Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jass and Its Origins

I can't believe Trump is trying to pick a war with Cuba.  Smoke and mirrors as is his inane verbal sparring with Kim Jong Un.  There is no way retired four star Marine General James Mattis will let the United States provoke a nuclear war with North Korea.  He is a scholar and a diplomat, the necessary credentials to be Secretary of Defense.  Luckily for us effectively he transitioned into his new chapter of life after retiring from the Marine Corp.  Not everyone does.  While Ash Carter was a noted academic, I was not a big fan of his work as Secretary of Defense.  To me his bent was not unlike that of the defense industry, to make money.  Secretary Mattis reminds me of Dame Madeline Albright, sophisticated, reserved, and scholarly.  The American people are lucky to have him in the Trump cabinet.  Likewise I feel we are lucky to have retired Marine Corp. General John F. Kelly as President Trump's Chief of Staff.  Knowing full well the realities and capabilities of nuclear war, they will keep us out of harms way.  Even with Trump's smoke stack, a continual idiotic, provocative, inciting blast of hot air which serves only to distract both the media and the populace from real issues, these two men will keep America at least from beginning World War lll.  America's covert military operations fighting ISIS and protecting poppy fields are yet to be understood.  Muckraking is an anachronistic practice, and yet Trump's ignorance has resurrected it like the traditional lobbing of shit.  I can't listen to any of it, but his bull in a china shop approach to the presidency will get him impeached.  I am certain of it, and it is just a matter of time before the news stories accumulate to a point of no return.  Why would Cuba be trying to torture American diplomats?  The answer is, because resurrecting the Bay of Pigs is a diversion the size of Texas.  On the national news this evening I heard a blatant lie.  On covering the purported sonic weapon assault on the embassy in Havana, an interviewed representative erroneously stated that the symptoms experienced by diplomats in Cuba were not related to any known effects of sound waves.  That was an egregious lie.  It was not unlike the blatant lies we have been hearing during the presidential campaign.  It was a lie.  I would suggest a casual Googling of Vladmir Vavreau, the noted French scientist who documented the ill effects of infrasound.  Brain damage is a stretch, but cancer is not.  Electromagnetic waves cause cancer, because their inherent electricity, magnetism, heat, and vibration cause cells to become unstable and mutate into cancer.  It is simple and well-documented in the G.W.E.N study published by the United States government.  I have it in my file cabinet.  There have been cures for cancers for years, and yet they like opioids they are being manipulated for wealth.  This is not about what I wanted to talk.  I do want to say that upon watching a YouTube video of the starting of an EMD SD70M locomotive, that it was disturbing to see the Microsoft Windows logo appear on their computer screens.  A behemoth 4000 horse power locomotive is being controlled not by a UNIX operating system but by Windows?  Ahem.  Does NASA now use Windows instead of UNIX?  Even Apple rewrote their popular OS on the UNIX platform for OS X.  My Mac Pro never has crashed once.  Still a huge, rumbling, ominous, diesel prime mover is being controlled by a PC.  Ha!  Then it dawned on me that Bill Gates has a piece of the GE pie and vice versa.  How can you battle money gods?  You can keep pecking away at their inproprieties and hope the man does not come knocking on your door, or rather sneaking around in your back yard in the wee hours of the night.  That's why I have guns, the same reason most Americans have guns.  Protection.  No one is going to kick in my back door and make it out alive.  It is simple.  In the "Ville" murder is rampant.  If anyone feels like they have the right to victimize my home, they will die in the process.  It all ready is thought out.  Not a nanosecond for retrospection.  If you step into my home with ill intention uninvited, then you will get shot.  For me its only a matter of with what.  Usually I sleep with a .22 automatic, because it is small and possibly not so lethal.  I don't want to stain my floors with too much blood.  Then again one may not be such a good shot at two in the morning and no contacts.  In that respect the .45 may come in handy.  Is it noticeable louder than the .22?  I would think so, but its round is not supersonic like the .38 not to mention that it is and has been the choice for the defense of America.  The A1 1911 is a reliable and effective weapon as is the carbine rifle.  I have them both loaded.  Enough of that.  The issue I wanted to discuss is the disparity between white and black America.  North Carolina must be the most Zip Coonesque of any state.  Only here in Mayberry, which was a more realistic moral landmark, can conservative white men attempt to legislate social issues.  They hide from darky, don't understand Shaft, and would rather black America not exist at all.  The disparity between black and white America is so great, I stopped trying to wrap my thoughts around those living around me.  Truly black America to me is the only bridge to the millennium.  Not because of gang violence, prison populations, or unemployment but because of the struggle of the black populace after slavery.  It is the soul of America.  Even in this respect I have to take a moment to diss the jazz community.  If any racist jazz musician again tries to take credit for swing rhythm...  Yes, jazz is a complicated art form, and yes it comes from a variety of sources uniting in the Louisiana delta.  African rhythms, the blues, church, Sousa, slave songs, and field hollers all can be heard in good jazz.  But the groove of swing surprisingly can be heard in other places.  To name a few American bluegrass music, military fife and drum corp, and Indian raga.  It was a revelation to me a few nights ago, when I realized the intricate cadences and melodies of fife and drum music swing.  Not only that the hillbilly folk music of the Appalachian Mountains, some of the oldest mountains in the world, also swings.  Both of these styles of American music came before jazz.  There, I said it.  Peace be with you, and also with you.