No one is reading my blog, so I must assume there is a Russian bot or Trump snot diverting my traffic. It doesn't bother me, because I blog to air my own grievances. There are times when I need to remember good things in my life. Many teachers say they learn from teaching, because speaking out loud is one way of reinforcing knowledge. It could be considered rote. There are a variety of teaching methodologies. It is important to reinforce your own perceptions and opinions. I did not witness a discussion of any policy issues tonight watching the presidential debate. Only where there a minuscule amount of mentions of actual potential policies which would benefit Americans. Trump mentioned the "Individual Mandate." He spoke in concrete terms about things he had accomplished. One of them was the rebuilding of the American military. The amount was something like three trillion dollars. That buys a lot of votes not withstanding the suckers and losers. Then there is the disparaging of John McCain, a dead war hero. Trump could have cared less about Joe Biden's dead son. Instead he was irreverent, cavalier, reckless, antagonizing, and frightening. This is a tyrant, our President, trying his best to convert our system of governance from a democracy to an autocracy with no one's consent. One man, a serial killer, on a rampage getting his kicks from champagne. Our focus each day is on Donald Trump, and there is nothing America wants more than to be freed of his tyranny, and yet here I am writing about him again. About what should have been talked? The topic of mass shootings is of core importance. Why are our youth committing genocide? Let's bury our heads in the sand. As I watch this presidential campaign flounder, the issues which are important for America become clear in my mind. I need to write them down. Two people in Wisconsin would not be dead, if a seventeen year old had not traveled across states lines with an assault rifle over his shoulder. Let me repeat that, although no one reads my blog anymore. A seventeen year old with an assault rifle over his shoulder. It does not matter what his intentions were. This was a minor in possession of a semiautomatic assault rifle, and he murdered two people in cold blood. If he had not been there, these two people would not be dead. Washington politicians are in such a deep state of denial and out of touch with reality in America. How is it possible to live in such an insulated, isolated, sheltered bubble? Donald Trump. Issue number one. RENEW THE BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS. There is no reason whatsoever any American should be able to possess an assault rifle. We can have long guns. We can have rifles. We can have shotguns. We can have pistols. These are within our rights afforded by the United States Constitution. The BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS was good, needed, and necessary. We unequivocally have proven that assault weapons are responsible for mass genocide in the continental United States. If we don't want mass genocide, then Washington must RENEW THE BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS. The Affordable Care Act is not perfect. It is similar to millions of mortgages which were handed out unvetted during the Clinton regime. Obama told his writer to, "Get it done." He didn't inform us that to pay for these entitlements the premiums after a few years, enough time for Obama to leave office, would escalate. It is not irresponsible to understand there may be better solutions for affordable health care, but the current slate of republican leaders are incapable of providing it. They are incapable of providing any support for the majority of middle and lower class Americans. They don't want to. They live in a bubble. Hillary Clinton could not offer such a solution, because it is difficult. How can any legislator attempt to dismantle the American health care system, a private equity system which generates great wealth for a select few? They will die kicking and screaming before such a thing is allowed. The metaphor is "Socialism!" That means, "You will not take my government money and give it to someone else." The people that scream "Socialism" are those sucking on the tit of the American people through Washington, DC, and their best defense, one used primarily by Donald Trump, is to blame the other. Lie and blame the innocent. If you are stealing from the American people, then lie about it and create spin. This is Donald Trump's strategy. He will go down in history as one of America's most evil elected officials. Can we barely believe he is our president? Climate Change. The emission of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels. With the death of the Koch brothers and the waning of Bush influence, this is becoming more feasible. Most people understand. What they don't understand is that the rail industry and the cell phone industry both contribute to Global Warming. You can't put millions of microwave transmitters on poles across the nation and not expect it to heat up. Microwaves produce heat. Who does not know this, if you took a high school science class? We are the same as Donald Trump. We must have our portable radio transmitters. It is more important than the health of our planet. America did fine with the Bell system. There is nothing passe about a phone booth. Telephones, the kinds with wires, are interesting and nostalgic. They sound better, they look better, they feel better in your hand, and while they were around they were a part of American culture. Like our automobiles they were a part of us. Cell phones are a drag. If we do not acknowledge Climate Change, we will die. The planet all ready is dying. Imagine when God resurrects those who believe in Him, the others will be left shooting each other with assault weapons in hell. The earth will become hell. Those are two issues which should have been discussed tonight in the presidential debate. Instead we watched a drunken Shriner yell at Joe Biden at two o'clock in the morning. It will be good when it is over.