I don't clearly associate the wealthiest business tycoons with Donald Trump, and while it is possible these men accrued their wealth by illegal means, their notoriety suggests otherwise. The big three: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk have their own empires, but finally I did put it together about America's "Space Force." It's all business. Privatized rocket service for NASA or Washington has its benefits for Mr. Musk. I asked before how it was possible to attempt to launch 30,000 low earth orbit satellites around the globe with no repercussions. It is an unrealistic business goal no matter who would benefit. It oversteps common sense, logic, moderation, or conservation. It is a brazen business model with no regard for anything. Who could have sanctioned such an endeavor. You know who. That is when I realize Elon and Donald were partners. I have nothing good to say about Mr. Musk, and never will I buy a Tesla. I don't want his satellites orbiting my night sky infringing on my right of privacy. Privacy in America is a lost right. We are entitled to our privacy via the United States Constitution, but the Far Right MAGA Extremists say they support the Constitution but behave differently. This is behavior with which I am becoming more familiar. "Two Face." Harvey Dent. These are people that say one thing but do another. Often they may be friendly to you but undermine your agenda behind your back. They talk smack behind your back. This is nothing new, but it is something with which I am not very familiar. I am now. It is unfolding in real time by fake news. News media is printing one story and another truth emerges. I assume the need to verify your information or the truth (The Fairness Doctrine) no longer is required in American news reporting. Ronald Reagan vetoed this law, and it has not been reinstated. "Anything Goes." I failed to mention Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk in my discontent with the actions of Donald Trump. Mr. Bezos owns the Washington Post Newspaper of which I am a subscriber. Bill Gates created the Windows operating system, and everyone shops at Amazon. Is it true that virtue is fleeting and corruption infiltrates everything? The most humorous irony I have experienced was being served with a warrant for dumping a couch beside the railroad tracks in Columbus, Ohio. I was under duress after moving into a new rental house and needed to dispose of this dirty couch. In a moment of complete lapse of adult judgement I agreed to load this pile of debris in my Toyota Tercel wagon and take it to a secret dumping place in Clintonville. I did not know that recently they had cleaned up exact location, and the local neighbors were on guard about future dumping. I walked right into the trap. We returned and retrieved the couch and disposed of it properly, and at the advice of a local attorney I took my photographs and receipt from the dump to environmental court and plead guilty. The entire courtroom openly laughed at me when I did. Unlike what the lawyer had suggested, Judge Rick Pfeiffer made an example of me and charged me the maximum allowable fine of $500.00. A few months later at an event at the State House, I was playing cocktail piano for the event. Mr. Pfeiffer was the keynote speaker. Upon seeing me he truncated his comments and left the event. Not everyone is a career criminal, and people do make mistakes. Later he became the Attorney General for the city of Columbus and held that distinguished post until 2017. Today I received a certified letter in the mail that required a signature of receipt. It was correspondence from a local doctor who was perturbed that I did not accept his suggestions of care and canceled my suggested appointments with him. Having no health insurance didn't seem to effect his advice nor realizing the procedures he was suggesting weren't relevant to my condition. I declined to engage his subsequent medical services, but his letter of today suggested it was my responsibility to do what he said no matter what. That would have been marks against my credit and unsavory collection agencies. It was more important to him for me to accept his suggestions of care, but they were irrelevant to me. It has been a long week of misinformation, fake news, and stolen elections. I am tired of having to toughen my skin, raise my boundaries, and keep evil at bay. I will get better at it. As far as The Donald being a pawn, pawnbroker, bookie, or fixer for the wealthy as President of the United States. Of course I now understand Ronald Reagan was that exact incarnation. He was an actor they recruited to play the role of President, and we bought it. He was the perfect choice. While not an accomplished or successful actor, he exuded a Presidential appearance and learned his lines. The PBS documentary that finally exposed his patrons was an indispensable piece of reporting. We need more of these on PBS, just like we need reruns of The Lawrence Welk Show. Super PACs or Political Action Committees with unlimited dark money run the world and the political system. These connections with Donald Trump widely have not been reported. There was speculation about Russian collusion, but Mr. Trump had business dealings worldwide. If a sitting U.S. President talks fondly and lovingly about Communist dictators, it would be wise to believe him. It would be nice to know who is pulling the strings.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Pulling Trump's Puppet Strings
The Death of Music
It was surprising to find a program on PBS this evening that addressed a truly American phenomenon. It was about how energy shaped the entertainment industry. It talked about cinema and how moving pictures were so important in American culture. We used to contribute to PBS and public radio, but as their funding got cut and programming declined, we stopped. Talk radio or Reality TV have no place in the Public Broadcasting System. It has been infiltrated like every other tenet of American business. One would think certain institutions would prevail over time, but we are seeing every component of American life invaded by evil. I have a friend who continues to contend that Donald Trump is not as significant as I say. Although I credit many predecessors to the decline of the American Way, I feel Donald Trump has been the most destructive bringing division, violence, and evil to our nation. I am learning there were others, but no one has tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in our lifetimes. He says he is just a cog in the machine of the rich, and there are many other more significant players. I assume these are Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdoch, and Roger Ailes. The Koch Brothers also sit at the card table, although I think one of them recently died. The rich wanting more isn't anything new, but we never have had a President quite like Donald Trump. The felonies keep accruing, and now the most startling blow to the Trump empire is transpiring. The sentiment I sense is pity, because those who support Trump equally are as deluded as him. It doesn't seem to matter that he screws other people out of money. I have learned this about doctors. They don't care about your illnesses, and they don't try to help you. They just take your money and often make you worse. This is a startling revelation to me, and something I never have experienced before. It may not be this way everywhere. It seems to be where I live. The world is cold and brutal, so we better get used to it. I could tune out off of this negativity and try to live in my own little protected bubble, but unfortunately my chosen vocation doesn't allow it. It is too much effected by the direct results of corporate and governmental greed and corruption. The lives of the American people in general are so infiltrated, so scrutinized, and so controlled we would be accurate to change, discount, or ignore the Constitution. American freedom has been infringed upon so greatly by economic manipulation, what was offered our forefathers is a scant dream on