Monday, August 21, 2017
Millennial Ambassadors of Terror
It is so obvious. The writers of the internet news are such amateurs. Is it the Rupert clan pushing tabloidism? Fully I understand print news is in dire straights. The reality that news reporting has a history, an aesthetic, and Edward R. Murrow was a crucial part of if. That quality and accurate news reporting won't magically appear on your laptop without research and reflection. That talent will not appear on television with no preparation or understanding of the medium and its lineage. This is the age of millennials. If America is to be afraid of something, of somebody, it should be millennials. Millennials are like the walking dead, so vain that history no longer is necessary for an understanding of the world. That their feelings are hurt when necessary statues of important men are displayed in public. These statues are necessary, because each and every day they remind us of the history of this country and how it cannot be disguised. The history books have been doctored. Sugar has been sprinkled on shit, and if I hear Charlie Rose one more time say how great America is. America is great for him, because he is filthy rich, has homes all over the world, and is riding the wave of success. While at times I enjoy your show Mr. Rose, and your news reporting is one of the best, it is biased. We no longer are the things continually you say to your interviewees. A super power. The strongest country in the world. A leader. You my friend are living in the past and are a part of the 1%. If America is to be afraid of anyone, it is those who refuse to acknowledge our history, because it is too brutal. "I don't want to look. Let me buy my latte and my new car that would allow me to 'summer more.'" If we were to believe anything we see on television, it is that millennials are spoiled rotten emotionally immature children who buy and eat impulsively and frivolously. I've blogged about it before. It's like Romper Room, but no one would know what that is. It's like daycare. Candy for the baby, the level of television ads, and it's frightening. We definitely should be afraid of the people making these coercions. What once was a fun and entertaining medium now is laced with PCP, acid-laden candy frying the brains of those who watch. We should be afraid of millennials, those who are the chosen ones of the twenty-first century. They have not been chosen, simply they were born at the right place and the right time, and yet it was the wrong place and the wrong time. If hatred and bigotry are festering in America, it is not because older generations harbor it. It is because ill-equipped and ignorant millennials are bent out of shape because they have to confront a difficult issue. You live in a country of slave-owners and empirical politicians who slaughtered the native-Americans just like Hitler slaughtered the Jews. Heard of Wounded Knee? "Can't I just buy my latte and my new technological wonder, a car with bells and whistles that further allow me to tune out, ignore reality. If America is to fail, it is because we have failed to prepare our future leaders. Shortly those privileged 1% are going to die, and their spoiled recalcitrant offspring will inherit the reins (reigns) of America, and another revolution will spring up. It's time to get the Trumps out of our White House.