Saturday, October 07, 2017

The Dusseldorf Zuyder Zee and the Second American Revolution

It has become clear in the passing weeks that no one is looking out for America.  When put into perspective the amount of personal wealth that exists for Americans exponentially dwarfs the amount of philanthropic activity which exists to benefits those less fortunate.  Today it is inescapable that this wealth and Washington are the same.  Donald Trump has fused the boundaries between elitism and politics.  Considering this one cannot separate the responsibilities of the wealthy.  Knowing that economic mobility has all but halted, wages have become stagnant, and elitist far right Republicans are trying to squeeze blood from a stone means that life in America all but has stopped.  We have a ruling oligarchy, and the oligarchy is failing.  How long can they go on ruling America with a cast of indentured slaves?  I feel a revolution is inevitable.  I am not a conspiracy theorist.  I am not an extremist, but I do see similarities between America today and other nations in world history who have had to take matters into their own hands.  Revolution can have many connotations, and war only is one of them.  How did the French go about it?  Storm the Bastille?  How did the Russians go about it?  Read "Animal Farm" I guess.  I cannot help but to begin to believe that there is no one looking out for Americans.  I am beginning to think that contrarily we are being hindered in our everyday lives to survive.  Government and the wealthy are not helping our quest for survival much less prosperity.  Has it always been this way, fighting the government for what is ours?  I'm sure if we perused the history books we would find times just like that.  We are in it now.  Wealth has become government and they are not looking out for the American people.  I am beginning to think that we are being exterminated on a very subtle level.  Hiding cures for cancer, mislabeling foods and poisonous substances, and making health care not affordable are abstract ways to destablilize the American populace.  Each day I read the newspaper I am reading about local legislation that seems to oppress the people.  I do agree that employers have no obligation to pay for their employees' birth control.  That is an absurd concept, that idea that humans are not responsible for their own behavior sexually.  The least thing a responsible citizen can do is to take preventative measures when having sex.  I learned this early in life, and while it is a challenge it is the challenge of the individual, not the employer.  President Trump is right to relegate that entitlement from the Affordable Care Act.  What disturbs me is that when considered in perspective as the way Snarky Pundit or Storm is Coming presents, Washington does not give a shit about any of us.  Three and a half million people on the island of Puerto Rico, a United States territory, and there is no humanitarian aid to save these people?  It is an atrocity, a human rights atrocity on the same scale as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.  If a billion dollar cruise industry has been exploiting Puerto Rico for years, using their island as a destination for tourism, filling the coffers of wealthy cruise line owners, who is more capable of saving the lives of those indigenous citizens?  What better way is there to provide aid to the residents of Puerto Rico than to transport, house, or provide for them temporarily on the vessels that exploit their state?  It would be a drop in the bucket economically, but it is a question of politics?  Do we value Puerto Rico?  President Trump openly has criticized his own territory, a territory that is the responsibility of the United States government, by saying they are lazy and do not deserve humanitarian aid.  This is a war crime.  The American President has become a war criminal and yet he continues to serve unabated in Washington, DC.  Our elected officials most decidedly have stopped looking out for the American people, and it needs to be stated.  Dire measures are needed, and yet we go on each evening hearing about what foolish thing the President has done.  It is absurd at the highest level.  It is parody.  It is satire.  Our government, the ruling body of what supposedly is the most powerful nation in the world, is a sitcom.  This is to what Donald Trump aspires.  He does not know the difference, because he is spoiled.  The wealth running America are spoiled, and rest assured when God makes his second appearance on earth (if it all ready has not occurred) these people will not go with God when he destroys the earth.  They will go to hell.  That should be of some comfort.  Those behaving they way they do, choosing to amass personal wealth, instead of engaging in Christian philanthropic activities will go to hell.  Meanwhile back on the farm a paltry eight billion dollars in Obamacare subsidies is in question.  The money it would take to solve all of the hurricane crisis exists today, but it is shelved overseas in multinational banks.  Dire measures are needed, and they are not extreme measures.  They are not the measures of psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals.  If change is to happen and the elite Washington clique is unwilling to concur, then actions predicated by other nations enduring the same duress are necessary.  They are not random violent events bringing notoriety to themselves.  They are not irrational reactions to stupidity.  They should be steadfast well thought actions of politicians elected to govern and serve the American people.  If those men and women are not capable of such a task, then there is no recourse but to undermine their crimes.  Their irresponsible behavior must be quelled by thrifty, thorough, effective action centered around those processes which bring about oppression to the American people.  If regulation is not possible by legislation, then order must be brought by the people in some way.  A militia as our Constitution states is the last line of defense.  The people will be responsible for their own well being against evil forces, and we are there.  I so much would like to spend the rest of my time being happy.