the pages of a moldy novel. The rich who are holding the puppet strings of Donald Trump want to abolish American cultural history and gaslight us into accepting what we have now. This has created a substantial battle in my own personal life. Never could I have guessed that corporate pollution could effect my vocation, but it does. It does and in a myriad of ways. How can it be that when making music in the privacy of my own home my neighbors are disturbed? After a lengthy concerted effort to improve the living conditions in our home (which have been successful), how is it possible these improvements become moot with the push of the throttle, the take off of a jet, or the training of military personnel at the local military base? It is because these things have one thing in common. They all use and produce sound and electromagnetic waves, and with the Presidency of Bill Clinton now they use all frequencies of these waves to the extreme detriment of human health. This is a doctoral thesis of itself, but a Google search of GWEN (or the Ground Wave Emergency Network) could explain it. You don't want the earth to be a conductor of sound or radio waves if we, the human race desire a healthy life. The earth is ours, and God would not have wanted it to be exploited in this way. PSA pilots fly with impunity directly above our homes spewing black microdust and toxic carbon gas in addition to the infrasonic pressure and now phased array radar in their nose domes. (Radome) Trains, planes, and now drones and every other controllable toy have begun to be transmitters of dangerous microwave frequency energy. Combining huge infrasound waves you cannot hear with undulating magnetic, electric, and heated energy is a formula for disaster and eventually death. What once was called the environment in political arenas has been sacrificed to the gods of wealthy corporate America. They have exploited the planet almost to a point of no return, and the human population has become an army of the walking dead. We are so anesthetized from polluted air, polluted water, and now an electrified and vibrating earth, it should be of no surprise we are an ailing species. Consider the aesthetic of music which uses this air as its medium, and you are fighting a losing battle. Every aspect of my home music making process is invaded by these largely invisible and elusive gremlins. I have not been able to hear clearly for weeks as the army trains to deploy. My computers, DVD drives, CD players, and analog keyboard gear hiccup and struggle to overcome this aberrant airborne nuisance. Because our emotions and thoughts are electrical impulses (mostly in the low frequency range) this recent preponderance of infrasound and now low frequency alternating current from Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors in many devices, we are walking vessels of confusion. We cannot even determine what sex we are. It has been known for decades that electromagnetic waves in certain frequencies of the spectrum can cause cancer. The duality of these waves, both electrical and magnetic existing in two different planes, bombard human cells, make them unstable, and cause them to mutate into cancer. Cancer organizations don't want a cure, because they will lose their government funding. It would seem this is the time America needs another "NWA." If no one knows what this is, it is an acronym for Niggas With Attitude, one of the first and most successful Rap groups which crossed the nation and spread a message of intolerance for corporate exploitation of normal American citizens. They were loud and they were proud, and Tipper Gore tried her best to squelch their message. America lacks a voice of any kind, because we are so fraught with sickness, anxiety, fear, distraction, separation, and worry. This is what they want, and making us feel this way is Donald Trump's plan for reelection. Holden Thorp told me early on that to be successful you have to provide the solution for a problem you yourself create. To be the savior, you have to create the problem. If Donald Trump has done anything successfully, this will be his legacy. He singlehandedly almost destroyed American democracy, and he is still trying.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Predicted Chaos
There is a reason for my ensuing depression, and it is not me. After experiencing this illness for real and for appropriate reasons earlier in my life, I learned about it. It is a complicated condition, but it is not as complicated as we may think. Although modern society would be quick to relinquish blame for any public health issue, depression in many situations is environmental. You may have circumstances that merit anxiety, panic, or worry, but a large part of the human make up is physical. I feel today as a society we are confused and misled about the balance of spirit, mental, emotional, and purely physical being. If you are in dire straights, positive sensory and tactile stimulation can act an an anodyne for pain. This is why we have a drug problem in America. Society has become so broken that it would be difficult for anyone to navigate it sober. I know this first hand. Alcohol was not a solution for my depression. A change of scenery and a new landscape was important, because it is easy to become boxed in in a cloistered community. I feel that way now. It is true that you only can achieve what society will allow, unless your work alone. Human beings are not solitary beings. The more I allow outside influence in my life, the more maladjusted I feel. There is a lot of trash in this world, and virtue is a dying paragon. I am manipulated or judged, but I figure it out and make a change. It is a delicate balance seeking companionship. I have found few people in my life who have met that qualification. The ones I found stay with you in thought and memory, and it is important actively to recall their influence on your life. When those memories run thin and you are subject to reality, it can become difficult quickly. No human being can exist in a vacuum, and it is necessary to stay abreast of current events. The political landscape of today in America is reaching dismal proportions, and a large part of this is the tenacious audacity of a criminal past President. As the lawsuits pile up and guilty verdicts are announced, the same broken record of empty lies purveys chaos. It is sickening. I would like to feel gratification that Donald Trump is being held accountable for his criminal behavior, but instead it is just depressing. The example he sets for America is so base. It is the worst kind of poison, and we are being subject to it all over again. The even suggest that America may ever reelect this man President is an insult to human nature and intellect. The media is guilty for the promulgating his evil message. We have no factual evidence that his is out polling his competitors. It just makes news and not good news. His presence much less his words are a stain on American history, and yet we continue to be soiled by his filth. America needs to move on, and we deserve better than this. The media could choose not to cover his futile and inciting rhetoric. To report that a past President would like to execute his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is despicable. This vitriolic threat is very telling about the Trump machine and his willingness to talk big. What deluded psychopath would threaten the top military leader of a nation in charge of over two million troops? We laugh and let it fall off our shoulders, but this incendiary talk is sewage for real life. The political climate in America has reached an all time low, and it will be reflected in history. America has been subjected to enough hardship not to be further tormented by a delusional criminal psychopath. Freely the media is covering Mr. Trump like he is a viable candidate instead of exercising their editorial responsibility to sensor his remarks. This is what editors do, and it shows the corporate control of the media. It has become biased and partisan. The strategy of inducing fear and panic in Americans is reaching a critical point, and it is the job of the media to retract this propaganda. The United States Department of Justice has their hands full. It would seem the predicted chaos of 2012 was eleven years late.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Exploitation of the Worst Kind
