Sunday, October 29, 2017
Chasing the Tale
America has become such a bass-ackwards nation. Faintly can I remember when America was a leader. Possibly this was when J.F.K. was President. That didn't last long. No good deed goes unpunished. Now we have Trump, and since his inauguration murderous violent crime has dominated local news in North Carolina. Watching three young news broadcasters become street wise against their own wishes is disconcerting. They like to joke around, be light-hearted and happy, but now their job is describing where the next murder has taken place. It's every night. Raleigh. Durham. Fayetteville. Crime rates have not improved despite what a mayoral or gubernatorial candidate will tell you. We vote for mayor on Tuesday. It is not surprising to me, because always I have known the true colors of Fayettenam. They razed the old Sheraton Inn and built condos overlooking downtown. They built designer luxury condos on Hay Street. They are building a thirty million dollar minor league baseball field with supporting accoutrements, and while I first disagreed with this decision have come to support it. If they can turn that gravel pit into something useful, so be it. It has become all smoke and mirrors, he said, she said. Blah blah blah. Trump lies through his teeth, the American President. The point I wanted to make before becoming distracted with left ear tinnitus was that as a country we would rather view business and political leaders fall from sexual improprieties than see our nation prosper. Perhaps one's sexual proclivities are a good litmus test for character. Perhaps not. I think any grown man when offered a blow job in the White House would take it. Your anger at being impeached for such a slip of judgement could cause you to lie. It's no one's business really. I guess its the tabloidesque news media who desire such a thing. Other senior nations have graduated the sexual academy first. America has yet to catch up. With our lovely system of Capitalism, without a moral compass involved to govern our buying, America's chosen system of economics has failed. We are without a Capitalist conscience. Once we had such a thing, and it was created by religion. Only religion, an understanding of Christianity and God no matter what denomination, is the course of moral and ethical decision making. America, in her bass-ackwards descent, has attempted to eradicate God from public consciousness. This has nothing to do with the separation of Church and State. America was founded on religion, and like most important tenants of our national heritage, this has been forgotten, eradicated. Big Brother truly has stepped in, not through ISIS, but by being sold and bought by outside foreign interests. When traditionally American businesses are discarded indiscriminately to foreign interests, such as Hollywood being sold to the Japanese, or Manhattan being sold to the Chinese, how can fascism and terrorism not encroach our borders? What has brought America down has been globalization, globalization not allowing America to out source our jobs, but globalization allowing non-America foreign interests to seep into our social fabric. I see it every day on television (although at least in the news this seems to be getting better), on the internet, and in public. I have become a bit of a snob, realizing it is necessary. I am surrounded by shit, and to keep the shit off of you you must realize what it is. America is shit. We would rather watch our business leaders and politicians fail for ill chosen sexual improprieties rather than see our nation prosper virtuously. Virtuously means with a moral and ethical conscience. We will have to begin doing the right thing, and that will not start at the Trump White House. Here in North Carolina, the state of the bathroom bill, white-haired Republicans try to protect themselves from darky. Instead of recognizing one's sexual longings and implementing a system of satisfying those biological necessities, we hide behind a bridled scapegoat. We are too immature to understand ourselves, the human being. Jesus. How ignorant can we be? For propositioning a teenager we throw the book at a grown man. Words, they are words. "Hey honey, how about a little candy?" Branded for life, not a child rapist, a sexual deviant, or a predator, but a man simply who asks a girl for something that once could provide healing. We have perverted sex in America to unfathomable, inexplicable, illogical proportions. Senior nations would not be seen scurrying for tail. Chasing pussy? Jesus. You buy it.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Jass and Its Origins
I can't believe Trump is trying to pick a war with Cuba. Smoke and mirrors as is his inane verbal sparring with Kim Jong Un. There is no way retired four star Marine General James Mattis will let the United States provoke a nuclear war with North Korea. He is a scholar and a diplomat, the necessary credentials to be Secretary of Defense. Luckily for us effectively he transitioned into his new chapter of life after retiring from the Marine Corp. Not everyone does. While Ash Carter was a noted academic, I was not a big fan of his work as Secretary of Defense. To me his bent was not unlike that of the defense industry, to make money. Secretary Mattis reminds me of Dame Madeline Albright, sophisticated, reserved, and scholarly. The American people are lucky to have him in the Trump cabinet. Likewise I feel we are lucky to have retired Marine Corp. General