Often when one speaks the truth or does a good deed, they are punished by the masses. When I am compelled to write about life, it is because a force greater than me insists upon it. Whether this is called conscience, soul, or God I don't question. When I compose music I listen. I have discovered in the throes of survival often there is nothing to which to listen. That which we do have to listen is manipulative, inciting, or antagonistic. I feel this way about television commercials. In their inception like many things, advertising sought to be honest, clever, and entertaining. As a nation and culture America has moved backwards. Solidarity which is needed to bind a nation together has been replaced with tribalism. Because we cannot get along as adults, we seek to manipulative each other. The Capitalist socioeconomic construct is not helpful, because it pits us against ourselves for monetary survival. I would not say I am a Democratic Socialist, but Capitalism has succumbed to corporate corruption in such a way that the American people's system of governance has been discarded. The essence of the United States Constitution is being mocked by our elected leaders. I cannot remember in my lifetime such an event. Usually we elect and believe in our leaders, because our lives and livelihoods are dependent upon them. When they turn against us, it is nothing more than treason. When the entire government turns treasonous, who is left to charge and prosecute them? America's judicial system now is tasked with policing our elected leaders as well as corporate and civilian criminals. The precedent was set in 2000 with Bush vs. Gore, when the Supreme Court ultimately decided who became President. It was a low point in American history, and it is upon what Donald Trump has trusted his dictatorial ambitions. The fight for the survival of American democracy now is in the courts, but are they strong enough to save us? Again I will ask the question, "What body is responsible for charging and prosecuting a criminal government?" If the entire government and its civil branch are under the control of the President, who is immune from prosecution, who will police them. Will the police step up and accept this responsibility? This did not fare well at the Capital on January 6, 2021. The Capital Police are under control of the President, and he purposely held them back from the attack on Congress, so they could not confirm what the Electoral College decided. America has re-elected a criminal President, so it should be no surprise when he turns against the people. A spiritual catalyst is needed in and by America, because a greater force is needed to defeat evil. We it would seem are not capable. When I compose I listen. Although I understand theoretically how and what I am composing, I must listen. Later in life I have come to understand more often there is nothing to which to listen. This is true of mundane American life. Film, television, radio, and the American music industry once provided this sonic stimulation for our souls. Covid drove a stake through most truly American virtues. The things that have made America great, such as the commercial arts, have been hobbled by the smart phone. Our entire culture has been hobbled by the smart phone. Seeing or hearing artistic endeavors rife with emotion and spirituality now make me weep. This has become so foreign to America, we have dated ourselves. What is being offered as our future is conquest. America has not asked for or chosen leaders whose task is to change the charter of our country. In good faith we have elected leaders to follow the United States Constitution. Unfortunately the precedent was set with the Supreme Court's selection of George W. Bush. His Vice President, Dick Cheney, pushed the boundaries of the authority of his office ascribing new power to the Supreme Court. Two decades later Donald Trump is continuing this pattern further separating the American people from self-governance. His administration has begun moving backwards towards the monarchy against which America fought and was founded. "We don't want no King."