Thursday, August 31, 2017
Troop Levels and Airborne Electricity
It was on the front page of the Fayetteville Observer today, that the Pentagon has been lying to the American people about the number of U.S. military on the ground in Afghanistan. Warning signal number one. Transparency in government. We should be shitting in our boots. The Donald is president, Congress is corrupt, and media lies through their teeth in a huge diversion away from the fleecing of Americans. With a lifted ban on supplying local police forces with military weaponry, images of Fascist skirmishes should percolate to the surface of our brains. All ready images of armor-clad warriors carrying sticks marching in tandem should be frightening. The military in Fayetteville no longer seems to be down home, gung ho, G.I.'s. Instead they are distant, aloof, and unreachable. I am surrounded by them. There are three military officers living in close proximity to my house, yet I know none of them. They are reclusive. While I do feel safe in my home for obvious reasons, I cannot say without a doubt that these men know for what they are fighting. I think not. I think they are an example of most military people, needing a job, needing structure, and not questioning authority. Will I trust them when the end comes? Maybe. I do not agree with their chosen vocation. I don't hold a grudge because they have chosen to be warriors. I believe that war is the last choice, and that peace is a more rewarding lifestyle. The argument rests that we need warriors to ensure our peace and freedom. The only challenge to our freedom in recent years was 9/11, and that was instigated by a feud between little W. and his playground playmate, Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden offered his militia services to the Saudi's, and they declined. He was a jilted lover and came after Bush. Is North Korea seeking to attack the United States? I think not. I think the Donald is perturbed to his soul that a young, emboldened, Communist leader won't kiss his rich ass. Good. Does this merit nuclear war? Our current Secretary of Defense, although I do not know his name, seems to be rational. Diplomacy is the right path, although media continues to spin Kim's words. Bill Maher thinks that Pakistan is the imminent threat all ready possessing nuclear weapons. What does the American public know of this? Nothing. We hear about Iran and their nuclear program, and since the Donald has been in office the Iran Nuclear Deal is mum. Donald campaigned, lied, and misdirected his intentions during the presidential election. He must be the biggest liar in American presidential history, and yet still he remains. Impeachment is necessary, and yet the fleas are swarming on his fur digging for blood. It is nauseating. Washington is a joke, a bigger joke than Monica Lewinsky, and we have to read about it every day. One has to decide whether to laugh at the war-mongering propaganda or consider it. How can we not consider what is governing our own lives? It is interesting to me that General Electric, a pioneering American industrial giant which introduced electricity into our lives, also has become America's electrocutioner. (That really is not a word, but I am coining it) I have been shocked by static electricity present on our property at least four times in the last week. There is electricity freely flowing through our air, I assume static electricity, and I am getting shocked by it. I pick up my electric bass, and I get shocked. I turn on our garden pump, and I get shocked. I open our fridge in our garage, and I get shocked. If only there was a way to absorb and repurpose this airborne electricity, I could be a millionaire. The issue remains, to whom to I make the complaint? The military is hard at work complying to Tillerson's wants. He is to be feared, the CEO of a company responsible for one of the worst oil spills in American history. Reward him by making him Secretary of State. The Exxon Valdez. It took years to recover from that grimy mess. how long will it take the world to recover from the Trump presidency? We need to start now.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Industrialized Medicine
Upon reflecting upon my reflections of recent, it dawned upon me today among the other problems we have in America, the most grievous one is...? Actually it fairly is simple. Even with the downfall of the public education system and America's infrastructure, and rampant and unethical political lobbying the most grievous failure of America is her healthcare system. Hands down it occurred to me today that without this mine-laden, booby-trapped, embezzling factory America would be a better and more healthy place. Gone would be the days when America's healthcare became a Wall Street commodity. No more insurance companies, HMO's, CEO's, or Big Pharma. Only home-grown, intelligent, compassionate, care-giving family doctors. There would be a hospital. Maybe two. The rest of the sprawling industrial healthcare machine would rust into oblivion. All of the clinics, laboratories, and imaging facilities would implode upon themselves dying from an airborne bacteria failed to be diagnosed from within. Only grassroots, grass-fed, family doctors could know the answer to the disease from living in the fields treating workers. Seeing, hearing, touching, experiencing human health as it is intended. Having seen five doctors, had a hernia repair, visited the ER, and several clinics still not yet one of any personnel has ever examined my body. I would have to pay for a physical? I did, and I verbally was harassed by the desk clerk, a racist white-hating gang banger. He overcharged me $300.00 for the physical, and later I was reimbursed by the office manager. America's health care system is the most convoluted, ineffective, bureaucracy in America's history. How did this happen, a system, a sprawling complex, a physical network of deceit and inefficiency. How can cancer rates have risen with stem cell research? How with advances in technology never before paralleled can people be dying at at higher frequencies? It is because America's health care system is a bloated pig full of pork it only will be time before it collapses upon itself. So many laymen, technicians, clerks, and assistants are profiting from America's ill health that never would we ever seek to improve it. We make money from disease and poorly treating disease. We would rather treat your symptoms. This is what they are teaching in doctoring school. Recently I saw a Nurse Practitioner, and she was an office manager. Why didn't I see a doctor? It was pointless, except that I bribed her out of a prescription. It wasn't even an opiate! It wasn't Tylenol 3! It wasn't Percosett. It was hydrochlorothyazide, a high blood pressure medication. It wasn't even anxiety medication, which she agreed I needed. She was so angry I didn't jump on the PSA dupe, she forgot to give it to me. America's health care system, a debauchery of unnecessary processes, tests, scans, and consultation which solve nothing. Only do they line the pockets of the aspiring rich. It is a miracle that we all are not dead yet.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Doo Bop and All
Where do I get off saying America is not the same? Why do I care? Who am I? I am a musician, and popular music in America has been put out of business by the internet. It was Napster. Singlehandedly a network was created which allowed users to upload music files for free. Napster may have been the biggest pirate of all and puts Johnny Depp to shame. Pirating software? Pirating? Entertainment, and China was the best at it. They stole everything we had, made copies and sold it on their black market. China. Saudi Arabia, a huge ally of the Bush clan, was responsible for 9/11. @#$%^&!!!!! I'll say that again. Saudi Arabia, a huge ally of the Bush clan, and for whom we went to war to protect, was responsible for 9/11 and the deaths of hundreds of innocent hard-working Americans. They should be held accountable and prosecuted for war crimes at the International War Crime Tribunal at the Hague. Why have they not been? Casually America has looked the other way. Bush was in office. 9/11 occurred because of the Bush clan. There is no other explanation, and yet no one has been held accountable except for Osama Bin Laden. Those supporting him, the lower-downs in the Saudi government, nada. Immune. We destroyed a country, tried to pillage its oil, and created the greatest and most active terrorist cell in world history. Okay, maybe not. There were other incidents in Europe and Asia throughout history that equally were as heinous. Atilla the Hun? European history was brutal. In our lifetimes, ISIS, is the most volatile terrorist group on the planet. That is why T. is sending yet more troops to A. to battle ISIS, an entity created singlehandedly by the Bush clan. Damn man. Bush clan. That Texas history is a bitch, and still it is not resolved. Maybe T. will put in some of his money. Whence is the money coming? How are we funding this war? Is it poppy money laundered and circulated back to America to the American government in an endless loop? Is it drug lords? Is it the Cartel in competition with A.? S.A. vs. A. Why can't they do it themselves? We are not clever enough to figure out more fruitful things to pursue. Build more countryclubs? Build more skyscrapers? Play more golf. That path of the righteousness is a never-ending journey of fulfillment. Feeding the hungry. Healing the sick. Housing the homeless. Creating world peace. They just are not as exciting feeling the reward of Christian sentiment and salvation.