John F. Kelly as President Trump's Chief of Staff. Knowing full well the realities and capabilities of nuclear war, they will keep us out of harms way. Even with Trump's smoke stack, a continual idiotic, provocative, inciting blast of hot air which serves only to distract both the media and the populace from real issues, these two men will keep America at least from beginning World War lll. America's covert military operations fighting ISIS and protecting poppy fields are yet to be understood. Muckraking is an anachronistic practice, and yet Trump's ignorance has resurrected it like the traditional lobbing of shit. I can't listen to any of it, but his bull in a china shop approach to the presidency will get him impeached. I am certain of it, and it is just a matter of time before the news stories accumulate to a point of no return. Why would Cuba be trying to torture American diplomats? The answer is, because resurrecting the Bay of Pigs is a diversion the size of Texas. On the national news this evening I heard a blatant lie. On covering the purported sonic weapon assault on the embassy in Havana, an interviewed representative erroneously stated that the symptoms experienced by diplomats in Cuba were not related to any known effects of sound waves. That was an egregious lie. It was not unlike the blatant lies we have been hearing during the presidential campaign. It was a lie. I would suggest a casual Googling of Vladmir Vavreau, the noted French scientist who documented the ill effects of infrasound. Brain damage is a stretch, but cancer is not. Electromagnetic waves cause cancer, because their inherent electricity, magnetism, heat, and vibration cause cells to become unstable and mutate into cancer. It is simple and well-documented in the G.W.E.N study published by the United States government. I have it in my file cabinet. There have been cures for cancers for years, and yet they like opioids they are being manipulated for wealth. This is not about what I wanted to talk. I do want to say that upon watching a YouTube video of the starting of an EMD SD70M locomotive, that it was disturbing to see the Microsoft Windows logo appear on their computer screens. A behemoth 4000 horse power locomotive is being controlled not by a UNIX operating system but by Windows? Ahem. Does NASA now use Windows instead of UNIX? Even Apple rewrote their popular OS on the UNIX platform for OS X. My Mac Pro never has crashed once. Still a huge, rumbling, ominous, diesel prime mover is being controlled by a PC. Ha! Then it dawned on me that Bill Gates has a piece of the GE pie and vice versa. How can you battle money gods? You can keep pecking away at their inproprieties and hope the man does not come knocking on your door, or rather sneaking around in your back yard in the wee hours of the night. That's why I have guns, the same reason most Americans have guns. Protection. No one is going to kick in my back door and make it out alive. It is simple. In the "Ville" murder is rampant. If anyone feels like they have the right to victimize my home, they will die in the process. It all ready is thought out. Not a nanosecond for retrospection. If you step into my home with ill intention uninvited, then you will get shot. For me its only a matter of with what. Usually I sleep with a .22 automatic, because it is small and possibly not so lethal. I don't want to stain my floors with too much blood. Then again one may not be such a good shot at two in the morning and no contacts. In that respect the .45 may come in handy. Is it noticeable louder than the .22? I would think so, but its round is not supersonic like the .38 not to mention that it is and has been the choice for the defense of America. The A1 1911 is a reliable and effective weapon as is the carbine rifle. I have them both loaded. Enough of that. The issue I wanted to discuss is the disparity between white and black America. North Carolina must be the most Zip Coonesque of any state. Only here in Mayberry, which was a more realistic moral landmark, can conservative white men attempt to legislate social issues. They hide from darky, don't understand Shaft, and would rather black America not exist at all. The disparity between black and white America is so great, I stopped trying to wrap my thoughts around those living around me. Truly black America to me is the only bridge to the millennium. Not because of gang violence, prison populations, or unemployment but because of the struggle of the black populace after slavery. It is the soul of America. Even in this respect I have to take a moment to diss the jazz community. If any racist jazz musician again tries to take credit for swing rhythm... Yes, jazz is a complicated art form, and yes it comes from a variety of sources uniting in the Louisiana delta. African rhythms, the blues, church, Sousa, slave songs, and field hollers all can be heard in good jazz. But the groove of swing surprisingly can be heard in other places. To name a few American bluegrass music, military fife and drum corp, and Indian raga. It was a revelation to me a few nights ago, when I realized the intricate cadences and melodies of fife and drum music swing. Not only that the hillbilly folk music of the Appalachian Mountains, some of the oldest mountains in the world, also swings. Both of these styles of American music came before jazz. There, I said it. Peace be with you, and also with you.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
War Time Politics.