I am a musician because of my father. Judgement was cast upon me early for such. My first and most significant girlfriend instinctively knew a musician would fail to provide. (at least this is what her family said in quiet spaces) It didn't effect her opinion of me, because we were in love. That love we shared early in life from high school through college, was authentic and pure. I wanted it that way, so I gave of myself. I had a vivid depiction of romance and worked diligently at it. Being a musician was a part of the formula. Back in the day it was accepted to express love through music. Because of my father's talent and knowledge, I was blessed. (I worked diligently at it playing George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" at my senior piano recital.) I can't remember how I did it. Actually I play by analysis, not reading. Being a great musician appealed to my girlfriend, and she loved me for it. The love I felt for her and the love I expressed through music was the same. Once this was called "Romanticism, although it has a different connotation in academic music. Romance when I grew up was in vogue. Much of life in the 1980's involved love and romance. Not today. Romance is dead. Nothing much in America today resonates in me, and it is becoming depressing. I engage in musical activity. My girlfriend's family had wisdom, because I am poor. My life has been laden with strife. Four years of depression at the loss of music, a job, and a girlfriend, and two cornea transplants. I have forgotten these ills. The depression though is seeping back. "No man is an island," but in today's America there is no cultural sustenance. Being a musician is being human, and the activity of playing music on an instrument is highly physical and spiritual. It is highly skilled and equally as celebratory as sports. Music no longer is important in America, because it has been hijacked by technology. (technology being internet providers and social media) Initially downloading music from the internet became a convenient and thus viable business acumen, but several decades later it has proven fatal. (MP3's are compressed and don't sound the same) We as a nation have forgotten what music is. It is a matter of perspective. Reality TV is not real music. The art and craft of music is no different than ever it was. It began with the Greeks who devised the scientific and mathematical fundamentals of audible pitched sound. They invented music theory based on the harmonic series. It is fascinating. Like most things today, because there are no jobs, America has turned her back on the Humanities. I understand trying to train young people to find real paying jobs, but with the onslaught of technology and smart phones, the substance of human existence has diminished. To put it in a nutshell human life is moving toward a cyber existence or virtual reality. This has been the push, and this change has destroyed the economy of America for the masses. I am an avid computer user, and I love what it can do, but computers should not take the place of live music. Real music is learned in school with a formal education through a centuries old tradition of schooling. Wanting to sing on "America's Got Talent" and being magically transformed into a pop star is not realistic. Simon makes it seem that way, just like state lotteries make you spend your money foolishly. The Lottery is a joke. First it is ridiculous for one irresponsible person to get that much money. Second to call it as North Carolina does, an educational lottery, it is a lie. That money does not go to education, or teachers would be better paid. It is embezzled and siphoned off by corrupt politicians, before it gets to the school systems. No one should be spending their money on lottery tickets. There is no magic, and the way you become a formidable vocalist or musicians is to train. I have matriculated at three major universities. To me musicians no longer are understood or supported in everyday life. For me to sustain my musical inclinations, I must listen to and play music. The population in general prefers you to be seen and not heard. When I do either of these things in my home, play recorded music of many styles, or play music on keyboards, the neighbors are disturbed. I have discovered that most of them have no understanding of music. They just don't get it, and certainly they don't understand the music in which I am interested. I am white, but always I have played black music. My father played "standards" on the piano in the style of George Shearing, and it rubbed off. I majored in music at UNC-Chapel Hill, got a B.M.E. degree, and am certified to teach K-12 music in pubic school. The later chapters in my musical vocation have molded me into an arranger, composer, and performing musician. I have studied the complete history of jazz, I play Gospel organ, and I play trumpet and electric bass. I love the Blues and feel it should be a core part of every musician's repertoire. If you can't feel the blues in one way or another (and there are many) then you musical expression will be stunted. For me music always has been life. Life without music is life in America today. It is dead. It is communist. It is oppressed. It is limited. It is flat. It is boring. It is selfish. Playing music in an ensemble is an experience that should be revered, because it teaches life skills. It is no wonder America is becoming a fractured, violent, and unfair. We are not teaching the things we need to be teaching, because school employees are are trying to avoid mass shootings. I was told today that my yard now is a danger zone, because it offers access to the playground of the school. The perimeter of the playground has become a war zone. This is paranoid. Many don't understand the language of Jazz or Gospel. They call it devil music simply because it reaches into the depths of your soul. Expressing one's self is threatening to others. Your spirit upsets their demons. One thing that has been forgotten is that the only way for real music to be actualized is to have been heard. When you perform it, you need to understand what it sounds like. I missed this boat as a youngster. I heard my father's music, and it was enough to inspire me to be a musician, but America's history has a wealth of artistic recorded music. It is one of our biggest national attributes, and yet it is forgotten, neglected, and ignored. Radio was the appropriate vehicle for the dissemination of live and recorded music. The internet or satellite is not effective. Music is not digital. It is analog and human, but the human aspect of music has been lost. The traditional places where music was provided, clubs, are few. I try to use my home as a place for music, but fervently it is rejected by my neighbors. They must not get it, and I have to get angry to overcome their passive aggression about denying music. It upsets their demons. Perhaps the world has become too volatile for people to have time to process they real effects of artistic music. It distracts them from making a living. It's like having parents who want the house quiet, and I can understand that. America has been hijacked by cheap foreign interests, and true American tenets are getting lost. It is "Cancel Culture." "The Sporting Life" could be a questionable American behavior, but hard core pornography is rife on the internet. Human sexually is so skewed and exploitative, it would be difficult to understand the real thing. I agree with Sigmund Freud. The "Id" is a quintessential component of human nature, as it is in Mother Nature. Life is not worth living without sexual expression, unless you are enslaved. This oppressive existence is where America is headed, but real music could save us.
