Monday, August 21, 2017

The Jealous Husbands of FB and Blockage

I have been blocked on Facebook a few times.  Certainly it never has been by a man, only women.  It's a woman kind of thing, blocking someone.  It could be considered the ultimate ploy, the ultimate tool, the ultimate device in winning an argument.  I have been lucky that since high school and college, I don't get in arguments.  I have lost touch with the negative emotion of not being in control of your own life.  Always, after I progressed through several years of clinical depression, I have been able to change my mood and pull myself out of any anxious, dire, or critical situation.  It called being an adult, separating your brain from your emotions.  The brain prevails, and it is the only way to survive.  In an age with increasing political tension, the establishment is trying its best to get the best of you.  "The Man" George Carlin used to call it.  Life is more difficult than it ever has been, at least for me.  Upon reflecting on my blockages a pattern is emerging.  Solely it is associated with women.  The women who have exercised this opportunity I am forced to dislike.  I will not dislike them for real, because as an adult I choose not to harbor grudges or dwell on negativity.  I will dislike them, because their behavior is petty.  A pattern is beginning to develop around these women, and more and more I dislike the behavior.  I have been lucky most of my life to have been in love relationships where petty irrational behavior has been kept to a minimum.  I  know how to treat a woman.  Most women I have encountered after returning to the American South are not rational.  Therefore they are not appealing to me.  So be it.  Homosexuality is rampant, and the last decade has been nothing but the dividing of genders by smearing their boundaries.  It seems in the eyes of the LGBT community, humans are all one being, but that can't be true.  There are so many man-hating dykes around, women who hate you before they even know you, it could explain premature blocking.  The first woman that blocked me was the wife of a guitarist with whom I worked in a ship's orchestra.  It was difficult, because she was attractive and resembled a woman with whom I shared a home for three years.  We were involved.  I posted a picture of the both of them, and immediately she could not handle any sentimentality.  I have found this to be true in general.  The things I find interesting, artistic, or enlightening, anomalies of life, others find threatening.  Their small minds are not capable of understanding complex psychological issues.  Somehow in my nine years of collegiate education, I gained an understanding of neurosis, not psychosis.  Psychosis is rampant in the South.  It is the norm.  I have learned not to even try and understand anything about life in the South.  Not only does no one want you to understand them, they want to control you, because they do not have enough brains to handle their own insecurities.  There the drink comes into play.  Drinking mediates this affliction.  When things go awry, drink and forget about it.  When I sober up, the reality and incomprehension of life in the South becomes daunting.  I begin to worry, have self-doubts, and become anxious.  This is how the man wants you.  It is not because I am not capable of solving my own issues, it is because this is what satan does.  Evil only can manifest itself through human behavior, and it is all over.  It is prevalent.  It in the American South is the norm.  I am tired of it.  I moved to  Columbus, Ohio (Cowtown) and found the Midwest to be more enlightened, more intelligent, and more progressive than where I grew up.  Truly the South is depressed, and it is evident in the behavior of its inhabitants.  Why and how could a jealous fiance demand that his future wife block a Facebook friend who lives hundreds of miles away?   Someone who never the future wife ever will see again?  Someone who in no way is threatening?  That is my question, and yet it happened.  It seems in our modern American construct, adult behavior has disappeared.  The sexual revolution has turned gay, the quintessential dynamic of man woman has been erased, and petty bickering is the chosen communication.  That is television.  I was surprised that this man snooped on his girlfriend's FB page, found me, and demanded that any communication stop.  In a completely different scenario a Facebook friend of mine began posting video's of her recently divorced adolescent daughter in her news feed.  I didn't ask to see them, but because she was attractive and young I enjoyed the free intimacy of her make up discourse.  Her young son, after a tumultuous first year, became a poster child of good looks.  In their colloquial, pageant-mom, Southern widsom, the family hired a photographer to further the career of newly single mom.  I responded like any sane man would.  I appreciated the free Daisy Duke videos present in my newsfeed every few days.  Then in my infinite, sardonic, satirical humor I pushed the envelope realizing that parading your wares on the internet in the American South where human trafficking, drug abuse, and crime is rampant is not a good idea.  I made a joke that to me was meaningless except that it was meant to flatter the girl.  Like Jean Benot Ramsey, she was using her beautiful child as a tool.  The photographer they hired was masterminding this crusade, this campaign to launch a new career in beauty products.  Only did I compliment their work, and yet I somehow became a threat.  They did not want to appeal to a single man.  