Like fire and Brimstone both Obama and W. rose from their dead and spoke. It's a miracle. Retired presidents must be pretty content. We witnessed the most authoritative political speech since the entrance of Trump. It was inspiring, seeing General John F. Kelly orate. How it was. He knew things, military protocol, and he explained them articulately and compassionately. Bravo! I don't listen to the rest of it, bickering between Baby Boomers. It is such a waste of time, and yet this is how we were reared, listening to our parents argue about nothing. Still they have the wealth and the power, and my generation toils in anonymity. I have begun to realize I will not have anything during my lifetime and certainly not if I continue to expose the fraudulence (I'm not sure if that is a word, but it is similar to flatuence!) of America. They are comfortable with it. It was inevitable. When Rudy Giuliani prosecuted and incarcerated the leaders of the mafia, they had to regroup somewhere. Why not on Wall Street? It was the perfect ruse. They also migrated to control post Cold War Russia. I would say corruption in the world has escalated. Why today did Obama and W. feel compelled to become vocal about America's lack of leadership and progress? Was it those four dead servicemen in Africa? What were they doing in Niger? We know America's army is a paid fighting force. Exposing Big Pharma as the patronage for Afghanistan poppy cultivation made a dent in America's pride. It is not good press. Way to go "60 Minutes." You made up for that crap show a month ago. Likewise the Fayetteville Observer has begun to do quality investigative reporting. It is better than taking the money.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Eldercare and Its Pitfalls
Dementia is a bitch. It nothing more is an exaggeration of a woman "on the rag." Bitchy, irrational, selfish, hypoglycemic, and angry. Today, hell day, I was just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. First, eating waffles and bacon at three in the afternoon on a Sunday is the antiChrist. I should have remembered this, except that today I made the mistake of fixing Campbells tomato soup and a toasted cheese sandwich. This really pisses my mom off. If I were on my P's and Q's, I would word that differently. Off is a preposition, and one does not end a sentence with a dangling preposition. Really it is a dangling participle, Not. A preposition should not dangle like your penis. Whatever. Eating lunch at three in the afternoon on a Sunday. Hell. I made that mistake today, only because I spent four hours in the car on the highway yesterday. I was tired. Like the majority of the populace, I sleep when I can. "Get what you can, can it, and sit on the can." Lots of folks in Fayettenam have done that, and they are filthy rich. I, on the other hand, am poor. I have not only the antagonism of both of the females in my immediate family, but the antagonism of America. Corrupt America. Trump America. The legal drug trade, now as reported by "60 Minutes," as Big Pharma, the reason we are in Afghanistan. The drug companies are controlling Washington and thus the United States Military. Those poor, ignorant, naive bastards willing to get their asses shot off for their country, are gathering poppies for the legal drug trade. No surprise there. Shit. So our van stopped working. Our 1999 Toyota Sienna van failed to turn over a new leaf. It failed to start, in our driveway, a few days ago. Its battery is pretty new, one year old to be exact. It has a three year replacement policy. I had no worries about it, other than the van was dead in the driveway. I left it, and traveled to Boone, North Carolina to visit my uncle. When I came back, there it sat, the van, dead in the driveway. No matter what I did in the meantime. Counselor and therapist for my uncle and his wife. No matter the altruistic offering of moi. Fuck all that. The van is sitting int he driveway, DOA. When I arrived back home after four hours on the highway, I was tired. I didn't much care about the van, because mi madre has spent beaucoup dinero on that van. Each time we take it to Triple A to get its annual inspection (that's once a year) they dredge up whatever repairs are necessary. This annual forty dollar inspection cost us a grand. What was it? Timing belt. Water pump. Blah blah. Did they actually do it? I don't know. I used to do these repairs myself, but with three vehicles in our immediate family now.... You have to trust. Before that it was a valve cover gasket, transmission fluid, and something else. You never know. This time it was timing belt and water pump. I realize having owned and driven a Toyota Tercel for many years, the timeline for Japanese import repairs. The Triple A suggestions have been timely. They have been accurate. The reason for the van's unwillingness to start in the last few days, like most everything, is a new riddle. I was busy on the road, and that van's reluctance to start after all of this work was a irritant, to both me and my moms. To make a long story short I knew in a matter of time my ass would roll because that van was stationary in the driveway. Because it was Sunday and because I get to choose what I pleasure, I left the van for later. After half a bottle of bourbon, to forget about my family, and to forget about Stephan Sanders and his program for the Fayetteville Symphony, and to forget about my homosexual neighbors and their inhibitions, insecurities, and foibles, (mostly my mother's dementia) I decided to probe a little deeper. The battery registered a full twelve volts, after an overnight charge. And after sleeping, an impossibility in America, I tried jumping that van with my able Nissan truck. No mas. No more. DOA. I remember when I installed the new battery a year ago, I had an issue with the terminal connector. Even after putting in the new battery, it didn't want to start. I took off the connector, put it in the vise, and bent, cleaned, and manipulated it until the bolt would tighten. As it were that same problematic terminal end had grown white dust between its strata. White dust. That two-tiered device, a cheap piece OEM metal from Toyota, had grown a new layer of non-conductive white ash. Okay. I discovered the issue, not with panic, not with dementia, and not with tragedy. The world would not end because the van was dead. It just was not going to be my priority. As an educated, adult, intelligent heterosexual man, I get to choose. That is my God-given right, something that pales today. We all have become slaves, again.