2 Timothy 3
"You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay from people like that."
All righty then.... Sound like anything you recognize?
Upon reflecting upon reflecting upon what I have blogged in the last day or two, upon reflecting it dawned on me how America is different. What is different about America now than previously? To be blunt persecuted Jews escaped Nazi Germany and sought solace in America. Yea! "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Sound familiar? Probably not since a traditional American education has been stunted. We can't say the Pledge of Allegiance or the Lord's Prayer in schools. Do you think children are going to hear these anywhere else? Of course not. In preparing for the above quoted scenario, those people in creating a vacuum for their on iniquitous behavior grievously have starved the children of America of their true inheritance. Instead they are zombies. It is possibly through genetic heritage, which we have seen throughout history, good may prevail. There are too many examples of martyrs coming from nothing. Genetics are strong and possibly one thing that will save humanity. Nature verses Nurture. If were were to succumb to modern nature, we would be what we are now. Oh. All ready we have failed. Nature has been abandoned, and the millennial generation is her metaphor. Let's hope nurture will kick in and save us. What is different about America now, today? What is different is the LGBT movement, equal rights for women, and the reversal of woman as the sex symbol. I remember when it changed. Sexualization of women began to disappear and instead men became the enticing images. This change's metaphor was the emergence of Pop/Country onto America's music charts. It was nauseating. I remember it clearly. Scantily-clad cowboys dripping in sweat, five o'clock shadow, hairy chest exposed jerking off a crowd of manic women. It hasn't changed. Pop/Country remains one of America's top musical draws. Fine. It repulses me. As a grown adult man, who would I choose for which to buy a concert ticket? Certainly not a stage full of hairy men. Pop/Country in no way resembles America's traditional country music, just as most things today don't resemble what once they were. They have been transformed into sexualized commodities, cheap images, to sell tickets. Perhaps the Rolling Stones and the Beatles served the same purpose. What is the difference, Led Zepellin singing polyrhythmic blues, or cowboys playing pop? First pop music by nature is not capable of the same influence on society. I have said it before. It does not swing. If something does not "Swing" it selfishly does not leave room for a response to its decree. It just pounds the anvil with might, ignoring those around it. Swing desires a response to its message. It realizes that like man, it can not be happy and fulfilled alone. It seeks the comfort of others, camaraderie, kinship, and fellowship, kind of like church, before the concept of church in America was defamed. Our active campaign to defame God, His church, and organized religion has resulted in what America is now. We are an extremist, terrorist, fascist cell in disguise. Extremism has entered America not only on hijacked airplanes, but proudly and happily riding on the coattails of our media. Whether it is or what was Hollywood, network television, or the internet, extremism is in America because we have sold out to foreign interest without vetting. The almighty dollar again has risen for the Wall Street crew, and manipulating data on high speed computer networks, has sold America to the dogs. There is no one else to blame. I don't hate Trump supporters. I do hold them responsible for electing T. It is their fault. They know not what they do. Persecuted Jews of Nazi Germany sought solace in America, and with their earned money built Hollywood, a fantasy. Hollywood was their projection of what the world should be like. Glamour. Romance. Art. It was and still is vital, energizing, and representative. It should continue to be. Is it possible? I think not. Reading the Biblical scripture quoted above, it is startling that I perceive the world this way. To me this has become the norm. Where else can you see otherwise? What has changed about America? First and foremost romance has lost favor in film and television. That is because millennials with dollars don't understand it. They have been reared on violent Japanese video games, hence this is what they want. Do these foreign influences deserve blame for violence in America? Of course. Most of what is happening in America does not result from American influence. We are a neutered society and are impotent. America's great might, her moxy, has been castrated and replaced with ta ta towels. Women, if performing the equal job of men, should be paid the same. That never will mitigate the disparity in Hollywood, because although Hollywood traditionally championed romance, also it was sexist. America always has been sexist, because it was affluent white men who controlled the purse strings. Still it is happening today, although we have more women CEO's than ever before. Just because you are a woman, Betsy Devos, does not mean you are capable. It just means you are a friend of the family, a confidant who will not commit mutiny like Mike Pence. Pence is a Nazi. Just look at him. His idol is Dick Cheney. It is a tough pickle, Grandmaster Dragon of the KKK, or Hitler. How about Bernie Sanders? How about Rick Santorum? How about Ralph Nader? America is different because we abandoned heterosexual romance as our major social dynamic. What? The majority of the popular music in America centered around heterosexual romance. Early country music? Marriage. Break up. What else was there? Big Band Swing? Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, and Foxtrot. These were heterosexual dances that personified and strengthened the romance between and man and a woman. If a country aspires to change God's order, it would be best to find a more covert location, perhaps the Middle East? I am not saying there is no room in America for the LGBT movement. There is, but asking this dynamic to become the norm for America is inappropriate. Understanding that romance has been the major tenet of America, and that it has been heterosexual romance, could be quite a pill to swallow for the LGBT community. Oh well. Changing God's stated plan is best done on the down low, where it has been. Barack Obama changed some of that, and I did not agree. I know all too well the residual scum that floats to the surface when maladjusted gay men are bottled in a ship. It brings new meaning to the phrase, "Cock Block." In twelve years of working on ships, I got lucky never. It was not allowed. The Communist regime is alive and well on ships, and you are not allowed the freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution. You accept it for the paycheck. Carnival was not like this, but other companies based in Europe are. It is how my friend puts it, Eurotrash. Trickle down Socialism that has gone awry. I wish I could feel the freedom of America again, but I don't. As long as we are after the treasures in other countries, America's image and therefore quality of life never will be the same. We need to get out of the Middle East. Thank you.
All righty then.... Sound like anything you recognize?
