It was surprising to find a program on PBS this evening that addressed a truly American phenomenon. It was about how energy shaped the entertainment industry. It talked about cinema and how moving pictures were so important in American culture. We used to contribute to PBS and public radio, but as their funding got cut and programming declined, we stopped. Talk radio or Reality TV have no place in the Public Broadcasting System. It has been infiltrated like every other tenet of American business. One would think certain institutions would prevail over time, but we are seeing every component of American life invaded by evil. I have a friend who continues to contend that Donald Trump is not as significant as I say. Although I credit many predecessors to the decline of the American Way, I feel Donald Trump has been the most destructive bringing division, violence, and evil to our nation. I am learning there were others, but no one has tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in our lifetimes. He says he is just a cog in the machine of the rich, and there are many other more significant players. I assume these are Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdoch, and Roger Ailes. The Koch Brothers also sit at the card table, although I think one of them recently died. The rich wanting more isn't anything new, but we never have had a President quite like Donald Trump. The felonies keep accruing, and now the most startling blow to the Trump empire is transpiring. The sentiment I sense is pity, because those who support Trump equally are as deluded as him. It doesn't seem to matter that he screws other people out of money. I have learned this about doctors. They don't care about your illnesses, and they don't try to help you. They just take your money and often make you worse. This is a startling revelation to me, and something I never have experienced before. It may not be this way everywhere. It seems to be where I live. The world is cold and brutal, so we better get used to it. I could tune out off of this negativity and try to live in my own little protected bubble, but unfortunately my chosen vocation doesn't allow it. It is too much effected by the direct results of corporate and governmental greed and corruption. The lives of the American people in general are so infiltrated, so scrutinized, and so controlled we would be accurate to change, discount, or ignore the Constitution. American freedom has been infringed upon so greatly by economic manipulation, what was offered our forefathers is a scant dream on the pages of a moldy novel. The rich who are holding the puppet strings of Donald Trump want to abolish American cultural history and gaslight us into accepting what we have now. This has created a substantial battle in my own personal life. Never could I have guessed that corporate pollution could effect my vocation, but it does. It does and in a myriad of ways. How can it be that when making music in the privacy of my own home my neighbors are disturbed? After a lengthy concerted effort to improve the living conditions in our home (which have been successful), how is it possible these improvements become moot with the push of the throttle, the take off of a jet, or the training of military personnel at the local military base? It is because these things have one thing in common. They all use and produce sound and electromagnetic waves, and with the Presidency of Bill Clinton now they use all frequencies of these waves to the extreme detriment of human health. This is a doctoral thesis of itself, but a Google search of GWEN (or the Ground Wave Emergency Network) could explain it. You don't want the earth to be a conductor of sound or radio waves if we, the human race desire a healthy life. The earth is ours, and God would not have wanted it to be exploited in this way. PSA pilots fly with impunity directly above our homes spewing black microdust and toxic carbon gas in addition to the infrasonic pressure and now phased array radar in their nose domes. (Radome) Trains, planes, and now drones and every other controllable toy have begun to be transmitters of dangerous microwave frequency energy. Combining huge infrasound waves you cannot hear with undulating magnetic, electric, and heated energy is a formula for disaster and eventually death. What once was called the environment in political arenas has been sacrificed to the gods of wealthy corporate America. They have exploited the planet almost to a point of no return, and the human population has become an army of the walking dead. We are so anesthetized from polluted air, polluted water, and now an electrified and vibrating earth, it should be of no surprise we are an ailing species. Consider the aesthetic of music which uses this air as its medium, and you are fighting a losing battle. Every aspect of my home music making process is invaded by these largely invisible and elusive gremlins. I have not been able to hear clearly for weeks as the army trains to deploy. My computers, DVD drives, CD players, and analog keyboard gear hiccup and struggle to overcome this aberrant airborne nuisance. Because our emotions and thoughts are electrical impulses (mostly in the low frequency range) this recent preponderance of infrasound and now low frequency alternating current from Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors in many devices, we are walking vessels of confusion. We cannot even determine what sex we are. It has been known for decades that electromagnetic waves in certain frequencies of the spectrum can cause cancer. The duality of these waves, both electrical and magnetic existing in two different planes, bombard human cells, make them unstable, and cause them to mutate into cancer. Cancer organizations don't want a cure, because they will lose their government funding. It would seem this is the time America needs another "NWA." If no one knows what this is, it is an acronym for Niggas With Attitude, one of the first and most successful Rap groups which crossed the nation and spread a message of intolerance for corporate exploitation of normal American citizens. They were loud and they were proud, and Tipper Gore tried her best to squelch their message. America lacks a voice of any kind, because we are so fraught with sickness, anxiety, fear, distraction, separation, and worry. This is what they want, and making us feel this way is Donald Trump's plan for reelection. Holden Thorp told me early on that to be successful you have to provide the solution for a problem you yourself create. To be the savior, you have to create the problem. If Donald Trump has done anything successfully, this will be his legacy. He singlehandedly almost destroyed American democracy, and he is still trying.