Sunday, October 08, 2017
The Racist Robocop Syndrome
Watching fatal pedestrian train fatalities is like watching untrained, ignorant, racist cops indiscriminately kill black men. It defies logic. The more you watch it the more it does not make sense. The more Americans overdose, especially in Ohio, it doesn't make sense. I don't think Americans are killing themselves on purpose. I do think that in this day and age death in some cases seems a better alternative. I feel so lousy some days, I can't understand who someone can feel so bad. Then I remember this is what depression is, an inexplicable oppression that hinders your thinking, your emotions, and your body. Bacteria functions in a similar way. I'll always remember the time I ate a packet of tainted peanut butter while working on the ship. I was sitting in my bunk, and my body's reaction to the poison was immediate and severe. What happened is your central nervous system shuts down. I felt my bodily sensations, my senses, just shut down. Your ability to feel something disappeared like you were lying in a little coffin of death. I didn't necessarily feel bad, but I couldn't feel anything. My tactile receptors in my skin shut off and I felt my body reject the bacteria straight up my gullet and out of my mouth. In one fell swoop I up chucked the goo and felt immediately better. It was a startling experience, feeling your central nervous system shut down. I don't mean you ability to think but your ability to feel something. Feeling today is over rated. It as a way of life has been shelved, the reason why people are over dosing is because we as human being need to feel. It is the core component of the human organism. If were were meant not to feel things, then God would have made us computers. If one looks back we will find that feeling always has been a central component of human existence. The human beings ability to feel compassion, love, jealousy, or hate is what makes us human. It could be said that we may function more efficiently without feeling. It can get in the way. I have discovered this truth living with my geriatric mother. Often her feelings take control obstructing her ability to solve a problem. When I separate her anxiety about a problem from the problem itself, often I can solve it quickly. She likes to brood about problems, because in an abstract way it gives on incentive, motivation, and concentration. Anger can do the same thing. It can focus you very quickly into seeing the logic in a situation. I don't enjoy anger. I live my life with a minimum of duress, and usually I have few problems. Living in the American South, again, its protocol is feeling. People here live with their feelings on their sleeves, and it is not productive. It gives you a purpose. It actualizes your emotions, but I have found most often in a negative way. You end up spinning around in circles, endless circles, looking for the light. I have learned from time and experience your thoughts are what will save you. That is difficult, because we are hard wired as human beings to need to feel. Out emotions are part of our psyche, and without them we are wandering androids without a purpose. When I did my student teaching in Lee County North Carolina in 1985, my cooperating teacher used emotion to control his charges. He taught band at the junior high school. If I had to learn one lesson in that short period of tutelage, it was when and how to get angry at the students. When to blow your temper and make the kids understand you meant business. It was a bit of a ruse like ? I don't know what. What I did know is that I could not devote the rest of my life to an anachronistic way of disciplining school children. I all ready use my emotions to perform expressive music. I all ready use my emotions to actualize my own soul. Use my emotions to bring order to an unruly classroom? I must be in the American South. Consequently never have I taught public school in the state, and never have I wanted to. Rather I would like to be active in the field of music without the bother of discipline. Discipline. What does teaching music have to do with discipline? I don't care, because without teaching public school it is not necessary. I would think in retrospect that teaching forms of discipline would be necessary in a quality collegiate educational system. I knew when I went to UNC-Chapel Hill, it was not a good education school. Most aspiring music educators went to ECU or Appalachian State. I was accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill, so I felt it was my bounden duty to show my respect for the institution and go. I paid the price. I did become a much better musician. I became a poorer trumpeter, because in as much as my professor was a brilliant musician he did not know how to teach trumpet. I learned how to play trumpet years later while working on cruise ships. I talked with other professional brass players, and from them learned the differing methodologies of brass playing. These were things never I had heard in my college education at UNC-Chapel Hill. I don't have sour grapes, but I do understand that college teaching positions are multifaceted. Professors do more than one thing, and often their main instrument is not related to their primary teaching responsibilities. This has been my experience throughout college, and I remember when trying to become viable in the teaching community many talents were better than one. As such my piano playing skills should have augmented my qualifications as an educator. They didn't. At UNC my trumpet teacher desired I focus all of