Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Civil War, Again

Maybe this is to what it has come in America.  It has been a learning experience.  First I found out that the Gulf Stream jet that flies over our house belongs to a defense contractor.  No surprise except that they were located less than a mile from our house.  It is no wonder they fly right over our house communicating with their little office nestled behind the local Harris Teeter grocery store.  Always it was strange to me that part of the back parking lot was cordoned off with a large fence, and satellite dishes sat menacingly facing space or rather airborne transceivers.  Does the post office use satellites?  This was until I discovered a few days ago that L-3 Communications had an installment there.  ?  What in the hell is a defense contractor doing in a grocery store in an urban neighborhood?  Then I noticed a few days ago the the Arms Room, another defense contractor inhabiting a gated Department of Defense building on Executive Place, seemed to be closed.  The parking lot was empty, and there was no one in the guard gate.  I have known that this particular company kept track of the weapons on Fort Bragg among other tasks.  Now their address is a home in Hope Mills.  Their corporate office is in Raleigh.  It seems the circus up and left town.  First the Arms Room, and second their supportive surveillance company who I guess connected them to the Pentagon.  L-3 Communications has a website listing their services.  They are an aviation company as well as communications.  They can track things.  Maybe I am getting them confused, Williams Software, and L3 Technologies.  Without the Arms Room being a stones throw away, why would an aviation surveillance company be located in an urban shopping center?  It explains my four year long quest trying to find the source of the snooping Kingair 350 aircraft circling above our house for hours at a time.  Then again I located their source, Sierra Nevada near Grannis Field, and they manufacture the sensor arrays used on Department of Homeland Security Kingair 350's.  Someone was interested in the fornicating youths in the woods behind Vanstory Elementary School growing pot.  Not.  Either they were training using the woods as hypothetical Al Qaeda hideouts practicing infrared imaging, or the planes belonged to L3, and they had a contract to surveil the school.  There was a flasher loose a few years ago, and parents were screaming at the school board to put up a fence around the playground.  The kids while at recess would heckle me as I worked in our yard.  They called me a hobo.  Luckily that has stopped, as I have befriended a family living behind us.  I fixed their kid's motorcycle, and expanded our riding trails in those woods.  No longer does the neighborhood see me as a threat, except for those jealous husbands.  I am glad I am not married, because the petty behavior that goes on in these houses....  My point is the circus seems to have up and left town.  The satellite dishes have been removed and the fence is gone.  Now it is a parking lot again.  Williams Software seems to have relocated leaving the Arms Room DOD building vacant.  Else they have created an effective distraction.  No one is home, or are they?  Secondly it seems we had to wait a few months to see President Trump's true colors.  He says to the people what those little birds chirping in his ears tell him.  A genius mathematical firm that exploits Wall Street, or others.  He, like W., is a pawn, and not a pawn star.  He seems now to have no opinion, because we are beginning to understand who he is.  He seems a bit surprised that his inflamed rhetoric has backfired, and consequently real people are dying because of him, because of the American President.  How long will Congress let this go on?  The economy in America is dead.  I finally got it.  There is no money to be made, because Americans have no money.  We are poor.  Business has moved elsewhere, overseas, globalization and abandoned our once great nation the way early settlers left Alaska.  They raped and pillaged the natural resources, and there was nothing left.  No trees, no furs, nothing, just like Haiti has no fish or birds.  We have raped America, and there is nothing left.  Businesses have deserted us, and the only thing left are minimum wage service jobs.  It is embarrassing.  Mobs fighting in the streets.  Terrorists plowing down innocent civilians with vehicles.  What could be driving this rage, so to speak?  Driving?  Get it.  Economic inequality.  Trump is right about one thing.  If there were good jobs available for people to work and prosper, ethnicity would not be such an issue.  it is Washington's fault.  It's a cesspool of fraud, corruption, and mismanagement.  Congress has let this happen, and they should be expunged.  The American system of government finally has failed, and it does not look like it can be saved without a revolution.  I don't want to be a Freedom Fighter.  I do not want to sacrifice my brains, my talent, and my soul to fight for the justice of America.  Yes, previous generations have done this, but we all ready have fought that fight.  Do we have to experience the grievous losses of the Civil War again?  Can we prove that America has evolved?  This remains to be seen.  Even with the absence of L-3 and those circling Kingair 350's, that menacing Cessna who feels empowered continues to monitor.  I have a foe, a rogue, aberrant Cessna pilot who tries his best to stay away.  I am just too interesting.