Keeping It in Perspective
Covid 19's greatest impact on America is perspective. The most specifically effected system within America's infrastructure is our monetary system. Why is it that America is being attacked from all angles, rather than being supported? Have we lost faith in America and the American way? It would seem so, if no one is taking the time to invest in, shore up, or support the "American Way." We have lost the perspective of the "American way." Why are we being attacked? Why is a small band of extreme right radical elected officials trying to bring down the nation? I do not know the breadth of a government shut down, but we have had them before. Parks are closed. Museums are closed. Is it true the the salaries of the military are effected? Consciously allowing the federal government to shut down is the opposite of what elected leaders should be doing. It is a ploy to undermine American democracy. Less government. It is borderline terrorist. Undermining the government and not allowing it to function is an attack from within the system. It is being sanctioned by Donald Trump. I didn't know what "gas lighting" was until Donald Trump and his influx of extreme right radical operatives. They are attacking the American government from within. If a deadly disease shuts down America (and we all ready have short attention spans) it would be easy to forget how America is suppose to function. That is with freedom and not tyranny. We have moved closer to tyranny in this skewing of perspective, which also is "gas lighting." It is denying truth, or history, or science, or all of academia. It is saying, "Anything goes," because we are in control. The abstract consequence of this loss of perspective is value. More succinctly it is the value of money, the American dollar. Americans are being manipulated to pay more and think it is the appropriate value. Does anyone remember when a fast food value meal was under $5.00? This rise in the prices of fast food could be considered a result of inflation from Covid, but I think not. I believe it is true that Covid dealt a severe blow to the world's economic system, and we have not recovered. This mediocrity of goods and services is being made to seem nominal, because we are losing perspective. The "American Way" was an example of how to do things well, honestly, and with freedom. It was not tyrannical or authoritarian. Our democracy was the goal and quest of the world but no longer. Perhaps our forays into Middle Eastern oil through the Bush cartel turned sentiments against us? This is when America was attacked on her home soil for the first time in recent history. We have no recovered from the ramifications of the Persian Gulf War, our occupation of Afghanistan, and the implementation of Globalism, which basically sold out the American economy for cheaper labor. Until we begin to produce products again and create our own unique GNP, the dollar will remain weak and prices will remain high. Fast food restaurants are now ghost towns. I don't understand how they stay in business operating in such a stagnated business acumen. Lack of resources or supplies. Lack of workers, and lack of patrons. If they lowered prices back to reasonable levels, where American could afford to eat there, then business would improve. At the moment America is floundering in most ways, and there is no solution in sight. It is because we have thwarted a Communist overthrow by a hair, and the workings of this attempted coup continue within the federal government at the behest of Donald Trump. If I hear the media say one more time that Donald Trump is the front runner of the GOP in the upcoming 2024 Presidential race. What they are doing is proclaiming that half of America are traitors wanting to destroy American democracy. We have an influx of Communist sympathizers, which is nothing new. Once America highly was concerned with political support of the Communist Party, but again we have lost perspective. While we have been fighting for our lives against Covid, Communism has infiltrated America. Its effects are tangible and Third World. Our cities are turning into ghettos. The homeless are multiplying and roaming the streets, and most of this is being caused by economic disparity. It's the economy in America that needs repairing, and Merrick Garland and the Justice Department have their hands full as our saviors. It's called "White Collar" crime. The headline today was, "A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets." If he is the front runner of the GOP in the upcoming Presidential election, then the members of the GOP condone and probably participate in this illegal behavior. Many of them have been elected to the House of Representatives. Governmental corruption therefore should be of high concern. Possibly the most effecting lack of perspective is that of public health. Not only has Covid assaulted Americans, corporate America does not care about the health of its consumers. If it did it would consider the environment. They are doing everything in their power to dismantle governmental regulatory agencies making pollution easier. When did it become vogue to destroy the people and planet upon which life relies? This only can be Satan, but Satan manifests himself through human form. It is the only way to quantify warring, murderous, violence. If Jesus, the Son of God, is who spread Christianity throughout the world, then sorely we need His message again now. With the onslaught of "Cancel Culture," the disguising of purely American cultural heritage, it would be difficult to discern the "American Way." There can be no doubt that corporate monopolies are responsible for the controlling of information. Media in particular are guilty for trying to hoard and control the free flow of information. More specifically the internet is their tool of choice, and it is streaming. Digital content streamed by a provider is subject to manipulation, and before long we will not be able to tell reality from artificially generated images. A.I. will implement through video media. Through-the-air television signals are a more difficult target for propaganda, although most advertising today on free TV is deceptive and manipulative. We have lost perspective of good and evil and right and wrong, and the media once was able to police themselves. Everything in America that is American it would seem is under attack. When my family purchased our house in Van Story Hills subdivision, we were attracted to the property because it abutted an elementary school playground. Both of my parents were school teachers, so education was a part of our blood. Never was this considered detrimental, and the local neighborhood school children once walked home through this path. There are surrounding woods, but these woods were our playground. With a new school principal, suddenly the adjoining yards she is considering a "war zone" and as a possible infiltration point for a school shooter. The safety of school children is of utmost concern, and I can understand this perspective. From those who live in these houses and are more familiar with the neighbors, this is an extreme perspective. My property and yard are being criticized, because it adjoins a school playground. If a school cannot exist in a neighborhood where parents and students live, where should it be located? Military compounds are not the idea upon which our system of public education was created. This is unAmerican. It is Communist. The underlying philosophy attacking America's freedom simply is Communism, a militaristic authoritarian form of dictatorship. Donald Trump wants to be that dictator. How can he be the candidate of choice for the GOP in the upcoming Presidential election? The answer is those who support him seek the same goal, to destroy American freedom and opportunity. This is accomplished by the disparity in the economy and the the unbalanced accumulation of wealth. For America to work again, the economy and its philosophies must support everyone. As of now it is being attacked for the continued gain of the wealthy.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Political Maneurvering of the Worst Kind