my attention on the trumpet, and yet I graduated a lesser trumpeter than when I went it. It was because his pedagogy was confused. There was more frustration involved then success. The successes I had I figure out myself with no help from him. Is this the way it should be? College is self-discovery? Many college professors use this method, and it is a crutch. It is a way not to have to teach. If you can't teach or don't want to teach, teach teachers. Playing the trumpet like most anything is easy if you know how. This is how I solve my mother's emotionally-laden problems. I separate out the frustration, futility, and history of failure and simply take the time to figure out how to solve the problem. Most of the information is readily available on the internet. Teaching should not be abstract. I always have appreciated the educators who were willing to give me the information. At UNC they did not do this. They told jokes in their ivory tower, and made it crystal clear that there was no way in hell you ever could know as much as them. They did not champion students, they patronized them. This is not an effective system of education, and hence I do not have a high opinion of my music education in Chapel Hill. It was the most difficult thing I ever have achieved, graduating. Possibly in some abstract way all of that rhetorical lecturing was useful. It was not until I entered the D.M.A. program at OSU that I discovered unpretentious, selfless, altruistic teaching. The major responsibility of professors at UNC was to seem Godlike. There were awards, publications, and societies. These all look good on the resume. They are the resume for most intents and purposes. Real teaching happens in the classroom, not on paper. I am happy to have continued my musical career without an academic position, and such my musical output is more pure an honest than America will allow. As far a the racist Robocop Syndrome, cops are shooting black men because they want to. It has nothing to do with training, conscience, or professionalism. These policemen think that America will be a better place without these black men on the streets. What they don't understand is that for what is becoming the majority of Americans, the streets are our lives. Possibly that is the difference between white and black America. Blacks choose to live in the streets in a visceral, fast-moving, consequential environment, and whites choose to live lives of security, security created by Big Brother. It's a thought. Robocops representing Big Brother have no clue how to relate to a black man riding a bicycle on the street. They are guilty before being pulled over, and it is a travesty the American extermination is beginning this way. Ethic cleansing has begun in the streets, and it will be the streets that will stop it. Try carrying loaded shotguns around the streets of Washington under the leadership of Huey Newton today, and it will be mass murder. "If they come for one of us [sic] they are coming for all of us." That is they way they should feel.
Saturday, October 07, 2017
The Fort Bragg Lava Lamp and Timothy McVeigh
Fayetteville is back on the weather map being the hottest city in North Carolina for a reason. It is not because we are in a depression. It is not because we are in the Cape Fear River Valley. It is not because of all of the tall pine trees and white sand. It is not because of all the murderous violence. It is because of trains. I took a drive out to Fort Bragg the other night, because I was curious why my ears continuously have been ringing. It is suspect that there were no running locomotives in the Milan Yard. That is unusual especially for the weekend. Sundays at the Milan Yard are meant for assembling trains. What better way to spend church day? My ears have been ringing non stop for over a week, and I have an idea why. It can drive you crazy, because they are clever, clandestine, and covert the way Special Forces should be. Special Forces train other armies, but they still operate incognito, stealth, and silent. This is the modus operandi. Fayetteville is getting a billion dollar inner loop all because of Fort Bragg. It is the best road we ever have had, smooth black pavement seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Murchison Road magically turns into a highway ushering you past Simmons Army Air Base and around the trunk line that services the post. That was the major impetus of the expansion. Of course it is to get all of those active duty military personnel in and out more quickly. They don't tell us the numbers anymore, how many troops are deployed. How many troops are stationed here. There was a list in the Fayetteville Observer the other day of the generals stationed here. I guess they are afraid. They buttoned up Fort Bragg like a loose hem. I was interested to drive out there, and upon doing so rolled down my driver side window and took a whiff. That's all I could take. Driving by Fort Junction the diesel micro dust was so thick you barely could breath. Supposedly the army uses GenSet N-ViroMotive locomotives manufactured by National Railway Equipment Company located in Mt. Vernon, Illinois for their in yard operations. Funny, Mt. Vernon used to be known for their Bach Stradivarius trumpets. Now they place Cummins diesel engines in locomotive bodies. It sounds like a good idea, but their website says only seven are being used in the Army. I have several Google Map screen shots of the red Army locomotives in use at Fort Bragg, but I have not been able to match it to a model. From breathing the air at Fort Junction and