Often when one speaks the truth or does a good deed, they are punished by the masses. When I am compelled to write about life, it is because a force greater than me insists upon it. Whether this is called conscience, soul, or God I don't question. When I compose music I listen. I have discovered in the throes of survival often there is nothing to which to listen. That which we do have to listen is manipulative, inciting, or antagonistic. I feel this way about television commercials. In their inception like many things, advertising sought to be honest, clever, and entertaining. As a nation and culture America has moved backwards. Solidarity which is needed to bind a nation together has been replaced with tribalism. Because we cannot get along as adults, we seek to manipulative each other. The Capitalist socioeconomic construct is not helpful, because it pits us against ourselves for monetary survival. I would not say I am a Democratic Socialist, but Capitalism has succumbed to corporate corruption in such a way that the American people's system of governance has been discarded. The essence of the United States Constitution is being mocked by our elected leaders. I cannot remember in my lifetime such an event. Usually we elect and believe in our leaders, because our lives and livelihoods are dependent upon them. When they turn against us, it is nothing more than treason. When the entire government turns treasonous, who is left to charge and prosecute them? America's judicial system now is tasked with policing our elected leaders as well as corporate and civilian criminals. The precedent was set in 2000 with Bush vs. Gore, when the Supreme Court ultimately decided who became President. It was a low point in American history, and it is upon what Donald Trump has trusted his dictatorial ambitions. The fight for the survival of American democracy now is in the courts, but are they strong enough to save us? Again I will ask the question, "What body is responsible for charging and prosecuting a criminal government?" If the entire government and its civil branch are under the control of the President, who is immune from prosecution, who will police them. Will the police step up and accept this responsibility? This did not fare well at the Capital on January 6, 2021. The Capital Police are under control of the President, and he purposely held them back from the attack on Congress, so they could not confirm what the Electoral College decided. America has re-elected a criminal President, so it should be no surprise when he turns against the people. A spiritual catalyst is needed in and by America, because a greater force is needed to defeat evil. We it would seem are not capable. When I compose I listen. Although I understand theoretically how and what I am composing, I must listen. Later in life I have come to understand more often there is nothing to which to listen. This is true of mundane American life. Film, television, radio, and the American music industry once provided this sonic stimulation for our souls. Covid drove a stake through most truly American virtues. The things that have made America great, such as the commercial arts, have been hobbled by the smart phone. Our entire culture has been hobbled by the smart phone. Seeing or hearing artistic endeavors rife with emotion and spirituality now make me weep. This has become so foreign to America, we have dated ourselves. What is being offered as our future is conquest. America has not asked for or chosen leaders whose task is to change the charter of our country. In good faith we have elected leaders to follow the United States Constitution. Unfortunately the precedent was set with the Supreme Court's selection of George W. Bush. His Vice President, Dick Cheney, pushed the boundaries of the authority of his office ascribing new power to the Supreme Court. Two decades later Donald Trump is continuing this pattern further separating the American people from self-governance. His administration has begun moving backwards towards the monarchy against which America fought and was founded. "We don't want no King."
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
King to King Level Zero
Monday, February 24, 2025
Wearing a Tin Foil Hat
Purposely I have chosen NOT to blog about our current political strife. The ramifications of the President's ill actions in tandem with an American oligarch will reap the repercussions of the people. It is the people who must demand justice and take back their Constitutional right to self-govern. This right has been hijacked under our noses, but it is no different than other nations. The pattern is well understood, and this is Donald Trump's life's work. Is it possible for one man to accomplish such a goal, the deconstruction of the democracy of what once was the world's superpower? I don't think so. There are so many losing their jobs, how can any of Trump's words be taken seriously. This is why I have chosen NOT to blog about it. It does not merit my attention except there is treason, a high crime. The jury will be the millions of Americans who may be cast onto the street, and the tables of January 6 may turn. The revolution may be original Americans, with a well-armed militia, decide not. What is more concerning to me is that a malady unlike Covid, a nebulous and invisible nemesis is causing serious harm to specific individuals in the public forum. A covert, seemingly invisible, nonlethal weapon has debilitated thousands of civil servants, diplomats, and others. The intelligence agencies and the medical establishment can't find a cause. That is because the cause is the intelligence agencies. We could be so gullible to elect Donald Trump again and to believe his accomplice is using his 30,000 low earth orbit satellites only for internet service. IRS or Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance is the new cornerstone of the United States military. Thank Bill Clinton and Dr. Ross McNutt. President Clinton auctioned off dangerous microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum which did balance the budget. Also it created America's newest economy. We have yet to transition away from it, although it is warming the earth and causing physical harm to everything. Millimeter waves are not our friend, and while corporate America once had oversight and federal agencies provided protection, they now have been stripped like the millions of jobs held by civil servants. It is the Wild West, and it is happening before our very eyes. Microwave use is off the hook. It erroneously has become the core of human existence, and it is not necessary. Wires are better. It was too easy for microwave surveillance to become a nonlethal weapon. Probably it happened by accident like Covid. Beam microwaves at Russian government offices for long enough, and the ill effects on humans will make themselves known. the same is true for the Apache helicopter. It is a metaphor of the Cold War. It is braggadocio. It says, "Look how powerful we are!" With all of the armaments that can be fashioned to a Sikorsky helicopter from the l970's, we don't need to fire a single round. The radiation coming from this attack helicopter's onboard targeting and acquisition systems are enough to humble any human being. The same is true for what is under the radome in the front of every aircraft flying. Carbon emissions are problematic, but radiation from the upper frequency microwaves are baking our brains. All of the symptoms of the Havana Syndrome are those of electromagnetic radiation. When the CIA or FBI are surveilling a person of interest, they discover that with their gathered intel also the person begins to suffer from unknown maladies slowing their activity. Effectively these individuals can be accosted invisibly without effecting those around them. A highly steerable wave of microwave energy has become the modern nonlethal weapon, and we don't know it.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Where is Steve Bannon?