Ruthless politics serve no one but the weak. Strong people with a stalwart acceptance of God have no reason to sling mud. It is not possible for man alone to carry the burden of the universe. On our meager Earth as early Americans discovered, life is difficult. Query the Lost Colony. America has been led awry of a true understanding of human life. The Capitalist free market has us addicted to their meager products and believing that violent warring video games are an example of life. We have lost track of the important things in petty attempts at survival. Washington, DC has not set a good example. It has spiraled into a partisan, ruthless, indignant quest for control of the peoples' money. Producing anything of real value to human life has become secondary, and cheap Chinese products have tainted our homes. The idea of how to invest, shore up, and plan for our future has been replaced with immediate gratification. We have become a disposable society. I learned as a child that cheaply made tools, toys, or vehicles benefit no one. My family was too frugal to be able to buy many new things, so I struggled with poorly functioning things. My father and I spent almost as much time fixing our Trail 70 minibike as riding it. Consequently I refuse to buy cheap poorly made products. I prefer to invest in a quality product that will last a long time. Perhaps American-made appliances served this purpose? Made in America. I am too young to really understand this notion, but because America is importing cheap Chinese-made products, the difference has become discernible. Better products are made from better components. That means metals, not plastic. Plastic, while its strength in certain applications is desirable, has become problematic for the Earth. More precisely it has been man's inability to manage his own refuse that has exacerbated the problem. I have come to realize plastic in most shapes and forms is destructive to humanity and the environment, and I don't like it. It dominates my kitchen, cuts my skin, mocks my abilities, and scorns materials that are natural to the Earth. I would use paper and glass for most things if given a choice. Plastic is a thermal insulator, so bottling liquids in plastic makes your fridge less efficient. Glass on the other hand is a conductor of temperature and keeps your milk and juice colder. Having a milk man deliver fresh milk to your doorstep in a glass bottle? Better on all accounts but scorned today, because our priorities in life in America have become so skewed. We don't know what is important. A glass of orange juice a day freshly juiced from fresh oranges grown in Florida? Misunderstood that a glass of OJ has your daily needed does of vitamin C. We prefer addictive soda pop. Original Americans who were one with the land are more wise. If Washington leadership were wise, they would understand the gravity of Senator Tommy Tuberville's blocking of military promotions. Regardless of the reasoning, freezing the command of America's military is a breech of national security. Veteran officers want to retire and must pass the torch of leadership to new charges. Mr. Tuberville's refusal to cooperate has placed military leadership in limbo threatening the security of the United States. In effect he is blocking the peaceful transfer of power of the United States government through the military. How is it possible one senator could wield such power? It has something to do with abortion? We have lost track of the priorities of human life.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Dear Diary
My monthly Walmart run culminated in a DVD of the movie "True Grit," (starring Jeff Bridges), four MERV 5 air filters for our home HVAC system, and three bottles of Omeprazole (which the physician to the King of Spain instructed me to, "Take for life.") It became an important shopping trip, but I had not planned it. Inadvertently I knew I needed to change the house's two air filters, but I had hedged. When I extracted the old filters I was amazed as usual as to how clogged they were. They were completely inundated with black dust blocking the flow of air. I should have slept better last night, but I had to "prepare" the house for the cleaning ladies who come on Tuesday. This always is disruptive of my day, because my normal routine of hygiene and nutrition is upset. I wing it, and so here I sit in a coffee house sipping a medium cafe latte. I had no real desire to blog on the laptop, because I shot my wad yesterday addressing serious world issues. I am suffering from mild fatigue, and I have not discovered its source. Quality sleep would help, but when Robin Sage is active at Fort Liberty, good luck. My most recent chapter of chores has been attempting to sustain a working well pump in our backyard. My mother had a well dug over twenty years ago, and it has continue to produce water all of this time. In February of 2023 we experienced an unexpected freeze which came out of nowhere. For the first time ever the impeller on the pump froze. It needed replacing. Because of Covid and its resulting lack of supplies, the Myer pump we had had most of this time was not available. Instead we got a Sta Rite, a cheaper brand made by the same manufacturer. Eventually it worked, but four months in it developed a leak spewing rusty colored water over its elbow joint. While it might be repairable, my instincts see the pump failing because of a rusted out impeller casing. Wagers? I was able to find the Myers pump online in New Jersey, and I bought it proactively. It sits menacingly in the foyer waiting to be installed. I decided to let the Sta Rite continue on its path undisturbed. I am rebuilding my home MIDI/recording studio, and I was in need of quality MIDI cables. I am on hold waiting for these important cables to finish part of the installation. More to come.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
That's the Fact Jack (about Fayettenam)