having watched plumes of black smoke rising from the Honeycutt Marshalling Yard, I can assume the Army has succumbed the same way Norfolk Southern did. General Electric pitched them the same spiel about the GPS tracking of engine systems via microwave transmission from the engine. "We can turn a three day repair into a three hour repair because of wireless engine diagnostics." GE tracks their 30,000 ES44AC's via satellite. If I were to extrapolate from the army's battlefield communication system, I would say these locos don't quite have enough juice (!) to get that signal into the stars. They use an intermediary, a little gray plane with a transceiver which accepts the signal and rebroadcasts it to the desired destination. Maybe. Saying an ES44AC doesn't have enough juice is like saying the sun is not hot. It is a rolling nuclear reactor, so to speak. Without the use of plutonium, the GE 7FDL-16 is the next best thing. GE for a short period of time had eyes to utilize their own GEVO engine in the ES44AC. Survey says that stopped quickly and the tried and true 7FDL was used instead. The GEVO slipped GE under the EPA's radar for the required period of time, and they went back to business as usual. Strap a massive dildo on a C40-9W and head to Hollywood. I mean swap out the DC traction motors for AC drives and install NORAD control in the auxiliary cab. You could command all of America's Ground Forces from that control room, and that they do in CSX-T's facility in Jacksonville, Florida. No one much cares what they do, except when Fayetteville suddenly becomes the hottest city in North Carolina. No one has said it, but I guess Stephen Paddock really didn't like the music of Jason Aldean. If you want a roaring good time at your party, book Jason Aldean. I can't believe what I am seeing and hearing in response to America's most heinous war crime. With Trump in the White house it is inescapable that the media are bought and paid for from the top down. The coverage of the Las Vegas shooting is the worst in America's history, because Washington is in denial. Should not a red flag go up when America's medical establishment calmly is accepting mass genocide? This is Trumpism. Trumpism is the process of diverting mass chaos induced by political negligence by condoning Communism. That is all the far right is. It dawned upon me when I was thinking in bed last night being harassed by ES44AC's. The Far Right, Political Correctness, and the NRA are all Communism. They have been trying to sterilize the human being for decades in lieu of a mindless, conformist, frigid population of droids. We have become that, receiving our commands from our iPhones and staring blankly into space. Trumpism is interviewing a Wake Med official accepting the first major maneuver of war on American soil in our recent history. The ramifications of Stephen Paddocks actions are illimitable. The brains of American droids, like Trump's cabinet, are not capable of rationalizing such an event. Not Terrorism? What the fuck is terrorism? Of course the massacre in Las Vegas was an act of terrorism. The wealthy political regime that runs America is trying to save the face of America's playground. Want a roaring good time at your party? Rent Las Vegas and hire Jason Aldean. I guess Stephen Paddock really didn't like his music. So far the Philippine connection has been ignored. Is it because they are an ally of the United States? All of those Philippine soldiers working on Navy ships which mysteriously collide with cargo vessels? Something is awry in the case of Stephen Paddock, and Washington and the mainstream media are covering it up. News reporting at its best. "We should expect more war crimes, more genocide in the near future in America." That is what the Wake Med official seemed to be saying. "We can expect more of this kind of activity. Afterall it is for what we train. We like to work. We like to treat penetrating gunshot wounds, especially in children." ? Our lovely contingency of politicians in Washington are unable to reach a rational conclusion about any issue, because their responsibility has become anarchy. Anarchy fuels the fire, diverts American attention away from the American Dream, and keeps the wealthy in power. Timothy McVeigh is a distant memory. While grotesque in appearance the biography of Timothy McVeigh’s
convictions through hundreds of hours of recorded cassette tapes on
MSNBC offers a telling expository narrative of a post traumatic Desert
Storm veteran. Skilled and cunning McVeigh was indoctrinated by none
other than the American armed forces during Saddam Hussein’s invasion of
Kuwait. After viscerally living a life of combat against terrorist
forces, McVeigh found despondency returning to the continental United
States. A mundane life of daytime television and fast food could not
meet the expectations of a tried and true war veteran. After suffering a
year’s tenure of depression and post-traumatic stress, McVeigh in a
futile attempt began to conceive his own vigil based upon the
mistreatment of the Branch Dividian followers of David Koresh at the
Mount Carmel property near Waco, Texas. In McVeigh’s eyes the 168 human
beings murdered during his bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building were martyrs intended to represent the hundreds of thousands of
innocent victims persecuted by an increasingly fascist American
government. Posthumously his own execution was a Socratic touché
vehemently objecting to his own hypocritical indoctrination during the
United States military’s war against Iraq. It was a plea for peace.