Upon reflecting upon reflecting upon what I have blogged in the last day or two, upon reflecting it dawned on me how America is different. What is different about America now than previously? To be blunt persecuted Jews escaped Nazi Germany and sought solace in America. Yea! "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Sound familiar? Probably not since a traditional American education has been stunted. We can't say the Pledge of Allegiance or the Lord's Prayer in schools. Do you think children are going to hear these anywhere else? Of course not. In preparing for the above quoted scenario, those people in creating a vacuum for their on iniquitous behavior grievously have starved the children of America of their true inheritance. Instead they are zombies. It is possibly through genetic heritage, which we have seen throughout history, good may prevail. There are too many examples of martyrs coming from nothing. Genetics are strong and possibly one thing that will save humanity. Nature verses Nurture. If were were to succumb to modern nature, we would be what we are now. Oh. All ready we have failed. Nature has been abandoned, and the millennial generation is her metaphor. Let's hope nurture will kick in and save us. What is different about America now, today? What is different is the LGBT movement, equal rights for women, and the reversal of woman as the sex symbol. I remember when it changed. Sexualization of women began to disappear and instead men became the enticing images. This change's metaphor was the emergence of Pop/Country onto America's music charts. It was nauseating. I remember it clearly. Scantily-clad cowboys dripping in sweat, five o'clock shadow, hairy chest exposed jerking off a crowd of manic women. It hasn't changed. Pop/Country remains one of America's top musical draws. Fine. It repulses me. As a grown adult man, who would I choose for which to buy a concert ticket? Certainly not a stage full of hairy men. Pop/Country in no way resembles America's traditional country music, just as most things today don't resemble what once they were. They have been transformed into sexualized commodities, cheap images, to sell tickets. Perhaps the Rolling Stones and the Beatles served the same purpose. What is the difference, Led Zepellin singing polyrhythmic blues, or cowboys playing pop? First pop music by nature is not capable of the same influence on society. I have said it before. It does not swing. If something does not "Swing" it selfishly does not leave room for a response to its decree. It just pounds the anvil with might, ignoring those around it. Swing desires a response to its message. It realizes that like man, it can not be happy and fulfilled alone. It seeks the comfort of others, camaraderie, kinship, and fellowship, kind of like church, before the concept of church in America was defamed. Our active campaign to defame God, His church, and organized religion has resulted in what America is now. We are an extremist, terrorist, fascist cell in disguise. Extremism has entered America not only on hijacked airplanes, but proudly and happily riding on the coattails of our media. Whether it is or what was Hollywood, network television, or the internet, extremism is in America because we have sold out to foreign interest without vetting. The almighty dollar again has risen for the Wall Street crew, and manipulating data on high speed computer networks, has sold America to the dogs. There is no one else to blame. I don't hate Trump supporters. I do hold them responsible for electing T. It is their fault. They know not what they do. Persecuted Jews of Nazi Germany sought solace in America, and with their earned money built Hollywood, a fantasy. Hollywood was their projection of what the world should be like. Glamour. Romance. Art. It was and still is vital, energizing, and representative. It should continue to be. Is it possible? I think not. Reading the Biblical scripture quoted above, it is startling that I perceive the world this way. To me this has become the norm. Where else can you see otherwise? What has changed about America? First and foremost romance has lost favor in film and television. That is because millennials with dollars don't understand it. They have been reared on violent Japanese video games, hence this is what they want. Do these foreign influences deserve blame for violence in America? Of course. Most of what is happening in America does not result from American influence. We are a neutered society and are impotent. America's great might, her moxy, has been castrated and replaced with ta ta towels. Women, if performing the equal job of men, should be paid the same. That never will mitigate the disparity in Hollywood, because although Hollywood traditionally championed romance, also it was sexist. America always has been sexist, because it was affluent white men who controlled the purse strings. Still it is happening today, although we have more women CEO's than ever before. Just because you are a woman, Betsy Devos, does not mean you are capable. It just means you are a friend of the family, a confidant who will not commit mutiny like Mike Pence. Pence is a Nazi. Just look at him. His idol is Dick Cheney. It is a tough pickle, Grandmaster Dragon of the KKK, or Hitler. How about Bernie Sanders? How about Rick Santorum? How about Ralph Nader? America is different because we abandoned heterosexual romance as our major social dynamic. What? The majority of the popular music in America centered around heterosexual romance. Early country music? Marriage. Break up. What else was there? Big Band Swing? Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, and Foxtrot. These were heterosexual dances that personified and strengthened the romance between and man and a woman. If a country aspires to change God's order, it would be best to find a more covert location, perhaps the Middle East? I am not saying there is no room in America for the LGBT movement. There is, but asking this dynamic to become the norm for America is inappropriate. Understanding that romance has been the major tenet of America, and that it has been heterosexual romance, could be quite a pill to swallow for the LGBT community. Oh well. Changing God's stated plan is best done on the down low, where it has been. Barack Obama changed some of that, and I did not agree. I know all too well the residual scum that floats to the surface when maladjusted gay men are bottled in a ship. It brings new meaning to the phrase, "Cock Block." In twelve years of working on ships, I got lucky never. It was not allowed. The Communist regime is alive and well on ships, and you are not allowed the freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution. You accept it for the paycheck. Carnival was not like this, but other companies based in Europe are. It is how my friend puts it, Eurotrash. Trickle down Socialism that has gone awry. I wish I could feel the freedom of America again, but I don't. As long as we are after the treasures in other countries, America's image and therefore quality of life never will be the same. We need to get out of the Middle East. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Culturally Illiterate America
The majority of our population stares at their palms. Many people drive while staring at their palms killing others and themselves. Many people seem to talk into thin air staring into space. Many people shoot each other, especially in North Carolina. People antagonize you by exceeding the posted speed limit. Law enforcement fails to ticket those who speed instead buying pole-mounted cameras to do the work for them. One must stand in line often. Jazz is dead. Music is dead. Radio is dead. Rock 'n' Roll is dead. There are no jobs. Health insurance premiums are outrageous. The earth is warming. How could I possibly assert that there are other less economically developed nations that are more culturally developed than what Charlie Rose continues to call a "Super Power." Super Power? Really? What is the National Debt? Is it real? Does it really matter? Maybe Tyler Durden thought so. What is important? What has created this void of enlightenment? Capitalism. Failed Capitalism. Which state has a law on the books that prevents a woman from stopping sex? Who could have thought of such a thing? How could what bathroom you use make it into the State House? Who are the hillbillies running North Carolina. How am I here. Why am I living in this state? Why am I living in the country, No Country for Old Men? Progressive. Conservative. Clearly America has stopped progressing, and we have landed on the plantation. Blacks are picking cotton, frying hamburgers, and bagging groceries at the poverty line. Many ethnicities are picking cotton, frying hamburgers, and bagging groceries while "The Man" drinks mint juleps Moro Lago. What is Moro Lago? Who can I get one? Do I want one? A lot can be learned from "Shakespeare in the Bush." Give it a read. What is important in America? Why is Trump in the White House? It took eight months for Trump to turn into Bush. Now he is going to give Secretary Tillerson his precious minerals at the expense of the American people in the name of freedom from something we know nothing. Isn't there a clause in the Constitution or Bill of Rights which allows the American people to expunge a failed government. No, it is called a coup. Coups have happened in many countries. There was one in France. It is well known. There was one in Russia. It was called "Animal Farm." Do we want another American Revolution? Do we need another American Revolution? Against whom will the rebellion be? The aristocracy? "Let them eat cake. Let them look at my designer clothing and eat cake." I wonder if her husband eats....? I think not. "Muffy?" "Yes, dear?" Why am I getting lewd? I don't want to, but the White House is lewd. No, they are crude. Begging for a bullet? So it would seem.
