Purposely I have chosen NOT to blog about our current political strife. The ramifications of the President's ill actions in tandem with an American oligarch will reap the repercussions of the people. It is the people who must demand justice and take back their Constitutional right to self-govern. This right has been hijacked under our noses, but it is no different than other nations. The pattern is well understood, and this is Donald Trump's life's work. Is it possible for one man to accomplish such a goal, the deconstruction of the democracy of what once was the world's superpower? I don't think so. There are so many losing their jobs, how can any of Trump's words be taken seriously. This is why I have chosen NOT to blog about it. It does not merit my attention except there is treason, a high crime. The jury will be the millions of Americans who may be cast onto the street, and the tables of January 6 may turn. The revolution may be original Americans, with a well-armed militia, decide not. What is more concerning to me is that a malady unlike Covid, a nebulous and invisible nemesis is causing serious harm to specific individuals in the public forum. A covert, seemingly invisible, nonlethal weapon has debilitated thousands of civil servants, diplomats, and others. The intelligence agencies and the medical establishment can't find a cause. That is because the cause is the intelligence agencies. We could be so gullible to elect Donald Trump again and to believe his accomplice is using his 30,000 low earth orbit satellites only for internet service. IRS or Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance is the new cornerstone of the United States military. Thank Bill Clinton and Dr. Ross McNutt. President Clinton auctioned off dangerous microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum which did balance the budget. Also it created America's newest economy. We have yet to transition away from it, although it is warming the earth and causing physical harm to everything. Millimeter waves are not our friend, and while corporate America once had oversight and federal agencies provided protection, they now have been stripped like the millions of jobs held by civil servants. It is the Wild West, and it is happening before our very eyes. Microwave use is off the hook. It erroneously has become the core of human existence, and it is not necessary. Wires are better. It was too easy for microwave surveillance to become a nonlethal weapon. Probably it happened by accident like Covid. Beam microwaves at Russian government offices for long enough, and the ill effects on humans will make themselves known. the same is true for the Apache helicopter. It is a metaphor of the Cold War. It is braggadocio. It says, "Look how powerful we are!" With all of the armaments that can be fashioned to a Sikorsky helicopter from the l970's, we don't need to fire a single round. The radiation coming from this attack helicopter's onboard targeting and acquisition systems are enough to humble any human being. The same is true for what is under the radome in the front of every aircraft flying. Carbon emissions are problematic, but radiation from the upper frequency microwaves are baking our brains. All of the symptoms of the Havana Syndrome are those of electromagnetic radiation. When the CIA or FBI are surveilling a person of interest, they discover that with their gathered intel also the person begins to suffer from unknown maladies slowing their activity. Effectively these individuals can be accosted invisibly without effecting those around them. A highly steerable wave of microwave energy has become the modern nonlethal weapon, and we don't know it.