Saturday, August 12, 2017
Little Birds in Your Ear
I was reflecting last night on the current situation with North Korea. It dawned on me that the impetus of Kim Jong Un is simplistic. He does not want to end up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Goddafi. Whether or not he deserves such a death is the opinion of the citizens of North Korea. They should decide his fate, and probably of this is what he is afraid. They are not a strong enough people to create a rebellion, or rather they are not interested. Civil war is an all-encompassing entity, and not everyone is interested in setting aside their daily routines and interests to be freedom fighters. I am one of them, but it seems to be becoming increasingly necessary that Americans should be preparing for civil war. In the least if we believed the words of themainstream media (which we know is paid propaganda sanctioned by NewsCorp) we should be reviving the anachronistic ramifications of Cold War. Ronald Reagan put a stop to this nonsense, and it was done with empathy, compassion, and honesty toward humanity. He was a Christian, and evidently he and Mr. Gorbachev shared Christian sentiments. Jesus was a Jew, and the Russian-Jewish faith was strong in history. The American oligarchy in their Communist ideals has eradicated church from society. While the separation of church and state is an important concept in governance, the separation of church from the populace is communistic. All ready America has morphed into a communist society. One only has to look around to see how much American society has changed. No longer are we governed by the people, because the people do not seem to be interested. That is changing, but without a civil rights leader adopting the role of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Moral Mondays will flounder on the steps of our statehouses. Where are the leaders? Where is Louis Farrakhan? The active role models of American society are dying out, and there is no one to replace them. The same is true of the arts. The millennial generation properly has not been educated to understand and inherit the leadership of America. The few that have are building empires like their Yuppie counterparts of the 1980's. I have no quarrel with Amazon. I have come to like and support their machine. Self-driving cars, trips to Mars, and tricorders are petty self-indulgences. Americans need to be focusing on rebuilding the country at the grassroots level rather than raining technological gumdrops on our lawns. Yesterday there was a flurry of Cold War sentiment possibly fueled by the discovery of an ingenious underground marijuana factory in an abandoned war bunker in the U.K. I can imagine no better re-purposing of a military industrial complex artifact than the Dogtown crew skating on broken concrete. Brilliant. It's too bad they got caught. Underground bunkers have been built all over the world from the imminent threat of nuclear war spawned by the Cold War. With its demise came a malaise of nationalistic direction. Russia floundered in newly implemented democracy, and the mafia were quick to respond. In a few short years a veteran foreign intelligence officer with the KGB was elected president of Russia. It has not been the same since. All of that aside when one puts the blocks together, a fear of communism should not be coming from North Korea. President Trump and the little birds who are churping in his ears are using Kim Jong Un as a scapegoat for American military might, the same way the Bush clan did with Saddam Hussein. No weapons of mass destruction ever were found in Iraq. It was President Obama, who with the aid of drone surveillance, located Osama Bin Laden and executed him in return for masterminding that attacks on our Twin Towers in lower Manhatten. Our recent presidents have a history of incompetence and failure with Obama being the exception. Never will I forget the image of Hank Paulson hovering behind President Bush whispering in his ear. "You must bail out the auto manufacturers and the Wall Street banks, or we will have another Great Depression. The stock market will crash, banks will go belly up, and the country will reel." Hence with a bit of trepidation the Troubled Assets Relief Fund was created. Bush dipped his hand into the cookie jar of the American people and paid of the CEO's and a handful of private investors in the stock market. In essence he handed our money to a small elite group who now are our ruling oligarchy. We have another royal order, not a democratic republic. This one event changed America overnight. We have yet to recover. Kim Jong Un is not to be feared, although the little birds want you to believe that. Our fear of communism is the fear of Monsanto, GE, and Time Warner. Communism is in America, and it is here by the way of unregulated big business. We have uncontrollable monopolies who are more interested in selling to governments than to citizens. Citizens no longer are important to these businesses, and that is what creates communism. It is not far-reaching to begin to be afraid of The Donald. Instead of fearing his diversion, North Korea, truly we should fear him, the little birds chirping in his ears, and Vladimir Putin. It is his family's collusion with Russia that will be his downfall. The sooner we expunge the influence of the Kremlin in Washington, the sooner America will begin to resemble a free, democratic, prospering nation.