Thursday, September 21, 2023

Political Maneurvering of the Worst Kind

 Ruthless politics serve no one but the weak.  Strong people with a stalwart acceptance of God have no reason to sling mud.  It is not possible for man alone to carry the burden of the universe.  On our meager Earth as early Americans discovered, life is difficult.  Query the Lost Colony.  America has been led awry of a true understanding of human life.  The Capitalist free market has us addicted to their meager products and believing that violent warring video games are an example of life.  We have lost track of the important things in petty attempts at survival.  Washington, DC has not set a good example.  It has spiraled into a partisan, ruthless, indignant quest for control of the peoples' money.  Producing anything of real value to human life has become secondary, and cheap Chinese products have tainted our homes.  The idea of how to invest, shore up, and plan for our future has been replaced with immediate gratification.  We have become a disposable society.  I learned as a child that cheaply made tools, toys, or vehicles benefit no one.  My family was too frugal to be able to buy many new things, so I struggled with poorly functioning things.  My father and I spent almost as much time fixing our Trail 70 minibike as riding it.  Consequently I refuse to buy cheap poorly made products.  I prefer to invest in a quality product that will last a long time.  Perhaps American-made appliances served this purpose?  Made in America.  I am too young to really understand this notion, but because America is importing cheap Chinese-made products, the difference has become discernible.  Better products are made from better components.  That means metals, not plastic.  Plastic, while its strength in certain applications is desirable, has become problematic for the Earth.  More precisely it has been man's inability to manage his own refuse that has exacerbated the problem.  I have come to realize plastic in most shapes and forms is destructive to humanity and the environment, and I don't like it.  It dominates my kitchen, cuts my skin, mocks my abilities, and scorns materials that are natural to the Earth.  I would use paper and glass for most things if given a choice.  Plastic is a thermal insulator, so bottling liquids in plastic makes your fridge less efficient.  Glass on the other hand is a conductor of temperature and keeps your milk and juice colder.  Having a milk man deliver fresh milk to your doorstep in a glass bottle?  Better on all accounts but scorned today, because our priorities in life in America have become so skewed.  We don't know what is important.  A glass of orange juice a day freshly juiced from fresh oranges grown in Florida?  Misunderstood that a glass of OJ has your daily needed does of vitamin C.  We prefer addictive soda pop.  Original Americans who were one with the land are more wise.  If Washington leadership were wise, they would understand the gravity of Senator Tommy Tuberville's blocking of military promotions.  Regardless of the reasoning, freezing the command of America's military is a breech of national security.  Veteran officers want to retire and must pass the torch of leadership to new charges.  Mr. Tuberville's refusal to cooperate has placed military leadership in limbo threatening the security of the United States.  In effect he is blocking the peaceful transfer of power of the United States government through the military.  How is it possible one senator could wield such power?  It has something to do with abortion?  We have lost track of the priorities of human life.