I googled "Flight Paths of Grannis Field," and I was hoping to be redirected to an FAA website official in nature. Since many airports are locally owned and operated (municipal), it would seem that regulations governing their use would be clear and available. Instead the top Google hit was a lawsuit in Colorado against the Federal Aviation Administration. Recently a DC appellate court threw out an an ongoing lawsuit suing the FAA over changed flight paths negatively affecting Colorado residents. Stepped approaches to take off and landing, the current method used by pilots, were replaced with gradual ascents and descents. These new graded approaches have encroached upon the peaceful living of millions of Colorado citizens. In a nutshell no consideration is given for those living in close proximity to airports. The entire aesthetic of regulating air traffic to ensure the health of people on the ground has been tossed out the window. What allows a government agency serving a private industry the power to abuse the American population? In a statement about the lawsuit it said the new flight paths took effect in March of 2020, the same month the Coronavirus emerged as a deadly pathogen. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is on trail at Guantanamo Bay for the 9/11 attacks, cited as the conceptualizer of the "Planes Operation." The month the flight paths changed for the worst for residents of Colorado elicited a deadly pandemic that is still killing millions. Previously no planes flew low over residential neighborhoods. Neighborhoods were an enclave against the evolving brutality of American urban life. In one fell swoop or decision of a government agency, the airline industry began assaulting its potential customers. Ironically there was a mandated stoppage of air and rail traffic because of the virus. Like Donald Trump's four years as president, the damage all ready was done. Similarly in Fayetteville, North Carolina commercial jet aircraft never have flown over residential neighborhoods. Never have chemtrails been seen in the sky. Never has there been any smog in Cumberland Country. Thanks to BRAC and the emergence of Ground Forces Command at Fort Bragg, smog has become common place in our skies. PSA Airlines and Endeavor Air both are flying to Charlotte/Douglass Airport in express early morning flights previously nonexistent. These flights do not used the stepped method of take off or landing. Instead the gentle and shallow trajectories into and out of Grannis Field require a low altitude flight directly above the city of Fayetteville including the "Gold Coast, "Skye Drive," "Van Story Hills," "Briarwood," and "Huntington Park." The emergence of Covid 19 coincides with these flights. If Khalid Shaikh Mohammed masterminded flying jets into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan, which would have taken years to accomplish infiltrating the commercial American aviation industry, then gaining access to peoples' home from the air for dispersion of a biological/chemical agent is logical. The exploitation of the Federal Aviation Administration and the introduction of new and unfamiliar corporate entities in the airline industry meld as a potent and deadly strew of terror. We are yet to recover.