Well Traveled and Dim Sum (then some)
I especially do not consider myself well-traveled. I have been fortunate in my meager life to accomplish some things which in all likelihood will go unnoticed for a very long time. Judging from the Classic Era and music history, I will die a pauper in an unmarked grave. My music will not be played for another century. This seems to be the timeline of classical music in this world. Even the heard classical composers of this era struggle to make ends meet. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe like Branford Marsalis and Joey Calderazzo, we find a little college gig and disappear. The opera "Nixon in China" comes to mind, and it only is John Adams which has received some notoriety for his work. The rest bubble up on classical radio program from time to time. I assume they must have college teaching gigs across the country. I don't really care. I care that America is a staid country. We are behind the rest of the world culturally. Pundits and some of my acquaintances will say, "Eurotrash. Socialist cess pools. Are you crazy? Europe is a dismal pile of trash." This is one friend in particular, probably the most musically enlightened of all the people I know. I listen to him, and I understand his point. Compared to living in a field, in a cardboard house, or in a tunnel beneath the ground, America may seem like heaven. Freedom is what creates happiness, freedom from tyranny, ignorance, and greed. We in America have all three sitting in our White House scorning us daily on the front page of our newspapers. How could this happen? How could God let this happen? How could this humiliation be in our midst, our world, our lives now? It is inexplicable, except when one examines American history. Her path is littered with corpses. During the Civil War hundreds of thousands of Americans, Yankees and Confederates, died defending their views. Nothing has changed, except that our separation has become more disguised in recent decades. The free flowing of money has much to do with it. When people are able to work for a decent wage and live a modest life it seems America more is at peace with herself. This has changed. To sound like a broken Victrola, the top one percent ..... blah, blah, blah. Stagnant wages for thirty years. Blah, blah, blah. Trump in the White House is why racism has percolated to the surface recently. When one thinks of the Obama presidency, there are pros and cons on whether racism improved in America. Trump's intent is and always has been to incite violence in America. He does not care about the American people. Why would he even run for President? It is because it was a popularity contest supporting Trump's vanity. He is a fighter, and with his amassed fortune and therefore immunity from prosecution, it allows him to stir things up. That is all he is doing, but somehow we let him into our White House. The people who voted for Trump are to blame for this, and they are the people responsible for our Conditions of America as we speak. These people are the reason why we are faced with this egregious situation during our lifetimes. They are the same as Trump. There it is. The Civil War never has been resolved, Jesse James was the ultimate terrorist, a true American guerilla fighter, and the divide of those living in America never has been clearer. Maybe I am railing against Trump's peeps inadvertently. Maybe the unrest I feel with America is being surrounded by Trump supporters. It is nothing new. Once it was the fight of Democrats verses Republicans. Then like heterosexuality, the line of demarcation was blurred. Are you a man or a woman? The fight becomes more difficult, when the playing field purposely is tilted. Now we no longer can define our warring populace as left or right. Traditional definitions of American social philosophy have been dissipated. Rest assured we all are surrounded by our enemies. This also is nothing new. Keep your loved ones close and your enemies closer. This takes a lot of energy, and America must be reaching a time when fighting no longer is in vogue. We have been at war in Afghanistan for sixteen years. The media says it is the longest war .... blah, blah, blah. If you asked American citizens why we are war in Afghanistan, who could say why? I can't. I can say that Secretary Tillerson is intelligent enough to understand that in the mountains of Afghanistan are a trillion dollars worth of natural resources. Still to this day the Bush family has been unable to get the oil in Iraq. Still to this day we are in Afghanistan because of them. We destroyed a country, created ISIS, and are depleting a non-existent GNP seeking wealth for the American oligarchy. My intent with this blog entry was not to talk about politics. It was to explain how America culturally is behind the rest of the world. Wealth does not create or actualize culture. Poor countries out of dire necessity may be more culturally advanced then America. The ironic and infuriating thing is America's cornerstone cultural achievements have been shelved. The things which built America, made us great, and put us ahead of the world now have been deemed unimportant. What the fuck? How can anyone qualify this event? American jazz, one of the few pure American art forms, is enjoyed by one percent of the population. That should tell you something about who is supporting Trump. Bluegrass music, another pure American art form, is invisible. Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley, and a success-laden generation of bobby sockers have become extinct. By the choice of what must be millennials, most of America's history is being dismantled in lieu of flying or self-driving cars, trips to Mars, or smart phones. Big Brother. I resisted the smart phone revolution. I realized early that miniature microwave transmitters have no place in the hands of children much less adults. It was a bad idea, and wireless technology with be the demise of the world. Those who can grow a tomato, plant a field, sew a dress, or dig a well will remain. I don't know if it will get to that. God is supposed to return to Earth, and those who have accepted Christ will be embraced by Him and taken to a new parallel planet, where they will begin anew. The rest will duke it out in purgatory, or rather an earth ravaged by fire and brimstone. This scenario could be a number of things. Nuclear war. An asteroid. Volcanoes. The point is no one would want to have to endure during this cataclysmic time. American militias, groups which never have disappeared, still are preparing for a fight of some kind. They should be acknowledged and applauded. If faced with the decision of whether I will be murdered by a knife-wielding terrorist or whether I will pick up a weapon and defend myself, simply I will pick up a weapon. As Americans we have done this the entire longevity of the life of our nation. It is part of our core. One must defend themselves against evil, and yet this principle has become foreign to this generation. Like most everything, they whine because life has not continued to be made easy for them. They are having to grow up. Maybe this is why Trump is in the White House. When a Grand Master of the KKK becomes President of the United States, is financially self-sufficient, and seems to be demented..... Well we have had it before, and it ain't easy.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Zucherberg's Plan
Not many people seem to remember that Mark Zuckerberg's original idea for Facebook was a way to scope college girls. Ewwwwww!!! Male chauvinist piggy. His idea was born from the adolescent desire for male/female interaction. Interaction? Romance? Sex? Marriage? It was simplistic, not simple. Facebook has turned into much more, but at its core it was the idea of a college technology student on how to get chicks. My Friend List in no way whatsoever resembles such a thing. I limit my Friends to those who post things worth reading or are entertaining. Recipes always are appreciated. Jokes, although non-existent, would be welcomed. Instead we have inane stream-of-consciousness, political rancor, or family reflections. I hide the inciting political rhetoric, copy the recipes, and otherwise scan my newsfeed for what always is disappointing. Only the posts I create satisfy any need I have. I guess it is silly to seek any gratification from FB, but its users do. It is a modern kind of immediate gratification, posting photos and videos of your experiences, to be viewed online. FB has taken the place of real human interaction, and yet that not was the goal. The goal was to use the website as a dating service, or else as a rather creepy voyeuristic fix. It has turned into something else, and it began with an algorithm which cleverly connected you with lost high school peers. To begin with it was powerful seeing people with which you had lost touch. Thumbing through your pseudo-yearbook online was visceral and rewarding. Then most of us realized that the relationships we had with these peers of the past had not changed. We still were close to people with which we were close, and we still maintained animosities and feuds with those we didn't like. Over the years nothing changed. With the exception of a few outstanding scholars, that has been true for me. Over time I realized I had no desire to relive my past. Somehow through the grace of God we feel compelled to give it another go. I have worked hard to heal my scars, although their source still exists. Revisiting the past only opens these wounds, something no human deserves. If it has taken three decades to heal from strife, rejuvenate, and reinvent one's self, no man deserves that challenge again. This is what FB makes possible. A cyber-relationship not based in reality, in humanity, and in personal physical relationships cannot be a good idea. It is an experience laden with mines, and although gaining superficial gratification from the intimacy of a computer screen has grown epidemic, it is not healthy. One only has to browse the website Chaturbate to realize Sodom and Gomorrah has been resurrected on the internet. How can anyone qualify the existence of free, live, webcam sex shows? Once such a thing cost money. If it was needed and had value, those desiring its services would pay a fair price to purchase the product. The internet has undermined the value of so many things once that played vital roles in the lives of human beings. The adult film industry is one. While we all may not agree with it, as free Americans we were afforded the right to choose to engage. This kind of freedom was a cornerstone in the forging of America, and Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner were its pioneers. These types of freedoms, those which smart the values of conservative prudes, have become less. America has been on the wrong sociological journey since W. was in the White House, since Roger Ayers created Fox News, and since modern American media was bundled and purchased as a manipulative propagandist construct. Our freedoms have dwindled and with them the value of many vocations. Human services no longer are valued by American business and government, and anything and everything associated with human need is being slipped under the rug. Truly we are a brainwashed society let by a force of naive, affluent, children with no respect for the history of America and for which she stands. I always have enjoyed FB, but it is becoming a nuisance. I can find no other source of enlightenment on the web. I continue to read news on differing sites, and it is trivial and tabloid. No effort is made to state the truth. Without God, where is America to land?
