood for our generation.