Friday, December 03, 2021

Checking Out

In today's news, which to me was vague by its transmission, there were two discrete and continually heinous police shootings.  One somehow made it public on the web with body camera footage being posted for all to see.  This headline was on the Huffington Post website, so I scrolled down and voila!  There was this body cam footage of a uniformed officer of some kind shooting a black man in a wheelchair in the back multiple times in the doorway of a Lowes Home Improvement Center.  Barely could I believe my eyes.  There was hearsay of some kind that he had stolen a toolbox and pulled a knife.  Did this merit being shot in cold blood in the back six times?  Somehow it is not surprising, as although President Biden is trying diligently to improve the Conditions of America, still we are spiraling to our own demise.  To further complete my ensuing depressed mood after listening to bomb blasts all day while I cleaned the yard, vaguely I heard that SpaceX had launched yet another rocket into our sky with a payload of forty low altitude "internet" satellites.  All ready Elon Music has launched I believe the number is fifteen hundred satellites into our sky.  My mind is blown.  The primary question is, "How does an American businessman acquire world permission single-handed to control the world's sky?"  I ask again.  "How does one man, an American businessman, receive  permission to launch in chapters hundreds of personally owned satellites which will envelope the earth in a sky that is shared by all of the world's nations?"  Did the world give their consent to the FCC at the United Nations that Elon Musk would become the great Wizard of Oz?  I, in my complete lifetime, never have heard such an egregious infringement of human civil rights.  As well this realization confirms the corruption of the FCC.  What is the FCC?  How is it an American commission somehow has taken control of the world's airspace?  The news is scant, and slowly it has become nothing.  What we hear on the evening news is childish fodder trying to convince recalcitrant red state Republicans to get a vaccination.  How long must we hear this story?  It almost is as excruciating as hearing Monica Lewinsky's name as a headline for countless months during Bill Clinton's presidency.  Is this the best the Associate Press can do?  News reporting is dead.  With all of the cable news networks, countless programs, and twenty-four hour coverage, there is nothing to which to listen.  It is all contrived, incendiary, propaganda.  I am learning there is nothing to trust.  Print media may be the best choice purely because it costs money to produce.  Hearing that Skynet has become a reality is so depressing.  It is not like we don't have enough environment pollution all ready.  Add rockets to the mix and low orbiting satellites.  What the fuck?  Who did he pay off to receive this privilege?  Elon Musk's pockets are deep, and evidently he has paid off a lot of world leaders?  It was a con job, like the Norfolk/Southern "Green" campaign.  There is nothing green about an AC locomotive.  The only way it even comes close is if it has a GEVO prime mover, which were not stock in N/S engines.  This railroad resisted the AC conversion in 1990, and wisely chose to stick with their fleet of Dash 9 engines.  These mammoth heavy haulers have the invasive 7FDL engine which by itself with DC traction motors you will feel coming miles away.  That is bad enough.  Now Wabtech and MotivePower have convinced Norfolk Southern to convert these older locomotives to AC adding a high voltage cabinet, power inverters, and a new cloud of low frequency EMF's.  It is a shite state of affairs, and the Patriot Act under the manufactured terrorist threat allows Washington a blank check to do as they please under the auspices of war.  Luckily Joe Biden has stopped this abuse of authority, but the far reaching consequences of the Donald Trump presidency will go on for decades.  It is no wonder people are wanting to check out.