I have two overt things on my mind. I just forgot one, but certainly that will be at the pleasure of Big Brother. He doesn't want you to remember, but human memory is indispensable. Since I can't remember either thing, I will contribute, "Flying Under the Radar." With a quick Google search the information readily is available about aircraft positioning. I was curious about terrestrial radar and discovered rotating radar units at airports tasked with providing plane positions to air traffic controllers for about a perimeter of sixty miles. This data is upon what they rely to control incoming and outgoing air traffic at our airports. We don't want any collisions. There is in interesting Hollywood film about this subject starring Billy Bob Thornton and John Cusack. "Pushing Tin" humorously shows us the lives of two men working in this profession. I hear planes, and yet they are not showing up on the Flightaware website. No biggie. The military practices "Flying Under the Radar." When I am driving our Toyota Sienna van down Bragg Boulevard in the middle of the day and look over my shoulder, the only explanation for what I see is "Flying Under the Radar." Over my left shoulder just above the tree tops is a massive jet. I'll repeat. "Just above the tree tops." This image evidently is ensconced in my human memory, and never will it go away. People's memories and their emotional experiences are a core component of who they are. Although I reached a juncture in my life where I was forced to leave the past behind, eventually these memories and lessons of life will return. You will have a different filter engaged, and that is a good thing. Terrible things do happen for inexplicable reasons. Depression is one of them. When it hits you the first time this pain is inexplicable. It is pain that is real, because most everything in your daily life has been put asunder. Your immediate environment has disintegrated, and you have no day to day infrastructure. You have no immediate plans for your future. This is a daunting and disturbing scenario. Slaves in America learned to improvise for a similar reason. There are portions of our life that are based upon infrastructure. It might be our younger years are the most dependent, because spirituality that could carry us through a drastic loss has not yet been developed. When we are young still we have things to accomplish, and perhaps we are not yet comfortable with ourselves and our achievements. We have more to give. Improvisation, or making the best of your situation, is a useful tool. Also it could be described as multitasking over the long haul. These things are not about what I wanted to write this evening. Oh yes. One question I have is, "Who was buying the drugs from Barry Seal?" In the film "American Made" Tom Cruise plays professional pilot Barry Seal who was one of the most prolific drug runners in American history. He didn't produce the drugs, but he did distribute them from the manufacturer to the retailer. He smuggled these drugs into America through the Gulf of Mexico flying, "Below the Radar." It you flew your plane at a particularly low altitude, you were not visible to the airport network radar system. RASN. Radar airport system network. I am making up my own acronym. I read about this system last night, and it is in transition to a GPS-based network. Space borne satellites it would seem have become a more reliable source of aircraft positioning. I believe that traditional RADAR is being replaced with data sent in the microwave frequency. Microwaves. Since past President Bill Clinton solely is responsible for the entire cell phone industry (which has become wireless communications) and a major component of the American economy, let's thank him for this transition. Are microwaves better than RADAR? I need to Google what the frequency of radar is, because RADAR is a standing electromagnetic wave. I would say initially not having a standing electromagnetic wave in my garage is positive. The source of these standing waves is nebulous, and because lower frequencies modulate higher frequencies and also carry other frequencies, I overtly prefer not to have standing waves in my garage. Do microwaves stand? I do not know the answer to that question, and I am not going to Google the frequency of RADAR. Adding junk to space seems threatening to Earth's delicate ecological balance. We may not know it, but rocketing into and out of space continually cannot be good for the atmosphere. I heard on the news tonight that algae converts CO2 to oxygen, but algae sheets kill bodies of water. They were making something similar to green beer with algae, but they were using algae in a positive way. The green substance that grows on my driveway, on my patio, and all in my centipede grass has become invasive. Today I burned much of it, and consequently I have little grass left. So be it. Grass will grow back. The "Green Gungee" needs to stay away as does the black biofilm that also appeared on our driveway. The Jefferson Memorial dome in Washington, DC was beset with a similar problem. It's white marble dome turned black and slimy. They deduced that the substances on the dome were a combination of bacterial, fungus, and algae. Biofilm. This biofilm is what was growing on my patio and my driveway. Oh DeJoy! The price quoted for cleaning the Jefferson Memorial with lasers is tens of millions of dollars. I pressure washed mine, and it is working for the moment. They said, "Increased traffic at Reagan International Airport" may be a contributor to this unwanted phenomenon. Aircraft have made it a habit since 2011 of flying directly above our neighborhood. Ask the residents of Boulder how they feel about this. One of Donald Trump's appointed federal judges threw the case out on a whim. It was reported he did not even know the specifics of the case, that the exact moment the Coronavirus appeared in March was the month that air traffic changed in Colorado allowing commercial jet to fly directly above people's homes in neighborhoods. It would be easy to say they dropped the bomb and got the hell out of dodge, if you were a conspiracy kind of person. It is disconcerting having mostly unregulated air traffic free to fly wherever they please. Yes, they file rough flight plans, but often the destination is blank. Dejoy riding I would say. What I do know is everyday I peruse the Flightaware websight a new batch of small private planes run amuck over our homes. I have become familiar with some of these recurring aircraft, and one is the Sanderson Farms Gulfstream jet. Amazon sends FENIX over our neighborhood at 1:30 a.m. LabCorp flies its high tech expensive fleet of planes to ferry lab data and results to and from Washington, DC and other places. The planes freely that fly from south Florida to RDU at all hours of the morning? Who was buying the drugs carried by Barry Seal? Evidently he was rolling in the cash in the millions, and chartered quite a few financial institutions in Alabama to hold his money. (or they became chartered for him with his money) Whence did this money come? Who in the United States had the economic means to spend millions of dollars buying and distributing these drugs? We don't yet know the answer to this question. I would say the PSA Airlines "Blue Streak" jet I hear right now at one in the morning flying from Charlotte to Jacksonville probably has something to do with Camp Lejeune. (that sounds French) I guess those Marine officers are flying commercial. This, of course, only is speculation. The other helicopter I hear does not appear. What does any of this mean? I don't really know, except for America is very fickle and very hypocritical in her thinking, and the Republican Party and its minions are very selective in the freedoms they choose to legislate. Many of the freedoms of the American citizen slowly are being legislated away, and in their place corporate America has begun to run amuck. I don't feel it is appropriate for commercial jet traffic to be able to fly directly above my house, when previously this did not happen. The flight paths were changed by a corrupt or rather persuaded or lobbied Federal Aviation Administration that like the EPA and many other government agencies no longer adhere to their mission statements of protecting the American people. Instead they have become tools of the Far Alt Right devised by those sympathetic with Roger Ailes and Fox news. In a nutshell this hostile takeover of America is Communism, and I an unhappy to say the evening national news on television has become nothing more than childish giberish. "Get your vaccine!" "A new variant." "The end is coming." "No Christmas for you." Meanwhile Fauci is laughing all the way to the bank.