While I penned a prospectus about the mayoral race in Fayetteville, North Carolina, I failed to lay out the specific issues key to this election. It has become the status quo in America and particularly of the GOP to have NO issues. Openly this anachronistic quorum based their republican campaigns on "mojo." It is as if they feel all things are right and good in America, because they are wealthy and powerful. Why change? If they took the time to listen or observe their constituencies, a different picture would emerge. Representing the people, once a core tenet of the Constitution, now has mutated into oligarchy. This transformation was not at the behest of the American people. This faction rebelled against the people, and they are traitors. If we look more closely, foreign influences would emerge. Chinese buying parcels of land around American military bases. The sale of American corporations like Monsanto and Chemours to the Chinese. This should be disturbing, because although we have not had a domestic war recently, this covert attempted coup is at full throttle through corporate America. When a company wants to get out and get rich, they sell to the Chinese. It is opportune. It is a mistake, and we are paying. Three major things have degraded the quality of life in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The first I have been blogging about for two decades, and only has it continued to erode everyday life for the citizens of Cumberland County. It is railroad, and it began with John Snow and the merger of Seaboard Coastline with Chessie into CSX-T. (which now is CSX) He built America's spaghetti bowl system into a monster and used AC traction to do it. When Hunter Harrison, the railroad magnate who transformed the Canadian National, was hired by CSX-T, he brought with him "Precision Scheduled Railroading." Life has not been the same since. He died shortly after, but his predecessor is hard at works raping and pillaging the American landscape and collecting stock dividends for share holders. Profuse, unmitigated, unregulated freight railroading has ruined the quality of life in America. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. There is a three mile long freight train blocking every grade crossing. Better not have a heart attack, because you will die, because the ambulance cannot get to you." In addition the implementation of "Locotrol," remotely- controlled diesel/electric locomotives spread throughout a long train, further has polluted America with infrasound, vibration, and electromagnetic radiation. They are playing with Lionel .027 gauge toy trains, but the consequences of the pollution from these trains is the most severe thing ever to effect American quality of life. Yes, some locomotives are EPA Tier 4 compliant, but when asked to study the intermodulation of radio signals atop a Dash 9 locomotive, it was impossible. The antenna rails are so full of high powered transmitting and receiving devices, there was no way even to recognize a commercial radio signal. These trains are ambulant power generating plants and tranmitters that can power small cities, yet they have free access to every nook and cranny of our lives. Their infrastructure is upon what cities are built. When they exploit these resources with no thought for American life, who most likely don't use their products, it is an atrocity. My ears never stop ringing from tinnitus, and now instead of a consist passing and moving on, it is spread out over the length of the train. When the software fails, America will stop ticking. Fayetteville never had commercial aircraft strafe the city until Piedmont reemerged with their hub in Charlotte. Now their direct flights to Charlotte have grievous consequences for the resident of Fayetteville. It is up to the mayor and the city council to mitigate a set of rules for the airport, and we have none. Fayetteville is a whore for Piedmont and the Aberdeen and Rockfish shortline railroad. They should rebrand themselves the Aberdeen and Fayetteville, because here is where they do business with their antiquated, two stroke, turbo-charged GP jalopies. Once it was a train a day at 10:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. Now they begin shunting cars at 4:30 a.m. beside Manna Church to downtown. I assume they believe everyone who lives near Cross Creek Mall is in the military, so they get up at this hour. For the rest of the average citizens, their vibration is disruptive and annoying, the knock of these two stroke, turbo-charged, prime movers from the 1960's. Likewise I am sucking on the jet exhaust of an Embraer ERJ-145 flying at 3000 feet above most of the affluent neighborhoods in Fayetteville beginning at 5:00 a.m. This particular "Red Eye" flight thinks you are asleep in your bed, so he doesn't take the time to climb to a suitable altitude after take off. I am violently shaken out of bed every time the pilot does this. This did not used to happen in Fayetteville when Ed Grannis was living. Whose great idea it was to bring an Apache attack helicopter firing range to Fort Bragg? Twin turbo shaft engines ten at a time with millimeter wave targeting systems? They never have to fire a round, because the radiation from these sensor arrays is a non-lethal weapon. You know they are there, and they like it. Life in Fayetteville is a continual war zone, and "That's the fact, Jack!"
Economic Disparity in a Military Town
With the emergence of the Persian Gulf War, Fayetteville, North Carolina struggled to survive. The lack of military patrons proved the economy of Fayetteville is reliant upon military dollars. Therefore a working relationship between Fayetteville leadership and Fort Liberty leadership is key. In the past a healthy dynamic has existed between these two. When Ground Forces Command originally came to Fort Bragg they brought with them a performing musical contingency with many faces. Under the leadership of Danial Toven the Ground Forces Band forged a liaison with with the city of Fayetteville. Their many performing ensembles entertained the citizens of Fayetteville at Festival Park, a rather new performance space which took the place of the old USO building. A concerted effort to promote patriotism, camaraderie, and fellowship between the base and the city of Fayetteville was launched. As time has passed this relationship is dwindling. Diplomacy between the two has not been a priority, and contrarily a divide has emerged with Fort Liberty existing as a self-sustaining megalopolis. I-295 created the line of demarcation for the base. It has been a virulent seven years since Donald Trump infiltrated the White House, and nothing has been the same. Solidarity in America has waned, and Mr. Trump has championed factionalism instead dividing America into warring tribes. It was an extreme agenda reminiscent of the Jim Crow Era in American history. Although the Union won the Civil War, after federal troops withdrew from New Orleans segregation was enacted, and guerilla warfare continued against freed slaves. Lynching was commonplace, the murdering of African Americans for diversion. The argument for and against "Woke" politics considers this ill bred history. How could Americans (and others) enslave another race and demand they work for free? Of course this model dates back to antiquity, thus slavery was a common practice for man. That does not make it right. It took one of America's greatest presidents to drive this point home, and hundreds of thousands of able American men lost their lives fighting for this cause. The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, but trying to integrate into white society was no cup of tea for persecuted and oppressed people. The American South defined itself as purveyors of slavery, and they built their fortunes upon the backs of African slaves tending their plantations. The rice fortune of Charleston, South Carolina is an example of this iniquity. Today "Woke" politics seeks to find retribution for this cultural phenomenon. Does it make sense to continue to carry this torch for wrong doing as an example of life, or is it better to move on? Perhaps closure can be achieved if the new generation of slavers finally is recognized, indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. The removal of Donald Trump from the public eye is crucial for the recovery of a free America. It is difficult to understand the severity of this behavior, lynching as entertainment