When asked what the Trump Administration's number one priority would be if again they came into power, Steve Bannon's response was, "To go after the Deep State." Upon hearing this term for the first time from a childhood friend, I was perplexed. It elicited images of a long gone era of Jim Crow segregation, the Cold War, espionage, and Fascism. Little did I know it was the Civil Service. Fayetteville, North Carolina is no stranger to the Civil Service. There are hundreds if not thousands of workers gainfully employed at what was Fort Bragg. Although like most Americans I am aware of the heinous atrocities of the Confederacy against freed slaves and their offspring before, during, and after the Civil War, my sentiment is keeping abreast of one's past, no matter how grievous, is important. If we sweep criminal behavior under the rug, like the actions of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, we shall forget. This is the plan. All ready this has begun to happen in America. Not only are American's not being educated properly, we are being "gaslighted" into believing falsehoods. Keeping Fort Bragg named Fort Bragg is a good idea to me, because the name retains memories of the post's history. Championing the Confederacy, like some modern Southerners do, is not prudent. Racial discrimination and White Supremacy are evil concepts. It must be difficult for most to understand such small-minded behavior. We must. Donald Trump got re-elected. White Supremacy and discrimination of all kinds have been a covert trait of America since her inception. Like many historical precepts America has done her best to navigate the minefield of slavery. Whether Trump was a catalyst for this new, misguided, and mostly ignorant tribal warring, reparations a century and a half later are not the answer. America was doing well until now. Most of us know that immigrants seeking a better life often will do work Americans frown upon, but watching America's core get decimated and replaced with non vetted illegal immigrants is problematic. It seems like every conceivable attack on mainstream Americans becomes a priority. All war is simple genocide of the pure blood of a nation. That includes the Civil War and Viet Nam. Watching pure blooded, wholesome, hard working Americans dies fruitlessly has become commonplace to the point that there is no America. We are scattered bands of mutts easily controlled and manipulated. Well educated, intelligent, thinking individuals who can see through corruption, imperialism, and Fascism almost are extinct. It would seem a present day "Lord of the Flies" has transpired. The tenants which built democracy including opportunity, public education, and justice have been replaced with nepotism, greed, and quest for power. One only has to look to the White House, again, to see. Using America's military to enforce immigration laws is not that far fetched, but it is risky. For soldiers to embrace helpless civilians as the enemy, American or not, is wrong. As history has proven it is far too easy to make this mistake. An overzealous dictator usually is at the helm. Eventually it will be the military against the populace, and this is why our Founding Fathers penned the Second Amendment. While assault weapons are not a good choice for home use, they are being made available for this reason. North Carolina Senate President Pro Tempore, Phil Berger, feels every adult over the age of eighteen should be able to carry a concealed weapon. Only can we ask why? Misguided millennials who lack crucial life experiences and wisdom should not be carrying concealed weapons. In North Carolina anyone can walk into a gun store and buy a hand gun with no permit. It is the wrong approach to a civilization, and only can we think that the entangling tentacles of Southern fascism bred in the Era of Jim Crow are strangling our common sense. War, oppression, and the pursuit of power are not the pinnacles of human existence. Art, romance, and creativity, or the Liberal Arts are a more prudent model of life. These disciplines glorify, inspire, and empower the human heart, soul, and intellect. We have lost them.