Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Devoid of Conscience

A few more things that need to be said.  We need a conversation.  Conversations are difficult to come by when in quarantine.  Shelter in place.  Social distancing.  America was all ready disabled, when one can't drive a car without the aid of an iPhone.  When Jim Hunt was governor of North Carolina, the drinking habits at UNC Chapel Hill changed for good.  More beer per capita was consumed in Chapel Hill than anywhere else in the United States.  Governor Hunt changed that.  He changed the DUI (Driving Under the Influence) to DWI, Driving While Impaired.  If you were caught driving while impaired, it was two nights in jail and loss of your driver's license.  Those are tough consequences, but people were getting killed by drunk drivers.  The Covid 19 outbreak is our first taste of Communism.  Donald Trump supporters still shout, "Socialism," and the majority do not know what it is.  It is sickening.  Communism is about what they should be worried.  Donald Trump is a Communist, and he is proud.  He touts his relationship with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, if no one has noticed dictate communist nations.  If anyone has forgotten, the Cold War Ronald Reagan ended was lengthy.  It was a mass build up of weapons for show.  We wasted almost as much money building nuclear missiles as The Donald has spent "rebuilding" the United States military.  While Reagonomics was not popular with everyone, he did end the Cold War.  He went to the Soviet Union and made friends with Gorbichov.  Shortly thereafter the Berlin Wall fell.  This is a notable achievement.  In a time of massive public financial debt where the largest companies in America pay little tax, our president handed corporate America a twelve percent profit.  Warren Buffet walked into work and declared his companies were twelve percent more profitable, but hey did nothing.  They did not develop a new product.  They did not tighten their belts.  They were handed a twelve percent profit on a silver platter from the till of the American tax payer.  Meanwhile our public schools and American teachers are neglected.  If the public is stupid it is easy to pitch them snake oil, MAGA hats, and pay an entourage to parade around the country campaigning for you.  That is what Donald Trump does, if you didn't know.  He pays those people to drive around and campaign for him.  In Columbia, South Carolina no students at Benedict College were allowed to attend his rally.  The attendees in were bused.  Blacks were not allowed.  Not only is Trump a liar, he is a hypocrite.  He has no conscience.