When asked what the Trump Administration's number one priority would be if again they came into power, Steve Bannon's response was, "To go after the Deep State." Upon hearing this term for the first time from a childhood friend, I was perplexed. It elicited images of a long gone era of Jim Crow segregation, the Cold War, espionage, and Fascism. Little did I know it was the Civil Service. Fayetteville, North Carolina is no stranger to the Civil Service. There are hundreds if not thousands of workers gainfully employed at what was Fort Bragg. Although like most Americans I am aware of the heinous atrocities of the Confederacy against freed slaves and their offspring before, during, and after the Civil War, my sentiment is keeping abreast of one's past, no matter how grievous, is important. If we sweep criminal behavior under the rug, like the actions of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, we shall forget. This is the plan. All ready this has begun to happen in America. Not only are American's not being educated properly, we are being "gaslighted" into believing falsehoods. Keeping Fort Bragg named Fort Bragg is a good idea to me, because the name retains memories of the post's history. Championing the Confederacy, like some modern Southerners do, is not prudent. Racial discrimination and White Supremacy are evil concepts. It must be difficult for most to understand such small-minded behavior. We must. Donald Trump got re-elected. White Supremacy and discrimination of all kinds have been a covert trait of America since her inception. Like many historical precepts America has done her best to navigate the minefield of slavery. Whether Trump was a catalyst for this new, misguided, and mostly ignorant tribal warring, reparations a century and a half later are not the answer. America was doing well until now. Most of us know that immigrants seeking a better life often will do work Americans frown upon, but watching America's core get decimated and replaced with non vetted illegal immigrants is problematic. It seems like every conceivable attack on mainstream Americans becomes a priority. All war is simple genocide of the pure blood of a nation. That includes the Civil War and Viet Nam. Watching pure blooded, wholesome, hard working Americans dies fruitlessly has become commonplace to the point that there is no America. We are scattered bands of mutts easily controlled and manipulated. Well educated, intelligent, thinking individuals who can see through corruption, imperialism, and Fascism almost are extinct. It would seem a present day "Lord of the Flies" has transpired. The tenants which built democracy including opportunity, public education, and justice have been replaced with nepotism, greed, and quest for power. One only has to look to the White House, again, to see. Using America's military to enforce immigration laws is not that far fetched, but it is risky. For soldiers to embrace helpless civilians as the enemy, American or not, is wrong. As history has proven it is far too easy to make this mistake. An overzealous dictator usually is at the helm. Eventually it will be the military against the populace, and this is why our Founding Fathers penned the Second Amendment. While assault weapons are not a good choice for home use, they are being made available for this reason. North Carolina Senate President Pro Tempore, Phil Berger, feels every adult over the age of eighteen should be able to carry a concealed weapon. Only can we ask why? Misguided millennials who lack crucial life experiences and wisdom should not be carrying concealed weapons. In North Carolina anyone can walk into a gun store and buy a hand gun with no permit. It is the wrong approach to a civilization, and only can we think that the entangling tentacles of Southern fascism bred in the Era of Jim Crow are strangling our common sense. War, oppression, and the pursuit of power are not the pinnacles of human existence. Art, romance, and creativity, or the Liberal Arts are a more prudent model of life. These disciplines glorify, inspire, and empower the human heart, soul, and intellect. We have lost them.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Can We Be Saved?
It is disheartening to hear that North Carolina has the most expensive health care in the nation in addition to paying its teachers the lowest salaries. A state legislature that creates a super majority of Republicans to undermine the powers of the Governor. What is one to think? As a continuing red state and what has become the new norm for America, the rich are looking out for their own interests. Stealing from the taxpayers is the new economy. Using Fayetteville as an example may not be accurate, because it is a host for the world's largest military facility. While diversity is present and evident, the population has grown more segregated. There are few things left that bind citizens together. Imported soldiers, proponents of the LGBT movement, Hispanics, and now other foreign ethnicities have subjugated the previous generation of Old Money which recently has become extinct. Much of this money has been donated to the arts, and that is a worthy cause. The mainstream is suffering from the same lack of leadership plaguing America. Difficult policy decisions simply have been abandoned creating seeming lawless void. Why are cyber currency proponents allowed to deplete the common power grid serving the people? It is well known that these factions find the cheapest power and set up shop to mine bitcoin. Its the newest "thing," although its guru was convicted and jailed for the Ponzi scheme he implemented. It has not proven to be an effective investment, but still the facilities tool on depleting America's supply of electricity. Elected representatives are responsible for making value judgements, and the Republican philosophy of free reign is a mistake. Piedmont Embraer jets have been flying through Fort Liberty airspace for years, and no one bats an eye. The misuse and exploitation of the skies is but one blatant example. Fayetteville never had much of a problem with air pollution until Ground Forces Command established themselves at Fort Liberty. This evening on the local television news, I can't believe I heard the news anchors hoping for 80 degree weather in February. They are gaslighting us into thinking it is normal rather than destructive Climate Change. The unseasonable warm weather that will ensue presently directly is caused by Operation Rolling Thunder, a large military exercise that takes place in February. We are being lied to and mislead. The majority of ads on television are criminal. Oversight has disappeared in America, and no one is at the helm. Most adverse health effects in humans are man created, and so they lie about it. It would seem prophecy is coming true.