Monday, September 07, 2020
Dismal Aspirations
Some other things need to be said as well. When did fact checking the president become a totality? Trump supporters understand and buy into his slander. They relish his bravado. The sole connection he has with his followers is this. They don't care about facts. They don't care about someone's ability to lead and do a job. They don't care about their fellow men. The connection Trump supporters have with their cult leader is one of charisma. This charisma is consoling in the face of American reality. It is not unlike the Nazi Party. While they were rabble-rousing the German countryside, Jews were being shipped off to their torturous deaths in cattle cars, emaciated, hungry, and despondent. Trump supporters would say, "A okay!" "He makes us feel comfortable." "We like the way he looks." We like the way he talks to us." These are the sole reasons why people support Donald Trump. He has lied to the American people so many times. Most everything that comes out of his mouth now is a lie. It would be impossible to play catch up. Don Junior knows they are going to lose, because he sees it. It is not possible for this man to be re-elected. If he did, then the United States of America would enter an unprecedented chapter of science fiction. We have been through them before. The War in Viet Nam. Korea. World War I and II. In our short lives we have been spared, but we have it now. So what needs to be said is this. I was thinking yesterday what I would be doing if it were thirty years ago. If it was Friday night, then what would we be doing? The answer is, we would be going to a high school football game. My father was a band director, and on Friday night after dinner we would be headed off to Terry Sanford at 7:00 p.m. to prepare for pregame. We have to put on uniforms and assemble in the band room. At the appropriate time we would march onto the football field and play the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem. Then we would march off and sit in and stands and play pep music throughout the game. It was a fun time. It was harmless good fun. High school as I recall mainly was this. It was a social construct. It wasn't just classes, algebra, geometry, chemistry, and gym. High school was a social construct unlike anything most of us will ever experience again. Going to the same place everyday for four years in a row, everyday, day in and day out. High school is a social construct which teaches us to blend. It teaches us to interact as a community. High school is communal. Now we have Covid 19. For the first time in our lifetimes we have a global pandemic that has interrupted out familiar lives. We cannot attend high school for fear of being infected with a killing disease. Restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, and bars are closed. Most of what makes up our American freedom is gone, for the time being, we hope. But we don't know. (and I don't usually begin a sentence with a conjunction) We don't know. What we do know is that our president Donald Trump is suggesting a miracle vaccine is going to be ready for us near "that special date." He didn't say election day. He didn't say the day he is up for re-election. He said he was seeing to it that a working vaccine for Covid 19 would be ready by November fourth. That is what he said today. The entire medical establishment, the Center for Disease Control, private companies, and academic research institutions have said it is not possible to find and prepare a vaccine this soon. But Donald Trump said today on television that he personally has arranged for a vaccine by "that special date." Would you take this vaccine? Self incrimination. It has to be a part of heresy. When you go on national television and blaspheme yourself over and over and over... How can we rationalize such behavior, unless we just laugh at it. How can we laugh at 180,000 deaths in America, our sisters and brothers, our mothers and fathers? How can we look at our fellow servicemen and think, "Losers and suckers?" This man is throwing gasoline in the faces of Americans, and they are gargling with it. They are donning MAGA hats and sinking their boats in the hot afternoon sun while drunk. To this is all they have to aspire.