Monday, August 21, 2017
Millennial Ambassadors of Terror
It is so obvious. The writers of the internet news are such amateurs. Is it the Rupert clan pushing tabloidism? Fully I understand print news is in dire straights. The reality that news reporting has a history, an aesthetic, and Edward R. Murrow was a crucial part of if. That quality and accurate news reporting won't magically appear on your laptop without research and reflection. That talent will not appear on television with no preparation or understanding of the medium and its lineage. This is the age of millennials. If America is to be afraid of something, of somebody, it should be millennials. Millennials are like the walking dead, so vain that history no longer is necessary for an understanding of the world. That their feelings are hurt when necessary statues of important men are displayed in public. These statues are necessary, because each and every day they remind us of the history of this country and how it cannot be disguised. The history books have been doctored. Sugar has been sprinkled on shit, and if I hear Charlie Rose one more time say how great America is. America is great for him, because he is filthy rich, has homes all over the world, and is riding the wave of success. While at times I enjoy your show Mr. Rose, and your news reporting is one of the best, it is biased. We no longer are the things continually you say to your interviewees. A super power. The strongest country in the world. A leader. You my friend are living in the past and are a part of the 1%. If America is to be afraid of anyone, it is those who refuse to acknowledge our history, because it is too brutal. "I don't want to look. Let me buy my latte and my new car that would allow me to 'summer more.'" If we were to believe anything we see on television, it is that millennials are spoiled rotten emotionally immature children who buy and eat impulsively and frivolously. I've blogged about it before. It's like Romper Room, but no one would know what that is. It's like daycare. Candy for the baby, the level of television ads, and it's frightening. We definitely should be afraid of the people making these coercions. What once was a fun and entertaining medium now is laced with PCP, acid-laden candy frying the brains of those who watch. We should be afraid of millennials, those who are the chosen ones of the twenty-first century. They have not been chosen, simply they were born at the right place and the right time, and yet it was the wrong place and the wrong time. If hatred and bigotry are festering in America, it is not because older generations harbor it. It is because ill-equipped and ignorant millennials are bent out of shape because they have to confront a difficult issue. You live in a country of slave-owners and empirical politicians who slaughtered the native-Americans just like Hitler slaughtered the Jews. Heard of Wounded Knee? "Can't I just buy my latte and my new technological wonder, a car with bells and whistles that further allow me to tune out, ignore reality. If America is to fail, it is because we have failed to prepare our future leaders. Shortly those privileged 1% are going to die, and their spoiled recalcitrant offspring will inherit the reins (reigns) of America, and another revolution will spring up. It's time to get the Trumps out of our White House.
The Jealous Husbands of FB and Blockage
I have been blocked on Facebook a few times. Certainly it never has been by a man, only women. It's a woman kind of thing, blocking someone. It could be considered the ultimate ploy, the ultimate tool, the ultimate device in winning an argument. I have been lucky that since high school and college, I don't get in arguments. I have lost touch with the negative emotion of not being in control of your own life. Always, after I progressed through several years of clinical depression, I have been able to change my mood and pull myself out of any anxious, dire, or critical situation. It called being an adult, separating your brain from your emotions. The brain prevails, and it is the only way to survive. In an age with increasing political tension, the establishment is trying its best to get the best of you. "The Man" George Carlin used to call it. Life is more difficult than it ever has been, at least for me. Upon reflecting on my blockages a pattern is emerging. Solely it is associated with women. The women who have exercised this opportunity I am forced to dislike. I will not dislike them for real, because as an adult I choose not to harbor grudges or dwell on negativity. I will dislike them, because their behavior is petty. A pattern is beginning to develop around these women, and more and more I dislike the behavior. I have been lucky most of my life to have been in love relationships where petty irrational behavior has been kept to a minimum. I know how to treat a woman. Most women I have encountered after returning to the American South are not rational. Therefore they are not appealing to me. So be it. Homosexuality is rampant, and the last decade has been nothing but the dividing of genders by smearing their boundaries. It seems in the eyes of the LGBT community, humans are all one being, but that can't be true. There are so many man-hating dykes around, women who hate you before they even know you, it could explain premature blocking. The first woman that blocked me was the wife of a guitarist with whom I worked in a ship's orchestra. It was difficult, because she was attractive and resembled a woman with whom I shared a home for three years. We were involved. I posted a picture of the both of them, and immediately she could not handle any sentimentality. I have found this to be true in general. The things I find interesting, artistic, or enlightening, anomalies of life, others find threatening. Their small minds are not capable of understanding complex psychological issues. Somehow in my nine years of collegiate education, I gained an understanding of neurosis, not psychosis. Psychosis is rampant in the South. It is the norm. I have learned not to even try and understand anything about life in the South. Not only does no one want you to understand them, they want to control you, because they do not have enough brains to handle their own insecurities. There the drink comes into play. Drinking mediates this affliction. When things go awry, drink and forget about it. When I sober up, the reality and incomprehension of life in the South becomes daunting. I begin to worry, have self-doubts, and become anxious. This is how the man wants you. It is not because I am not capable of solving my own issues, it is because this is what satan does. Evil only can manifest itself through human behavior, and it is all over. It is prevalent. It in the American South is the norm. I am tired of it. I moved to Columbus, Ohio (Cowtown) and found the Midwest to be more enlightened, more intelligent, and more progressive than where I grew up. Truly the South is depressed, and it is evident in the behavior of its inhabitants. Why and how could a jealous fiance demand that his future wife block a Facebook friend who lives hundreds of miles away? Someone who never the future wife ever will see again? Someone who in no way is threatening? That is my question, and yet it happened. It seems in our modern American construct, adult behavior has disappeared. The sexual revolution has turned gay, the quintessential dynamic of man woman has been erased, and petty bickering is the chosen communication. That is television. I was surprised that this man snooped on his girlfriend's FB page, found me, and demanded that any communication stop. In a completely different scenario a Facebook friend of mine began posting video's of her recently divorced adolescent daughter in her news feed. I didn't ask to see them, but because she was attractive and young I enjoyed the free intimacy of her make up discourse. Her young son, after a tumultuous first year, became a poster child of good looks. In their colloquial, pageant-mom, Southern widsom, the family hired a photographer to further the career of newly single mom. I responded like any sane man would. I appreciated the free Daisy Duke videos present in my newsfeed every few days. Then in my infinite, sardonic, satirical humor I pushed the envelope realizing that parading your wares on the internet in the American South where human trafficking, drug abuse, and crime is rampant is not a good idea. I made a joke that to me was meaningless except that it was meant to flatter the girl. Like Jean Benot Ramsey, she was using her beautiful child as a tool. The photographer they hired was masterminding this crusade, this campaign to launch a new career in beauty products. Only did I compliment their work, and yet I somehow became a threat. They did not want to appeal to a single man. They posted one of many pictures of the mother and son together, both glamorized in robes. Blond boy, recently divorced adolescent together, and I wrote, "Beautiful, who's the one on the right?" (that was the girl, never knowing that I would be thought of as a pedophile.) Because the whole intent was to glamorize the female, I invented a satirical caption to force them to examine their practices. It worked, and promptly even though I was not even her friend, she blocked me. We were not even friends, and still I got blocked. Recently a friend from my graduate school days, a friend of my former girlfriend, became involved in a divorce from her husband. We were FB friends, and she also continued to post pictures of herself in her newsfeed. I would open up FB in the morning, and there would be enticing photos of this woman. Never did I say anything inappropriate, except that I queried if she now was single. Immediately blocked. I asked myself if this woman, someone who always was friendly and appreciative of my comments on her flowers, family, and