So here I am beginning a sentence with a conjunction and on the "new" Blogger interface. It is nothing new, and it is nothing helpful. It is similar to Mac OS when they decided to try to modernize their appeal. "Let's get rid of all graphics and just let some words and symbols float around in space on a page. Bah humbug. It sucks. I am glad over the years that I have not been forced into "upgrading" my software or OS. When I have it proves this improvement always is detrimental. It was the same for Digital Performer. I much prefer the first version I ran on a PowerMac with a G3 accelerator card. That graphic interface was logically laid out and clear to the eyes. DP 8 which is into what I was forced because of operating system upgrades not by choice, is more difficult to see and understand. Mainly everything is smaller, so they way Trump is trying to ethnically cleanse America with a commissioned pathogen, so it would seem tech America also likes to purge its cache. The entire problem of America and her failure is that fucking rich assholes decided not to pass the torch to a new generation, and now they will die out and kill the planet at the same time. Instead of embracing the new generation, educating them, instilling wisdom, and doling out responsibility in moderation to build new leaders, America exploited them. It is so sad, and that is what I feel mostly today, sad. Sad because ignorant hillbilly faggot hicks are doing their best to exterminate the human race and the planet earth. This is when we need God, and this contingency of heretics has done everything possible to abolish Christianity. The Christians are crooks, and the rest are atheists. History, philosophy, economics, and the rest of the humanities could answer all our questions and solve most of our problems, but these contingency rather would wipe it all out and torch the earth. I guess if you don't believe in heaven or hell, then you take the earth down in a blaze of glory. Fuck me. This is to what I wake up each day. I had decided to vote for Dan Forrest until I saw his ad on television last night. I am not a big fan of Governor Roy Cooper, and I disagree with him on many points. I do think he is handling the pandemic well enough. I felt it was time for some new blood for North Carolina. Then I saw Dan Forrest along with Trump host another fund raising event. He said our children should go back to school, and they should not wear masks. Trump and his clan say the same. They are murderers. This is my point. I have experienced this phenomenon before. It was rife in Columbia. They even have a name. Moderate Country Clubbers. Think back to high school, the jocks and the cheerleaders, and what did they enjoy doing on weekends other than cheer and play sports? They would go to Cyprus, a local golf club on the fringe of town, buy up some kegs of beer, and party on the weekends. It was a little select group of the "in crowd." You could get drunk in relative anonymity. There was no threat from outsiders. Everyone there supported one another no matter how base the level of intelligence. The Country Clubbers are no different. They have money, they have a little group, and they get together in peace and solitude at their clubs and get pleasantly drunk. They can then rally whatever cause comes to the surface in their inebriation. Usually it turns into a pep rally, and back in the day I'm sure Klansman hoods came out. Trump's rally as well as Dan Forrest's are nothing more than the same thing, a sheltered, out-of-touch, self-proclaimed royalty with the intelligence of a shoe box. Dan Forrest said, "Let our children go back to school and no masks should be required." Murderer. I wake up to this inane bullshit every day, the same rich, asshole, wanna be mother fuckers who would annihilate the human race if not watched. I don't have ill feelings toward these people, but I can't let them kill me. They have been dropping Covid on me for the last year. I have been complaining about aberrant low flying aircraft for a long time, as long as I can remember. What the fuck? Who needs to fly above the tree line in a middle class neighborhood? What is this incessantly droning Cessna with a muffler. The FBI most likely, but there are others. Now there are fighter jets, and even the Compass Call Command plane. The electrical in our home has been insane for a year. My musical instruments are so confused as to the cause. Then I get sick, really sick for no apparent reason. Then I read up on Covid 19 and understand it creates leaky blood vessels. It operates on this extremely efficient and covert killing regimen. It was engineered to do this like Ms. Mikovits said. I believe her. There is no other explanation. Accident my ass. The planes have been dropping Covid on everybody. Maybe I am wrong.