They posted one of many pictures of the mother and son together, both glamorized in robes.  Blond boy, recently divorced adolescent together, and I wrote, "Beautiful, who's the one on the right?"  (that was the girl, never knowing that I would be thought of as a pedophile.)  Because the whole intent was to glamorize the female, I invented a satirical caption to force them to examine their practices.  It worked, and promptly even though I was not even her friend, she blocked me.  We were not even friends, and still I got blocked.  Recently a friend from my graduate school days, a friend of my former girlfriend, became involved in a divorce from her husband.  We were FB friends, and she also continued to post pictures of herself in her newsfeed.  I would open up FB in the morning, and there would be enticing photos of this woman.  Never did I say anything inappropriate, except that I queried if she now was single.  Immediately blocked.  I asked myself if this woman, someone who always was friendly and appreciative of my comments on her flowers, family, and home, could be threatened by something that was non-existent.  It seems divorce is a heady issues, and we must be reminded of how horrible it is for those involved, rather than seeing it as a much-needed liberation.  It took several days for me to understand the nature of this event.  I will not change my opinion of her, because never did I have any motivation other than to remain friends.  If I was blocked, barred from any contact on Facebook, then something must have occurred so dire that again I somehow was manipulated into a potential threat.  I guess I should feel proud, a middle-aged, single man, living with his mother seemingly predatory from behind a 13" computer screen.  It seems I both have become a pedophile and a rapist, and yet I have gained not one bit of fulfillment from either experience except further being isolated from potential friends.  This is the nature of Facebook, and it should be questioned.  Being single in the American South is not easy.  I am surrounded by incapable, maladjusted, jealous couples who have no clue how to run their own lives.  There is infidelity.  There is pettiness.  There is anger.  Never have I had to experience others' negative feelings without a choice.  It surrounds me daily, our neighbors.  Even without FB, jealousy among husbands is rampant.  How and why should I have to bear the brunt of ill-will, when I have done nothing?  There are two commandments, TWO, which pertain to marriage, and I am not married.  Still I respect and try to follow their example.  Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife, and thou shalt not commit adultery.  I will admit out of sheer boredom, not out of attraction or lust, I entertain the fantasy (if it could be called that) of interacting with those around me.  It does not happen.  We have no real neighbors.  We have couples involved with their own lives with no time or inclination to interact with those living around them.  It is a gated community, homes that are fortresses providing respite from the might of the man.  Never have I felt so alienated living an a middle-classed neighborhood, but this is Old Fayetteville.  I forget with all of my travels and experiences living in more enlightened places, there is a hierarchy in the Old South.  It is called society.  There are cotillions.  There are country clubs.  One cannot find entree into such a society without money.  It's all about the money.  What a shallow existence.  It seems this behavior is becoming the norm under the tutelage of Donald Trump.  Ethics, morality, and Christianity no longer are the principles of quality living.  Treating they neighbor as thyself certainly does not a apply.  You buy your happiness.  Always I have found happiness in love, but now I have been trained to keep that hidden.  Showing love or even an inclination that you are a caring person exposes your flanks, and in come the hyenas.  The music I compose and play always, as Wynton Marsalis states, is about either love of God or woman.  That is not in vogue in America.  We are a callus, classless, crass society.  When I post music that satisfies my need of love, it is met with animosity.  Instead of utilizing that sentiment, they reject it.  Throughout my life I have achieved self-esteem through providing love for someone else.  It, in my opinion, is the most important concept.  You do not want to have sex with someone for your own selfish gratification.  There are times when that is needed.  Ideally you show love for another person by providing love, fulfillment, and pleasure for them.  This exposes your flanks more than anything, expressing your love for another person by making love to them.  Hence we don't do it much anymore.  We screw.  We get our rocks off.  We fornicate.  Still I try to remember the real reason why we are intimate, and I write music about it.  I try to remember what a mature relationship is, one chartered on mutual love and respect, and the beautiful, irreplaceable gift God has given us of sexual pleasure with one we love.  It is the emotional content that intensifies the physical content.  With that understanding comes well being, health, and happiness.  American society does not acknowledge this concept.  Capitalism by nature deprives us of the things we need to be healthy, and instead we buy junk as anodynes.  We divert ourselves with pettiness.  We reject the mature principles, because we are not capable of understand God's intended purpose for humanity.  If we did we would be a much happier society.