That was his story. I guess Stephen Paddock really doesn't like country music. Washington does not like to look inward, because in a Godless society only human beings are to blame. If politicians as a whole still accepted Jesus Christ, then it would be reasonable for Satan to assume some responsibility. As it is now, in Godless America, only Washington is to blame. It is their job to oversee socioeconomics. Their job is to assure the well being of the American Dream, economic mobility, opportunity, and happiness. The Trump White House operates the only way it knows how, like a two bit real estate firm with no moral or ethical scruples. A sitting American President throwing rolls of paper towels to Puerto Ricans in the midst of a humanitarian crisis? No longer can I listen to a word Trump says. Michael Collins would have something to say, and we all should listen.
The Dusseldorf Zuyder Zee and the Second American Revolution
It has become clear in the passing weeks that no one is looking out for America. When put into perspective the amount of personal wealth that exists for Americans exponentially dwarfs the amount of philanthropic activity which exists to benefits those less fortunate. Today it is inescapable that this wealth and Washington are the same. Donald Trump has fused the boundaries between elitism and politics. Considering this one cannot separate the responsibilities of the wealthy. Knowing that economic mobility has all but halted, wages have become stagnant, and elitist far right Republicans are trying to squeeze blood from a stone means that life in America all but has stopped. We have a ruling oligarchy, and the oligarchy is failing. How long can they go on ruling America with a cast of indentured slaves? I feel a revolution is inevitable. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am not an extremist, but I do see similarities between America today and other nations in world history who have had to take matters into their own hands. Revolution can have many connotations, and war only is one of them. How did the French go about it? Storm the Bastille? How did the Russians go about it? Read "Animal Farm" I guess. I cannot help but to begin to believe that there is no one looking out for Americans. I am beginning to think that contrarily we are being hindered in our everyday lives to survive. Government and the wealthy are not helping our quest for survival much less prosperity. Has it always been this way, fighting the government for what is ours? I'm sure if we perused the history books we would find times just like that. We are in it now. Wealth has become government and they are not looking out for the American people. I am beginning to think that we are being exterminated on a very subtle level. Hiding cures for cancer, mislabeling foods and poisonous substances, and making health care not affordable are abstract ways to destablilize the American populace. Each day I read the newspaper I am reading about local legislation that seems to oppress the people. I do agree that employers have no obligation to pay for their employees' birth control. That is an absurd concept, that idea that humans are not responsible for their own behavior sexually. The least thing a responsible citizen can do is to take preventative measures when having sex. I learned this early in life, and while it is a challenge it is the challenge of the individual, not the employer. President Trump is right to relegate that entitlement from the Affordable Care Act. What disturbs me is that when considered in perspective as the way Snarky Pundit or Storm is Coming presents, Washington does not give a shit about any of us. Three and a half million people on the island of Puerto Rico, a United States territory, and there is no humanitarian aid to save these people? It is an atrocity, a human rights atrocity on the same scale as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. If a billion dollar cruise industry has been exploiting Puerto Rico for years, using their island as a destination for tourism, filling the coffers of wealthy cruise line owners, who is more capable of saving the lives of those indigenous citizens? What better way is there to provide aid to the residents of Puerto Rico than to transport, house, or provide for them temporarily on the vessels that exploit their state? It would be a drop in the bucket economically, but it is a question of politics? Do we value Puerto Rico? President Trump openly has criticized his own territory, a territory that is the responsibility of the United States government, by saying they are lazy and do not deserve humanitarian aid. This is a war crime. The American President has become a war criminal and yet he continues to serve unabated in Washington, DC. Our elected officials most decidedly have stopped looking out for the American people, and it needs to be stated. Dire measures are needed, and yet we go on each evening hearing about what foolish thing the President has done. It is absurd at the highest level. It is parody. It is satire. Our government, the ruling body of what supposedly is the most powerful nation in the world, is a sitcom. This is to what Donald Trump aspires. He does not know the difference, because he is spoiled. The wealth running America are spoiled, and rest assured when God makes his second appearance on earth (if it all ready has not occurred) these people will not go with God when he destroys the earth. They will go to hell. That should be of some comfort. Those behaving they way they do, choosing to amass personal wealth, instead of engaging in Christian philanthropic activities will go to hell. Meanwhile back on the farm a paltry eight billion dollars in Obamacare subsidies is in question. The money it would take to solve all of the hurricane crisis exists today, but it is shelved overseas in multinational banks. Dire measures are needed, and they are not extreme measures. They are not the measures of psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals. If change is to happen and the elite Washington clique is unwilling to concur, then actions predicated by other nations enduring the same duress are necessary. They are not random violent events bringing notoriety to themselves. They are not irrational reactions to stupidity. They should be steadfast well thought actions of politicians elected to govern and serve the American people. If those men and women are not capable of such a task, then there is no recourse but to undermine their crimes. Their irresponsible behavior must be quelled by thrifty, thorough, effective action centered around those processes which bring about oppression to the American people. If regulation is not possible by legislation, then order must be brought by the people in some way. A militia as our Constitution states is the last line of defense. The people will be responsible for their own well being against evil forces, and we are there. I so much would like to spend the rest of my time being happy.
