Sunday, October 29, 2017

Chasing the Tale

America has become such a bass-ackwards nation.  Faintly can I remember when America was a leader.  Possibly this was when J.F.K. was President.  That didn't last long.  No good deed goes unpunished.  Now we have Trump, and since his inauguration murderous violent crime has dominated local news in North Carolina.  Watching three young news broadcasters become street wise against their own wishes is disconcerting.  They like to joke around, be light-hearted and happy, but now their job is describing where the next murder has taken place.  It's every night.  Raleigh.  Durham.  Fayetteville.  Crime rates have not improved despite what a mayoral or gubernatorial candidate will tell you.  We vote for mayor on Tuesday.  It is not surprising to me, because always I have known the true colors of Fayettenam.  They razed the old Sheraton Inn and built condos overlooking downtown.  They built designer luxury condos on Hay Street.  They are  building a thirty million dollar minor league baseball field with supporting accoutrements, and while I first disagreed with this decision have come to support it.  If they can turn that gravel pit into something useful, so be it.  It has become all smoke and mirrors, he said, she said.  Blah blah blah.  Trump lies through his teeth, the American President.  The point I wanted to make before becoming distracted with left ear tinnitus was that as a country we would rather view business and political leaders fall from sexual improprieties than see our nation prosper.  Perhaps one's sexual proclivities are a good litmus test for character.  Perhaps not.  I think any grown man when offered a blow job in the White House would take it.  Your anger at being impeached for such a slip of judgement could cause you to lie.  It's no one's business really.  I guess its the tabloidesque news media who desire such a thing.  Other senior nations have graduated the sexual academy first.  America has yet to catch up.  With our lovely system of Capitalism, without a moral compass involved to govern our buying, America's chosen system of economics has failed.  We are without a Capitalist conscience.  Once we had such a thing, and it was created by religion.  Only religion, an understanding of Christianity and God no matter what denomination, is the course of moral and ethical decision making.  America, in her bass-ackwards descent, has attempted to eradicate God from public consciousness.  This has nothing to do with the separation of Church and State.  America was founded on religion, and like most important tenants of our national heritage, this has been forgotten, eradicated.  Big Brother truly has stepped in, not through ISIS, but by being sold and bought by outside foreign interests.  When traditionally American businesses are discarded indiscriminately to foreign interests, such as Hollywood being sold to the Japanese, or Manhattan being sold to the Chinese, how can fascism and terrorism not encroach our borders?  What has brought America down has been globalization,  globalization not allowing America to out source our jobs, but globalization allowing non-America foreign interests to seep into our social fabric.  I see it every day on television (although at least in the news this seems to be getting better), on the internet, and in public.  I have become a bit of a snob, realizing it is necessary.  I am surrounded by shit, and to keep the shit off of you you must realize what it is.  America is shit.  We would rather watch our business leaders and politicians fail for ill chosen sexual improprieties rather than see our nation prosper virtuously.  Virtuously means with a moral and ethical conscience.  We will have to begin doing the right thing, and that will not start at the Trump White House.  Here in North Carolina, the state of the bathroom bill, white-haired Republicans try to protect themselves from darky.  Instead of recognizing one's sexual longings and implementing a system of satisfying those biological necessities, we hide behind a bridled scapegoat.  We are too immature to understand ourselves, the human being.  Jesus.  How ignorant can we be?  For propositioning a teenager we throw the book at a grown man.  Words, they are words.  "Hey honey, how about a little candy?"  Branded for life, not a child rapist, a sexual deviant, or a predator, but a man simply who asks a girl for something that once could provide healing.  We have perverted sex in America to unfathomable, inexplicable, illogical proportions.  Senior nations would not be seen scurrying for tail.  Chasing pussy?  Jesus.  You buy it.