Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Modern America Companies

The point I failed to mention in my previous post was that when you really look at where the problems lie in America, they are all around us.  They are not a distant terrorist organization.  They are not Russian hackers.  They are not corrupt South American oil cartels.  The problems we have in America are our own.  They are created by ourselves, and that means America has to look more closely at what we have become.  Global warming, violence, and racism are created on American oil by American processes which make money.  They are necessary to disguise the reality of who runs America.  With Trump in out White House it is become indisputable.  If a billion dollar recreation and leisure industry is responsible for warming our oceans, who has the moxy to say so?  If one of America's largest companies is responsible for creating unprecedented violence, who has the moxy to say so?  The problems America is beset with are in our very yards.  They surround us, they take our money, and they control our destiny.  Only those with Christian ideals can or will expose this truth knowing that our future is not in their hands but God'.