Wednesday, October 04, 2017
Modern America Companies
The point I failed to mention in my previous post was that when you really look at where the problems lie in America, they are all around us. They are not a distant terrorist organization. They are not Russian hackers. They are not corrupt South American oil cartels. The problems we have in America are our own. They are created by ourselves, and that means America has to look more closely at what we have become. Global warming, violence, and racism are created on American oil by American processes which make money. They are necessary to disguise the reality of who runs America. With Trump in out White House it is become indisputable. If a billion dollar recreation and leisure industry is responsible for warming our oceans, who has the moxy to say so? If one of America's largest companies is responsible for creating unprecedented violence, who has the moxy to say so? The problems America is beset with are in our very yards. They surround us, they take our money, and they control our destiny. Only those with Christian ideals can or will expose this truth knowing that our future is not in their hands but God'.
The Hypocrisy of America
When I turn on late night TV and watch Jimmy Kimmel crying about a mass shooting in Las Vegas, then I know America is beyond salvage. Without disparaging Mr. Kimmel it begs for clarification why he has a show. Could any other person with the same skills step into his role as late night television show host? The answer is of course not. Thought through the deconstructionalist's lense his situation becomes more clear. It is a clarity of America's structure, her cardiovascular system, that needs to be returned. No one could step in for Mr. Kimmel, because he has a multi-national show that is capable of reaching millions of viewers. With that advantage comes two discreet opportunities and thus responsibilities. This is the equation that is failing to balanced each night on American television. Inherently there is a responsibility to broadcast content that is filtered with Christian values. If we as a nation had to agree on the regulation of our airwaves via the Federal Communications Commission, it would not be that long ago that Americans would have deemed Christian values a good starting place for television. With our American Constitution comes freedom of speech, and thus it is necessary to verbalize and broadcast unpopular, unChristian, and often harmful content. Like America should leave her Civil War related monuments standing, we as a populace need to be reminded of what is possible. We are in complete denial concerning the structure of American Capitalism. The clarity of our nation's cardiovascular system has become opaque. Her arteries are clogged with plaque, and that plaque is the political process always that has run America. Anyone with a similar skill set could step in and fill Jimmy's shoes, but they can't. They can't not because they couldn't handle the job, but because it will not be allowed. Jimmy's position as a late night talk show host is governed by American politics. No longer is it a political system filtered by Christian values. Like religion has been exorcised from from America, Christian values no longer are important to the broadcast world. It might be difficult to discern that notion while watching the late night talk shows. It is more obvious on cable television. When viewed as a whole including paid advertising which in part funds the television empire, Christian value most overtly are absent in commercials. Unlike mainstream content advertising covertly is infusing the viewing dynamic with manipulative, harmful, treasonous content. It is very discreet their play. Childlike advertisements laced with cartoon imagery, Romper Room dialog, and unforgivable naivete. It is like a drug. Drug use is rampant in American society, and no where is it more evident than on television. Drug commercials that should concern only the medical community are laced through prime time viewing. They are absurd, frightening, and dangerous. It was not my intent this afternoon to disparage television ad's again. It was my intention to clarify that Jimmy Kimmel's heartful crying can in no way aid a grieving nation. His role, his profession, his vocation is a part of the same opaque system that runs America. Neither can he be a proponent of Christian values or an opponent of Washington politics. He can do nothing, because broadcast television no longer has a meaning, a purpose, or a definition. It has no concept, because no one has taken the time to study its lineage. It is childish, untalented, governance like Congress. If Jimmy Kimmel wanted to affect a change in the politics of America, he would have to become accountable for his job as a salesman hawking soap atop a wooden box. He would have to look closely at his network, its owners, and its shareholders and actually grow a backbone that was more important than filling his bank account. All of Hollywood will have to do the same thing. It is amazing how ignorant America has become. I shuddered watching 60 Minutes the other night at the horrific reporting on current events in America. The overt lesson to be learned was those in power in America are stupid. The show used their traditional "we are so serious" approach and failed to fill in the dialog with anything thoughtful or meaningful. There was no background research, no philosophical angle, no political goal anywhere in the inane dialog. "They put Humpy Dumpty back together again!" (apparently so you can go back to playing shortstop again) Like the rest of Washington these men no longer are capable of solving America's problems, creating legislation which is helpful and effective, and otherwise advancing America in any way. We are the butt of the world.
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