home, could be threatened by something that was non-existent. It seems divorce is a heady issues, and we must be reminded of how horrible it is for those involved, rather than seeing it as a much-needed liberation. It took several days for me to understand the nature of this event. I will not change my opinion of her, because never did I have any motivation other than to remain friends. If I was blocked, barred from any contact on Facebook, then something must have occurred so dire that again I somehow was manipulated into a potential threat. I guess I should feel proud, a middle-aged, single man, living with his mother seemingly predatory from behind a 13" computer screen. It seems I both have become a pedophile and a rapist, and yet I have gained not one bit of fulfillment from either experience except further being isolated from potential friends. This is the nature of Facebook, and it should be questioned. Being single in the American South is not easy. I am surrounded by incapable, maladjusted, jealous couples who have no clue how to run their own lives. There is infidelity. There is pettiness. There is anger. Never have I had to experience others' negative feelings without a choice. It surrounds me daily, our neighbors. Even without FB, jealousy among husbands is rampant. How and why should I have to bear the brunt of ill-will, when I have done nothing? There are two commandments, TWO, which pertain to marriage, and I am not married. Still I respect and try to follow their example. Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife, and thou shalt not commit adultery. I will admit out of sheer boredom, not out of attraction or lust, I entertain the fantasy (if it could be called that) of interacting with those around me. It does not happen. We have no real neighbors. We have couples involved with their own lives with no time or inclination to interact with those living around them. It is a gated community, homes that are fortresses providing respite from the might of the man. Never have I felt so alienated living an a middle-classed neighborhood, but this is Old Fayetteville. I forget with all of my travels and experiences living in more enlightened places, there is a hierarchy in the Old South. It is called society. There are cotillions. There are country clubs. One cannot find entree into such a society without money. It's all about the money. What a shallow existence. It seems this behavior is becoming the norm under the tutelage of Donald Trump. Ethics, morality, and Christianity no longer are the principles of quality living. Treating they neighbor as thyself certainly does not a apply. You buy your happiness. Always I have found happiness in love, but now I have been trained to keep that hidden. Showing love or even an inclination that you are a caring person exposes your flanks, and in come the hyenas. The music I compose and play always, as Wynton Marsalis states, is about either love of God or woman. That is not in vogue in America. We are a callus, classless, crass society. When I post music that satisfies my need of love, it is met with animosity. Instead of utilizing that sentiment, they reject it. Throughout my life I have achieved self-esteem through providing love for someone else. It, in my opinion, is the most important concept. You do not want to have sex with someone for your own selfish gratification. There are times when that is needed. Ideally you show love for another person by providing love, fulfillment, and pleasure for them. This exposes your flanks more than anything, expressing your love for another person by making love to them. Hence we don't do it much anymore. We screw. We get our rocks off. We fornicate. Still I try to remember the real reason why we are intimate, and I write music about it. I try to remember what a mature relationship is, one chartered on mutual love and respect, and the beautiful, irreplaceable gift God has given us of sexual pleasure with one we love. It is the emotional content that intensifies the physical content. With that understanding comes well being, health, and happiness. American society does not acknowledge this concept. Capitalism by nature deprives us of the things we need to be healthy, and instead we buy junk as anodynes. We divert ourselves with pettiness. We reject the mature principles, because we are not capable of understand God's intended purpose for humanity. If we did we would be a much happier society.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
The Civil War, Again
Maybe this is to what it has come in America. It has been a learning experience. First I found out that the Gulf Stream jet that flies over our house belongs to a defense contractor. No surprise except that they were located less than a mile from our house. It is no wonder they fly right over our house communicating with their little office nestled behind the local Harris Teeter grocery store. Always it was strange to me that part of the back parking lot was cordoned off with a large fence, and satellite dishes sat menacingly facing space or rather airborne transceivers. Does the post office use satellites? This was until I discovered a few days ago that L-3 Communications had an installment there. ? What in the hell is a defense contractor doing in a grocery store in an urban neighborhood? Then I noticed a few days ago the the Arms Room, another defense contractor inhabiting a gated Department of Defense building on Executive Place, seemed to be closed. The parking lot was empty, and there was no one in the guard gate. I have known that this particular company kept track of the weapons on Fort Bragg among other tasks. Now their address is a home in Hope Mills. Their corporate office is in Raleigh. It seems the circus up and left town. First the Arms Room, and second their supportive surveillance company who I guess connected them to the Pentagon. L-3 Communications has a website listing their services. They are an aviation company as well as communications. They can track things. Maybe I am getting them confused, Williams Software, and L3 Technologies. Without the Arms Room being a stones throw away, why would an aviation surveillance company be located in an urban shopping center? It explains my four year long quest trying to find the source of the snooping Kingair 350 aircraft circling above our house for hours at a time. Then again I located their source, Sierra Nevada near Grannis Field, and they manufacture the sensor arrays used on Department of Homeland Security Kingair 350's. Someone was interested in the fornicating youths in the woods behind Vanstory Elementary School growing pot. Not. Either they were training using the woods as hypothetical Al Qaeda hideouts practicing infrared imaging, or the planes belonged to L3, and they had a contract to surveil the school. There was a flasher loose a few years ago, and parents were screaming at the school board to put up a fence around the playground. The kids while at recess would heckle me as I worked in our yard. They called me a hobo. Luckily that has stopped, as I have befriended a family living behind us. I fixed their kid's motorcycle, and expanded our riding trails in those woods. No longer does the neighborhood see me as a threat, except for those jealous husbands. I am glad I am not married, because the petty behavior that goes on in these houses.... My point is the circus seems to have up and left town. The satellite dishes have been removed and the fence is gone. Now it is a parking lot again. Williams Software seems to have relocated leaving the Arms Room DOD building vacant. Else they have created an effective distraction. No one is home, or are they? Secondly it seems we had to wait a few months to see President Trump's true colors. He says to the people what those little birds chirping in his ears tell him. A genius mathematical firm that exploits Wall Street, or others. He, like W., is a pawn, and not a pawn star. He seems now to have no opinion, because we are beginning to understand who he is. He seems a bit surprised that his inflamed rhetoric has backfired, and consequently real people are dying because of him, because of the American President. How long will Congress let this go on? The economy in America is dead. I finally got it. There is no money to be made, because Americans have no money. We are poor. Business has moved elsewhere, overseas, globalization and abandoned our once great nation the way early settlers left Alaska. They raped and pillaged the natural resources, and there was nothing left. No trees, no furs, nothing, just like Haiti has no fish or birds. We have raped America, and there is nothing left. Businesses have deserted us, and the only thing left are minimum wage service jobs. It is embarrassing. Mobs fighting in the streets. Terrorists plowing down innocent civilians with vehicles. What could be driving this rage, so to speak? Driving? Get it. Economic inequality. Trump is right about one thing. If there were good jobs available for people to work and prosper, ethnicity would not be such an issue. it is Washington's fault. It's a cesspool of fraud, corruption, and mismanagement. Congress has let this happen, and they should be expunged. The American system of government finally has failed, and it does not look like it can be saved without a revolution. I don't want to be a Freedom Fighter. I do not want to sacrifice my brains, my talent, and my soul to fight for the justice of America. Yes, previous generations have done this, but we all ready have fought that fight. Do we have to experience the grievous losses of the Civil War again? Can we prove that America has evolved? This remains to be seen. Even with the absence of L-3 and those circling Kingair 350's, that menacing Cessna who feels empowered continues to monitor. I have a foe, a rogue, aberrant Cessna pilot who tries his best to stay away. I am just too interesting.
