Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Red Dawn

There are some self-evident truths America refuses to acknowledge.  Perhaps it is because we are unable to confront our own personal demons.  They may not be demons but merely habits, short-comings, or addictions.  An addiction qualifies as a demon, whether it is to oxycontin or an Apple iPhone.  I say an addiction to either of these two products is more destructive, because like cigarettes they are cloaked in hyperbole.  Excuse me.  Hyperbole applies to the Republican party.  Misinformation, spin, or hearsay is the content of America today.  Nothing has changed.  Truly we seemed concerned about Climate Change or Global Warming, but we refuse to acknowledge some of the active participants.  The burning of fossil fuels creating excessive greenhouse gas certainly is a factor, but there are many responsible for the recent warming of our planet.  No one will say who or why.  Let's point a few things out, and I will repeat my claim about Norfolk and Southern's recent "Green" campaign.  There is nothing "green" about a heavy haul 4,400 horsepower prime mover.  Even with all of the bells and whistles its concept remains steadfast just like a jet plane.  These heavy duty transportation vehicles burn oxygen and replace it with pollution.  Period.  End of sentence.  Cars do the same but not in the same quantity.  I have said it before.  Perhaps a carbon tax is a good thing, but an air tax or a fee for the usage of air produced by the planet earth is more fair.  Somehow in the evolution of America, certain truths have been disguised.  What gives the railroads or the airlines the right freely to burn oxygen meant for human consumption?  It's just there, right, floating around in the atmosphere.  Just take it.  That is the philosophy of corporate America or the Communist Party.  It's ours!  "Slaves should work for free!"  "The White race is supreme."  Create a pathogen that targets immigrants, the elderly, and the immune compromised.  Entitlements.  Relieve Washington from this burden.  Donald Trump said these words himself in clear concise English.  Why should air be free for the taking by transportation companies with no fee?  That is fucked up.  The more air a locomotive or jet burns the more pollution it creates.  They are like converters that convert our air meant for the planet Earth into energy for their own monetary gain.  Too boot they burn this air depleting its supply and replace it with toxic gases for us to breathe and make us ill.  "Oh Dejoy!"  (and not Ode to Joy)  It's a big fat Dejoy.  Appoint the enemy of an agency as its leader to be dismantled from the inside out.  Scott Pruitt.  EPA.  Trump.  Communism.  America, because of the strong corporate lobby, is unwilling to say railroads and airlines are a major source of Climate Change.  Until we recognize this, it will continue to get hotter.  Norfolk Southern wants you to believe their heavy haul 4,400 horsepower prime movers are some miraculous gift to humanity.  The reality is its emissions are far greater than we can imagine.  We don't see this because of spin, diversion, misinformation, and outright deception which borders on criminal.  Anytime you see an advertisement on television, like Joe Namath telling you to call the number you see on your screen, you know it is a scam.  Do you really think somehow calling on number on television is going to get a senior more money from Uncle Sam?  How about the first thing they do is ask you your social security number.  Damage done, immediately.  Mr. Namath needs to stop doing these commercials, but lying has become common in America.  I mean boldface lies.  Like Trump lies.  As I was driving over the new Rowan Street bridge yesterday, I had to look at Tom Grubb's downtown sculpture turned into a whore.  Here was an aerial tribute to flying men, and it has been repurposed into a tower to hold G5 transmitters.  It is so ugly, but there it is, close to your car as you cross a bridge.  They are everywhere, and they too contribute to Global Warming.  As long as America continues to be controlled by private interests interested in their own interests, interestingly we will suffer.  Jet planes and diesel-electric locomotives produce massive amounts of heat that are in no way "green."  If anything they are red.