Sunday, August 13, 2017

Donald Duck and Parliment (Clinton)

The Donald has been on my mind.  There is a simplistic reason why he won the Presidency.  I had to look up the definition between simple and simplistic.  Simplistic means looking at a complex issue in simple terms.  Simple means that the issue is merely simple.  Politics almost always will be complex.  That is the nature of the beast, and that is why people love politics.  When politics becomes inscrutable, it becomes time to simplify.  America does not want to be at war.  The American people, our populace, if asked would tell Washington we do not want to be at war.  We are.  Simply this means that vested interests and those in power do not represent the interests of the American people.  We have a problem.  We have a large problem, and it has been festering in Washington for a long time.  The incumbent regime is not capable of leading America.  Asked to repeal and replace Obamacare the Republicans failed twice.  It is because American health care, private health care, is a difficult issue.  There is no simplistic way to view it, or maybe there is.  Maybe it is accurate to say that health care in America has strayed from its responsibility to care for Americans the best way possible at reasonable affordable rates.  Instead it has become part of the straying Capitalist machine earning large chunks of the GNP.  The insurance companies and pharmaceuticals control health care in America and thus the populace.  Previously when I said communism all ready was in America via Monsanto, GE, and Time Warner, I should have included Big Pharma and Insurance.  Washington is not capable of tying their on shoes much less creating legislation that will undercut these giants.  They are the oligarchy, and universal health care never will see the light of day in America.  It is not our nature.  We will have to continue to travel to reasonable nations with reasonable values like Mexico or India.  The Donald simplistically was elected because the alternative was Hillary Clinton.  Out electoral college decided that Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils and also a change.  It was the wrong choice, but letting Hillary win would have been almost a grievous mistake.  I supported Bill Clinton when he ran and was president.  Truly we did have a more sane, logical, compassionate, and literate nation.  Hillary championed multiculturalism, and Bill was a diplomat.  They have strayed.  Hillary's position as Secretary of State simplistically was a token.  It was President Obama's reward for a good fight.  She did not want the position, was not suited for the position, and consequently did not excel at it.  Look at Henry Kissinger or Dame Madelyn Albright and you will see examples of effective Secretaries of State.  Although the book "Clinton Cash" is purported not to be true, I believe it.  I remember when the story broke that the Clinton's masterminded a nuclear sale with savvy political ability.  During the time she was Secretary of State barely was Hillary ever in the public eye.  I believe it was because she was pandering her influence with the White House whether she believed it or not.  Russia could have been manipulating them just like they are manipulating the Trump gang.  It is sad.  Pundits including President Obama have shouted that there is no more qualified person to be president of the United States.  I disagree.  Hillary is not a diplomat.  She is not a Commander in Chief.  She is not a strong leader.  She was not a good Senator.  She was I believe a good First Lady, although the egg that was thrown in her face was severe.  Enduring hardship and humiliation does not make you more qualified for a job.  Skills do, the skills necessary to be the American President.  Bill Clinton went to work everyday and did a moderate job of governing the nation.  His finest achievement among many failures including the introduction of NAFTA, the selling off of dangerous electromagnetic frequencies, and single-handedly sanctioning hedge funds or pooled mortgages as financial instruments was the creation of the Dayton Accords which solved the Bosnian conflict.  They should be looked upon as a model for a new Middle East.  It is interesting that policy decision made by presidents, we do not feel the effects of until much later.  Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils, and it has become apparent that his evil is as potent.  He is a bully, a bigot, and a redneck.  He has no compassion for humanity, which makes him not a Christian.  What faith does The Donald embrace?  Wealth.  Former presidents have had spiritual advisors.  Even W. consulted with his pastor often.  There is a large echoing chasm in Washington and it is a metaphor for a black hole in space.  They lead to the same place.