or empowerment for weak minds. It should be considered as a grievous failure of America's system of public education. When did educating our population become so daunting? The answer is because a particular faction of separatists, modern slavers, want this. They desire ignorance, violence, and barbarianism because it is easier to control. While the masses are killing one another the tills of America are being raided. This is happening now, and Washington, DC is the place. Thirty trillion dollars worth of debt and climbing. We have lost our minds. A hearty and robust civics curriculum would be in order to remember how human beings live together. It is not as a herd of cattle addicted to smart phones and losing the ability of Socratic thinking. Trust no one, but that is a grievous loss. Christianity is fellowship, and once it was honest and good. Today it is wise to understand your fellow men are suffering from mental illness, manipulation, coercion, and isolation. Covid was a part of this campaign. To get America healthy again detoxification is necessary. We have to understand and we have to act. Everything is working against this, because America's people are being hindered at every turn. Our food supply is tainted and unhealthy, thus Americans grossly are overweight. Our educational system has been invaded, and proper relevant knowledge is difficult to find. Our environment, the air, our water, and our atmosphere is rife with magnetic electricity which is part of the cause of our illness. Most of what has become status quo American life now is hazardous and sometimes fatal. No one cares. Men are mutating into women and vice versa, but we justify this aberrant mutation as freedom of choice. I think God must cringe when he views what has become of the human species. Human beings are not as diverse and different as we like to believe. We were created by God in His image and by His design. Our indignation that we have a Savior is mystifying. Those who believe man is sacrosanct will burn in hell fire for eternity when Jesus visits the earth in His second coming. Those who believe will be transported to a new planet, and it was not built by Elon Musk.
Technology and War
The upcoming mayoral race in Fayetteville, North Carolina is a perfect forum for addressing the radical political and socioeconomic turn in America since the outbreak of Covid 19. While Donald Trump ushered in the extreme far-right faction of the Republican National Party (GOP), the sequestering of America from the dissemination of a deadly airborne pathogen allowed governmental and corporate malfeasance to thrive. We have not recovered, and this full frontal assault continues against the people in a more covert and heinous badgering of everyday life. While we may not be able to question the motives of a seeming spontaneously erupting virulent disease, the continuing assault on the American people has reached absurd proportions. What just and moral person would sanction oppressive and severe economic inequality to a point of utter poverty governed by a communist-inspired autocracy? America is at that juncture, simply because the strife created by this ensuing poverty incites desperation, malevolence, and violence. America, because of socioeconomic inequality, has digressed from her once representative and exemplary stature to a metaphor for civil or revolutionary rebellion. It is important to revisit the dire consequences of war for the population of a nation. War only is a tool of economic oppression to the masses and benefits the oligarchy. Only when you have amassed such substantial wealth could you begin to believe the population no longer is necessary. Such a narcissistic, egotistical, and unchristian view only is the perspective of one thing. Its name is Satan, and its goal is to destroy the world. To believe that the American oligarchy of corporate control deserves to rape and pillage our nation while serving only themselves is blasphemy. We have beat Covid down with a stick, but the human acts of pure evil continue with no possible quantification. The pure assault on America's public education system culminating in brutal, murderous, war like offensives killing innocent children in a former place of inspiration, refuge, and enlightenment is inexplicable. If we cannot recognize this evil, this pure disdain for the future citizens of America, then we have migrated to the realm of the macabre, criminally insane, and physiologically and psychologically mutated. This is a good time to take that cell phone away from your ear. America is on the brink of a stampede hurling toward the cliff. If we cannot break our addictions cold turkey, then our fate may be sealed. These addictions have morphed into our lives, because the oligarchy has forsaken our American geography. The once plentiful and affirming accoutrements of human life serially have been revoked, the culmination now being economic poverty. We have stripped every possible self-sustaining resource from the hands of Americans and instead sell them to us. With what are we to use in trade when inflation continues to drive Americans into debt and ensuing poverty? These are strategies of war, and it would seem war is the desired outcome in America, a domestic war among the people. We are on the hook, because those with remaining vestiges of sanity, scope, and wisdom are becoming fewer. It is the duty of elected officials to understand these challenges and understand that former trusted, honest, and Christian institutions, civil, governmental, and corporate have begun to conspire against the American people. They no longer need us, so it has become easier to ethnically cleanse. America once invested in her future leadership knowing that the children will inherit the responsibilities of survival. It would seem the survival of the Earth and her people no longer is important. There is only one thing that personifies this perspective. It is Satan, and his evil only manifests itself in human form. It is in front of us every day in the media. If one were running for mayor of the sewer of Fort Liberty, what would be the issues? One is Fayetteville has been forsaken for Ground Forces Command. As the wealthy and influential generation becomes extinct, there is nothing to fill the void of society. Young Fayettevillians rarely stay here, because middle class, cultural, business, and artistic opportunities are scant. America as a whole in its assault on its people has abandoned small business in favor of corporate monopoly. We are a pool of fish to be fed, and the Amazon warehouse is here. When Base Re-alignment and Closure projected their wish list of the American military, they did not consider the people of Fayetteville. Fayetteville is a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. The resulting ghetto of violence, desolation, and desperation is a dystopian nightmare. It is the training for war that incites this dynamic in the people of Fayetteville. How can a community resist a corporate desire for war as an economic plan? War is not the answer, because war assaults our people. Sending the youngest, strongest, most probable men to their deaths is a strategy of lunacy. It is a guerilla tactic enacted within the facade of the organized military. This has been happening since an American traitor became the President and Commander in Chief. Big Brother has emerged as an amalgam of government, military and corporate America. It has absorbed the free market under the ruse of Covid and set the wheels of American