Monday, September 07, 2020
Donald Trump, the American Heretic
Some things need to be said. The first is America's media has yet to tie the "Black Lives Matter" movement to our president, Donald Trump. In the strangest estrangement racial protests have been raging nightly, but mostly they are aimed at police. Black men have been killed in an unusually frequent form of brutality by American policemen. Unfortunately most of them have been criminals, and no matter how much black American shouts you can't erase this truth. If these men were to abide by the verbal commands police gave them, probably they still would be living. In a matter of cultural disparity mostly white police officers seem to have difficulty tempering their visceral emotional responses to disobedience. This is the issue. Why has deadly force been the tool of these policemen? It would seem so easy to incapacitate a man with a bullet wound to an extremity. Defying rational behavior, or more specifically cognitive decision making driven by compassion, humanity, and a sense of self preservation, these police unload on their victims in a seeming fit of passion. A prosecutor has no recourse but to point out the excessive force being unleashed on these men. The only way to qualify such aggressively violent behavior is to surmise there is underlying intent. Years of malevolent turmoil are unleashed in a few seconds of orgasmic ecstasy. It would seem these specific policemen have a premeditated agenda, thus possibly anachronistic racial tensions of American history bubble to the surface. The Civil War never really came to an end. Jesse James and his gang continued to fight America's Civil War long after it was declared over by Abraham Lincoln. Similarly racial integration never fully was accepted especially in the American South. It clearly has been documented in history books culminating in the Civil Rights Movement lead by Dr. Martin Luther King. His murder along with President John F. Kennedy solidify the deep racial and cultural disparities of Americans. While we have made large strides in this area, recently this chasm once again has emerged and grown. My premise again is that our American media have not connected the dots. They have yet to tie the "Black Lives Movement" specifically to our president Donald Trump. Their protests are aimed at local police. Inexplicably no voice has emerged to say Donald Trump is the instigator and leader of this newly unfolded racial discrimination. Protestors are rioting in the streets all over America, and none have called out Donald Trump. An election is looming in less than two months, and we are on the brink of civil and/or revolutionary war, and still America's media has yet to define this strife, this coup for what it really is. It is impossible to rationalize Trump support. The only way I can is to understand those who support Donald Trump and Mike Pence are unwilling to listen, read, or consider something other than a popularity vote based upon wealth and a somewhat amusing presence as a television personality. No facts exists to promote Trump's qualifications to be president. He seems rich, but we never will know until after the November election. His tax returns will be delayed until then, although they have been successfully subpoenaed by the state of New York. He has admitted to filing for bankruptcy multiple times. Do multiple bankruptcies suggest wealth? Evidently Mr. Trump owns many properties all over the world, but we do not know his liquidity. The facts we do know are not complimentary. There is very little about Donald Trump that could have allowed him into our White House, a house he himself said is for whites only. The summation must be that his platform is as an anarchist. He mocks everything Americans understand to be just, truthful, and Christian. This is his platform. It has been achieved with a tongue in cheek, an attempt to prove humorous or satirical. His platform today has been elevated to a level where almost everything he says is a lie. There is some Socratic methodology to his discourse. If he spent a fraction of his time thinking about the job of the American president, perhaps he could have achieved something. Landmarks have been achieved, and they are covert. He admitted to spending two and one half trillion American tax dollars rebuilding our military. Where else could this money come? It wasn't his money. America didn't have and does not have this money. It is debt accrued. America's debt never has been higher, and that is because of running out of money to swindle in the private sector he moved on to America. There is a pattern of this behavior, and I only am old enough to remember the Bush family. The year I became psychologically depressed was the year George H.W. Bush masterminded America's invasion of Panama. American military forces from all over the continental United States rallied and descended upon Manuel Noreiga in Central America. In like fashion Bush senior deployed American troops in defense of oil rich Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The Bush cartel used unknowing American military might for their own gain. Donald Trump has an example for his unpatriotic business regimen. He is not interested in the well being of common American citizens. One only has to look at a record of his presidential actions to understand this. Whether it is separating toddlers from their families at the southern border in a show of tough love, enacting genocide on huge swaths of American citizens who tax the federal economic system with entitlements, or inciting America's second Civil War, seeming wealth and influence through the ownership of properties and a tepid television influence are no proof of his ability to hold the office of American President. History conclusively will prove him the least capable of any American President. It is probable that his covert methodology will be of historical note. I am no conspiracy theorist, but I do understand heresy. World history is pitted with it, and it is appropriate that Donald Trump is the current American vehicle. Without him and the test he has summoned, Americans surely would have perished while trying to turn on their security systems with their phones.