Depression is a physical illness, and the mental malaise is a direct result. Imagine trying to dry yourself in the rain. It isn't possible. Try cooling the planet when those responsible won't acknowledge their guilt. It is bordering on evil. Destroying the planet and ultimately the human race is severe. It has become religious in proportions, so God must enter the picture. We are battling Satan. Evil is surprisingly immature. It is easier to justify with mental illness. Mental illness is obvious, because the effect that is being created directly is caused by the irresponsibility. Microwave transmitters are appearing everywhere with no state or federal regulation. Once regulations existed so cell phone towers could not be erected by schools or in neighborhoods. Some caution was extended for human health. Suspiciously this has disappeared. Not only is the human race under direct assault, the safeguards of American government have been repealed. Donald Trump is responsible. Fake news says he did not want to become the American President, but his four years as the leader of the free world have created bedlam for the human race. It will take years to recover, and this recovery cannot begin until Donald Trump is eliminated. Joe Biden is the correct President, and we are grateful he was elected. He can only do so much when America is controlled by evil. It is disheartening trying to dry yourself in the rain. The line of demarcation between freedom and communism is more obscured than ever, and this is purposeful. Donald Trump's rants as an honestly elected American President were too extreme to take seriously until now. Listen to his words and reflect. This assault on America has been his. Once I felt George W. Bush may have been Satan, but color doesn't lie. Orange really is red.