communism in motion. Donald Trump aspired to be its dictator. If a mayoral candidate ignored the overwhelming demise of American freedom, then what would be the more proximal issues? The oppression of the people of Fayetteville must stop, but it is difficult when our Governor continues to use the state of North Carolina as a cheap whore for the military industrial complex. We deserve more than that, because the issue is money. Money is not everything. If we restored the geography and natural resources of America, then several notable things could happen. We would not need to sell water to the people, and we wouldn't need all of those plastic bottles which are killing us and our oceans. If we could wake each day without the weight of hundreds of thousands of pounds of moving freight. If we could breathe in and not inhale noxious carbon emissions from commercial aircraft. If our tactile and nervous sensibilities were not overstimulated from aberrant airborne electromagnetic energy. If the model of the human organism were revered, respected, and supported rather than undermined, mocked, and scorned. If human love were recognized as the pinnacle of human happiness. If we respected our Creators design and model of human life. A homeless day shelter that seeks to provide charging stations for cellular phones is the metaphor for complete civil failure and addiction. Cold turkey is the only solution for America, and it is from technology and war.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Trump's True Place
Once journalism was a respected discipline. Covid put the kibosh on many American professional and cultural habits. Covid single-handedly may have delivered the most severe and dire threat to our democracy in recent history. It was the ultimate Trump card. Just the sight of Trump's hair eerily summons Kim Jong Un. Kim Jong Un frequented an Iowa football game, where he was booed. In tow with him were his paid MAGA work force traveling on the bus getting paid to support him. The real public have a different reaction. The diversity of democracy and its implied free market are under attack. This freedom to maneuver is what the Communists loathe. So deep and so interesting the evolved palette of freedom is. American Popular Music. Television. Film. More specifically Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Rock 'n' Roll, Soul, Disco, Country and Western, Rockabilly, Gospel, Heavy Metal, Punk, New Wave, Techno, and more. These three things, music, television, and film defined America as a global economic super power. We were good at them. Transplanted Jews who survived Hitler's Holocaust created Hollywood as therapy and solstice for their grief. If we take what is handed us by others, we will perish. To survive and be happy we must use our creativity to seek a more enlightened life. This creativity and thus fulfillment also flourishes in other disciplines, but many of these have become compromised leading up to the Trump Presidency. Doubting science, one humanity, as an excuse for corporate malfeasance is dastardly and disruptive. The reason America cannot get back on track is because environmental pollution of the electronic age has become prolific. The once clean and solid playing field upon which America thrived is mined. There are cataclysmic deterrents at every turn. Covid is one of them, and perhaps it solely is the most severe and dire threat to our democracy in recent history. I believe it came from the Wuhan Labs sanctioned by the United States, and after this deadly pathogen was developed they killed the messengers in true Cold War style. Those lab workers didn't die from an accident. They were murdered to cover the tracks of the instigators. They are the Chinese and us. The line of demarcation between America and communism has grown thin, and with the Trump ploy ridiculous. Communist infiltrators? Science? Global Warming? It's all idle speculation. One only has to look back at Hollywood film to see the truth, and this truth is being sequestered by newly emerging Big Brother. Corporate monopolies who control everything are Big Brother, and they don't have the people in mind. The media has been purchased like everything else (housing, small business, and health care) and they are being told what to do. The only way to thwart this Invasion of the Body Snatchers is to resist the invasion by finding a plural voice representative of the American people. We have lost this voice. This voice once was the Mainstream. This Mainstream was synthesized by America's Popular Music, Television, and Film. Without them, we have no voice. There is no unifying purely American dynamic to our lives anymore. The reason we are in survival mode is because the Earth, our playing field, is sick with Covid. As a population we have been too ill to police the planet, and as we sheltered in place corporate malfeasance thrived. Trump used his four years in the Presidency to shore up the ploy. Science? Global Warming? "It's all a hoax! I'll save you! Trust me!" See where he is now.
Friday, September 01, 2023
The Walking Dead
Barack Obama sheepishly confided that Mitch McConnell was the only Washingtonian he knew with a complete lack of moral conscience. As he stumbles toward his resignation from the Senate, the piranhas will be swarming to manipulate his vote and significant life long influence at the U.S. Capital. I watched Ronald Reagan develop senility or dementia while President, and Nancy often began to prod him on what to say to the press. It isn't sentimental. It is significant, because with so many critical issues at play America needs a sane and thinking representative. The end is near for America's foray into its Theater of the Absurd. As people continue to die from disease, pestilence, poverty, and extreme weather events the time for integrity is now. We cannot risk more narcissistic charades, because we are gambling with the Earth. We could continue to believe that video games are reality, and extreme heat magically will disappear, but enough with the fantasy. The Night of the Living Dead is now, until you put down the phone. I read two absurd thoughts on FB recently. One purported that no human could "feel" another human's emotions. The second was it was not possible for us to return to a simpler life without technological amenities. Both are ignorantly off base. Anyone that could believe their feelings somehow are a vessel unto themselves is a Trump-following narcissist. Such a view is an antithesis of human existence, and it is the perfect metaphor for the LGBT community. "We are so special." Twenty centuries since the birth of Christ, two thousand years, and only LGBT people have lived what they are living. It is called sheltered, naive, and ignorant. I yearn for the day when the smart phone melts into a smoldering pile of junk. It is time to focus on more relevant things. Plant a garden. Cook a meal. Write a song. Build a bird house. That infernal phone could be the unraveling of the entire human race. I got rid of cable TV, and it makes me WORK to achieve equilibrium. Spiritually I am not happy, but that is because I am reflecting the spiritually around me. There is little. A smartphone cannot and will not shore up your soul. Soul building like revolution is in the muscles. When your environment pitches you shit, your job is to deflect it. It is counter intuitive. We want to feel like a part of our community. We want to fit in. We want to be liked, but the reality is there is nothing there. We are on our own.