Monday, August 14, 2017
The Prostate Jackpot
I went to see Dr. Amalgam today. (not real name, but sounds like it) I needed a primary care provider, and although I had put off put the visit and procrastinated, I needed a primary care provider. My experiences with local medicine have been bleak. I was able to get my hernia repaired with no dire consequences. All is well on the hernia front. I drink too much, and such my gut probably is like a sieve. Leaky gut they call it. Okay. Recently I had severe abdominal pain and went to the ER. The ER doc was thorough and did a complete work up on me. Labs, CT Scan, the works. It beat having to farm all of that out. Of course it cost a lot. Each and every test came back quality. My numbers all were good. They found nothing. Ouch! Why was I in pain? There are things that do not show up in the internal organs, say like muscle inflammation. When Dr. Amalgam asked about doing lab work, I said I all ready have it. March is only five months ago, and I do not believe my stats have changed much since then. If anything I am better. I told her I drink too much. She was nonplussed. When I told her of my enlarged prostate, she was off and running. To make a long story short, the prostate jackpot appeared. I have been through it before. A slightly elevated PSA test, and suddenly you have cancer. That means a painful prostate biopsy, fear of a diagnosis, and probably treatment for something the inventor of the PSA says can only detect cancer 3.5% of the time. Then the PSA cannot distinguish between malignant and benign cancers. Your chances of living unfettered with slow-growing prostate cancer are good. Very good. I know this, because I have been through this mill before with Dr. Flolan. Hack. Quack. Mack, selling his wares, the ephemeral prostate biopsy guided by an ultrasound. He cocks back a needle gun and shoots it through your rectal wall fifteen times to penetrate your prostate gland. If you didn't have cancer, at least now you have a sponge instead of a sex gland. Most men get infected, because feces in the colon covers the wounds. I said, "No thank you." I agree with Richard J. Ablin, and for once wish only I could see a doctor who truly cared about my health and not the dollar.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Donald Duck and Parliment (Clinton)
The Donald has been on my mind. There is a simplistic reason why he won the Presidency. I had to look up the definition between simple and simplistic. Simplistic means looking at a complex issue in simple terms. Simple means that the issue is merely simple. Politics almost always will be complex. That is the nature of the beast, and that is why people love politics. When politics becomes inscrutable, it becomes time to simplify. America does not want to be at war. The American people, our populace, if asked would tell Washington we do not want to be at war. We are. Simply this means that vested interests and those in power do not represent the interests of the American people. We have a problem. We have a large problem, and it has been festering in Washington for a long time. The incumbent regime is not capable of leading America. Asked to repeal and replace Obamacare the Republicans failed twice. It is because American health care, private health care, is a difficult issue. There is no simplistic way to view it, or maybe there is. Maybe it is accurate to say that health care in America has strayed from its responsibility to care for Americans the best way possible at reasonable affordable rates. Instead it has become part of the straying Capitalist machine earning large chunks of the GNP. The insurance companies and pharmaceuticals control health care in America and thus the populace. Previously when I said communism all ready was in America via Monsanto, GE, and Time Warner, I should have included Big Pharma and Insurance. Washington is not capable of tying their on shoes much less creating legislation that will undercut these giants. They are the oligarchy, and universal health care never will see the light of day in America. It is not our nature. We will have to continue to travel to reasonable nations with reasonable values like Mexico or India. The Donald simplistically was elected because the alternative was Hillary Clinton. Out electoral college decided that Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils and also a change. It was the wrong choice, but letting Hillary win would have been almost a grievous mistake. I supported Bill Clinton when he ran and was president. Truly we did have a more sane, logical, compassionate, and literate nation. Hillary championed multiculturalism, and Bill was a diplomat. They have strayed. Hillary's position as Secretary of State simplistically was a token. It was President Obama's reward for a good fight. She did not want the position, was not suited for the position, and consequently did not excel at it. Look at Henry Kissinger or Dame Madelyn Albright and you will see examples of effective Secretaries of State. Although the book "Clinton Cash" is purported not to be true, I believe it. I remember when the story broke that the Clinton's masterminded a nuclear sale with savvy political ability. During the time she was Secretary of State barely was Hillary ever in the public eye. I believe it was because she was pandering her influence with the White House whether she believed it or not. Russia could have been manipulating them just like they are manipulating the Trump gang. It is sad. Pundits including President Obama have shouted that there is no more qualified person to be president of the United States. I disagree. Hillary is not a diplomat. She is not a Commander in Chief. She is not a strong leader. She was not a good Senator. She was I believe a good First Lady, although the egg that was thrown in her face was severe. Enduring hardship and humiliation does not make you more qualified for a job. Skills do, the skills necessary to be the American President. Bill Clinton went to work everyday and did a moderate job of governing the nation. His finest achievement among many failures including the introduction of NAFTA, the selling off of dangerous electromagnetic frequencies, and single-handedly sanctioning hedge funds or pooled mortgages as financial instruments was the creation of the Dayton Accords which solved the Bosnian conflict. They should be looked upon as a model for a new Middle East. It is interesting that policy decision made by presidents, we do not feel the effects of until much later. Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils, and it has become apparent that his evil is as potent. He is a bully, a bigot, and a redneck. He has no compassion for humanity, which makes him not a Christian. What faith does The Donald embrace? Wealth. Former presidents have had spiritual advisors. Even W. consulted with his pastor often. There is a large echoing chasm in Washington and it is a metaphor for a black hole in space. They lead to the same place.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Little Birds in Your Ear
I was reflecting last night on the current situation with North Korea. It dawned on me that the impetus of Kim Jong Un is simplistic. He does not want to end up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Goddafi. Whether or not he deserves such a death is the opinion of the citizens of North Korea. They should decide his fate, and probably of this is what he is afraid. They are not a strong enough people to create a rebellion, or rather they are not interested. Civil war is an all-encompassing entity, and not everyone is interested in setting aside their daily routines and interests to be freedom fighters. I am one of them, but it seems to be becoming increasingly necessary that Americans should be preparing for civil war. In the least if we believed the words of themainstream media (which we know is paid propaganda sanctioned by NewsCorp) we should be reviving the anachronistic ramifications of Cold War. Ronald Reagan put a stop to this nonsense, and it was done with empathy, compassion, and honesty toward humanity. He was a Christian, and evidently he and Mr. Gorbachev shared Christian sentiments. Jesus was a Jew, and the Russian-Jewish faith was strong in history. The American oligarchy in their Communist ideals has eradicated church from society. While the separation of church and state is an important concept in governance, the separation of church from the populace is communistic. All ready America has morphed into a communist society. One only has to look around to see how much American society has changed. No longer are we governed by the people, because the people do not seem to be interested. That is changing, but without a civil rights leader adopting the role of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Moral Mondays will flounder on the steps of our statehouses. Where are the leaders? Where is Louis Farrakhan? The active role models of American society are dying out, and there is no one to replace them. The same is true of the arts. The millennial generation properly has not been educated to understand and inherit the leadership of America. The few that have are building empires like their Yuppie counterparts of the 1980's. I have no quarrel with Amazon. I have come to like and support their machine. Self-driving cars, trips to Mars, and tricorders are petty self-indulgences. Americans need to be focusing on rebuilding the country at the grassroots level rather than raining technological gumdrops on our lawns. Yesterday there was a flurry of Cold War sentiment possibly fueled by the discovery of an ingenious underground marijuana factory in an abandoned war bunker in the U.K. I can imagine no better re-purposing of a military industrial complex artifact than the Dogtown crew skating on broken concrete. Brilliant. It's too bad they got caught. Underground bunkers have been built all over the world from the imminent threat of nuclear war spawned by the Cold War. With its demise came a malaise of nationalistic direction. Russia floundered in newly implemented democracy, and the mafia were quick to respond. In a few short years a veteran foreign intelligence officer with the KGB was elected president of Russia. It has not been the same since. All of that aside when one puts the blocks together, a fear of communism should not be coming from North Korea. President Trump and the little birds who are churping in his ears are using Kim Jong Un as a scapegoat for American military might, the same way the Bush clan did with Saddam Hussein. No weapons of mass destruction ever were found in Iraq. It was President Obama, who with the aid of drone surveillance, located Osama Bin Laden and executed him in return for masterminding that attacks on our Twin Towers in lower Manhatten. Our recent presidents have a history of incompetence and failure with Obama being the exception. Never will I forget the image of Hank Paulson hovering behind President Bush whispering in his ear. "You must bail out the auto manufacturers and the Wall Street banks, or we will have another Great Depression. The stock market will crash, banks will go belly up, and the country will reel." Hence with a bit of trepidation the Troubled Assets Relief Fund was created. Bush dipped his hand into the cookie jar of the American people and paid of the CEO's and a handful of private investors in the stock market. In essence he handed our money to a small elite group who now are our ruling oligarchy. We have another royal order, not a democratic republic. This one event changed America overnight. We have yet to recover. Kim Jong Un is not to be feared, although the little birds want you to believe that. Our fear of communism is the fear of Monsanto, GE, and Time Warner. Communism is in America, and it is here by the way of unregulated big business. We have uncontrollable monopolies who are more interested in selling to governments than to citizens. Citizens no longer are important to these businesses, and that is what creates communism. It is not far-reaching to begin to be afraid of The Donald. Instead of fearing his diversion, North Korea, truly we should fear him, the little birds chirping in his ears, and Vladimir Putin. It is his family's collusion with Russia that will be his downfall. The sooner we expunge the influence of the Kremlin in Washington, the sooner America will begin to resemble a free, democratic, prospering nation.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
