Saturday, February 01, 2025

Can We Be Saved?

It is disheartening to hear that North Carolina has the most expensive health care in the nation in addition to paying its teachers the lowest salaries.  A state legislature that creates a super majority of Republicans to undermine the powers of the Governor.  What is one to think?  As a continuing red state and what has become the new norm for America, the rich are looking out for their own interests.  Stealing from the taxpayers is the new economy.  Using Fayetteville as an example may not be accurate, because it is a host for the world's largest military facility.  While diversity is present and evident, the population has grown more segregated.  There are few things left that bind citizens together.  Imported soldiers, proponents of the LGBT movement, Hispanics, and now other foreign ethnicities have subjugated the previous generation of Old Money which recently has become extinct.  Much of this money has been donated to the arts, and that is a worthy cause.  The mainstream is suffering from the same lack of leadership plaguing America.  Difficult policy decisions simply have been abandoned creating seeming lawless void.  Why are cyber currency proponents allowed to deplete the common power grid serving the people?  It is well known that these factions find the cheapest power and set up shop to mine bitcoin.  Its the newest "thing," although its guru was convicted and jailed for the Ponzi scheme he implemented.  It has not proven to be an effective investment, but still the facilities tool on depleting America's supply of electricity.  Elected representatives are responsible for making value judgements, and the Republican philosophy of free reign is a mistake.  Piedmont Embraer jets have been flying through Fort Liberty airspace for years, and no one bats an eye.  The misuse and exploitation of the skies is but one blatant example.  Fayetteville never had much of a problem with air pollution until Ground Forces Command established themselves at Fort Liberty.  This evening on the local television news, I can't believe I heard the news anchors hoping for 80 degree weather in February.  They are gaslighting us into thinking it is normal rather than destructive Climate Change.  The unseasonable warm weather that will ensue presently directly is caused by Operation Rolling Thunder, a large military exercise that takes place in February.  We are being lied to and mislead.  The majority of ads on television are criminal.  Oversight has disappeared in America, and no one is at the helm.  Most adverse health effects in humans are man created, and so they lie about it.  It would seem prophecy is coming true.