Friday, September 11, 2020

A Television President

I don't have a book of revelations to write at the moment, but I do want to say this about Donald Trump.  I stopped watching and listening to him over a year ago, because I recognized what he was saying were lies.  It is insulting to me.  Why would anyone offer their time to anyone, especially the President of the United States, to which be lied?  I can't think of an example until today.  Today I did watch the president's press conference, because I was interested to hear his reaction to the Woodward book and its accompanying audio tape.  Strongly it is incriminating.  It is as incriminating as the Watergate tapes, except that Donald Trump supporters share his lack of moral conscience, his ego, and his narcissism.  This also I have recognized.  Who are these people, Trump supporters?  This post is not about them.  I have zero time for any Trump supporter, because America is on the brink of destruction.  Our freedoms, the Constitution, and God are on the chopping block, and Donald Trump is the King.  He is enjoying it.  What did I learn today from forcing myself to watch him speak?  Usually he is casual and nonchalant when he speaks from the podium.  Lately he leans on the podium with one elbow, a position often that is posed in sexual relations.  When one engages in sexual intercourse on a bed lying down, often the elbow is used to prop one's self up interacting with one's partner.  Seeing Trump do this on national television using the podium as a prop is sickening.  That is the real reason why I had to stop listening to him speak.  Watching and listening to him make my physically ill.  This is my emotional conscience telling me that this man is a fraud.  No biggie.  Many of us know this.  I have figured out some of his trip.  What I heard today told me a different story.  It was if Hitler had his injection of methamphetamine this morning.  He was focused.  He was intense.  In addition he was condescending and patronizing.  He rationalized one of his lies to the American people, by saying it was his responsibility to lead.  This responsibility made him downplay the severity and transmission of the Coronavirus.  He did not want panic in America.  Instead he lied.  Knowing full well and all along that Covid 19 is transmitted through the air, and that is is more vicious than influenza killing many people, he lied.  What happened next is a scenario meant for the International War Tribunal.  Donald Trump committed genocide against the American people, by covering up the true nature of the disease.  His action was not unlike the purported activity of Anthony Fauci suggested by Judy Mikovitz in the internet circulated video Plandemic.  She said her personal research was suppressed for several years, so Anthony Fauci could apply for the patents for the drugs which would be used to treat the HIV virus.  If one Googles the United States Patent Office and Fauci's name, what pops up other than a full list of AIDS related drugs with his name as patent holder.  That says a lot to me.  I believe what she is saying, because I understand the difficulty of obtaining a terminal degree, especially a Phd.  I have taken the General Exams for a DMA in music composition with a committee and the like.  I had no idea how to navigate such an encompassing task.  I failed.  It is a political job.  Assembling a committee, finding a thesis topic, and making it turn out happy is challenging work.  It takes a mature adult and it takes intelligence.  There is no room for trite emotion, knee jerk reactions, or youthful vigor.  It is a professional's game, and this is the difference between America's professors and researchers and America's businessmen and politicians.  Donald Trump's extreme covert right wing agenda, which expertly has been concealed, is no different from Wall Street.  Slowly over time Washington has become inundated with this poison.  Its role as government, leadership, and sustenance for the American people has been replaced with greed.  These positions in the federal government merely have become access to the trillions of dollars collected in tax payer revenue.  Mr. Trump has no domain left to pillage at home, so he moved on to the American people.  We have become so gullible, because it takes moxy, energy, and spirit to protest wrong.  There has been so much wrong for such a long time it seems overwhelming.  Trump said he purposely downplayed the dire consequences of Covid 19 for the good of the American people, because it would have incited panic.  Instead his misinformation killed hundreds of people.  This tactic is the same as the tactic used in 2008, when the Housing Crisis presented itself.  Wall Street was going to fail.  Instead of allowing that to happen, for better or for worse, Hank Paulson told the president that he had to bail out the high profile Wall Street banks.  If he didn't, people would lose faith in the American system.  Consequently our tax money, the American peoples' money was used to protect a lot of self absorbed, narcissistic, greedy investors who could not be accountable for their poor decisions.  Our money went to pay off a handful of men who were wise enough to see what was coming, and they bet on it.  They bet on the failing of the American economic system, and they won.  If America didn't pay them off, Americans' would lose faith in the system.  If Trump told us, the American people, the truth about Covid 19 devoid of its personal political implications for him, lives would have been saved.  As a true leader of the free world today he flexed this leadership muscle and said sometimes the few die for the masses.  In reality the only possible good to come from these transgressions would be his future popularity in the upcoming presidential election.  He in essence threw the American people to the dogs gambling on his re-election campaign.  A Trump supporter agrees with his position.  That is why they support Donald Trump.  They share the same value system, if it can be called that.  They admire and see money as the end all in human life, and it perfectly is fine with them that Trump constantly breaks the law, undermines our Constitution, and now murders Americans.  The admission today that he "spun" this information to avoid panic is evidence that he committed genocide against the American people.  Only his position as President would allow him to do such a thing.  Most of his ideas come from television.