The Dawg Daze of Sumner
Yep, we are in it. There is no question that this point in time, the part of the year that is the most challenging for those dwelling in the American South, is August. Because of public shouting over Global Warming since the election of the Donald, we have had a mild summer. That is my opinion anyway. It has not been three months of +90 degree mercury, where one must stay inside to be cool. Duke Energy smiles! They must love the utility rates and especially Global Warming. When it is hot, you must use their energy to stay cool running Mr. Carrier's glorious invention. In Fayettenam temperatures coincide with the war. The underground war machine at Fort Bragg tools on. Since the mainstream media is championing a new cold war with North Korea, it must be tense in those tents (in the field). The guns are not blazing at the moment, but many soldiers from the 82nd Airborne have arrived overseas, first in Germany, and then on to Afghanistan and Iraq. They are not here spending their dollars and screwing their wives. During the l980's with Ronald Reagan, there was a respite in war activity. It lasted until the Bush family oil regime decided to protect Kuwait from the advancing forces of Saddam Hussein. They were an oil family you see. It was the first television war, and we watched on CNN and C-SPAN. I am not sure anyone knows what these networks are anymore. Instead we watch Netflicks with a Hulu. Things just ain't what they used to be. I archived a wonderful PBS Irving Berlin Biography last night on the computer. Elgato provided a nifty device that allows video capture from your VHS VCR. That's a lot of acronyms. The latter stands for video cassette recorder. I don't know what VHS stands for, but it was in competition with the Betamax. Beta and VHS were the two video types when the video boom broke. Remember Blockbuster? America really has changed drastically in the last decade, and I don't like it much. I don't own a smart TV, not that I would mind having one. I don't watch television on the computer, because I am from the old school. I grew up partly in the Golden Age of Television. Perhaps a bit later, but certainly television when I grew up was at a peak. Happy Days. I Love Lucy. The Wild Wild West. These shows were pioneering entertainment the likes of which we have not seen since they were bought by Time Warner and put on the shelves. Luckily many of them are available on DVD collections, and some, probably the stars took the time to have them re-mastered, packaged, and promoted. Every once in a while I will get the bug and buy one. I bought the complete series of the Andy Griffith Show on DVD. I have watched maybe two episodes, because I am not accustomed to programming my own television. It used to be done for us to a very high degree. It drove advertising and the cultural habits of America. There can be no doubt that American culture ONCE highly was influenced by quality television. Jump to today. Newspeak is the order. The news is laced with blatant lying, propaganda, and patronizing manipulation. We have exactly what someone wanted. When did this begin? When did America, American government, and American business begin to exploit Americans rather than support them? That is the day our Constitution was rendered impotent. Disguise history, fail to teach, and exploit the masses. It wreaks. America wreaks. I try to forget it each day I wake and continue caring for my mother, cooking, working in the yard, a dabbling in music production. Staunchly I believe that one must live in the present, and that means being aware of world current events. Will it be long until Mr. Trump is impeached? We need to get on with it. The underground war machine is rumbling at Fort Bragg. They are loading munitions to supply all of those soldiers overseas. When they do so the Army's locomotives run non-stop often underground. I guess they have really good ventilation. They have learned how to bury Ground Forces Command with help from precious Cold War installations. If you look at Google Satellite you can see the underground installations including the ammo dumps. Evidently they are afraid of a terrorist event, but with the largest mobile fighting force in the country, who could ever attack Fort Bragg? It is a bit like War Games. Generals are having fun playing war, and now The Donald is included. I discovered last night a Gulfstream jet is based in Fayetteville. I see it almost every day depending when I decide to venture outside into the refuse of the rumbling underground war machine. Often it flies directly over our yard just above the tree tops within shouting distance, except that two Rolls Royce turbines drown out local sounds. Casually I lift my middle finger into the air. Recently when I have been watering my tomato plants after midnight, the annoying little Cessna that flies from Grannis Field to Camp McKall (I don't know that for sure), but I thought I would drop the name. It also flies directly above the tree tops. As I am standing watering with my hose, both of them, I have begun to give the SOS signal to the plane via my trusty Riobi flashlight. Dot dot dot..... dot dot dot..... dot dot dot. The pilot motors up audibly and flies away. "No soup for you!" No aid for a needing citizen on the ground. If he is not aware of my situation, and it not open for communication and support, what good is he to me? Capitalism. He works for others, but uses my land and sky just like the railroads. It's an Interstate Commerce Commission kind of thing. In their charter it gives the railroads the power to fuck the populace. I think it should be changed. Low frequency (infrasonic) standing waves have been on our house for weeks. At times there are more than one, and truly it is like being on the ocean at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, the big motzah ball. Huge commercial cargo ships are contracted by the Department of Defense with their 850 billion dollar budget, and carry munitions to our soldiers overseas protecting the Afghan poppy fields. Poppy fields forever.
Sunday, August 06, 2017
Religious Business
I received a letter from BankofAmerica recently. I have banked with them since the Fall of 1981, when I entered UNC-Chapel Hill as a freshman. I have kept the same checking account all of this time. Over the course of time the bank has changed. I won't say evolved. Once it was Nation's Bank. For the longest time it was a reputable organization. Their acquisition of CountryWide sealed their fate, and Eric Holder sued them for their involvement in the hedge fund debacle to the tune of eight billion dollars. They have not been able to rebound from such a monetary fine. They had it coming. Price gouging, fees, and other unethical practices have beleaguered their company. Here in Fayetteville they have closed branches at Eutaw and on Ray Avenue and have closed the Drive Up windows at most locations. They have cut their tellers, and now lines back up to the door. When I make a simple transaction such as a deposit, usually I wait twenty minutes standing in line with only a few people in front of me. There are only two tellers at the Village Drive branch, and only one of them seems to handle customers. The other one walks around looking down doing busy work. It is frustrating, but when I turn around and feel the animosity of those standing behind me, their anger, their frustration, and their pain I ask myself is it worth it? Like other aspects of American life, or rather I should say like Communist nations, we are having to fight to obtain what once were easily available services. Fight to buy? Fight to bank? It just dawned on me that this is Communist. Communism has traveled to America, and we should get used to it. We should get used to having to fight for the things we once had. It is the proper evolution of Capitalism, but only because it has been mishandled the way Socialism has been in Europe. Fundamentally Socialism is meant to provide for everyone with a publicly-owned means-of-production. There is no private labor force, and the people own their own factories. The problem is the human race is not capable of handling this socioeconomic system. Without religion, or rather a staunch belief in God and the implications of Christianity, human beings are not capable of moral or ethical decisions. It has been proven over the last decade as America and all but eradicated God's presence in society. With no God, no values, then human beings are free to do as they please. Basically America via the internet has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. It is ironic, because God did not intend human beings to be chaste. Why would He have given us sexuality, if we could not exercise it? It is simple. Abide by His rules as responsible adults, respect one another, and with reverence and humility comfort ourselves from the brutality of survival with human temperaments, something of which we have lost sight. All of the traditional things we once studied to guide our lives have been shelved in lieu of manipulation from the wealthy via our government. America no longer empowers her populace. Instead she exploits them. It is not surprising. The model is Europe. Any form of government will fail spawned only by greed. Only the Christian feeling can save us.
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